GOP Boycott House Intel Hearing, Rebuke Schiff's Mis-Management and Failed Oversight

Trumpublicans in the House have long since embraced the corrupt nature of Trumpybears administration. Their actions as the minority party are inconsequential at this point. The real oversight question we need to find out is why the Intel agencies are now withholding vital information from the committees.
Heil Schiffler!

Yer sap is bitter today eh, Comrade?
Adolph Schiffler doesn't think so.

Adolph and The Nazi Party like Hitlery and The DemNazi Party lost a Presidential Election in Germany, and couldn't accept The Results of The Election there so They Ousted The President and Installed The DemNazi Hitler as Fuhrer.

Congratulations. You win today's Stupid Nazi Meme Challenge. Your graduating Class at St. Petersburg will be proud once again at your accomplishment.
Trumpublicans in the House have long since embraced the corrupt nature of Trumpybears administration. Their actions as the minority party are inconsequential at this point. The real oversight question we need to find out is why the Intel agencies are now withholding vital information from the committees.
Heil Schiffler!

Yer sap is bitter today eh, Comrade?
Adolph Schiffler doesn't think so.

Adolph and The Nazi Party like Hitlery and The DemNazi Party lost a Presidential Election in Germany, and couldn't accept The Results of The Election there so They Ousted The President and Installed The DemNazi Hitler as Fuhrer.

Congratulations. You win today's Stupid Nazi Meme Challenge. Your graduating Class at St. Petersburg will be proud once again at your accomplishment.
What do I win?

The Gulag, or The Guillotine?

Sanders Aide: “Guillotine the Rich,” Republicans Go to the New Gulag for “Re-education”
“Under your chairmanship, the House Intelligence Committee has strayed far from its mandate of overseeing the Intelligence Community. In fact, we have gone months at a time in which we’ve hardly held any oversight-related briefings or hearings at all.

During this period of inadequate oversight, numerous critical issues pertinent to this Committee’s jurisdiction were ignored

They continued, noting that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued his FISA report on Dec. 9 which identified “seventeen serious shortcomings related to the conduct” of the (Intel) surveillance of former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page. The Republicans argued that the committee is “uniquely positioned to consider” the “serious legal and policy questions” that arose from Horowitz’s report.

“The IG Report was followed by the release of a declassified assessment by the Department of Justice acknowledging that at least two of the four FISA applications lacked probable cause.

Despite the seriousness of these issues and our clear jurisdiction, you have failed to hold a single briefing or hearing on this matter.”

Until the Committee prioritizes oversight activities related to urgent and critical concerns, Republican Members cannot support distractions from our core responsibilities.

We hope this Committee can move past political investigations and publicity stunts and get back to the important work we traditionally have undertaken on a bipartisan basis.”

Schiff is (God knows why still) the Chairman of the House Intel Committee whose responsibility is to provide oversight of the 17 Intel Agencies and the Intel Processes / strategy / adherence to the Constitution and existing law....yet, despite all the evidence of the criminal misuse of these agencies and US Intel, despite all the evidence of the corruption, Conspiracy, collusion, and treason within the Intel Community over which they hold oversight, Schiff facilitated and engaged in that activity and never once held a House Intel Oversight Committee Hearing to investigate / provide oversight / FIX and/or eliminate any of it.

The 'prisoners' / 'criminals', under Schiff's chairmanship, it seems, have been running the House Intel Committee....just like how the very same people who committed the FISA Court Abuses are now the same ones tasked by the Deep State to 'fix' it and make sure this treason / these violations of the Constitution and Law never happen again.

The GOP, however, boycotted the criminal ineptitude of Adam Schiff, his inability or unwillingness, to do his job, which was / is to prevent, end, and eliminate mis-use of, corruption, and illegal abuse within the US Intel Agencies....

Schiff should first be stripped of his Chairmanship of the House Intel Committee chairmanship as well as his position o the Committee, especially after he admitted to leaking classified information to harm the President.

Secondly, Schiff should be indicted, perp-walked, charged, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his crimes, which includes admitting to leaking classified.

