GOP Candidate Ordered To STOP Pointing Out Democrat Failures & Lawlessness

I disagree. Let's pretend we are in a debate. What failed policies? I will defend them. Go.
Just for fun:


Ever increasing grocery prices.

Failure to help broker a peace deal in Ukraine.

Border crisis.

Shall I go on or is that enough? ;)
I disagree. Let's pretend we are in a debate. What failed policies? I will defend them. Go.
Un-Constitutional, illegal, Bational security-threatening, record-setting Open Border illegal immigration resulting in over 2 million illegals being helped into the US (something even Bill Clinton has publicly criticized

- 'Importing' drug Cartels members, enough fyntenal to kill every man, woman, and child in the US, tge eeaths of thousands of Americans

- 'Importing' thieves, murderers, human / child / sex traffickers, violent gangs members, pedophiles, rapists, and Venezuelan prison inmates

- Illegally trafficking illegals across state lines, dumping them by rhe thousands in Red States without notifying local / state officials they are coming

- Then whining & crying about 50 illegals showing up in racist, elitist, hypocritical Democrat Martha's Vineyard.- calling out the Bational Guard because 50 brown-skinned illegals showed up and overwhelmed them ... calling 50 illegals in Martha's Vineyard a 'Humanitarian Crisis'.


- Illegally using tax dollars (Misappropriation of funds) to aid and abet crimes:

-- Helping these criminals enter the US

-- Hiring lawyers to help fund their defense / prevent deportation

-- Illegal trafficking - funding transportation (buses, planes, trains)

-- Using tax dollars to provide criminally with tax payer-funded medical, housing, education, etc...

-- Illegally ordering private citizen business owners to house illegals in (luxury) hotels, apartments, etc...

RACISTLY declaring illegals need to stay in Florida to PICK CROPS

....and this is only 1 of many failed policies. We haven't even gotten to:

- Destruction of US Energy Production

- Inflation

- High gas/ diesel prices

- Supply Chain Crisis

- Baby Formula Shortage

- Food shortage / high costs

- Winter heating costs

- Out of control crime rates

- Democrat-created lawlessness

- Division

- Branding parents 'Domestic terrorists'

- Declaring half of US citizens 'threats'

- Politicization of Govt Agencies

- Using DOJ / FBI as Gestapo to intimidate and violate Anericans rights

I'm not a close minded conservative.

No, you are a lying, propaganda-pushing / parroting, hypocritical, criminal / treasonous Democrat defender and apologist, hate-filked, TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, intolerant snowflake sheep.
OMG this Republican is illegally using those companies names in her ads.

It's like when every musical artist in the world told Trump not to use their music. They don't want to be associated with him.
Every musical artist in the world told Trump that?

Did they ever do that?

I never heard them once say COLT when they talk about AR15's.

Colt is the manufacturer most closely associated with the AR-15
Actually, that would be Armalite, which is what AR comes from, Simp.
Every musical artist in the world told Trump that?


'OK, ALMOST every musical artist in the world...and you're just going to have to take my word for it.'
Un-Constitutional, illegal, Bational security-threatening, record-setting Open Border illegal immigration resulting in over 2 million illegals being helped into the US (something even Bill Clinton has publicly criticized

- 'Importing' drug Cartels members, enough fyntenal to kill every man, woman, and child in the US, tge eeaths of thousands of Americans

- 'Importing' thieves, murderers, human / child / sex traffickers, violent gangs members, pedophiles, rapists, and Venezuelan prison inmates

- Illegally trafficking illegals across state lines, dumping them by rhe thousands in Red States without notifying local / state officials they are coming

- Then whining & crying about 50 illegals showing up in racist, elitist, hypocritical Democrat Martha's Vineyard.- calling out the Bational Guard because 50 brown-skinned illegals showed up and overwhelmed them ... calling 50 illegals in Martha's Vineyard a 'Humanitarian Crisis'.


- Illegally using tax dollars (Misappropriation of funds) to aid and abet crimes:

-- Helping these criminals enter the US

-- Hiring lawyers to help fund their defense / prevent deportation

-- Illegal trafficking - funding transportation (buses, planes, trains)

-- Using tax dollars to provide criminally with tax payer-funded medical, housing, education, etc...

-- Illegally ordering private citizen business owners to house illegals in (luxury) hotels, apartments, etc...

RACISTLY declaring illegals need to stay in Florida to PICK CROPS

....and this is only 1 of many failed policies. We haven't even gotten to:

- Destruction of US Energy Production

- Inflation

- High gas/ diesel prices

- Supply Chain Crisis

- Baby Formula Shortage

- Food shortage / high costs

- Winter heating costs

- Out of control crime rates

- Democrat-created lawlessness

- Division

- Branding parents 'Domestic terrorists'

- Declaring half of US citizens 'threats'

- Politicization of Govt Agencies

- Using DOJ / FBI as Gestapo to intimidate and violate Anericans rights



from Sealybobo, who said he would defend Biden's / Democrats' failed policies...

If you read your own article in the first sentence she proves you to be a liar bro

It said she stopped short of saying she backed the “defund the police” movement.
“Right now, what we’re seeing in America is many cities spend over one-third of their entire city budget on policing but meanwhile we’ve been defunding public schools for years in America,” the California lawmaker continued.

