GOP betrays those it represents once again


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A push to impeach Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas was stymied on Monday when several House Republicans joined with Democrats in voting to refer the impeachment resolution to committee.

The total vote tally was 209-201 in favor of referring the resolution. This included eight Republicans joining with 201 Democrats to refer the resolution while 201 Republicans voted against the move, and 23 lawmakers did not vote, including 11 Republicans and 12 Democrats.

GOP Rep. Andy Biggs of Texas declared in a statement, "I am appalled by tonight's decision to refer a motion to impeach Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to committee. This House leadership ploy kills any chance of impeaching Secretary Mayorkas." Biggs noted, "I am disappointed in tonight's results but will continue to fight for the American people and ensure America's sovereignty remains intact."

"DHS Secretary Mayorkas has intentionally failed to secure the border for nearly THREE YEARS. He deserves to be FIRED. Yet tonight, 8 Republicans voted with Democrats to kill @RepMTG's resolution to impeach Mayorkas," Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia tweeted.

Conservatives need a new party. There is literally no reason to vote GOP anymore as it means nothing.

Here is the list of those in the GOP we must target.

  • Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.)
  • Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)
  • Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-Ore.)
  • Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.)
  • Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio.)
I case you haven't noticed ... Obamacare is still on the books ... Republican leaders lied to you ... and betrayed you ...

Technology is expanding too quickly for conservative politics ... live like the Amish if you don't like it ... just don't tell others to ... we believe in personal liberty, you can buy any EV you want to ...

Here is the list of those in the GOP we must target.

  • Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.)
  • Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)
  • Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-Ore.)
  • Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.)
  • Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio.)
Why, so dimocrap scum can take the House again?

What were/are the odds of getting ANY impeachment past the Senate for a conviction?

Try..... Zero.

This is a masturbatory fantasy. If it had a chance in the Senate, they wouldn't have voted against it.

I appreciate the dedication of some in the House but it is a waste of time to push things that have ZERO chance of happening in the Senate.

Actually kinda pisses me off

Here is the list of those in the GOP we must target.

  • Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.)
  • Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)
  • Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-Ore.)
  • Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.)
  • Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio.)

Cliff Bentz shoots wolves ... so leave him alone ... when are coward Republicans getting back to annihilating the goddam wolf from the face of teh EWarth? ... crap, now my nose is bleeding again ...
I case you haven't noticed ... Obamacare is still on the books ... Republican leaders lied to you ... and betrayed you ...

Technology is expanding too quickly for conservative politics ... live like the Amish if you don't like it ... just don't tell others to ... we believe in personal liberty, you can buy any EV you want to ...
Please run on the ACA. Please, please, please.
Why, so dimocrap scum can take the House again?

What were/are the odds of getting ANY impeachment past the Senate for a conviction?

Try..... Zero.

This is a masturbatory fantasy. If it had a chance in the Senate, they wouldn't have voted against it.

I appreciate the dedication of some in the House but it is a waste of time to push things that have ZERO chance of happening in the Senate.

Actually kinda pisses me off
They need to take a stand and take a roll call.

We need to know who is who.
Cliff Bentz shoots wolves ... so leave him alone ... when are coward Republicans getting back to annihilating the goddam wolf from the face of teh EWarth? ... crap, now my nose is bleeding again ...
As soon as you dress up as one
They need to take a stand and take a roll call.

We need to know who is who.
Waste of time when there are better things to do. Total waste of time. People are laughing behind their backs.

Oh, and we already know "Who is Who". Believe it
Waste of time when there are better things to do. Total waste of time. People are laughing behind their backs.

Oh, and we already know "Who is Who". Believe it
How should we spend our time then?
Please run on the ACA. Please, please, please.

It's not a solution, it just "kicked the can" of collapse "down the road" ... if it looks smells tastes sounds and acts like an economic bubble ... then maybe it's an economic bubble ... forcing people to pay into a failing system still makes for a failing system ...

When does re-insurance kick in ... or does the American tax-payer have to cover insurance company profits forever? ... only an idiot would think bailing out the housing market in 2009 was expensive ... that was just $30 trillion ... wait until we see the price tag to bail out medicine ...

GOP betrays those it represents once again​

The only thing the rat bastards are good at is talking one way to their constituents at home and voting differently in D.C. It has been so for at least 80 years.
It's not a solution, it just "kicked the can" of collapse "down the road" ... if it looks smells tastes sounds and acts like an economic bubble ... then maybe it's an economic bubble ... forcing people to pay into a failing system still makes for a failing system ...

