GOP Candidates afraid MORE of the NRA than ISIL?

If government had done it's job, he would have failed the background check.

Your answer, Trust Government with your LIFE!!!!

The government that waited outside directing traffic DURING the shooting.

You're ONE stupid BITCH
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

Re-read your post when you sober up and you'll know why I couldn't answer your incoherent crap

The left keeps trying to claim that something needs to change, I agree. However, we have had guns for 200 plus years and only now mass shootings are starting up. If it were the guns, then why have mass shootings been minimal and only now becoming more prevalent?

What has changed in the last 25 years that has caused more mass shootings? It hasn’t been the guns, to blame guns is a lazy way to deal with a much bigger and deeper problem, the left doesn’t want to deal with it, they want the easy way out.

Because it's not the guns I've never seen a gun load itself and go and shoot somebody

And have you ever seen a criminal say OMG, I'm not going to shoot someone because that would be a crime?
No and if they wanted to shoot somebody they would get it a gun illegally if they couldn't get one legally
Someone earlier mentioned Virginia tech shooter. Then there’s this kid in Florida.

And remember the recent military guy who had assault charges against him? And didn’t the fbi screw up?

So clearly we give anyone a gun in this country. You can have all the guns you want once you pass the universal background check every gun owner must go through

If government had done it's job, he would have failed the background check.

Your answer, Trust Government with your LIFE!!!!

The government that waited outside directing traffic DURING the shooting.

You're ONE stupid BITCH
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

Re-read your post when you sober up and you'll know why I couldn't answer your incoherent crap

The left keeps trying to claim that something needs to change, I agree. However, we have had guns for 200 plus years and only now mass shootings are starting up. If it were the guns, then why have mass shootings been minimal and only now becoming more prevalent?

What has changed in the last 25 years that has caused more mass shootings? It hasn’t been the guns, to blame guns is a lazy way to deal with a much bigger and deeper problem, the left doesn’t want to deal with it, they want the easy way out.

Because it's not the guns I've never seen a gun load itself and go and shoot somebody
Just cold hard fact. More security will help. We'e got military personnl that could be used
If government had done it's job, he would have failed the background check.

Your answer, Trust Government with your LIFE!!!!

The government that waited outside directing traffic DURING the shooting.

You're ONE stupid BITCH
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

Re-read your post when you sober up and you'll know why I couldn't answer your incoherent crap

The left keeps trying to claim that something needs to change, I agree. However, we have had guns for 200 plus years and only now mass shootings are starting up. If it were the guns, then why have mass shootings been minimal and only now becoming more prevalent?

What has changed in the last 25 years that has caused more mass shootings? It hasn’t been the guns, to blame guns is a lazy way to deal with a much bigger and deeper problem, the left doesn’t want to deal with it, they want the easy way out.

Because it's not the guns I've never seen a gun load itself and go and shoot somebody
Just cold hard fact. More security will help. We'e got military personnl that could be used
why don't they try an fix the problem. We have military personnel on the payroll.
"GOP Candidates afraid MORE of the NRA than ISIL?"

True. And rightly so. The NRA represents a large portion of American voters while isil is a bunch of bloodthirsty foreign nutcases. What's not to understand?
Of course it does. You're both parroting the same talking points from the same people who told you both what to believe. And like the little leftist automatons that you are, you both believe it
Well that's not being mentally ill then is it. It's simply having a different political belief. Are Canadians and Australians mentally ill?

Then maybe it's you who's ill.

You agreed with someone who said that conservative groups aren't representing conservative ideas, conservatives are afraid of them.

It's just the stupid idiocy that you people are.

I know a LOT of NRA members, and zero of us are afraid of the NRA. The NRA is representing our views.

Grow up
I know gun lovers (Me) who don't like the NRA. And I know I'm not alone. We want our guns but we want common sense legislation. Not cowards afraid of this radical terrorist organization that you happen to be a member of.

Not BLM but the NRA is the the terrorist organization. Not occupy Walstreet it's the GOP who are bending us over because of stupid voters.

You'd melt down and cry if you ever touched a gun. Why do leftists insist on the idiotic lie that you're all gun owners, that's how you know that guns emanate an aura of evil?

And BLM isn't a terrorist organization, the NRA is. Just more empty, leftist rhetoric.

If the Democrats do a survey about you, have them send it to me and I'll vouch for you that you actually believe what they tell you to believe and immediately parrot it at every opportunity

You will never stop someone from shooting up a place with one of these


Just stop making these WMD's

20 rounds? Not necessary except to wipe out a bunch of people at a mall.

Or a bunch of wild hogs.

Well that's not being mentally ill then is it. It's simply having a different political belief. Are Canadians and Australians mentally ill?

Then maybe it's you who's ill.

You agreed with someone who said that conservative groups aren't representing conservative ideas, conservatives are afraid of them.

It's just the stupid idiocy that you people are.

I know a LOT of NRA members, and zero of us are afraid of the NRA. The NRA is representing our views.

Grow up
I know gun lovers (Me) who don't like the NRA. And I know I'm not alone. We want our guns but we want common sense legislation. Not cowards afraid of this radical terrorist organization that you happen to be a member of.

