GOP and trump considering Medicare cuts in his second term

Did the poll ask if they were willing to fork over another huge percentage of their income to pay for it and they would lose whatever private insurance they had?

Of course, it did not! The poll is therefore about as useless as teats on a boar hog!

People realize that they will pay less overall.

But that is not true and if it is the service will be worse overall. Why would doctors want to make less when they paid so much for Med School?

Would doctors make less? Why? It isn't state run delivery of medicine. It is the state providing a single insurer.

Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Since when did private insurance pay for voluntary cosmetic surgery? Never. The govt does not either unless medically necessary.

That was my point. Hence more MDs are heading into that specialty as they can make more. Private pay always pays better than insurance and definitely than some Govt plan. You made my pt
Would doctors make less? Why? It isn't state run delivery of medicine. It is the state providing a single insurer.

Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Medicare is not treated the same way in the budgeting process that medicaid is. Because Medicare is a sacred cow, and Medicaid has a poverty related stigma.

That is how Medicare for All will be. Every MD paid the same. So why would the good ones want that? And I do not believe that the Govt will differentiate. If you can prove that it will then maybe I ll listen more.

Assuming for the sake of discussion that you are right, it won't affect the vast majority of people negatively. It might affect people of exceptional means more, but probably they would be able to pay out of pocket for better care anyway. That is how it works in most countries with "socialized medicine."

It would as there would be fewer doctors. Why would I want to spend between $400-500k on an education when my earnings will be controlled by the Govt?

Controlled now the the govt and insurance companies.
But that is not true and if it is the service will be worse overall. Why would doctors want to make less when they paid so much for Med School?

Would doctors make less? Why? It isn't state run delivery of medicine. It is the state providing a single insurer.

Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Medicare is not treated the same way in the budgeting process that medicaid is. Because Medicare is a sacred cow, and Medicaid has a poverty related stigma.

That is how Medicare for All will be. Every MD paid the same. So why would the good ones want that? And I do not believe that the Govt will differentiate. If you can prove that it will then maybe I ll listen more.

There has always been a Medicare fee schedule and your private insurance somewhat follows that fee schedule when contracting with doctor's and hospitals.

Yep but Govt blows and would pay each MD about the same hence alienating the best MDs who would just say pay me cash or I dont treat you.
Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Medicare is not treated the same way in the budgeting process that medicaid is. Because Medicare is a sacred cow, and Medicaid has a poverty related stigma.

That is how Medicare for All will be. Every MD paid the same. So why would the good ones want that? And I do not believe that the Govt will differentiate. If you can prove that it will then maybe I ll listen more.

Assuming for the sake of discussion that you are right, it won't affect the vast majority of people negatively. It might affect people of exceptional means more, but probably they would be able to pay out of pocket for better care anyway. That is how it works in most countries with "socialized medicine."

It would as there would be fewer doctors. Why would I want to spend between $400-500k on an education when my earnings will be controlled by the Govt?

Controlled now the the govt and insurance companies.

I am Not sure why healthcare is something where we force doctors to not be able to charge what they think they should be paid? Doesn’t seem right.
People realize that they will pay less overall.

But that is not true and if it is the service will be worse overall. Why would doctors want to make less when they paid so much for Med School?

Would doctors make less? Why? It isn't state run delivery of medicine. It is the state providing a single insurer.

Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Since when did private insurance pay for voluntary cosmetic surgery? Never. The govt does not either unless medically necessary.

That was my point. Hence more MDs are heading into that specialty as they can make more. Private pay always pays better than insurance and definitely than some Govt plan. You made my pt

So you can afford to pay for heart attack, stroke, organ transplant, cancer treatment, etc? That is private pay. I made no point but you did with your ignorance of the health insurance industry.
But that is not true and if it is the service will be worse overall. Why would doctors want to make less when they paid so much for Med School?

Would doctors make less? Why? It isn't state run delivery of medicine. It is the state providing a single insurer.

Because private pay always pays better. Why do you think so many now go lasik and beauty enhancements? Once the Govt is involved the $$$ dwindles. That’s why so many don’t accept Medicaid.

Since when did private insurance pay for voluntary cosmetic surgery? Never. The govt does not either unless medically necessary.

