GOP Candidates afraid MORE of the NRA than ISIL?

The best things the DM's could do about it is to quit wasting all that money on investigating Trump and spend it on more security for schools
RIGHT ON Flash . These gun controllers are Enemies , once effective and Efficient Guns are gone out of Americans hands only the Gun Controllers and their taxpayer paid Agents and Employees will have effective and efficient guns Flash .

Yea, look at what they are doing to the Canadians and Australians. LOL
--------------------------------------- they took effective and efficient guns from English and Aussies . I don't know about 'canooks' Sealy .
In the same way that many right wing politicians "accuse" Obama of not wanting to you certain terms when linking terrorism to Islam, these same politicians are afraid of the ire from the NRA in openly stating that any individual who is suspected of terrorist plotting should NOT be allowed to buy automatic weapons or explosive materials.

Whereas Obama does not (rightfully) want us to offend the 1.8 billion Muslims on this planet by tacitly stating that terrorists acts are inspired just by religiosity, GOP candidates are reluctant to "offend" the insanity posed by the powerful NRA lobby in denying ANYONE the right to buy weapons whose only purpose is to kill other human beings..........Go figure.
The NRA is harmless and not pro gun enough, this country needs to be better armed
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

Re-read your post when you sober up and you'll know why I couldn't answer your incoherent crap

The left keeps trying to claim that something needs to change, I agree. However, we have had guns for 200 plus years and only now mass shootings are starting up. If it were the guns, then why have mass shootings been minimal and only now becoming more prevalent?

What has changed in the last 25 years that has caused more mass shootings? It hasn’t been the guns, to blame guns is a lazy way to deal with a much bigger and deeper problem, the left doesn’t want to deal with it, they want the easy way out.

Because it's not the guns I've never seen a gun load itself and go and shoot somebody

And have you ever seen a criminal say OMG, I'm not going to shoot someone because that would be a crime?
No and if they wanted to shoot somebody they would get it a gun illegally if they couldn't get one legally

I was agreeing with you
Re-read your post when you sober up and you'll know why I couldn't answer your incoherent crap

The left keeps trying to claim that something needs to change, I agree. However, we have had guns for 200 plus years and only now mass shootings are starting up. If it were the guns, then why have mass shootings been minimal and only now becoming more prevalent?

What has changed in the last 25 years that has caused more mass shootings? It hasn’t been the guns, to blame guns is a lazy way to deal with a much bigger and deeper problem, the left doesn’t want to deal with it, they want the easy way out.

Because it's not the guns I've never seen a gun load itself and go and shoot somebody

And have you ever seen a criminal say OMG, I'm not going to shoot someone because that would be a crime?
No and if they wanted to shoot somebody they would get it a gun illegally if they couldn't get one legally

I was agreeing with you
I know I was adding that to it
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What's hilarious is that booboo says he's a gun owner, he owns lots of guns. That's how he knows that guns emanate an aura of evil and no one should be allowed to own them

Except government, that would be fine
Yes I’ve purchased guns and I was horrified by how easy it was to buy one


Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

Yeah, I know you regressives are allergic to facts, you ignore the greater threats to keep pushing your control agenda over the people that disagree with you. You can't legally require a criminal to register a firearm and I'll be damned if I will submit to a requirement no criminal can be subjected to. FOAD commie.

What's hilarious is that booboo says he's a gun owner, he owns lots of guns. That's how he knows that guns emanate an aura of evil and no one should be allowed to own them

Except government, that would be fine
Yes I’ve purchased guns and I was horrified by how easy it was to buy one


Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

You don't know what a circular argument is. That made no sense.

The question is why you would want to deny teachers and administrators the right to defend themselves and their students and you'd leave the job up to the government who failed miserably repeatedly in Florida. Just mind bendingly pathetic subservience?
Yes I’ve purchased guns and I was horrified by how easy it was to buy one


Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

Yeah, I know you regressives are allergic to facts, you ignore the greater threats to keep pushing your control agenda over the people that disagree with you. You can't legally require a criminal to register a firearm and I'll be damned if I will submit to a requirement no criminal can be subjected to. FOAD commie.


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. You won't follow laws because criminals won't? You already do. Do you take a gun into school? So right there we know you will be damned and you will submit to a requirement that criminals are subjected to. Unless of course you are telling us you sneak them in and then in that care you are a criminal.

See son, you won't have a say in the matter. The person who sells guns won't sell you one unless you've gone through the proper vetting process. i know you won't like it but that's beside the point.
Yeah, Democrat Fake News has completely lost it. How can folks like this OP be so easily manipulated? No critical thinking. It's madness. :cuckoo:
Yes I’ve purchased guns and I was horrified by how easy it was to buy one


Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

You don't know what a circular argument is. That made no sense.

The question is why you would want to deny teachers and administrators the right to defend themselves and their students and you'd leave the job up to the government who failed miserably repeatedly in Florida. Just mind bendingly pathetic subservience?

Circular goes like this. Lets use global warming as an example.

a. It's a myth
b. It's not that big of a deal
c. Nothing we can do about it
d. It's too late
a. It's a myth.

See you are making an argument I already heard 10 years ago. So you have circled back to it I see. LOL

Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

Yeah, I know you regressives are allergic to facts, you ignore the greater threats to keep pushing your control agenda over the people that disagree with you. You can't legally require a criminal to register a firearm and I'll be damned if I will submit to a requirement no criminal can be subjected to. FOAD commie.


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. You won't follow laws because criminals won't? You already do. Do you take a gun into school? So right there we know you will be damned and you will submit to a requirement that criminals are subjected to. Unless of course you are telling us you sneak them in and then in that care you are a criminal.

See son, you won't have a say in the matter. The person who sells guns won't sell you one unless you've gone through the proper vetting process. i know you won't like it but that's beside the point.