When does re-insurance kick in ... or does the American tax-payer have to cover insurance company profits forever? ... only an idiot would think bailing out the housing market in 2009 was expensive ... that was just $30 trillion ... wait until we see the price tag to bail out medicine ...
When I heard about the ACA, I was all for it. It sounded to me like the Swiss Health Care System which makes total and complete sense.

So much sense that many Countries that use the stupid, stupid, stupid, FUCKING STUPID, socialist-style system are trying to get out from under that and into the Swiss Style system.

Which is very simple. Everybody MUST buy Health Insurance. No shitting around. Even if all you're doing is visiting.

Few realize that the reason Health care in this Country is so expensive is because of 'cost-shifting' and, thanks to our goobermint-run edumucashun disaster, even fewer people understand what that means or why it exists.

But in Switzerland, you must buy a Health Care plan.

........If you can't afford it, the government will buy it for you. A 'Basic' plan, to be sure but a Private Health Care plan nonetheless. And one that actually works. Look it up. It works

But, dimocraps, being the scum of the Earth stupid motherfuckers they are -- FUCKED it up.

dimocraps are scum

Why, so dimocrap scum can take the House again?
What were/are the odds of getting ANY impeachment past the Senate for a conviction? Try..... Zero.
This is a masturbatory fantasy. If it had a chance in the Senate, they wouldn't have voted against it.
I appreciate the dedication of some in the House but it is a waste of time to push things that have ZERO chance of happening in the Senate.
Actually kinda pisses me off
1. The democrats impeached Trump twice for non-crimes.
2. The Biden Crime Family committed real crimes, and ignored US laws such as the treasonous open borders letting in thousands of terrorists
3. An Impeachment Trial would show voters what crimes Biden committed
4. No one cares if Biden gets removed, he's toast anyway, but the GOP needs an Impeachment Trial or they are FECKLESS WIMPS
5. Comer and Jim Jordan are finally doing investigations that get results, without an impeachment trial all their work is wasted, p[lus the democrats and MSM can say the GOP only watses time like on Benghazi and now the Bidens. Its a horrible legacy.

We need an impeachment trial ASAP.
1. The democrats impeached Trump twice for non-crimes.
2. The Biden Crime Family committed real crimes, and ignored US laws such as the treasonous open borders letting in thousands of terrorists
3. An Impeachment Trial would show voters what crimes Biden committed
4. No one cares if Biden gets removed, he's toast anyway, but the GOP needs an Impeachment Trial or they are FECKLESS WIMPS
5. Comer and Jim Jordan are finally doing investigations that get results, without an impeachment trial all their work is wasted, p[lus the democrats and MSM can say the GOP only watses time like on Benghazi and now the Bidens. Its a horrible legacy.

We need an impeachment trial ASAP.
I respectfully disagree with everything you posted.

They did impeach Trump for non-crimes. It hurt them. It will come back to bite them in the ass.

Something you need to understand.... The political spectrum in this Country is NOT 50-50. No way, no how.

It's more like 65-35 in favor of Conservatives. But here's the problem.

dimocrap FILTH are PROFESSIONAL politicians, professional THIEVES. They ARE AN ORGANIZED CRIME FAMILY!!! period.

People are very susceptible to persuasion. Especially women. Everybody knows that. Even women know it.

Women are generally more kind, more empathetic, more caring. dimocrap FILTH know this and take advantage of them.

Which is how they maintain power. Through women. dimocrap FILTH couldn't get elected Dog-Catcher in most jurisdictions without women votes and absolutely never in a national race; and they know it.

So how do we bring women on-board? How do we convince them of what we already know -- That dimocraps are the scum of the Earth?

I don't understand women. I'm not sure anybody does. And I for damned sure don't want to start lying and deceiving them like dimocrap FILTH do.


In 2022, according to exit polls, unmarried women voted for Democratic House candidates at a slightly more than two-to-one ratio (68–31 percent)
... If you can't afford it, the government will buy it for you ...

That's the ACA in a nutshell ... the government becomes the re-insurer ... like Switzerland I guess ...

I'm surprised you don't think fundamentals apply to health care ... there's only enough cartiologists in this area for the high-profit surgeries, no other treatments are available ... why shouldn't these doctors just perform high profit surgery after high profit surgery, it's a really long waiting list to get this surgery ...

If we want Authoritarianship, we can just take the best and brightest out of highs school and pump them through med school ... flood the market with doctors and prices fall ... simple supply and demand ... otherwise we have guidemanship, whether innocent or not ..

Otherwise our best and brightest go on to be YouTube Influencers ... free markets suck ...

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