Not BLM but the NRA is the the terrorist organization. Not occupy Walstreet it's the GOP who are bending us over because of stupid voters.

You'd melt down and cry if you ever touched a gun. Why do leftists insist on the idiotic lie that you're all gun owners, that's how you know that guns emanate an aura of evil?

And BLM isn't a terrorist organization, the NRA is. Just more empty, leftist rhetoric.

If the Democrats do a survey about you, have them send it to me and I'll vouch for you that you actually believe what they tell you to believe and immediately parrot it at every opportunity

I have a Ten Point Crossbow pussy
I also have a 5 shot derringer revolver. I need a more powerful handgun
I also have a 410 shotgun
I also have a CVA muzzleloader.

And I'm going to buy a 30 odd 6 next.

None of these guns hold 20 rounds. We should ban 20 round guns.

So I'm a rational reasonable person who wants guns but also wants common sense gun legislation.

CNN Poll: Seven in 10 favor tighter gun laws in wake of Parkland shooting - CNNPolitics

I don't want to take your guns but I am one of the 7 out of 10 people.

You won't miss not being able to buy 20 round clips when they aren't on the shelves you won't even notice.

Yes, I agreed with you that Democrats are all gun owners. It's OK when gun owners argue for more gun laws. That's why you make up that you are.

You're a gun owner, which is why you know that when someone starts shooting, we should just wait for a cop to come save us. Sure you are

Hell the idiot doesn't know the difference between a clip and a magazine.

No one is afraid of the NRA. They are afraid of the Constitution supporting members of the NRA. And they should be. They should be terrified. In fact, they aren't afraid enough.
That's because when things get worse, eventually the citizens are going to wake up and realize the 2nd amendment doesn't mean everyone gets to own a WMD.

Again proving you're a leftist hack.

The right to arm yourself does NOT mean that you have a right to have government arm you. You'd know that if you believe half the crap you claim to believe

You have to register you guns fool. And tell the cops when you sell one. Wake the fuck up.

Oh you'll pay for your own guns. You'll also pay for the gun safety program we're gonna make you take. And the phychological profile most of you Republicans won't pass. Based on your interview questions you guys sound like terrorists.

I've never registered a firearm and never plan to.

In the same way that many right wing politicians "accuse" Obama of not wanting to you certain terms when linking terrorism to Islam, these same politicians are afraid of the ire from the NRA in openly stating that any individual who is suspected of terrorist plotting should NOT be allowed to buy automatic weapons or explosive materials.

Whereas Obama does not (rightfully) want us to offend the 1.8 billion Muslims on this planet by tacitly stating that terrorists acts are inspired just by religiosity, GOP candidates are reluctant to "offend" the insanity posed by the powerful NRA lobby in denying ANYONE the right to buy weapons whose only purpose is to kill other human beings..........Go figure.

The Democrats have all that Planned Parenthood money. Far more than the NRA contributes to candidates.

And they're using taxpayer money.

The Democrats have all that Planned Parenthood money. Far more than the NRA contributes to candidates.

Just for other're too far gone to understand or educate yourself

In 2016, PP donated about 450 K to ALL candidates........

In 2016, the NRA (and gun lobby) donated $1,085,100.....
99% of which was to republicans ( $1,071,100)

So you compare a single organization to a single one? How much do other pro baby killing organizations give?

Hillary getting $145 million and Russians getting 20% of our uranium is the definition of quid pro quo.

Track down if even ONE ounce of US uranium has gone to Russia, nitwit...............LOL

Where did I say it went to Russia? You need to address what I said, not what you want me to have said

lets first write "Hillary getting $145 million and Russians getting 20% of our uranium is the definition of quid pro quo."

AND, then you write the above???

You know what sucks? If a Democrat takes even 1 dime from the NRA the Republicans trash them but meanwhile it's ok the NRA owns the GOP???

The NRA spent $144.3 million on outside spending, such as independent expenditures, during that period. In addition, the NRA since 1998 has reported spending a cumulative $45.9 million on federal lobbying, both for its in-house operations and the outside consultants it has retained.

During what period? You got a link or does only out of context quotes support you?

Bad argument. It takes anywhere from a couple seconds to 20 seconds. And that time can make all the difference in the world.

Oh, and since you don't think it makes a difference then you won't mind us making 20 round clips illegal? Because only being allowed a 10 won't slow you down at all you say right? So that's a win win. It'll make us feel better and won't slow you down at all.

How about this? Since there is no difference to you between a 10 and 20 then how about we only allow 5 rounds? That won't slow you down either right?

So now you see why we should make 20 round clips illegal? Of course you do. Because you know you can kill a lot more people with a 20 round clip than you can 2 10's. Fact. And you will prove it by arguing for 20 round clips. You'll claim 20 round clips are somewhere in the constitution.

The Virginia Tech shooter only had a couple of handguns.

Trying to make things illegal doesn't work. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if we make things illegal, that means no one can get them? What does he say about that?

No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

They were perfectly legal when the 2nd was adopted, it hasn't changed.

Jake, I mean Nat and his ilk are ISIL apologists.