House Republicans boycott intel hearing, accuse Schiff of ignoring FISA abuse


Devon Nunez and the Republicans on the House Intel Committee are calling out Adam Schiff for not doing his job. That's like Donald Trump calling others "fat".

Your President is now openly flouting all Constitutional norms and seeking to retaliate against government workers doing their jobs.

I can see him being impeached a second time before the election.
From which university did you receive your law degree?
I think he is pissed that you stole a page from their 'Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat False Narrative / False Accusations / Name-Calling Manifesto'.

Calling anyone who rejects their ideology / agenda is usually branded Nazis, KKK, Russians, racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, etc.... despite the fact that their own leaked e-mails are filled with such comments.


Trumpublicans in the House have long since embraced the corrupt nature of Trumpybears administration. Their actions as the minority party are inconsequential at this point. The real oversight question we need to find out is why the Intel agencies are now withholding vital information from the committees.
Heil Schiffler!

Yer sap is bitter today eh, Comrade?
Adolph Schiffler doesn't think so.

Adolph and The Nazi Party like Hitlery and The DemNazi Party lost a Presidential Election in Germany, and couldn't accept The Results of The Election there so They Ousted The President and Installed The DemNazi Hitler as Fuhrer.

Congratulations. You win today's Stupid Nazi Meme Challenge. Your graduating Class at St. Petersburg will be proud once again at your accomplishment.
What do I win?

The Gulag, or The Guillotine?

Sanders Aide: “Guillotine the Rich,” Republicans Go to the New Gulag for “Re-education”

Maybe that could be on the next SOFU Award Show. Have an all new "Retribution" segment.
Maybe that could be on the next SOFU Award Show. Have an all new "Retribution" segment.
So, do you think a President should be FORCED to keep on his staff / in his administration people appointed by the previous administration that has been proven to have initiated an illegal / Un-Constitutional investigation / coup attempt against him, people who undermined his Presidency, engaged in Sedition, falsely accused him of things, who participated in a coup attempt / Impeachment that was based on zero crime, zero evidence, zero witnesses, and that was admittedly politically partisan?

Does a President have the right to replace previously appointed personnel with his own loyal team he can trust?

Democrats accused Trump of 'Obstruction' because he fired an admitted classified leaker who was a co-conspirator in the illegal cou initiated by Obama. The FACT is the President had both the legal and Constitutional authority to fire and replace Comey - even if he had not committed crimes, which he did.
“Under your chairmanship, the House Intelligence Committee has strayed far from its mandate of overseeing the Intelligence Community. In fact, we have gone months at a time in which we’ve hardly held any oversight-related briefings or hearings at all.

During this period of inadequate oversight, numerous critical issues pertinent to this Committee’s jurisdiction were ignored

They continued, noting that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued his FISA report on Dec. 9 which identified “seventeen serious shortcomings related to the conduct” of the (Intel) surveillance of former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page. The Republicans argued that the committee is “uniquely positioned to consider” the “serious legal and policy questions” that arose from Horowitz’s report.

“The IG Report was followed by the release of a declassified assessment by the Department of Justice acknowledging that at least two of the four FISA applications lacked probable cause.

Despite the seriousness of these issues and our clear jurisdiction, you have failed to hold a single briefing or hearing on this matter.”

Until the Committee prioritizes oversight activities related to urgent and critical concerns, Republican Members cannot support distractions from our core responsibilities.

We hope this Committee can move past political investigations and publicity stunts and get back to the important work we traditionally have undertaken on a bipartisan basis.”

Schiff is (God knows why still) the Chairman of the House Intel Committee whose responsibility is to provide oversight of the 17 Intel Agencies and the Intel Processes / strategy / adherence to the Constitution and existing law....yet, despite all the evidence of the criminal misuse of these agencies and US Intel, despite all the evidence of the corruption, Conspiracy, collusion, and treason within the Intel Community over which they hold oversight, Schiff facilitated and engaged in that activity and never once held a House Intel Oversight Committee Hearing to investigate / provide oversight / FIX and/or eliminate any of it.

