GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

Hell Schumer was the idiot who ran to the camera's comparing Jan 6th with the attack on Pearl Harbor. The video speaks for itself, the politicians spun and propagandized Jan 6th.
Don’t forget the crowd that compares it to 9-11. Both Pearl Harbor and 9-11 were about failures to act on intelligence and be proactive in trying to defend our targets. That’s where similarities end with January 6th. And, January 6th was easy to defend with all of the chatter leading up to the event. A simple lockdown and National Guard reinforcements could have prevented it.
Oh yea it was.

“Stop the Steal”

And they succeeded in impeding the workings of government, but only for a short while. They were trying for much more

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.
They are only going to make him more popular. I say they have at it. They look un-American and people will figure it out.
There are 100 Americans who are still languishing in jail since January 6 being held without bail. This was reported just now in Tucker Carlson. And a number of them were non-violent offenders. Wow what a disaster total anti-Americanism from Chuck Schumer from Nancy Pelosi from Mitch McConnell from Mitt Romney. They’re not Americans. They ought to be voted out of office democratically.

I don’t understand how Chuck Schumer can get up there on TV and defend this garbage and how he can try and prevent the free-speech of Tucker Carlson. Too bad for him he’s a loser. Freedom prevails!!!

Can’t stop freedom of speech in America. Chuck Schumer is against Christianity damn well he’s not even a Christian. What a Time in America. I’m so glad for Tucker Carlson.

Millions of Americans are tuning into Tucker Carlson. This is probably the most important news report in years. This new evidence from January 6 showing us that the vast majority of the protesters were peaceful they were just walking around the building. Yet look at the Black Lives Matter rioters they burn down buildings murder 25 people and get away with it.
Look, I got to jump in at this point. How many hours of tape did that beady eyed piece of shit white supremist get anyway, 40,000 right. How hard do you think it is to get several hours worth of video of what appears to be "peaceful protestors"? But even if he could produce 30,000 hours worth of "peaceful" protestors, it would not take away from the fact that there was violence, there was looting, there was vandalism, there was trespassing, and yes, there was a hangman's noose.

There is no doubt, those protestors were there to stop Congress from doing their job, that is a FELONY people, and they were initially successful. It is ironic that those on the right claim the January 6 investigation "hid" the pictures of "peaceful" protestors and yet Tucker, he is the bastion of honesty, going to give you the "truth". Could you bigger fools?

And in the ultimate display of ignorance the right keeps repeating the lie

Yet look at the Black Lives Matter rioters they burn down buildings murder 25 people and get away with it.
How many people have been arrested for the January 6 insurrection? A couple thousand. Over ten thousand BLM protestors have been arrested. Many facing years in prison. So when one makes the above claim, "and get away with it", they are showing both a stunning amount of ignorance and a complete dependence on right wing bullshit propaganda media, like Tucker Carlson.
“Most of the protest was peaceful”

Big fucking deal. A shit load of it was VERY violent and it’s GOAL was to impede the workings of democracy
Bullshit, Letch. Not one of the protestors (I will call them “the mob”) who forced their way into and then trespassed inside the Capitol Building, had a gun. So the violence was inherently limited. There was some violence. But much of the behavior even inside was not violent.

And the objection to the legitimacy of the election (even if mistaken amd
Misguided) was undertaken to preserve our republic and to give the republic time to check out the serious reservations about its legitimacy.
But the unedited video on government camera's prove you wrong. You're a bunch of liars.
40,000 hours of video, have you seen it all? Has Tucker? What, a couple snippets carefully gleaned proves it was a peaceful protest, never mind the damage, never mind the carnage, never mind the looting, never mind noose, the chants, the personal injury and the fleeing Congressmen, women, and Senators. What a bunch of total dumbshits you people are.
There is more coming.

Tucker's J6 revelation CHANGES EVERYTHING.
  • The Left did not see this coming.
  • The J6 Committee and its supporters within both Dem and RINO congress alike not to mention the media are not prepared to explain the new evidence.
  • This kills their best angle left to fight Trump's reelection.
  • They need to go back and reevaluate everything now.
  • People on the J6 Committee are calling their lawyers. They based the entire condemnation and imprisonment of countless people and even their defense counsel on apparent LIES.
  • Let's get back to that totally "fair and square" 2020 election now.
Bullshit, Letch. Not one of the protestors (I will call them “the mob”) who forced their way into and then trespassed inside the Capitol Building, had a gun. So the violence was inherently limited. There was some violence. But much of the behavior even inside was not violent.

And the objection to the legitimacy of the election (even if mistaken amd
Misguided) was undertaken to preserve our republic and to give the republic time to check out the serious reservations about its legitimacy.
Lack of guns does not mean the riot was anything LIKE peaceful.
Bullshit, Letch. Not one of the protestors (I will call them “the mob”) who forced their way into and then trespassed inside the Capitol Building, had a gun. So the violence was inherently limited. There was some violence. But much of the behavior even inside was not violent.

And the objection to the legitimacy of the election (even if mistaken amd
Misguided) was undertaken to preserve our republic and to give the republic time to check out the serious reservations about its legitimacy.
“Mistaken and misguided”?

Yea like the Murdaugh was “misguided and mistaken”
LMAO, and then you people would be howling about how your first amendment rights were violated. Could of, would of, should of--worth less than a pile of shit.
2 straight years of lies. No big deal huh? POS.

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.
Outright lying was done by your fabled J6 crew, Tucker just exposed it, that is all,.
LMAO, and then you people would be howling about how your first amendment rights were violated. Could of, would of, should of--worth less than a pile of shit.
I wouldn’t be bitching about a temporary lockdown. A credible threat is a credible threat. I’ve lived in DC my entire life. Im used to lockdowns - temporary and permanent - here in DC.

We all watched the violence live on January 6.

You are very sick in the head, son.

No sir. We did not see the stuff in the hallways, because that was not yet filmed on 1/6...

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