GOP Big Government wants to probe women's Vagina

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions
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By Associated Press, Published: February 13

RICHMOND, Va. — House of Delegates Republicans have rejected a last-ditch bid by Democrats to allow women seeking abortions to opt out of an invasive ultrasonic procedure under anti-abortion legislation set for a final House vote Tuesday.

Legislation that has advanced on the strength of a GOP majority would force women to undergo a “transvaginal ultrasound” that produces fetal images.

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions - The Washington Post

GOP is delivering on its promise of an unprecedented conservative turnaround in Va legislature -

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests

And on a 63-36 vote, the House passed a bill that requires women to have a "transvaginal ultrasound" before undergoing abortions.

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests -

Republicans want big government to invade a woman's Va Jay Jay? Really?

Thas nasty.

Pretty much all men want to 'probe' something with that thing. :eek:
Sunshine all women from a young age should be "probed" as you put it,here in Perth it is very common practice and women are very much encouraged to have these tests,like pap-smears because it picks up cervical cancer and many other things.......these are normally carried out by femme thing here is that women are very much respected and it's only common sense that ladies like yourself should be checked regularly for breast and other cancers and other things.

We have a PINK day once a year where folk,men and women wear pink,dye their hair pink or have their heads shaven,and collect donations to help women who fall ill...moreover it desigmatizes illness but also reminds us.

So as a secular open society,sexual or female matters are just apart of life and living and it's up to a woman any decisions she wishes to do with her body.

Some of the comments about abortion on here are so conservative with religious connotations as to defy that America is a modern country,which of course many Americans are not......their mentality regarding sexual activity is more like reading from the Taliban manifesto...its BOLLOCKS.

Gees where would we all be without FUCKING...just saying.steven,aka theliq:cool:
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Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions
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By Associated Press, Published: February 13

RICHMOND, Va. — House of Delegates Republicans have rejected a last-ditch bid by Democrats to allow women seeking abortions to opt out of an invasive ultrasonic procedure under anti-abortion legislation set for a final House vote Tuesday.

Legislation that has advanced on the strength of a GOP majority would force women to undergo a “transvaginal ultrasound” that produces fetal images.

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions - The Washington Post

GOP is delivering on its promise of an unprecedented conservative turnaround in Va legislature -

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests

And on a 63-36 vote, the House passed a bill that requires women to have a "transvaginal ultrasound" before undergoing abortions.

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests -

Republicans want big government to invade a woman's Va Jay Jay? Really?

Thas nasty.

Pretty much all men want to 'probe' something with that thing. :eek:
Sunshine all women from a young age should be probed as you put it,here in Perth it is very common practice and women are very much encouraged to have these tests,like pap-smears because it picks up cervical cancer and many other things.......these are normally carried out by femme thing here is that women are very much respected and it's only common sense that ladies like yourself should be checked regularly for breast and other cancers and other things.

We have a PINK day once a year where folk,men and women wear,dye their hair or have their heads shaven,and collect donations to help women who fall ill...moreover it desigmatizes illness but also reminds us.

So as a secular open society,sexual or female matters are just apart of life and living.

Some of the comments about abortion on here are so conservative with religious connotations as to defy that America is a modern country,which of course many are not......their mentality regarding sexual activity is more like reading from the Taliban manifesto...its BOLLOCKS.

Gees where would we all be without FUCKING...just saying.steven,aka theliq:cool:

Sex is OK can't beat the real thing!
rdean doesn't know the difference between a womb and a vagina.

An ultrasound is not invasive, but an abortion is.

He gets his information from Ron Jeremy Instructional videos

Yo think Rdean might be a feminist bulldog?? Sure jumps on these social issues like a radical feminist, plus, there is always that misery sentiment.
Even Planned Parenthood uses transvaginal ultrasounds.

Look use common sense. How the hell is the abortion provider able to determine what stage of gestation and what procedure to follow thru with?

It's a diagnostic tool for heaven's sake.

What do you think you do? Just walk in and get the baby sucked out? Not bloody likely.

