GOP Big Government wants to probe women's Vagina

And the ultrasound legislation would constitute an unprecedented government mandate to insert vaginal ultrasonic probes into women as part of a state-ordered effort to dissuade them from terminating pregnancies, legislative opponents noted.
Are they fucking serious? This is rape.

If the cons here aren't against this then I will never believe another thing they say when they whine about big government.

How does any doctor perform an abortion without being at least a tiny eensey weensey little bit invasive? Is there a teleporter involved? It appears that maybe the invasive component can't be the primary objection under the circumstances.

That said, I am not at all sure WHY a legislature thinks it has to mandate the use of an internal ultrasound as part of that (or any other) medical procedure, however. I mean, maybe their medical expertise is just more complete than the doctors' expertise? I hate to agree with Ravi as a matter of general principle. But even she can occasionally make a fair point.

(But, even so, Ravi, please. You can drop the pretext. No matter what position conservatives take on this -- or almost any other issue -- you don't "believe" conservatives anyway. On that topic, your mind is not just closed. It's rusted shut.)
And the ultrasound legislation would constitute an unprecedented government mandate to insert vaginal ultrasonic probes into women as part of a state-ordered effort to dissuade them from terminating pregnancies, legislative opponents noted.
Are they fucking serious? This is rape.

If the cons here aren't against this then I will never believe another thing they say when they whine about big government.

How does any doctor perform an abortion without being at least a tiny eensey weensey little bit invasive?

one procedure is requested. the other is required by the government.
Are they fucking serious? This is rape.

If the cons here aren't against this then I will never believe another thing they say when they whine about big government.

How does any doctor perform an abortion without being at least a tiny eensey weensey little bit invasive?

one procedure is requested. the other is required by the government.

One is "requested." Check.

The other is PROPOSED as a requirement by the government.

The government's basis for seeking to "require" it is absolutely worthy of being questioned, challenged and probably even rejected.

Nevertheless, invasive is invasive.
quoteWell from your title you may be male ???? anyway better to put up with a bit of intrusive probing......THAN GETTING CANCER OF THE **** or COCK,don't you think !!!!!!!!!!! or don"t YOU THINK. I'm theliq I kick Ass
Mr. Peepers was my cat's name - he passed away last year. I am female.
This bill will require many women in Virginia to undergo vaginal penetration with an ultrasound probe against their consent in order to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion, even for nonsurgical, noninvasive, pharmaceutical abortions. This kind of government intrusion shocks the conscience and demonstrates the disturbing lengths Republican legislators will go to prevent women from controlling their own reproductive destiny.

I offered an amendment that would have protected women from the unwanted vaginal penetration required by this bill. House Republicans rejected that amendment. The next time Virginia Republicans speak the words ‘government intrusion’ I hope voters will remember this vote and hold them accountable for their hypocrisy.

---- Del. David Englin
The femme pussy?

Is there actually another kind?

Confusion alert.

rderp IS a pussy. But if he HAS a vagina, then rderp is not really a male.

You can call a gal a "dick," too. But if "she" has a dick, then whatever else she might be, a male is one of them.

I always laugh when somebody says something like "the scrotum is a part of the males' penis." Like it could be part of a female's penis? :eusa_hand:

I’m not sure, does a Paper Penis qualify?

[ame=]Paper Penis for Women - YouTube[/ame]
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Progressive Eugenicists don't want women looking at the "fetal material", they may have second thoughts about going through with the procedure
Are they fucking serious? This is rape.

If the cons here aren't against this then I will never believe another thing they say when they whine about big government.

How does any doctor perform an abortion without being at least a tiny eensey weensey little bit invasive?

one procedure is requested. the other is required by the government.

One procedure terminates a human life, the other shows the woman what she is really about to do.
Progressive Eugenicists don't want women looking at the "fetal material", they may have second thoughts about going through with the procedure

The pro-death lefties are terrified at the prospect of women seeing for themselves that another human life really is involved rather than just the 'inconvenience' that they've been told about over and over.
I love rdean threads, he continually reminds me how totally screwed up you have to be to swallow the DNC talking points.

Nobody ultrasounds a vagina. That would be like ultrasounding your mouth. In order to examine a vagina, one only has to observe. Ultrasounds are done on deep internal organs.

