GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6

Put the buckets of piss and shit right there in the middle of the Senate chambers.
FORCE those fucking idiots to live life the same way America does.

What an awful life you must have.

I'm sorry about that. But partisan politics didn't do this to you. You're looking in the wrong place.

What an awful life you must have.

I'm sorry about that. But partisan politics didn't do this to you. You're looking in the wrong place.
You dumbass ignorant fucktard, HAVE YOU BEEN TO SAN FRANCISCO LATELY?


Goddamn stupid fucking leftards.
40,000 hours of video, have you seen it all? Has Tucker? What, a couple snippets carefully gleaned proves it was a peaceful protest, never mind the damage, never mind the carnage, never mind the looting, never mind noose, the chants, the personal injury and the fleeing Congressmen, women, and Senators. What a bunch of total dumbshits you people are.
What a drama queen.
Oh yea it was.

“Stop the Steal”

And they succeeded in impeding the workings of government, but only for a short while. They were trying for much more

As has been stated for 2 years the goal was to keep the fraud from being exposed on the house floor.
It's all in the timing.
Precision timing by professionals
not some folks tailgating.
Talking like a Trump cultist marks you for a fucking fool. A gullible small minded easily bamboozled fool. We all saw the violence on that day but now it's all been rewritten in your mind. Fool. Fuck off with the idiot comments.
Coming from a fuckstick who cheered months of rioting, looting, burning, rapes and murder by leftist terrorists excuse me if I just :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Blaming Tucker for what the videos show is LAUGHABLE, and very telling of who is doing it.
A gullible small minded easily bamboozled fool. We all saw the violence on that day but now it's all been rewritten in your mind. Fool. Fuck off with the idiot comments.

More people were shot (9) and killed (3) on the streets of Chicago January 6, 2021.


GOP and DEM Senators express disgust at Tucker Carlson depiction of J6​


Mitch supports Schumer’s depiction of the day ......Huh, I’m totally shocked.

That's quite telling, really.......Don't report what happened, report what our guy thinks happened......That's literally what he's saying.

Mitch McConnell is the embodiment of what is wrong with the Republican party.

I'm with yah. I was aghast at what I saw on live tv on Jan 6, but after seeing Tucker's captions; I realize that I must not have seen what I saw. Essentially my own eyes lied to me.

I posted this in another thread but it is important to spread the word. I did some research and was surprised to find this.

images (2).jpeg

Yet another lie perpetrated by history. See the Nazis? Are they killing Jews? No. They are smoking, laughing and just having a good time. This is probably a shot of some Nazi tourists in Poland but obviously this kills the whole narrative of WW2. Evidently WW2 was just a bunch unfairly maligned European tourists.

I plan to use the Tucker Carlson method to uncover other lies as well.
I'm with yah. I was aghast at what I saw on live tv on Jan 6, but after seeing Tucker's captions; I realize that I must not have seen what I saw. Essentially my own eyes lied to me.

I posted this in another thread but it is important to spread the word. I did some research and was surprised to find this.

View attachment 763646

Yet another lie perpetrated by history. See the Nazis? Are they killing Jews? No. They are smoking, laughing and just having a good time. This is probably a shot of some Nazi tourists in Poland but obviously this kills the whole narrative of WW2. Evidently WW2 was just a bunch unfairly maligned European tourists.

I plan to use the Tucker Carlson method to uncover other lies as well.
Not bad, not bad at all....I see what you did there....It's a rare thing when a dem can inject a bit of humor in their tirades ....That said you were a bit quick on the trigger to invoke Godwin's Law. ;)
Not bad, not bad at all....I see what you did there....It's a rare thing when a dem can inject a bit of humor in their tirades ....That said you were a bit quick on the trigger to invoke Godwin's Law. ;)

When the playbook only has three plays ... One of them has been run 50-60 times already in the thread ...
And the Race Card play cannot seem to run the gambit on this one ... What else are they going to do ... :auiqs.jpg:

Not bad, not bad at all....I see what you did there....It's a rare thing when a dem can inject a bit of humor in their tirades ....That said you were a bit quick on the trigger to invoke Godwin's Law. ;)
I'm not a dem.

Do you refute my post? I did some research and found another example.

This one is personal to me because my dad spent 2 tours in Vietnam and told me stories about how his buddies body parts were blown all over the road. I had believed that Vietnam was a horrible war but evidently that was a lie and my dad was in in it. Check out this shit.


Anyone see that here? Looks like a bunch of Americans drinking beer and hanging out in the beach. Anyone see any killing? Any violence? Any body parts from dads friends? Nope.

Obviously the entire Vietnam war was a lie created to sabotaged Johnson presidency.

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