Now that's back alley shit.
Thats the.biggest item that any human can control is whats between their legs.

And yet, you say you want to take that control away from women.

Which is it?

Is it hers to control or is it the government's to control?

You can't have it both ways.
An ultrasound is not invasive, but an abortion is.

Uh, yes it is. I've had it done (I had uterine polyps). A small clump of cells doesn't show up in an external sonogram, so they use "the wand" instead and it's VERY intrusive and it's awful. Just awful, if you must know.
Well from your title you may be male ???? anyway better to put up with a bit of intrusive probing......THAN GETTING CANCER OF THE **** or COCK,don't you think !!!!!!!!!!! or don"t YOU THINK. I'm theliq I kick Ass
Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions
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By Associated Press, Published: February 13

RICHMOND, Va. — House of Delegates Republicans have rejected a last-ditch bid by Democrats to allow women seeking abortions to opt out of an invasive ultrasonic procedure under anti-abortion legislation set for a final House vote Tuesday.

Legislation that has advanced on the strength of a GOP majority would force women to undergo a “transvaginal ultrasound” that produces fetal images.

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions - The Washington Post

GOP is delivering on its promise of an unprecedented conservative turnaround in Va legislature -

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests

And on a 63-36 vote, the House passed a bill that requires women to have a "transvaginal ultrasound" before undergoing abortions.

House Republicans muscle abortion restrictions to passage over passionate Democratic protests -

Republicans want big government to invade a woman's Va Jay Jay? Really?

Thas nasty.

Pregnant women today get ultra-sounds to see if they're pregnant or not. No more killing rabbits. It's used as a procedure to make certain that all is going right for the baby.

But--this is one instance where I actually agree with a liberal on this issue. Women wanting an abortion should not be FORCED into a vaginal ultra-sound if they elect to not want it. This is getting way to personal--and I am a pro-life conservative. I would much prefer that women prevent pregnancies through the use of birth control contraceptives.--which Rick Santorum recently stated that STATES have the right to ban birth control contraceptives if they want too.

No--STATES do not have that right. Men & women--husband & wife have a right to be intimate with one another without the fear of having a baby that they do not want. Husband and wife plan the number of children they want and can afford--that's their decision and it's not the STATE'S business.

Rick Santorum is the ONLY SOCIAL FREAK nut-case that is on that stage that is trying to force his beliefs on the general public.
Pregnant women today get ultra-sounds to see if they're pregnant or not. No more killing rabbits. It's used as a procedure to make certain that all is going right for the baby.

But--this is one instance where I actually agree with a liberal on this issue. Women wanting an abortion should not be FORCED into a vaginal ultra-sound if they elect to not want it. This is getting way to personal--and I am a pro-life conservative. I would much prefer that women prevent pregnancies through the use of birth control contraceptives.--which Rick Santorum recently stated that STATES have the right to ban birth control contraceptives if they want too.

No--STATES do not have that right. Men & women--husband & wife have a right to be intimate with one another without the fear of having a baby that they do not want. Husband and wife plan the number of children they want and can afford--that's their decision and it's not the STATE'S business.

Rick Santorum is the ONLY SOCIAL FREAK nut-case that is on that stage that is trying to force his beliefs on the general public.

Since not a single state has expressed any desire (nor made any attempt) to ban birth control, how is Rick Santorum forcing his beliefs upon anybody?
Melodramatic much?
An ultrasound is not invasive, but an abortion is.

Uh, yes it is. I've had it done (I had uterine polyps). A small clump of cells doesn't show up in an external sonogram, so they use "the wand" instead and it's VERY intrusive and it's awful. Just awful, if you must know.

Someone who has been through the procedure and all they can do is joke or yell "liar".

Right wingers complain about the "stories" I come up with. Just like this "story", I didn't make it up. It's what their party does. And they refuse to believe what their own party does. Why is that? Then when it's rubbed in their noses, they "spin" it into a direction that makes sense in their little minds. Well, sometimes, you just can't spin it that much. It is what it is.
RICHMOND, Va. — House of Delegates Republicans have rejected a last-ditch bid by Democrats to allow women seeking abortions to opt out of an invasive ultrasonic procedure under anti-abortion legislation set for a final House vote Tuesday.