The 'prisoners' / 'criminals', under Schiff's chairmanship, it seems, have been running the House Intel Committee....just like how the very same people who committed the FISA Court Abuses are now the same ones tasked by the Deep State to 'fix' it and make sure this treason / these violations of the Constitution and Law never happen again.

The GOP, however, boycotted the criminal ineptitude of Adam Schiff, his inability or unwillingness, to do his job, which was / is to prevent, end, and eliminate mis-use of, corruption, and illegal abuse within the US Intel Agencies....

Schiff should first be stripped of his Chairmanship of the House Intel Committee chairmanship as well as his position o the Committee, especially after he admitted to leaking classified information to harm the President.

Secondly, Schiff should be indicted, perp-walked, charged, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his crimes, which includes admitting to leaking classified.

House Republicans boycott intel hearing, accuse Schiff of ignoring FISA abuse

What a bunch of BUNK!

the House Intel committee had a hearing on the Page FISA's with Director Wray last week.... Schiff is not ignoring it.... dufus!

National Security
FBI director defends surveillance system used in Trump probe but vows to fix problems exposed by inspector general

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FBI Director Christopher A. Wray testifies during an oversight hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on Feb. 5. (Alex Brandon/AP)
Devlin Barrett
Feb. 5, 2020 at 1:39 p.m. EST
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray defended the bureau Wednesday at a congressional hearing where Republicans repeatedly accused the law enforcement agency of violating the civil rights of a former Trump campaign adviser in 2016.

The House Judiciary Committee hearing marked Wray’s first congressional testimony since the Justice Department inspector general released a report in December highly critical of the FBI’s omissions and errors in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that authorized wiretaps on Carter Page, a onetime foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

In the wake of that report, Wray announced a number of changes to FBI policy and procedures, including more training for FBI personnel about how to ensure accuracy when applying for such warrants.


Nunes is crooked, was knee deep in the Ukraine scandal, and failed to disclose it, and lied about it, and should be fired from his position on the intel committee, beginning with his Midnight Ride to the White House scandal...
So, do you think a President should be FORCED to keep on his staff / in his administration people appointed by the previous administration that has been proven to have initiated an illegal / Un-Constitutional investigation / coup attempt

What? No. I was suggesting adding a Retribution Section to the next SOTU Award Show. Whomever the unlucky fuck Trump proclaims a traitor gets to choose between two curtains. Behind curtain number 1 we have a blood spurting good time with a fancy Guillotine. Curtain number 2 is an all expense paid life time at your favorite Gulag. Of course if he chooses the Guillotine, the public can only see it PPV.

That way Trumpybears enemies will know his awesome powers must never be challenged!
What a bunch of BUNK!
The House Intel committee had a hearing on the Page FISA's with Director Wray last week.... Schiff is not ignoring it....

I guess better late than never, huh, snowflake?

Schiff has facilitated and participated in the corruption, Sedition, Obstruction, and treason that has gone on for the last several years. Despite evidence of the crimes committed by the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and the 17 Intel Agencies Schiff never held 1 Committee hearing to investigate any of it.

After each new US IG report that was released, exposing more corruption, more crime, Schiff never held 1 hearing to investigate.

It was only AFTER the FISA Court, in an attempt to save its own existence and try to continue to operate as it has, came out publicly slamming the FBI for their REPEAT criminal FISA Court Abuses and came up with the STUPID F*ing Deep State Plan that would / will allow the very same entities who committed the FISA Court Abuses to 'fix' the process that Schiff scheduled his 1st hearing.

WRAY proved he is another Deep State criminal cut from the same criminal cloth as Mueller and Comey when he called the more than 2 dozen FISA Court abuses under both Mueller and Comey 'troubling', a 'problem', and declared 'some things need to be changed in the FBI.'

CHANGED? Obama administration co-conspirators and the FBI personnel proven to have committed FISA Court Abuses - altered official documents, changed official testimony, withheld exculpatory evidence, manufactured evidence, committed Sedition and Conspiracy violated the Constitution, and broke laws - THEY NEED TO GO TO PRISON.