The ultrasounds proposed in VA, are done on a fetus in the womb.

Unless you are afraid that women might actually change their minds about their decision once seeing an ultrasound of their developing fetuses, I am not quite sure how you can claim to be pro-choice and be against requiring doctors to give their patients all the information about what the elective surgery they are requesting entails.

My mother recently had a benign growth removed from her breast. Her doctor performed the mammogram and the following tests to determine what the growth was, where exactly it was, etc. She showed my mother these ultrasounds, pointed out the growth, explained what exactly it was, where exactly it was, what exactly she would do when she went in to remove it, what the negative effects of this surgery would be, what they would do with the growth afterwards, and what signs my mother should monitor for to be sure that everything is ok.

She didn't say, "we found a want us to get rid of it for you? Ok, come in Thursday...sign some papers and we'll get started."

If you elect to have an abortion that is your right. But it is extremely ironic to state that it is somehow insulting or inappropriate to show a woman what is in her body, what will be removed, and what the risks of that surgery will be...when in fact, NOT giving a woman all that information because it might make her decision "too difficult" is what is demeaning and inappropriate.

I am pro-choice. That means that I value a woman's legal right to evaluate ALL THE INFORMATION and weigh her decision accordingly - CHOOSING based on all the facts. I am NOT pro-abortion. Which is why I do not value the opinion that a woman should be able to say, "I choose a potentially dangerous surgery...just lemme have it without any information because I'm not sure I can handle it if I have all the information."

Does the woman have the right to choose either to view the ultra sound or to NOT view it?
So let me get this straight, an ultra sound is invasive probing but an abortion is not?
How does any doctor perform an abortion without being at least a tiny eensey weensey little bit invasive?

one procedure is requested. the other is required by the government.

One procedure terminates a human life, the other shows the woman what she is really about to do.

like i said in either this thread or another one, roe v wade won't be overturned. so what people who want to take the decision away from the pregnant woman must do is find creative ways to stop women from having abortions. this is one. they are hoping they can guilt the woman into doing what they think is correct.
I love rdean threads, he continually reminds me how totally screwed up you have to be to swallow the DNC talking points.

Nobody ultrasounds a vagina. That would be like ultrasounding your mouth. In order to examine a vagina, one only has to observe. Ultrasounds are done on deep internal organs.

The ultrasounds proposed in VA, are done on a fetus in the womb.


Dean read a headline "Ultrasounds in VA" and thought that VA mean vagina and not Virginia
Interesting how Democrats worry about 'invasive' Ultrasound procedures, but never seem too worry about 'invasive' Abortion procedures that kill babies. That says a lot about them no? I think Abortion procedures that kill babies are far more invasive than Ultrasound procedures are. But that being said, this is just the Nanny State/Police State in action. And Socialists/Progressives are among the biggest proponents of the Nanny State/Police State. So their outrage on this seems a bit disingenuous and hypocritical in my opinion. They wanted the Nanny State/Police State. Well, here it is. Deal with it.
I love rdean threads, he continually reminds me how totally screwed up you have to be to swallow the DNC talking points.

Nobody ultrasounds a vagina. That would be like ultrasounding your mouth. In order to examine a vagina, one only has to observe. Ultrasounds are done on deep internal organs.

The ultrasounds proposed in VA, are done on a fetus in the womb.


Dean read a headline "Ultrasounds in VA" and thought that VA mean vagina and not Virginia


That dip shit, rderp, can't even SPELL vagina.
I love rdean threads, he continually reminds me how totally screwed up you have to be to swallow the DNC talking points.

Nobody ultrasounds a vagina. That would be like ultrasounding your mouth. In order to examine a vagina, one only has to observe. Ultrasounds are done on deep internal organs.

The ultrasounds proposed in VA, are done on a fetus in the womb.


Dean read a headline "Ultrasounds in VA" and thought that VA mean vagina and not Virginia


That dip shit, rderp, can't even SPELL vagina.

Big Government Socialists/Progressives should be in favor of this. It's the Nanny State/Police State at its finest. And unfortunately, both parties are run by Big Government Globalists. People are only kidding themselves if they believe there's any real difference between a Big Government Socialist/Progressive and a Big Government Neocon. They're both always pushing for more Government control of your life. It's a real shame that these are our only choices in Elections. We need real change.

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