GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

NOT having health insurance is NOT the same as not having health care.

Yea there's always the emergency room as your healthcare provider right? Jesus you're fucked up

Destroying the health insurance of tens of millions is not justified to provide health insurance to hundreds of thousands.

Which of course did NOT happen
as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

There's no individual $10,000 deductible and it's only going to $8150 for 2020.

Pre obamacare those pre x were were either denied coverage or excluded from coverage.

"There's no individual $10,000"

While true it is also disingenuous.
Hey's either true or it's not. It's true

LOL, no it's not and she knows why.
Document your bullshit then
The point is, government shouldn't be in charge of those things in the first place. Democrats put government in charge of our necessities, and then freak out when Republicans are elected, because now they're in charge of our necessities. It's like they don't consider the possibility (the inevitability) that eventually someone they don't like will be running these programs.

So it's Dems fault that Republicans screw the pooch?

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

There's no individual $10,000 deductible and it's only going to $8150 for 2020.

Pre obamacare those pre x were were either denied coverage or excluded from coverage.

"There's no individual $10,000"

While true it is also disingenuous.
Hey's either true or it's not. It's true

LOL, no it's not and she knows why.
Document your bullshit then

Google it kid. Your ignorance is not my problem.
NOT having health insurance is NOT the same as not having health care.

Yea there's always the emergency room as your healthcare provider right? Jesus you're fucked up

Destroying the health insurance of tens of millions is not justified to provide health insurance to hundreds of thousands.

Which of course did NOT happen

There's no individual $10,000 deductible and it's only going to $8150 for 2020.

Pre obamacare those pre x were were either denied coverage or excluded from coverage.

"There's no individual $10,000"

While true it is also disingenuous.
Hey's either true or it's not. It's true

LOL, no it's not and she knows why.
Document your bullshit then

Google it kid. Your ignorance is not my problem.
Surrender accepted
NOT having health insurance is NOT the same as not having health care.

Yea there's always the emergency room as your healthcare provider right? Jesus you're fucked up

Destroying the health insurance of tens of millions is not justified to provide health insurance to hundreds of thousands.

Which of course did NOT happen

Troll Lesh,
The best estimate of people with non-group policies canceled for 2014 due to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act is

2.6 million

according to a study by the Urban Institute. This value is recommended by as correct.

This represents 18.6% of all people with such policies. further corresponded with the author and reports statistical analysis that the 95% confidence interval of the data is:

2.3 million to 3.3 million

shareimprove this answer

How many people have lost their health insurance as a result of the ACA (Obamacare)?
as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist. no one was denied medical care before ACA, the vast majority of people were happy with their plans and their coverage. Those of us who paid covered those who would not or could not,,,,,,,,,,,exactly the same under obozocare except that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient useless government agency.

People could not afford to go see a doctor. Yes, they could go to the E.R. to get treatment but that is more expensive than having people address the problem before it becomes a bigger issue. You (we) as the taxpayers pay either way. It makes no sense to me how you would prefer to go the more expensive route.

No, the ACA was not the answer but you still prefer the expensive answer.

wrong. and those people are still going to the ER, ACA does not get them to a GP first. If they do go to the GP they have to pay out of pocket since the ACA policies have huge co-pays.

They are. I am not defending the ACA. People can't afford the deductibles and co-pays so they go to the E.R.

There was nothing wrong with US medical care before ACA. It was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a socialist attempt to take over 1/3 of the US economy and turn the entire system into a copy of the failed VA system.

There wasn't a lot wrong for those lucky enough to have insurance.

the only people who benefitted from ACA are those on medicaid-----------and who do you think is paying for them????? US, you and me.

I'm OK with helping people out here.

me too, we already were helping them before ACA. It did nothing except create a new govt agency and take away people's ability to choose a policy that fit their needs.
Yeah, Trump and the GOP should run on cutting Medicare in 2020.

That's a good idea.
Yeah, Trump and the GOP should run on cutting Medicare in 2020.

That's a good idea.

cutting the medicare waste, fraud, and abuse is a winning issue. medicare for all is a loser. Take your choice.
Yeah, Trump and the GOP should run on cutting Medicare in 2020.

That's a good idea.

cutting the medicare waste, fraud, and abuse is a winning issue. medicare for all is a loser. Take your choice.
What's the plan for cutting Medicare waste, fraud and abuse, specifically?

I don't see that in the article linked in the OP.
Yeah, Trump and the GOP should run on cutting Medicare in 2020.

That's a good idea.

cutting the medicare waste, fraud, and abuse is a winning issue. medicare for all is a loser. Take your choice.
What's the plan for cutting Medicare waste, fraud and abuse, specifically?

I don't see that in the article linked in the OP.

because its a propaganda piece from vanity fair-----------geez dude, are you that dumb?
Yeah, Trump and the GOP should run on cutting Medicare in 2020.

That's a good idea.

cutting the medicare waste, fraud, and abuse is a winning issue. medicare for all is a loser. Take your choice.
What's the plan for cutting Medicare waste, fraud and abuse, specifically?

I don't see that in the article linked in the OP.

because its a propaganda piece from vanity fair-----------geez dude, are you that dumb?
Well, I'm certainly not as smart as you Trumpsters, that's for sure.
GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

Considering nothing. This is been their evil plan all along.
Yeah, Trump and the GOP should run on cutting Medicare in 2020.

That's a good idea.

cutting the medicare waste, fraud, and abuse is a winning issue. medicare for all is a loser. Take your choice.
What's the plan for cutting Medicare waste, fraud and abuse, specifically?

I don't see that in the article linked in the OP.

because its a propaganda piece from vanity fair-----------geez dude, are you that dumb?
Well, I'm certainly not as smart as you Trumpsters, that's for sure.

its a positive sign that you recognize your shortcomings. Good for you.
NOT having health insurance is NOT the same as not having health care.

Yea there's always the emergency room as your healthcare provider right? Jesus you're fucked up

Destroying the health insurance of tens of millions is not justified to provide health insurance to hundreds of thousands.

Which of course did NOT happen

Troll Lesh,
The best estimate of people with non-group policies canceled for 2014 due to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act is

2.6 million

according to a study by the Urban Institute. This value is recommended by as correct.

This represents 18.6% of all people with such policies. further corresponded with the author and reports statistical analysis that the 95% confidence interval of the data is:

2.3 million to 3.3 million

shareimprove this answer

How many people have lost their health insurance as a result of the ACA (Obamacare)?

The best estimate of people with non-group policies canceled for 2014 due to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act is
GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

Considering nothing. This is been their evil plan all along.

horseshit, post something to back that up or STFU and go away.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts
Virtually all of those who “lost” their insurance ended up with insurance the ACA and many for less money with better benefits
Virtually all of those who “lost” their insurance ended up with insurance the ACA and many for less money with better benefits

But those companies who cancelled plans did not have to because they were grandfathered. Of course today those plans would have been outrageous simply because many would have left their grandfathered to receive a subsidy.

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