GOP Candidate In Ohio Argues There Is No Separation Of Church & State

Try to find "Separation Church/State" in the Constitution. It ain't there. As a matter of fact the F.F. thought freedom of religion was so important that they addressed it in the very first Amendment. As usual left wing mostly democrat administrations twisted the issue to the point that a single agnostic idiot once set in motion the bulldozing of a Korean War monument because he was personally offended by the Cross.
There is no "Separation Church/State" in the law of the land aka the Constitution. Like the "right to privacy" (also not contained in the Constitution) that justified the murder of millions of unborn babies, Sep. C/S is the result of a bad decision by Supreme Court Justices.
The Constitution gave freedom of religion to Talmudists to subvert the whole country, and they have.
In all black inner city Churches they promote government to their advantage. And there are Black preacher and their Church who may get local government money sent to them and even cars for driving.
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How many times do you have to make the original point that the congressman is right and there is no Constitutional separation of church and state?
A lot of so-called White evangelical churches get rich off of pushing politics to their followers and doing it all tax free..
Indeed, on both sides. And tax exempt churches funnel big money to candidates anyway. So nobody is touching this with a ten foot pole.
Translation: You are either too lazy to read and understand and respond to the points, or you are a terrified sissy that is afraid of exposing yourself to the information. Or a combination thereof.

That's pretty much a standard LIbtARd reaction to having your lies called out for what they are—try to claim that it is the one who doesn't believe the lies, and calls them out for what they very obviously are; rather than the one who originate or spreads or believes the lies, with whom there is something wrong.

There is nothing new about this tactic. It's pretty much the same tactic described by Hans Christian Andersen in his classic tale about a pair of swindlers employing a similar tactic to suppress dissent among those who doubted that they were really producing the new outfit for the Emperor that they claimed to be producing.
That's pretty much a standard LIbtARd reaction to having your lies called out for what they are
A stupid response, given that you don't even know what's in the article, because you used your usual coping mechanism to shield yourself from it. All bluster, like a prancing little peacock.

"Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel confessed to a Sunday debate crowd that he wouldn't follow the Constitution if elected to the federal office. While all federal officials are mandated to swear an oath to the Constitution, Mandel has serious issues with the first one. "They're trying to take God out of all aspects of society," said Mandel. "And they're trying to water down on the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America."

He went on to say that he doesn't want to "water down" Christianity for those of other faiths and religions -- we should dial it up...."We should be instilling faith in the classroom, in the workplace, and everywhere in society," said Mandel. "There's no such thing as separation of church and state."

Aside from the point this guy is obviously pandering and personally doesn't believe a word of what he is saying -- the fact he feels he has to say this to his base proves one thing....A large part of the conservative base wants a religious much so that people running for national office are willing to say it out loud....funny part is, Mandel is Jewish....but he has no problem telling Evangelicals what they want to hear -- even if the fantasy for those Evangelicals doesn't bode well for Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity....

The same folks who go into hysterics over teaching "critical race theory" to kids (even tho it is not being taught to kids) -- those same folks have no problem with public schools "INSTILLING" Christianity into kids in schools...more evidence that these people are full of shit....Because if you truly believe your Conservative-Christian-American version of God is everywhere, how the fuck can anyone "take him out of society"??

His unwillingness to follow constitutional law will make him a shoo-in with the trump Nazis in Ohio, and truly loved by the remaining portion of the 74 million trump Nazis across the nation.

There certainly is a separation of church and state clause in the Constitution.

" Separation of church and state " is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

But this is only on the federal level.
At least Pennsylvania and Connecticut did have state level, organized religions.
Pennsylvanian being for Quakers, and Connecticut being for the Puritans.
The purpose of the federal establishment clause was then to ensure all different state or local religions than would be equally tolerated.

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