GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

Look, I got to jump in at this point. How many hours of tape did that beady eyed piece of shit white supremist get anyway, 40,000 right. How hard do you think it is to get several hours worth of video of what appears to be "peaceful protestors"? But even if he could produce 30,000 hours worth of "peaceful" protestors, it would not take away from the fact that there was violence, there was looting, there was vandalism, there was trespassing, and yes, there was a hangman's noose.

There is no doubt, those protestors were there to stop Congress from doing their job, that is a FELONY people, and they were initially successful. It is ironic that those on the right claim the January 6 investigation "hid" the pictures of "peaceful" protestors and yet Tucker, he is the bastion of honesty, going to give you the "truth". Could you bigger fools?

And in the ultimate display of ignorance the right keeps repeating the lie

How many people have been arrested for the January 6 insurrection? A couple thousand. Over ten thousand BLM protestors have been arrested. Many facing years in prison. So when one makes the above claim, "and get away with it", they are showing both a stunning amount of ignorance and a complete dependence on right wing bullshit propaganda media, like Tucker Carlson.
Beady eyed or not, why did democrats deny due process to mom and pop demonstrators by concealing 30 hours of tape?
Lack of guns does not mean the riot was anything LIKE peaceful.
Standing alone; True. But that also wasn’t my claim, Junior.

And, given the entirety of the incident, it remains true that much of it was entirely peaceful (including everything inside the building).

The summer riots the year before were not “mostly peaceful protests,” either.
Tucker's J6 revelation CHANGES EVERYTHING.
  • The Left did not see this coming.
  • The J6 Committee and its supporters within both Dem and RINO congress alike not to mention the media are not prepared to explain the new evidence.
  • This kills their best angle left to fight Trump's reelection.
  • They need to go back and reevaluate everything now.
  • People on the J6 Committee are calling their lawyers. They based the entire condemnation and imprisonment of countless people and even their defense counsel on apparent LIES.
  • Let's get back to that totally "fair and square" 2020 election now.
I can't over emphasize how STUPID you people really are. I am surprised you don't drown in a rainstorm, like a damn turkey. Tucker Carlson is a piece of shit, and anyone, I mean anyone, that would give him any creditability is a damn fool. Hell, you give me 40,000 hours of video of Joe Biden and I can produce a TV special proclaiming him an absolute genius. Even better, give me 40,000 hours of video and I can produce a TV special proclaiming Kamela Harris an absolute genius. OK, maybe I would need 60,000 hours, you should get the point, but I know you won't.
I wouldn’t be bitching about a temporary lockdown. A credible threat is a credible threat. I’ve lived in DC my entire life. Im used to lockdowns - temporary and permanent - here in DC.
Did you miss the "would of" part? I don't give two shits about what you "would" have done.
“Mistaken and misguided”?

Yea like the Murdaugh was “misguided and mistaken”

Hey, Letch. Try to be honest for the first time ever on this board.

The assumption that the election has been stolen was what I suggested might have been misguided and mistaken.

In turn, you, forever being a deceitful
and dishonest hack propagandist bitch, seem to claim that I was talking about any of the mob behavior. I clearly was not.

As everybody who can read knows, your deliberate effort to mislead only shows how dishonest you are.
Beady eyed or not, why did democrats deny due process to mom and pop demonstrators by concealing 30 hours of tape?
If I am prosecuting a murder do you think I am going to show a video of the suspect helping a little old lady cross the street? I mean do you people have no damn common sense. Again, thousands of hours of video of so-called "peaceful protestors" does not negate what actually happened. I don't understand why that is not perfectly clear to everyone.
Standing alone; True. But that also wasn’t my claim, Junior.

And, given the entirety of the incident, it remains true that much of it was entirely peaceful (including everything inside the building).

The summer riots the year before were not “mostly peaceful protests,” either.
“Much of it was peaceful” and a SHITLOAD WAS EXTREMELY VIOLENT

And yes… inside the building.

Look at the violence prior to Ashes Targetpractice getting one in the face

Or the cop being crushed in the scrum on the tunnels

Or the Q freak that was leading a mob after that cop going up the stairs and almost ran into Mike Pence
Hey, Letch. Try to be honest for the first time ever on this board.

The assumption that the election has been stolen was what I suggested might have been misguided and mistaken.

In turn, you, forever being a deceitful
and dishonest hack propagandist bitch, seem to claim that I was talking about any of the mob behavior. I clearly was not.

As everybody who can read knows, your deliberate effort to mislead only shows how dishonest you are.
In a democracy you don’t get to use “misguided and mistaken” as an excuse for violently trying to usurp an election
If I am prosecuting a murder do you think I am going to show a video of the suspect helping a little old lady cross the street? I mean do you people have no damn common sense. Again, thousands of hours of video of so-called "peaceful protestors" does not negate what actually happened. I don't understand why that is not perfectly clear to everyone.
The 5th Amendment
If you watch FAUX news you are being played like a monkey. Now go to bed. You middle school class starts early.


Did you miss the "would of" part? I don't give two shits about what you "would" have done.
It’s not what “would have done” it’s what should have been done and what should be done in the future. Show me a majority of people who share your view on my thoughts on this and I might give two fucks.
An "insurrection" is an attempt to overthrow the Government. You cannot have an "insurrection" with no weapons. Flagpoles, while they could be dangerous if used in a certain way, are not weapons. We all know what weapons are, in context: Firearms. Not a single firearm was found in the possession of any of the arrested demonstrators on January 6th.

Furthermore, had "insurrection" been the goal, the logical next step would be to install SOMEONE - presumably Donald Trump - as a permanent dictator. The very idea that these couple hundred unarmed crazies even conceived such a plan is so ridiculous that the Swamp denizens and Media are afraid even to say that. It is manifestly absurd.

And yet that is the Narrative, is it not?

Tucker has proven that it is a lie. He has proven that the Swamp and the Democrats have OVERTURNED the Constitution as it relates to criminal prosecution. There are still people in Washington AWAITING TRIAL!!!!! It is bullshit
It’s not what “would have done” it’s what should have been done and what should be done in the future. Show me a majority of people who share your view on my thoughts on this and I might give two fucks.
Damn, do you not pay attention. You just moved from "would of" to "should of", what's next, "could of"? Could of, would of, should of--worthless as hell, means absolutely nothing. If one of my charges came to me with a "could of, would of, should of" defense, I would probably fire them on the spot.

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