GOP Candidate Rick Perry Dropping Out of 2016 Presidential Race

speaking of special people and intelligence:

as Brian McCormack, a 68-year-old resident of Vienna, Virginia, explained to me at a Wednesday rally against the Iran nuclear deal, Trump's appeal isn't about what or who he stands for — it's about what and who he stands against.

"I'm not convinced that Trump is a true conservative, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I judge him in part by all the people he antagonizes."

One quote that perfectly explains Donald Trump's appeal
To say such a thing without actually thinking it through...

reminds me of people I've met in SoCal who say they like me because it is refreshing to meet somebody who speaks their own mind -- someone who comes across as genuine. What are they saying (in general) about all the people they know?

Voters who would cut off their noses to spite their faces. :eek:
So the village idiot of the Republican candidates drops out. Perry truly is an idiot. This is the guy who said "even a broken clock is right once a day"

The funny thing is he probably has more experience and vision for this country then Paul, Cruz, shitarum or most of the field. This is how hell bent you're to defund, abolish and to weaken this country.
speaking of special people and intelligence:

as Brian McCormack, a 68-year-old resident of Vienna, Virginia, explained to me at a Wednesday rally against the Iran nuclear deal, Trump's appeal isn't about what or who he stands for — it's about what and who he stands against.

"I'm not convinced that Trump is a true conservative, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I judge him in part by all the people he antagonizes."

One quote that perfectly explains Donald Trump's appeal
To say such a thing without actually thinking it through...

reminds me of people I've met in SoCal who say they like me because it is refreshing to meet somebody who speaks their own mind -- someone who comes across as genuine. What are they saying (in general) about all the people they know?

Voters who would cut off their noses to spite their faces. :eek:

Trump is best on immigration so he is best candidate!
speaking of special people and intelligence:

as Brian McCormack, a 68-year-old resident of Vienna, Virginia, explained to me at a Wednesday rally against the Iran nuclear deal, Trump's appeal isn't about what or who he stands for — it's about what and who he stands against.

"I'm not convinced that Trump is a true conservative, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I judge him in part by all the people he antagonizes."

One quote that perfectly explains Donald Trump's appeal
To say such a thing without actually thinking it through...

reminds me of people I've met in SoCal who say they like me because it is refreshing to meet somebody who speaks their own mind -- someone who comes across as genuine. What are they saying (in general) about all the people they know?

Voters who would cut off their noses to spite their faces. :eek:

Trump is best on immigration so he is best candidate!

When he finally drops out...

So the village idiot of the Republican candidates drops out. Perry truly is an idiot. This is the guy who said "even a broken clock is right once a day"

The funny thing is he probably has more experience and vision for this country then Paul, Cruz, shitarum or most of the field. This is how hell bent you're to defund, abolish and to weaken this country.

Trump has the only important vision!! Without immigration reform America will soon look like California!!
So the village idiot of the Republican candidates drops out. Perry truly is an idiot. This is the guy who said "even a broken clock is right once a day"

The funny thing is he probably has more experience and vision for this country then Paul, Cruz, shitarum or most of the field. This is how hell bent you're to defund, abolish and to weaken this country.

Trump has the only important vision!! Without immigration reform America will soon look like California!!
do NOT hijack this thread. Go start an immigration thread of your own
So the village idiot of the Republican candidates drops out. Perry truly is an idiot. This is the guy who said "even a broken clock is right once a day"

The funny thing is he probably has more experience and vision for this country then Paul, Cruz, shitarum or most of the field. This is how hell bent you're to defund, abolish and to weaken this country.

Trump has the only important vision!! Without immigration reform America will soon look like California!!
do NOT hijack this thread. Go start an immigration thread of your own

cute, Dante wants to ponder who's next because he lacks the IQ for more
Gilmore,Graham,Christi,Pataki will be next. Then Paul,Huckabee,Jindal,Fiorina,Santorum and Rubio.Then Bush,Walker,Carson,Cruz. In that exact order at the last part. Gonna be a Trump/Carson ticket. Not that I care.
trump is eventually going to say something he can't recover from and/or his novelty will wear off and people will get bored with him. jindal is circling the drain, fiorina will likely fizzle after the next debate, walker is tanking. cruz is too crazy to make it all the way, so is santorum and huckabee and paul. i honestly think the nominee will be either bush, carson, christie, or kasich.

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