Garcetti last week said he would cut the city’s police budget by up to $150 million to help fund $250 million for youth jobs and health initiatives.
Just for fun:


Ever increasing grocery prices.

Failure to help broker a peace deal in Ukraine.

Border crisis.

Shall I go on or is that enough? ;)

Inflation is our fault? LOL

Broker a peace in Ukraine? Trump and Putin planned the invasion when they met in private. No one else was allowed to be in the room. And Trump might not even realize he did it. Fucking idiot

We have a lot of people seeking asylum. That would happen under Trump but he'd handle it much worse. Those people didn't try to sneak in. Under Trump they would. Trump, and you, are cold hearted bastards. We don't like it either but you know what? If we were going to take 100,000 from Guatamala the normal way, maybe now we only take 20,000 the traditional way because we just had to take in 100,000 as refuges.

I can't believe you would turn people with a legit reason away.
Police don't stop crime.
the fact you think that's what they do is hilarious. So police departments have crystal balls they use to learn about assaults and murders before they happen? The fact you believe that is priceless.
“Right now, what we’re seeing in America is many cities spend over one-third of their entire city budget on policing but meanwhile we’ve been defunding public schools for years in America,” the California lawmaker continued.

Garcetti last week said he would cut the city’s police budget by up to $150 million to help fund $250 million for youth jobs and health initiatives.
Good idea. It's not like most of those cops are "stopping crime". They're eating donuts and writing speeding tickets. We can do better.

AND, we can do better than what we are currently doing with public schools too.
Trump and Putin planned the invasion when they met in private. No one else was allowed to be in the room. And Trump might not even realize he did it. Fucking idiot
I hope trump sues your ass for that sentence.
the fact you think that's what they do is hilarious. So police departments have crystal balls they use to learn about assaults and murders before they happen? The fact you believe that is priceless.
No one wants to defund crime detectives. We're talking about beat cops who beat up citizens for minor shit. Who don't know how to de escilate situations.

How about this. If you catch me speeding, just give me a ticket. No debate. In fact, don't even come to my vehicle. Send a drone to serve me my ticket and peek in my windows.
I hope trump sues your ass for that sentence.
He couldn't. How could I possibly know?

Actually, maybe Putin told me.

And what I said is Trump UNKNOWINGLY gave Putin the green light. He didn't know what he was saying DA to. He should have said NYET but he said DA. He's so fucking ignorant he had no clue how in over his head he was with that KGB president.
Some Repubs are doing both.

That's right.

We know Republicans don't really respect the police. Ask any cop who was at the insurrection.

Not the cops who started the insurrection. There were some of those there that day too you know. White ones. KKK ones. They still exist you know

That's right.

We know Republicans don't really respect the police. Ask any cop who was at the insurrection.

Not the cops who started the insurrection. There were some of those there that day too you know. White ones. KKK ones. They still exist you know

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We know Democrats don't really respect the police. Ask any cop who was murdered by a Democrat.
He couldn't. How could I possibly know?

Actually, maybe Putin told me.

And what I said is Trump UNKNOWINGLY gave Putin the green light. He didn't know what he was saying DA to. He should have said NYET but he said DA. He's so fucking ignorant he had no clue how in over his head he was with that KGB president.
And I'm the king of England after I slept in a Holiday Inn Express.
How about this. If you catch me speeding, just give me a ticket. No debate. In fact, don't even come to my vehicle. Send a drone to serve me my ticket and peek in my windows.
there's so much too that it makes me laugh. Again, your complete vision of police is fked up. Truly. Serve and Protect is their motto. Maybe you should look up what that means before you post something more stupid than your previous two posts.
I hope trump sues your ass for that sentence.
We should never elect this man to high office again

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration​

Trump believed Putin over our own CIA who said Putin did interfere in our election

Similar questions were raised after the disclosure of an unplanned conversation with Putin during a G-20 dinner in Osaka, Japan, in June 2019 during which Trump was not accompanied by an interpreter.

He had told reporters beforehand that his private discussions with Putin were "none of your business."

Yes it is our business. He's not there as a friend. We paid for the gas to get to this event. We need to know what you two talked about. Invading Ukraine or more election meddling? Which one did you discuss?

president went to "extraordinary lengths" to conceal details of his conversations with Putin, leaving some subordinates without a clear record of the world leaders’ interactions.

president and Putin had agreed ... to do something not in our interest and sent the signal to Putin that Trump wanted to confide in him above his own team.
there's so much too that it makes me laugh. Again, your complete vision of police is fked up. Truly. Serve and Protect is their motto. Maybe you should look up what that means before you post something more stupid than your previous two posts.
I like and respect good cops. Doesn't mean I like the police force. It's like I like our democratic process and our government. I love America. Doesn't mean I love everything about America.

Cops and the way we piss money away on policing has to stop/change. Same with prisons.

Just like government needs to be reformed. Too bloated.

Same way unions are a good thing but have gotten too corrupt and beurocratic and not transparent and not accountable.

I have a cop friend. They arrested this black guy and roughed him up. He admits it to me. He said, "that's why we have cop insurance" So the black guy got $100K no problem.

The cops feel this insurance is their policy to continue the same old outdated crap they did in the past. No more.

It's funny how we can all see how public schools need reforming, government needs reforming, unions need reforming. But try to suggest the cops need reforming and you shit your pants.

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