Wray is another 'In-bred', internally-groomed, criminal FBI 'company' man who is more loyal to the FBI than he is to the country, more interested in protecting the FBI than he is about exposing the crimes committed and taking steps to make sure it never happens. Wray needs to be fired, and an outside, non-FBI, non-partisan, non Deep State person should be appointed as Director, overseeing the cleaning up of the FBI.

National Security
FBI director defends surveillance system used in Trump probe but vows to fix problems exposed by inspector general

Yes, Wray is minimizing the FBI's criminal role in the illegal coup initiated and run by Barry. According to Wray, altering official documents, changing witness testimony, manufacturing fake evidence, withholding exculpatory evidence, intentionally working with a known lying, partisan, agenda-driven foreign spy, knowingly and intentionally using known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence information, committing FISA Court Abuses, knowingly illegally spying on the President and his team...according to Wray this is a great process that just needs some 'tweaks', some minor changes....and no one in the FBI needs to go to jail over any of that.

The massive hypocritical part of this is even YOU know damn-well that if Trump as President had illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Democrat Presidential candidates and their team, committed FISA Court Abuses, etc.... Democrats would not be satisfied with removing him from office, the man would be in jail by now.

This last entire 4-years all of this has been going on, all the evidence has been coming out, you and your fellow snowflakes have defended those responsible over and over and over, no matter how much evidence / facts / reality you have had to deny / refuse to accept. Hell, snowflakes are such sold-out, reality-denying, criminal Democrat Enablers that they can watch Joe Biden give a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukreaine PM - BRAG ABOUT IT - and still claim 'It never happened'.

You continue to prove that such snowflakes, like yourself, are a complete waste of time to talk to.
Whomever the unlucky fuck Trump proclaims a traitor......

Thank you for proving my point, snowflake. Despite the overwhelming, undeniable evidence, reports, testimony, admissions, etc.... criminal Democrat-enabling, Trump-Hate-Consumed, Lying snowflakes like you can not accept any of it.

4 years after they declared they would remove the President from office for any reason, by doing whatever they had to do, the Democrats showed the world they STILL could come up with ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, declared they did not need any, admitted their latest coup attempt was a political partisan Impeachment...the 1st-ever Impeachment of a President without any crime.... opposed to the overwhelming, undeniable criminal evidence against the Democrats who participated in it.

It was not TRUMP who exposed the FBI's crimes, FISA Court Abuses, altering documents, hiding exculpatory evidence, attempting to manufacture evidence - THAT WOULD BE THE US IG.

It was not Trump declaring every day for over 2 years that he had direct evidence of crimes committed ONLY TO HAVE TO ADMIT HE LIED......THAT would be Adam SCHIFF.

The traitors themselves and those who exposed them - Don't blame the traitors' victim for the crimes THEY committed.
Vindman may get military discipline because he broke the law and also did not follow chain of command.

As I said, Vindman's career is OVER! t best he will be allowed to ride a desk until time for his retirement - NO promotion, NO hope of a Command / the opportunity to lead. He burned those opportunities when he stepped into the spotlight in uniform and betrayed his Commander and Chief, proving he had NOTHING - no evidence, no 1st-hand info, He 'suicided' his own career for nothing.

I read a comment from a General in his chain saying Vindman's career from here should be based on his ability and performance. Yeah, that is an attempt to let people know they are not vindictive, political F*s like the Democrats...but is was not a 'vote of confidence', either. He's done.

The 'lazy' 'chow thief' who has a habit of going outside his chain of command, who earned the reputation among his Ranger peers of being a liar and untrustworthy, someone his own peers tried to vote him out of the Ranger program, who lost the trust of his fellow servicemen, is DONE!
Whomever the unlucky fuck Trump proclaims a traitor......

Thank you for proving my point, snowflake. Despite the overwhelming, undeniable evidence, reports, testimony, admissions, etc.... criminal Democrat-enabling, Trump-Hate-Consumed, Lying snowflakes like you can not accept any of it.