Jake does a great Obama imitation
Trump caved to the NRA after mocking senators about " being scared to the NRA. "
Oh boy...isn't THAT quintessential Trump.

Noticed he said " I'm going to talk to the NRA" not I'm going to have to talk to Congress.
Right after he did, he did a backflip on his original proposals.
The Virginia Tech shooter only had a couple of handguns.

Trying to make things illegal doesn't work. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if we make things illegal, that means no one can get them? What does he say about that?

No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

They were perfectly legal when the 2nd was adopted, it hasn't changed.

You couldn't be a bigger blowhard nincompoop if you tried.
Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

You mean because if you make "assault rifles" illegal, no one can get them?

BTW, you claimed you're a gun owner. That would mean to any reasonable person that you're not a stick up your ass idiot who doesn't grasp what "assault rifles" are. Didn't think that one through, did you. As if you ever do
Someone earlier mentioned Virginia tech shooter. Then there’s this kid in Florida.

And remember the recent military guy who had assault charges against him? And didn’t the fbi screw up?

So clearly we give anyone a gun in this country. You can have all the guns you want once you pass the universal background check every gun owner must go through

If government had done it's job, he would have failed the background check.

Your answer, Trust Government with your LIFE!!!!

The government that waited outside directing traffic DURING the shooting.

You're ONE stupid BITCH
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

How about we try putting discipline back in our homes and schools and actually teach kids there are consequences for bad actions other than a time out? And teaching there are winners and losers in games and life instead of giving out participation trophies. That would be one hell of a good start.

Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

We did get rid of assault rifles, for ten years. The conclusion was it didn't make a difference.

You probably know nothing about guns, so let me explain:

An AR is a semi-automatic weapon.
Most handguns are semi-automatic weapons.
Both shoot rounds as fast as you can squeeze the trigger.

That being said, can you tell me what a "assault" rifle ban would do?

What's hilarious is that booboo says he's a gun owner, he owns lots of guns. That's how he knows that guns emanate an aura of evil and no one should be allowed to own them

Except government, that would be fine
Yes I’ve purchased guns and I was horrified by how easy it was to buy one


How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

You mean because if you make "assault rifles" illegal, no one can get them?

BTW, you claimed you're a gun owner. That would mean to any reasonable person that you're not a stick up your ass idiot who doesn't grasp what "assault rifles" are. Didn't think that one through, did you. As if you ever do
Someone earlier mentioned Virginia tech shooter. Then there’s this kid in Florida.

And remember the recent military guy who had assault charges against him? And didn’t the fbi screw up?

So clearly we give anyone a gun in this country. You can have all the guns you want once you pass the universal background check every gun owner must go through

If government had done it's job, he would have failed the background check.

Your answer, Trust Government with your LIFE!!!!

The government that waited outside directing traffic DURING the shooting.

You're ONE stupid BITCH
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

How about we try putting discipline back in our homes and schools and actually teach kids there are consequences for bad actions other than a time out? And teaching there are winners and losers in games and life instead of giving out participation trophies. That would be one hell of a good start.

How do you legislate that bonehead?
View attachment 182222
No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

They were perfectly legal when the 2nd was adopted, it hasn't changed.

You couldn't be a bigger blowhard nincompoop if you tried.

So tell the class, what year was the first semi auto rifle unveiled?

You mean because if you make "assault rifles" illegal, no one can get them?

BTW, you claimed you're a gun owner. That would mean to any reasonable person that you're not a stick up your ass idiot who doesn't grasp what "assault rifles" are. Didn't think that one through, did you. As if you ever do
Someone earlier mentioned Virginia tech shooter. Then there’s this kid in Florida.

And remember the recent military guy who had assault charges against him? And didn’t the fbi screw up?

So clearly we give anyone a gun in this country. You can have all the guns you want once you pass the universal background check every gun owner must go through

If government had done it's job, he would have failed the background check.

Your answer, Trust Government with your LIFE!!!!

The government that waited outside directing traffic DURING the shooting.

You're ONE stupid BITCH
Look at what your way produces. The most crazy gun nut violent cultures.

I used to think Muslims were uncivilized with their suicide bombs. We are almost no better.

Like I said I’ll live with the results either way but it is obvious something has to change. Even if it’s not banning 20 round clips or making every gun owner go through a more thorough background check, something needs to change and republicans offer nothing

How about we try putting discipline back in our homes and schools and actually teach kids there are consequences for bad actions other than a time out? And teaching there are winners and losers in games and life instead of giving out participation trophies. That would be one hell of a good start.

How do you legislate that bonehead?

You should know, you and your ilk passed laws to criminalize it. You created the atmosphere where no one fears authority of any kind, and there's always an excuse for bad behavior. It was reemphasized by your dear leader in the very county where the FL shooting occurred. Now you want to take away the rights of responsible people because you created 2-3 generations of irresponsible ones. FOAD

So some bureaucrat gets to decide who loses their 2nd amendment rights with no charges, or conviction?

Any different than "some [right wing] bureaucrat" deciding that all Syrian refugees may be terrorists?

Yes, very different. When we stop immigration from Syria, we aren't taking away anybody's constitutional rights. How do you not notice that distinction?

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