That was my point. Hence more MDs are heading into that specialty as they can make more. Private pay always pays better than insurance and definitely than some Govt plan. You made my pt

So you can afford to pay for heart attack, stroke, organ transplant, cancer treatment, etc? That is private pay. I made no point but you did with your ignorance of the health insurance industry.

That is why you have insurance. But you’re talking major incidents. If you didn’t have insurance a hospital would still treat you for a heart attack, you witch.
Medicare is not treated the same way in the budgeting process that medicaid is. Because Medicare is a sacred cow, and Medicaid has a poverty related stigma.

That is how Medicare for All will be. Every MD paid the same. So why would the good ones want that? And I do not believe that the Govt will differentiate. If you can prove that it will then maybe I ll listen more.

Assuming for the sake of discussion that you are right, it won't affect the vast majority of people negatively. It might affect people of exceptional means more, but probably they would be able to pay out of pocket for better care anyway. That is how it works in most countries with "socialized medicine."

It would as there would be fewer doctors. Why would I want to spend between $400-500k on an education when my earnings will be controlled by the Govt?

Controlled now the the govt and insurance companies.

I am Not sure why healthcare is something where we force doctors to not be able to charge what they think they should be paid? Doesn’t seem right.

Started many years ago the insurance company said Doc az we will pay you for this procedure and no more either accept it or don't contract with us and your patients will go to the doctor who is contracted.

Better do some deeper digging but I will give you this the cuts for most medical services in your list actually at the last minute before happening were actually given a small increase. You also, if you really want to know see what the trump administration has done to certain meds that fall under Part B of Medicare.
No need for further digging obama took money from medicare so the CBO could score Obamacare that it would be passable in congress

You know it really doesn't matter 9 years later, what matters is what goes forward. But it seems if you are on Medicare it would concern you that taking away the way Part B drugs are paid and sticking them under Part D will cost one quite a bit more money. Part B drugs are normally administered in hospital or in a Doctor's office.
oh it doesn't matter now but yet you're whining about Trump doing it? How deep in hypocrisy do you stand?

Just show me how it cost senior's anymore money then than it is now. You don't seem to understand Medicare.
Nice dodge when you stop dodging and address what I said let me know.
Better do some deeper digging but I will give you this the cuts for most medical services in your list actually at the last minute before happening were actually given a small increase. You also, if you really want to know see what the trump administration has done to certain meds that fall under Part B of Medicare.
No need for further digging obama took money from medicare so the CBO could score Obamacare that it would be passable in congress

You know it really doesn't matter 9 years later, what matters is what goes forward. But it seems if you are on Medicare it would concern you that taking away the way Part B drugs are paid and sticking them under Part D will cost one quite a bit more money. Part B drugs are normally administered in hospital or in a Doctor's office.
oh it doesn't matter now but yet you're whining about Trump doing it? How deep in hypocrisy do you stand?

Just show me how it cost senior's anymore money then than it is now. You don't seem to understand Medicare.
Nice dodge when you stop dodging and address what I said let me know.

Nice dodge? You seem to think obama took a whole bunch of shit away from senior's and he didn't, it's simple I'm in the Medicare field and you don't know shit.
That is how Medicare for All will be. Every MD paid the same. So why would the good ones want that? And I do not believe that the Govt will differentiate. If you can prove that it will then maybe I ll listen more.

Assuming for the sake of discussion that you are right, it won't affect the vast majority of people negatively. It might affect people of exceptional means more, but probably they would be able to pay out of pocket for better care anyway. That is how it works in most countries with "socialized medicine."

It would as there would be fewer doctors. Why would I want to spend between $400-500k on an education when my earnings will be controlled by the Govt?

Controlled now the the govt and insurance companies.

I am Not sure why healthcare is something where we force doctors to not be able to charge what they think they should be paid? Doesn’t seem right.

Started many years ago the insurance company said Doc az we will pay you for this procedure and no more either accept it or don't contract with us and your patients will go to the doctor who is contracted.

Was that English?
He basically called the Chair of the Federal Reserve an enemy....a man HE nominated.

It used to be said that "When the Fed Chair sneezes...the stock market catches a cold"

And Trump does THIS??