4 years after they declared they would remove the President from office for any reason, by doing whatever they had to do, the Democrats showed the world they STILL could come up with ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, declared they did not need any, admitted their latest coup attempt was a political partisan Impeachment...the 1st-ever Impeachment of a President without any crime.... opposed to the overwhelming, undeniable criminal evidence against the Democrats who participated in it.

It was not TRUMP who exposed the FBI's crimes, FISA Court Abuses, altering documents, hiding exculpatory evidence, attempting to manufacture evidence - THAT WOULD BE THE US IG.

It was not Trump declaring every day for over 2 years that he had direct evidence of crimes committed ONLY TO HAVE TO ADMIT HE LIED......THAT would be Adam SCHIFF.

The traitors themselves and those who exposed them - Don't blame the traitors' victim for the crimes THEY committed.

Traitor is your "trigger" word huh?

Mind you he or she wouldn't have be a traitor, just declared one publicly by Trumpybear would be enough to use them as a prop in the SOTU Showcase. After all who is there to hold the Old Bear accountable. Former Republicans? Hahahahaha, what a laugh.
“Under your chairmanship, the House Intelligence Committee has strayed far from its mandate of overseeing the Intelligence Community. In fact, we have gone months at a time in which we’ve hardly held any oversight-related briefings or hearings at all.

During this period of inadequate oversight, numerous critical issues pertinent to this Committee’s jurisdiction were ignored

They continued, noting that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued his FISA report on Dec. 9 which identified “seventeen serious shortcomings related to the conduct” of the (Intel) surveillance of former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page. The Republicans argued that the committee is “uniquely positioned to consider” the “serious legal and policy questions” that arose from Horowitz’s report.

“The IG Report was followed by the release of a declassified assessment by the Department of Justice acknowledging that at least two of the four FISA applications lacked probable cause.

Despite the seriousness of these issues and our clear jurisdiction, you have failed to hold a single briefing or hearing on this matter.”

Until the Committee prioritizes oversight activities related to urgent and critical concerns, Republican Members cannot support distractions from our core responsibilities.

We hope this Committee can move past political investigations and publicity stunts and get back to the important work we traditionally have undertaken on a bipartisan basis.”

Schiff is (God knows why still) the Chairman of the House Intel Committee whose responsibility is to provide oversight of the 17 Intel Agencies and the Intel Processes / strategy / adherence to the Constitution and existing law....yet, despite all the evidence of the criminal misuse of these agencies and US Intel, despite all the evidence of the corruption, Conspiracy, collusion, and treason within the Intel Community over which they hold oversight, Schiff facilitated and engaged in that activity and never once held a House Intel Oversight Committee Hearing to investigate / provide oversight / FIX and/or eliminate any of it.

The 'prisoners' / 'criminals', under Schiff's chairmanship, it seems, have been running the House Intel Committee....just like how the very same people who committed the FISA Court Abuses are now the same ones tasked by the Deep State to 'fix' it and make sure this treason / these violations of the Constitution and Law never happen again.

The GOP, however, boycotted the criminal ineptitude of Adam Schiff, his inability or unwillingness, to do his job, which was / is to prevent, end, and eliminate mis-use of, corruption, and illegal abuse within the US Intel Agencies....

Schiff should first be stripped of his Chairmanship of the House Intel Committee chairmanship as well as his position o the Committee, especially after he admitted to leaking classified information to harm the President.

Secondly, Schiff should be indicted, perp-walked, charged, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his crimes, which includes admitting to leaking classified.

House Republicans boycott intel hearing, accuse Schiff of ignoring FISA abuse

What a bunch of BUNK!

the House Intel committee had a hearing on the Page FISA's with Director Wray last week.... Schiff is not ignoring it.... dufus!

