GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist.

Pure bullshit

Tens of millions had no health insurance. Pre-existing conditions made it financially impossible for hundreds of thousands of people who needed care to get it.

Medical bankruptcies were through the roof and people DIED needlessly
ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist.

Pure bullshit

Tens of millions had no health insurance. Pre-existing conditions made it financially impossible for hundreds of thousands of people who needed care to get it.

Medical bankruptcies were through the roof and people DIED needlessly
Who has to pay for the shit?
ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist.

Pure bullshit

Tens of millions had no health insurance. Pre-existing conditions made it financially impossible for hundreds of thousands of people who needed care to get it.

Medical bankruptcies were through the roof and people DIED needlessly

democrat talking points that have no basis in fact. Yes, many people were uninsured, many are uninsured today, that has not changed. In fact, if you check you will find that the number of uninsured now is higher than before ACA.

Before ACA those of us who paid covered those who did not or could not, ACA did not change that.

the bankruptcy claim is total bullshit. The fact is that most bankruptcy filings include some unpaid medical bills, but virtually none are filed on medical bills alone.

no one in the USA, citizen, illegal, or legal vistor, was denied medical care before ACA, the "people were dying" is histrionic bullshit.

Forcing people to buy something that they did not want or need is the basic tenet of socialism, where the elite leaders in their infinite wisdom decide whats best for the rest of us---------do you really want to be a slave to the clowns in DC?
I nor Sanders argued for free anything. I do not care what you think of the Democratic party.

Do you even know what platform Sanders is running on? He's not only called for free college .........

I posted his program where his college program is paid for. I really get tired of the ignorance of those like yourself.

Ignorance? You don't even know that Sanders IS promising free college and wants to wipe out existing student loan debt!

I posted his plan and how it is to be paid for.

You posted his pipe dream on how he's going to pay for all of the things he's didn't post anything that any rational person would see as a legitimate plan. Bernie Sanders thinks you're too stupid to figure out that what he's proposing is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. I tend to agree with him.

A reply from a rational person would be required to make that determination.
Not to mention, if the ACA is repealed it can go back to people with preexisting conditions may not be put back in... which means ZERO coverage for millions of people, or insurance so high they can't afford it or the meds. Oh, and also a lifetime cap that would mean a child born with a condition may hit that cap before they even become adults.

Some people that are in a fortunate situation get very arrogant and think they can speak for everyone.

Pre existing conditions are tough. Imagine me asking an insurance company to pay for the fire in my house after the fire happened. Insurance is a business and hence healthcare is broken in this country. But there is a dark side. Why should a healthy person A pay for an unhealthy person B? Doesn’t make a lot of sense.
For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist. no one was denied medical care before ACA, the vast majority of people were happy with their plans and their coverage. Those of us who paid covered those who would not or could not,,,,,,,,,,,exactly the same under obozocare except that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient useless government agency.

People could not afford to go see a doctor. Yes, they could go to the E.R. to get treatment but that is more expensive than having people address the problem before it becomes a bigger issue. You (we) as the taxpayers pay either way. It makes no sense to me how you would prefer to go the more expensive route.

No, the ACA was not the answer but you still prefer the expensive answer.
Yes, many people were uninsured, many are uninsured today, that has not changed.

Millions fewer are uninsured dim wit

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population

a policy with a $5000 co-pay and a $12000/year premium is not insurance. you are on the hook for $17000 before the policy pays anything. It is a total scam that is hurting the middle and lower classes the most. No problem for rich democrats in the congress, they get free policies that WE pay for.

also, the numbers in your cite include those on medicaid-------who do you think is paying for those policies? dimwit, YOU and ME.
Pre existing conditions are tough. Imagine me asking an insurance company to pay for the fire in my house after the fire happened. Insurance is a business and hence healthcare is broken in this country. But there is a dark side. Why should a healthy person A pay for an unhealthy person B? Doesn’t make a lot of sense.
For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist. no one was denied medical care before ACA, the vast majority of people were happy with their plans and their coverage. Those of us who paid covered those who would not or could not,,,,,,,,,,,exactly the same under obozocare except that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient useless government agency.

People could not afford to go see a doctor. Yes, they could go to the E.R. to get treatment but that is more expensive than having people address the problem before it becomes a bigger issue. You (we) as the taxpayers pay either way. It makes no sense to me how you would prefer to go the more expensive route.

No, the ACA was not the answer but you still prefer the expensive answer.

wrong. and those people are still going to the ER, ACA does not get them to a GP first. If they do go to the GP they have to pay out of pocket since the ACA policies have huge co-pays.

There was nothing wrong with US medical care before ACA. It was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a socialist attempt to take over 1/3 of the US economy and turn the entire system into a copy of the failed VA system.

the only people who benefitted from ACA are those on medicaid-----------and who do you think is paying for them????? US, you and me.
Trump promises to hang all senior citizens and then starve the children of immigrants.

Who put him in charge of taking care of senior citizens and feeding the children of immigrants?
I did.