Legislation that has advanced on the strength of a GOP majority would force women to undergo a “transvaginal ultrasound” that produces fetal images.

An amendment by Del. David Englin, D-Alexandria, would have allowed medical professionals to determine whether images can be obtained without being penetrated by equipment used in the ultrasound.

Va House set to enact mandatory invasive ultrasound probe for women who seek abortions - The Washington Post
This bill will require many women in Virginia to undergo vaginal penetration with an ultrasound probe against their consent in order to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion, even for nonsurgical, noninvasive, pharmaceutical abortions. This kind of government intrusion shocks the conscience and demonstrates the disturbing lengths Republican legislators will go to prevent women from controlling their own reproductive destiny.

I offered an amendment that would have protected women from the unwanted vaginal penetration required by this bill. House Republicans rejected that amendment. The next time Virginia Republicans speak the words ‘government intrusion’ I hope voters will remember this vote and hold them accountable for their hypocrisy.

---- Del. David Elgin
Wouldn't even be a federal issue if you didn't force Roe V Wade on the people.
luddly wrote:
A MANDATORY ultrasound is VERY invasive.

As someone said above, its a way of controlling the woman's decision and therefore, very invasive.

It is only "invasive" or an attempt to "control a woman's decision" if you are somehow afraid that giving a woman all of the information about the procedure she is electing to have is dangerous or invasive rather than sound medical practice.

It might make a man's decision to have a quadruple bipass surgery more difficult if you show him the ultrasound of his heart, showing him just how blocked everything is, and discussing with him how great his chances of death will be if he elects to have the surgery...but to NOT give him that information is just as detrimental. He needs to be informed in order to be able to make the best decision for him.

If you trust women to weight the pros and cons of a difficult surgery and choose the option that is best for them...then you MUST support that woman's RIGHT to be given ALL of the information prior to surgery. Hiding information from her to spare her feelings is not supporting her or trusting her...but rather is treating her with contempt - in essence, you are telling her that she can not be trusted to make the "correct" decision, if she is given too much information.

Just as a doctor would for any surgery...s/he should review ALL relevant information with the patient (in this case, that would include what is going to be removed and, most likely, how developed it is because that might determine the methods used, etc.) and then let the patient make the informed decision.

If it truly is just a medical procedure...then treat it as such. Doctors should provide all information - patients should decide what is best for them with full knowledge of what they are choosing.

That's bullshit.

It's a forced vaginal penetration against the will of the woman.

Rape by government mandate.

It's a procedure that is implemented before abortions. I already put up links.

You libs never stop lying. PP does transvaginal ultrasound as well. Basically you really can't walk into any abortion clinic and tell the abortionists to just hit the vacuum sucker to clean your uterus.

There are actual procedures in place that go with this deal.
This bill will require many women in Virginia to undergo vaginal penetration with an ultrasound probe against their consent in order to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion, even for nonsurgical, noninvasive, pharmaceutical abortions. This kind of government intrusion shocks the conscience and demonstrates the disturbing lengths Republican legislators will go to prevent women from controlling their own reproductive destiny.

I offered an amendment that would have protected women from the unwanted vaginal penetration required by this bill. House Republicans rejected that amendment. The next time Virginia Republicans speak the words ‘government intrusion’ I hope voters will remember this vote and hold them accountable for their hypocrisy.

---- Del. David Elgin

This moron obviously doesn't realize that nonsurgical abortion in performs this procedure before continuing with the abortion.

I put up a link to a Florida clinic.

It's a procedure that is implemented before abortions. I already put up links.

You libs never stop lying. PP does transvaginal ultrasound as well. Basically you really can't walk into any abortion clinic and tell the abortionists to just hit the vacuum sucker to clean your uterus.

There are actual procedures in place that go with this deal.

Then what's all the legislation in Virginia about?

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