National Security
FBI director defends surveillance system used in Trump probe but vows to fix problems exposed by inspector general

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FBI Director Christopher A. Wray testifies during an oversight hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on Feb. 5. (Alex Brandon/AP)
Devlin Barrett
Feb. 5, 2020 at 1:39 p.m. EST
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray defended the bureau Wednesday at a congressional hearing where Republicans repeatedly accused the law enforcement agency of violating the civil rights of a former Trump campaign adviser in 2016.

The House Judiciary Committee hearing marked Wray’s first congressional testimony since the Justice Department inspector general released a report in December highly critical of the FBI’s omissions and errors in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that authorized wiretaps on Carter Page, a onetime foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

In the wake of that report, Wray announced a number of changes to FBI policy and procedures, including more training for FBI personnel about how to ensure accuracy when applying for such warrants.


Nunes is crooked, was knee deep in the Ukraine scandal, and failed to disclose it, and lied about it, and should be fired from his position on the intel committee, beginning with his Midnight Ride to the White House scandal...

this is an easy thread, when hasnt he been full of bunk ?
Vindman may get military discipline because he broke the law and also did not follow chain of command.
he followed chain of command and reported the call to his superior and his agency's Legal Counsel, the day of the call or shortly there after.
What a bunch of BUNK!
The House Intel committee had a hearing on the Page FISA's with Director Wray last week.... Schiff is not ignoring it....

I guess better late than never, huh, snowflake?

Schiff has facilitated and participated in the corruption, Sedition, Obstruction, and treason that has gone on for the last several years. Despite evidence of the crimes committed by the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and the 17 Intel Agencies Schiff never held 1 Committee hearing to investigate any of it.

After each new US IG report that was released, exposing more corruption, more crime, Schiff never held 1 hearing to investigate.

It was only AFTER the FISA Court, in an attempt to save its own existence and try to continue to operate as it has, came out publicly slamming the FBI for their REPEAT criminal FISA Court Abuses and came up with the STUPID F*ing Deep State Plan that would / will allow the very same entities who committed the FISA Court Abuses to 'fix' the process that Schiff scheduled his 1st hearing.

WRAY proved he is another Deep State criminal cut from the same criminal cloth as Mueller and Comey when he called the more than 2 dozen FISA Court abuses under both Mueller and Comey 'troubling', a 'problem', and declared 'some things need to be changed in the FBI.'

CHANGED? Obama administration co-conspirators and the FBI personnel proven to have committed FISA Court Abuses - altered official documents, changed official testimony, withheld exculpatory evidence, manufactured evidence, committed Sedition and Conspiracy violated the Constitution, and broke laws - THEY NEED TO GO TO PRISON.

Wray is another 'In-bred', internally-groomed, criminal FBI 'company' man who is more loyal to the FBI than he is to the country, more interested in protecting the FBI than he is about exposing the crimes committed and taking steps to make sure it never happens. Wray needs to be fired, and an outside, non-FBI, non-partisan, non Deep State person should be appointed as Director, overseeing the cleaning up of the FBI.

National Security
FBI director defends surveillance system used in Trump probe but vows to fix problems exposed by inspector general

Yes, Wray is minimizing the FBI's criminal role in the illegal coup initiated and run by Barry. According to Wray, altering official documents, changing witness testimony, manufacturing fake evidence, withholding exculpatory evidence, intentionally working with a known lying, partisan, agenda-driven foreign spy, knowingly and intentionally using known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence information, committing FISA Court Abuses, knowingly illegally spying on the President and his team...according to Wray this is a great process that just needs some 'tweaks', some minor changes....and no one in the FBI needs to go to jail over any of that.

The massive hypocritical part of this is even YOU know damn-well that if Trump as President had illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Democrat Presidential candidates and their team, committed FISA Court Abuses, etc.... Democrats would not be satisfied with removing him from office, the man would be in jail by now.

This last entire 4-years all of this has been going on, all the evidence has been coming out, you and your fellow snowflakes have defended those responsible over and over and over, no matter how much evidence / facts / reality you have had to deny / refuse to accept. Hell, snowflakes are such sold-out, reality-denying, criminal Democrat Enablers that they can watch Joe Biden give a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukreaine PM - BRAG ABOUT IT - and still claim 'It never happened'.

