GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and Mitt Romney are openly against America. They are against freedom of speech. I saw Chuck Schumer speak and I’m watching tucker Carlson episode right now. This is shocking unbelievable how Chuck Schumer tried to get Tucker Carlson to off the air.

Too bad for you Chuck Schumer you lose. Freedom prevails

Tucker Carlson is one of the bravest Americans around.
Mitch McConnell used to be my Senator. You are talking out of your ass again, Democrat.
Damn, do you not pay attention. You just moved from "would of" to "should of", what's next, "could of"? Could of, would of, should of--worthless as hell, means absolutely nothing. If one of my charges came to me with a "could of, would of, should of" defense, I would probably fire them on the spot.
You are not paying attention. You think I am arguing that this was a rank and file failure.
An "insurrection" is an attempt to overthrow the Government. You cannot have an "insurrection" with no weapons. Flagpoles, while they could be dangerous if used in a certain way, are not weapons. We all know what weapons are, in context: Firearms. Not a single firearm was found in the possession of any of the arrested demonstrators on January 6th.

Furthermore, had "insurrection" been the goal, the logical next step would be to install SOMEONE - presumably Donald Trump - as a permanent dictator. The very idea that these couple hundred unarmed crazies even conceived such a plan is so ridiculous that the Swamp denizens and Media are afraid even to say that. It is manifestly absurd.

And yet that is the Narrative, is it not?

Tucker has proven that it is a lie. He has proven that the Swamp and the Democrats have OVERTURNED the Constitution as it relates to criminal prosecution. There are still people in Washington AWAITING TRIAL!!!!! It is bullshit
An insurrection does not require weapons. What "weapons" did the founders yield while writing the Declaration of Independence?
Look, I got to jump in at this point. How many hours of tape did that beady eyed piece of shit white supremist get anyway, 40,000 right. How hard do you think it is to get several hours worth of video of what appears to be "peaceful protestors"? But even if he could produce 30,000 hours worth of "peaceful" protestors, it would not take away from the fact that there was violence, there was looting, there was vandalism, there was trespassing, and yes, there was a hangman's noose.

There is no doubt, those protestors were there to stop Congress from doing their job, that is a FELONY people, and they were initially successful. It is ironic that those on the right claim the January 6 investigation "hid" the pictures of "peaceful" protestors and yet Tucker, he is the bastion of honesty, going to give you the "truth". Could you bigger fools?

And in the ultimate display of ignorance the right keeps repeating the lie

How many people have been arrested for the January 6 insurrection? A couple thousand. Over ten thousand BLM protestors have been arrested. Many facing years in prison. So when one makes the above claim, "and get away with it", they are showing both a stunning amount of ignorance and a complete dependence on right wing bullshit propaganda media, like Tucker Carlson.
Are you lying?
“Much of it was peaceful” and a SHITLOAD WAS EXTREMELY VIOLENT

And yes… inside the building.

Look at the violence prior to Ashes Targetpractice getting one in the face

Or the cop being crushed in the scrum on the tunnels

Or the Q freak that was leading a mob after that cop going up the stairs and almost ran into Mike Pence
You are hallucinating. Seek professional help.

The poor cop getting crushed in the door was in the entrance to the Capitol, you twerp.

Chasing isn’t violence.

And prior to the cop’s killing of Ms. Babbit, her group injured nobody inside the building.

Try again, Squidward.

FAUX news should be ashamed that they are misleading and outright lying to their viewers. They are the most dishonest new channel.

OFF GO the article in the link is a lie. It reads: WASHINGTON — Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans lashed out at conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday after he characterized the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as "mostly peaceful chaos."

The only person who died was shot by a Capitol police officer who panicked.

Let that soak in leftists. The material written to narrate a lie is a lie in itself.
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An insurrection does not require weapons. What "weapons" did the founders yield while writing the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration would not have been worth the paper on which it was written, without the use of weapons of war to back it up.

We didn't win our independence an sovereignty by writing documents. We won it by killing British soldiers, at the cost of many of our own good men.
More propaganda isn't doing anything

Live video and more information isn't propaganda, you JERK. If it was then why haven't you been questioning all of the video cherry picked for the past TWO YEARS, Stupid?

Leave it to a stupid leftwing DERP to fight against more evidence in a criminal case he asserts is against a bunch of insurrectionists, seditionists and Usurpers of Democracy as a BAD THING. :smoke:
“Most of the protest was peaceful”

Big fucking deal. A shit load of it was VERY violent and it’s GOAL was to impede the workings of democracy
You're way too stupid to draw conclusions like that.
In a democracy you don’t get to use “misguided and mistaken” as an excuse for violently trying to usurp an election
You are a LYING SACK OF SHIT, lefturd.

All you scumbags do is LIE.


They should institutionalize you lot.

You set a HORRIBLE example for little children.
Walk the streets on Saturday night in any of the Dem run shithole cities, then you will know what "extremely violent" means.

WE live it every minute of every day.

It's ABOUT DAMN TIME someone showed the skywalkers what life on the ground looks like.

Hey - they want to set up homeless camps in my back yard.

I say we do the SAME DAMN THING to them.

Set up homeless camps right there in the Capitol rotunda.

Leave all the buckets filled with piss and shit, right there.

Let's see how those two bit asswipes like life in the America they created.
There is no shame in MAGA media. Only craven ambition.
Put the buckets of piss and shit right there in the middle of the Senate chambers.

FORCE those fucking idiots to live life the same way America does.

FORCE THEM TO DO IT. Don't let them collect a salary till they do.

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