The point is, government shouldn't be in charge of those things in the first place. Democrats put government in charge of our necessities, and then freak out when Republicans are elected, because now they're in charge of our necessities. It's like they don't consider the possibility (the inevitability) that eventually someone they don't like will be running these programs.
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For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist. no one was denied medical care before ACA, the vast majority of people were happy with their plans and their coverage. Those of us who paid covered those who would not or could not,,,,,,,,,,,exactly the same under obozocare except that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient useless government agency.

People could not afford to go see a doctor. Yes, they could go to the E.R. to get treatment but that is more expensive than having people address the problem before it becomes a bigger issue. You (we) as the taxpayers pay either way. It makes no sense to me how you would prefer to go the more expensive route.

No, the ACA was not the answer but you still prefer the expensive answer.

wrong. and those people are still going to the ER, ACA does not get them to a GP first. If they do go to the GP they have to pay out of pocket since the ACA policies have huge co-pays.

They are. I am not defending the ACA. People can't afford the deductibles and co-pays so they go to the E.R.

There was nothing wrong with US medical care before ACA. It was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a socialist attempt to take over 1/3 of the US economy and turn the entire system into a copy of the failed VA system.

There wasn't a lot wrong for those lucky enough to have insurance.

the only people who benefitted from ACA are those on medicaid-----------and who do you think is paying for them????? US, you and me.

I'm OK with helping people out here.
Pure bullshit

Tens of millions had no health insurance. Pre-existing conditions made it financially impossible for hundreds of thousands of people who needed care to get it.

Medical bankruptcies were through the roof and people DIED needlessly

You're right. Your entire post is, in your words, "Pure bullshit".

We are a country of 330,000,000 plus people.

NOT having health insurance is NOT the same as not having health care.

Destroying the health insurance of tens of millions is not justified to provide health insurance to hundreds of thousands.

Medical bankruptcies have NOT gone through the roof and people did not DIE needlessly. You spout about medical bankruptcies when you have no clue as to what criteria was used to formulate that bogus study.
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He is right. Actually no matter who wins, that person has to address entitlements in order to cure our deficit and begin paying down our debt.

There are actually proposals by some candidates to fully fund Medicare indefinitely. For all.
Fuck that, Conservatives do not benefit from Medicare for all... And certainly cannot afford it. So keep that motherfucking shit yourselves you spineless motherfuckers

It would help a lot of Republican voters. And many even realize that:
Majority of Republicans supports 'Medicare for all,' poll finds

Did the poll ask if they were willing to fork over another huge percentage of their income to pay for it and they would lose whatever private insurance they had?

Of course, it did not! The poll is therefore about as useless as teats on a boar hog!

People realize that they will pay less overall.

LOL, how that promise work out for Barack?
Not to mention, if the ACA is repealed it can go back to people with preexisting conditions may not be put back in... which means ZERO coverage for millions of people, or insurance so high they can't afford it or the meds. Oh, and also a lifetime cap that would mean a child born with a condition may hit that cap before they even become adults.

Some people that are in a fortunate situation get very arrogant and think they can speak for everyone.

Pre existing conditions are tough. Imagine me asking an insurance company to pay for the fire in my house after the fire happened. Insurance is a business and hence healthcare is broken in this country. But there is a dark side. Why should a healthy person A pay for an unhealthy person B? Doesn’t make a lot of sense.
For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

There's no individual $10,000 deductible and it's only going to $8150 for 2020.

Pre obamacare those pre x were were either denied coverage or excluded from coverage.

"There's no individual $10,000"

While true it is also disingenuous.
Did the poll ask if they were willing to fork over another huge percentage of their income to pay for it and they would lose whatever private insurance they had?

Of course, it did not! The poll is therefore about as useless as teats on a boar hog!

People realize that they will pay less overall.

But that is not true and if it is the service will be worse overall. Why would doctors want to make less when they paid so much for Med School?

Would doctors make less? Why? It isn't state run delivery of medicine. It is the state providing a single insurer.

Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Since when did private insurance pay for voluntary cosmetic surgery? Never. The govt does not either unless medically necessary.

More "word games", it pays for gender reassignment.
nope, check history on the ACA. Passed by dems only in the dark of night on Christmas eve, no floor debate allowed in the house or senate, no amendments allowed in either house, no time to read the bill allowed before the vote


The ACA spent a full YEAR in negotiation...very PUBLIC negotiation

Were you alive in 2010 stupid?

LOL, I have been in Insurance since 2000 kid. Let's do it lunger ;)
Pre existing conditions are tough. Imagine me asking an insurance company to pay for the fire in my house after the fire happened. Insurance is a business and hence healthcare is broken in this country. But there is a dark side. Why should a healthy person A pay for an unhealthy person B? Doesn’t make a lot of sense.
For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

There's no individual $10,000 deductible and it's only going to $8150 for 2020.

Pre obamacare those pre x were were either denied coverage or excluded from coverage.

"There's no individual $10,000"

While true it is also disingenuous.
Hey's either true or it's not. It's true
For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

There's no individual $10,000 deductible and it's only going to $8150 for 2020.

Pre obamacare those pre x were were either denied coverage or excluded from coverage.

"There's no individual $10,000"

While true it is also disingenuous.
Hey's either true or it's not. It's true

LOL, no it's not and she knows why.

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