You continue to prove that such snowflakes, like yourself, are a complete waste of time to talk to.
bunk bunk bunk!

Did you forget that 2 of the 4 Page FISAs were LEGAL and the i's and t's were dotted and crossed....

Why wouldn't this imaginary deep state lie and fabricate as you state, all of the 4 FISAs instead of just 2?
What a bunch of BUNK!
The House Intel committee had a hearing on the Page FISA's with Director Wray last week.... Schiff is not ignoring it....

I guess better late than never, huh, snowflake?

Schiff has facilitated and participated in the corruption, Sedition, Obstruction, and treason that has gone on for the last several years. Despite evidence of the crimes committed by the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and the 17 Intel Agencies Schiff never held 1 Committee hearing to investigate any of it.

After each new US IG report that was released, exposing more corruption, more crime, Schiff never held 1 hearing to investigate.

It was only AFTER the FISA Court, in an attempt to save its own existence and try to continue to operate as it has, came out publicly slamming the FBI for their REPEAT criminal FISA Court Abuses and came up with the STUPID F*ing Deep State Plan that would / will allow the very same entities who committed the FISA Court Abuses to 'fix' the process that Schiff scheduled his 1st hearing.

WRAY proved he is another Deep State criminal cut from the same criminal cloth as Mueller and Comey when he called the more than 2 dozen FISA Court abuses under both Mueller and Comey 'troubling', a 'problem', and declared 'some things need to be changed in the FBI.'

CHANGED? Obama administration co-conspirators and the FBI personnel proven to have committed FISA Court Abuses - altered official documents, changed official testimony, withheld exculpatory evidence, manufactured evidence, committed Sedition and Conspiracy violated the Constitution, and broke laws - THEY NEED TO GO TO PRISON.

Wray is another 'In-bred', internally-groomed, criminal FBI 'company' man who is more loyal to the FBI than he is to the country, more interested in protecting the FBI than he is about exposing the crimes committed and taking steps to make sure it never happens. Wray needs to be fired, and an outside, non-FBI, non-partisan, non Deep State person should be appointed as Director, overseeing the cleaning up of the FBI.

National Security
FBI director defends surveillance system used in Trump probe but vows to fix problems exposed by inspector general

Yes, Wray is minimizing the FBI's criminal role in the illegal coup initiated and run by Barry. According to Wray, altering official documents, changing witness testimony, manufacturing fake evidence, withholding exculpatory evidence, intentionally working with a known lying, partisan, agenda-driven foreign spy, knowingly and intentionally using known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence information, committing FISA Court Abuses, knowingly illegally spying on the President and his team...according to Wray this is a great process that just needs some 'tweaks', some minor changes....and no one in the FBI needs to go to jail over any of that.

The massive hypocritical part of this is even YOU know damn-well that if Trump as President had illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Democrat Presidential candidates and their team, committed FISA Court Abuses, etc.... Democrats would not be satisfied with removing him from office, the man would be in jail by now.

This last entire 4-years all of this has been going on, all the evidence has been coming out, you and your fellow snowflakes have defended those responsible over and over and over, no matter how much evidence / facts / reality you have had to deny / refuse to accept. Hell, snowflakes are such sold-out, reality-denying, criminal Democrat Enablers that they can watch Joe Biden give a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukreaine PM - BRAG ABOUT IT - and still claim 'It never happened'.

You continue to prove that such snowflakes, like yourself, are a complete waste of time to talk to.
bunk bunk bunk!

Did you forget that 2 of the 4 Page FISAs were LEGAL and the i's and t's were dotted and crossed....

Why wouldn't this imaginary deep state lie and fabricate as you state, all of the 4 FISAs instead of just 2?

Yea you are full of bunk. All you EVER do is lie, lie, lie you idiot. See moron, if one page is doctored and thus rendered illegal, the WHOLE THING is illegal. So you’re okay with altering official documents as long as they’re lying to try to get Trump. One would think you’d get tired of your bullshit getting debunked here daily.

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