Swish. Obviously he was saying that because criminals don't follow laws your removing his gun rights puts him in danger.

You can agree with that or not, but don't be a fucking imbecile and not get what he wrote.

And I don't know what the dumbest thing you ever read was. But I can assure you that whatever it was, you were the author
RIGHT ON Flash . These gun controllers are Enemies , once effective and Efficient Guns are gone out of Americans hands only the Gun Controllers and their taxpayer paid Agents and Employees will have effective and efficient guns Flash .

Yea, look at what they are doing to the Canadians and Australians. LOL

History is full of examples of what happens when only the government and the crooks have the weapons to resist.

You pink pussy hat red flannel pajama snowflakes trust the government but not real Americans.

Just look what happen in Parkland when the people trusted the government to protect their children.

Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

Yeah, I know you regressives are allergic to facts, you ignore the greater threats to keep pushing your control agenda over the people that disagree with you. You can't legally require a criminal to register a firearm and I'll be damned if I will submit to a requirement no criminal can be subjected to. FOAD commie.


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. You won't follow laws because criminals won't? You already do. Do you take a gun into school? So right there we know you will be damned and you will submit to a requirement that criminals are subjected to. Unless of course you are telling us you sneak them in and then in that care you are a criminal.

See son, you won't have a say in the matter. The person who sells guns won't sell you one unless you've gone through the proper vetting process. i know you won't like it but that's beside the point.

I have no need to go to a school dumb ass, and I avoid businesses that declare themselves gun free zones. Also I have as much say in the matter as your lame ass. And just so you know, I can buy a gun anytime I want from an FFL dealer and he won't even call NICS, it takes about 20 minutes start to finish.

The best things the DM's could do about it is to quit wasting all that money on investigating Trump and spend it on more security for schools

The left doesn't want that. What they want is for every school to be defenseless so after tragedies occur, they can use it to push their anti-gun agenda.
View attachment 182222
And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

They were perfectly legal when the 2nd was adopted, it hasn't changed.

You couldn't be a bigger blowhard nincompoop if you tried.
I really would like to know what usmb gun nuts would say if it were their schools that got shot up.

I know it’s true we can’t stop all shootings. But neither can these good guys with guns.

If it were our schools getting shot up, we would want armed teachers and security.
Planned Parenthood receives government money from the taxpayers. The NRA does not. So of course PP is going to give to everybody to keep their stipend coming in.

"Brilliant" comparison there, moron......Let's see:

P.P. saves quite a few women from cervical or breast cancers and is subsidized by the Feds......(abortion services are NOT paid by the, don't go there.)

Whereas, the NRA gets money from gun manufacturers to ensure that weapons are easily bought by virtually ANYONE who wants such weapons.....

If you can;tell the difference between those TWO provided services......then you best go play with your guns some more.
The NRA primarily gets its money from the membership dues from the 4 to 5 million private gun owners.
Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

Yeah, I know you regressives are allergic to facts, you ignore the greater threats to keep pushing your control agenda over the people that disagree with you. You can't legally require a criminal to register a firearm and I'll be damned if I will submit to a requirement no criminal can be subjected to. FOAD commie.


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. You won't follow laws because criminals won't? You already do. Do you take a gun into school? So right there we know you will be damned and you will submit to a requirement that criminals are subjected to. Unless of course you are telling us you sneak them in and then in that care you are a criminal.

See son, you won't have a say in the matter. The person who sells guns won't sell you one unless you've gone through the proper vetting process. i know you won't like it but that's beside the point.

Swish. Obviously he was saying that because criminals don't follow laws your removing his gun rights puts him in danger.

You can agree with that or not, but don't be a fucking imbecile and not get what he wrote.

And I don't know what the dumbest thing you ever read was. But I can assure you that whatever it was, you were the author

That was funny.
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Would you say that to one of the parents who’s kids got mowed down?

What would you tell them?

Yep, blame the criminal, not their tools. Also more children die going too and from school than at school. A local Houston area school had one dead, more than 20 injured today in a bus crash. Should we ban buses?

Nice circular arguments. Heard them all before. This is why we won't let you have a seat at the table.

Yeah, I know you regressives are allergic to facts, you ignore the greater threats to keep pushing your control agenda over the people that disagree with you. You can't legally require a criminal to register a firearm and I'll be damned if I will submit to a requirement no criminal can be subjected to. FOAD commie.


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. You won't follow laws because criminals won't? You already do. Do you take a gun into school? So right there we know you will be damned and you will submit to a requirement that criminals are subjected to. Unless of course you are telling us you sneak them in and then in that care you are a criminal.

See son, you won't have a say in the matter. The person who sells guns won't sell you one unless you've gone through the proper vetting process. i know you won't like it but that's beside the point.

I have no need to go to a school dumb ass, and I avoid businesses that declare themselves gun free zones. Also I have as much say in the matter as your lame ass. And just so you know, I can buy a gun anytime I want from an FFL dealer and he won't even call NICS, it takes about 20 minutes start to finish.


I know that's horrible and has to stop.
RIGHT ON Flash . These gun controllers are Enemies , once effective and Efficient Guns are gone out of Americans hands only the Gun Controllers and their taxpayer paid Agents and Employees will have effective and efficient guns Flash .

Yea, look at what they are doing to the Canadians and Australians. LOL

History is full of examples of what happens when only the government and the crooks have the weapons to resist.

You pink pussy hat red flannel pajama snowflakes trust the government but not real Americans.

Just look what happen in Parkland when the people trusted the government to protect their children.

Look at what happened in Parkland when you trusted "real" Americans!!!


And seriously, I have been asking but won't get a straight answer. Why shouldn't North Korea get a nuclear weapon? They want one to protect themselves against the same government you don't trust.

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