The universe revolves around trump....which may explain his waist line.....

"Does she have coverage now? The ACA has been in effect since 13, when was she diagnosed?"
Answer it bit*h

You mean the ACA that OBAMA passed that the GOP and trump have been trying to kill? You mean that ACA?....B*TCH?

Answer the question twit.
You don't seem to have a problem with trumps deficit.
The key word is 'seem', snowflake.

You Trump-haters SEEM to think the word 'seem' or 'seems' means that something DOES or DOES not exist / IS or IS NOT when in reality they mean you have no f*ing clue so you project / inject your own decision / belief as reality.
Somebody named Bess Levin from the notoriously anti-Trump "Vanity Fare" rag claims that the President "told friends that he is considering cuts in Medicare" and the crazy angry left takes this as a serious political issue? You gotta be kidding.
It's entirely consistent with what he has already done.

We better not be stupid enough to give him the chance...and you know if Moscow Mitch holds the Senate...HE will be on board for it.

We can not afford four years of Trump OR a GOP Senate
The constitution limited the federal govt to basically making sure the individual states didn't fuck over the citizenry.
Now, American totalitarians want them to control 20 percent of our economy, if not more(healthcare) take our weapons, basically destroy the concept of private property etc. Those people would be rolling in their graves.

What people might want today has nothing to do with what the founders thought about government.
Mostly I've agreed with you, but I disagree with this post. I think you are right that the founders - like Jefferson Adams and Madison - distrusted govt. And those are three different, and esp with Jefferson and Adams, very conflicting views of what our govt should do. I assume, all three were wise enough to even distrust their own views of what govt should do, because the common thread was issues and solutions should be clearly set out and debated, because when a consensus by a sizeable majority was reached, that was the best chance of doing something that posed the best likely outcome.

But they didn't "hate" govt. They realized it was a necessity and pure libertarianism was a sham in terms of being a way to govern, and governing was necessary.

The thread, or at least my link, showed the piss poor place the gop is right now. They avoid any bipartisan approach. THAT is contrary to the founders. Obama actually did try for some bipartisan approach on healthcare, but there was no way for any goper to buy into universal coverage without being primaried, because the gop voters decided mandatory insurance was bad, even though the idea originated with conservatives. So Obama had to choose between covering everyone or accepteing a lesser law. And in the end, Roberts rewrote it to avoid universal coverage. LOL Imo Obama should have accepted a smaller law, but only because bipartisan buy in generally results in more popular support for a law.

its the dems who are refusing to compromise, or even to meet to discuss finding common ground. Have Pelosi and Schumer offered to meet with the republicans to seek compromise solutions? Duh, no

That's true but that is exactly the way the GOP treated Obama. In a way both Obama and Trump has deserved it.

nope, check history on the ACA. Passed by dems only in the dark of night on Christmas eve, no floor debate allowed in the house or senate, no amendments allowed in either house, no time to read the bill allowed before the vote. They rammed it up our collective asses and it was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation and it was passed in the most corrupt underhanded way.

We are not speaking about one single thing but in the end what you posted says the same thing.
I never argued for free anything.

It's the Democratic Party's ONLY argument right now, Pknopp!

I nor Sanders argued for free anything. I do not care what you think of the Democratic party.

Do you even know what platform Sanders is running on? He's not only called for free college .........

I posted his program where his college program is paid for. I really get tired of the ignorance of those like yourself.

Ignorance? You don't even know that Sanders IS promising free college and wants to wipe out existing student loan debt!

I posted his plan and how it is to be paid for.
It's the Democratic Party's ONLY argument right now, Pknopp!

I nor Sanders argued for free anything. I do not care what you think of the Democratic party.

Do you even know what platform Sanders is running on? He's not only called for free college .........

I posted his program where his college program is paid for. I really get tired of the ignorance of those like yourself.

Ignorance? You don't even know that Sanders IS promising free college and wants to wipe out existing student loan debt!

I posted his plan and how it is to be paid for.

You posted his pipe dream on how he's going to pay for all of the things he's didn't post anything that any rational person would see as a legitimate plan. Bernie Sanders thinks you're too stupid to figure out that what he's proposing is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. I tend to agree with him.
As to your #1) If private insurance is forced to cover people longer, do you not realize there will be a corresponding increase in premiums if they are insuring older customers? I'll bet you didn't think of that, did you?

Not to mention, if the ACA is repealed it can go back to people with preexisting conditions may not be put back in... which means ZERO coverage for millions of people, or insurance so high they can't afford it or the meds. Oh, and also a lifetime cap that would mean a child born with a condition may hit that cap before they even become adults.

Some people that are in a fortunate situation get very arrogant and think they can speak for everyone.

Pre existing conditions are tough. Imagine me asking an insurance company to pay for the fire in my house after the fire happened. Insurance is a business and hence healthcare is broken in this country. But there is a dark side. Why should a healthy person A pay for an unhealthy person B? Doesn’t make a lot of sense.
For someone who pretends don't understand the concept of insurance?


as much as I hate to say it, you are correct. Health Insurance is a method of spreading the cost over a large population where some will always get more benefits and everyone will pay the same premiums. But unlike car insurance, those who file claims are not charged a higher premium.

1. I can see covering those with pre-existing conditions, but IMHO they should pay higher premiums and deductibles than those w/o any pre-existing conditions.
2. I prefer the pre-Obamacare healthcare system, with no deductible instead of the ACA $10,000 deductible. WTF that's extortions not healthcare.

ACA was a terrible piece of legislation that was trying to fix a problem that did not exist. no one was denied medical care before ACA, the vast majority of people were happy with their plans and their coverage. Those of us who paid covered those who would not or could not,,,,,,,,,,,exactly the same under obozocare except that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient useless government agency.
What people might want today has nothing to do with what the founders thought about government.
Mostly I've agreed with you, but I disagree with this post. I think you are right that the founders - like Jefferson Adams and Madison - distrusted govt. And those are three different, and esp with Jefferson and Adams, very conflicting views of what our govt should do. I assume, all three were wise enough to even distrust their own views of what govt should do, because the common thread was issues and solutions should be clearly set out and debated, because when a consensus by a sizeable majority was reached, that was the best chance of doing something that posed the best likely outcome.

But they didn't "hate" govt. They realized it was a necessity and pure libertarianism was a sham in terms of being a way to govern, and governing was necessary.

The thread, or at least my link, showed the piss poor place the gop is right now. They avoid any bipartisan approach. THAT is contrary to the founders. Obama actually did try for some bipartisan approach on healthcare, but there was no way for any goper to buy into universal coverage without being primaried, because the gop voters decided mandatory insurance was bad, even though the idea originated with conservatives. So Obama had to choose between covering everyone or accepteing a lesser law. And in the end, Roberts rewrote it to avoid universal coverage. LOL Imo Obama should have accepted a smaller law, but only because bipartisan buy in generally results in more popular support for a law.

its the dems who are refusing to compromise, or even to meet to discuss finding common ground. Have Pelosi and Schumer offered to meet with the republicans to seek compromise solutions? Duh, no

That's true but that is exactly the way the GOP treated Obama. In a way both Obama and Trump has deserved it.

nope, check history on the ACA. Passed by dems only in the dark of night on Christmas eve, no floor debate allowed in the house or senate, no amendments allowed in either house, no time to read the bill allowed before the vote. They rammed it up our collective asses and it was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation and it was passed in the most corrupt underhanded way.

No, check your history of the ACA.

PolitiFact: Did Obamacare pass with Republican input?

didnt read your cite, did you? yes, republicans tried to get amendments into the bill, but none were allowed, many were drafted, but not one was given a floor vote. the dem staffers writing the bill SAID that republican amendments were considered, but not one was in the final version. And to quote Jake Tapper as a legitimate source??????????????? come on.
Trump Has Told Friends That Gutting Medicare Could Be a Fun “Second-Term Project”

That would teach the old toothless farts that believed every word the Liar says. Maybe instead of a nursing home...they can live under a bridge....

It will teach them to elect stupid Liberals to create a failed bloated corrupt mandatory health care program.

The government should have stayed out of the business of having mandatory health care and retirement programs. The government fucks everything up.

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