GOP Candidates afraid MORE of the NRA than ISIL?

The Democrats have all that Planned Parenthood money. Far more than the NRA contributes to candidates.

Just for other're too far gone to understand or educate yourself

In 2016, PP donated about 450 K to ALL candidates........

In 2016, the NRA (and gun lobby) donated $1,085,100.....
99% of which was to republicans ( $1,071,100)
Planned Parenthood contributions, stop lying.


ranks 328 of 14,549

$1,425,752 (2017)
ranks 345 of 3,438 in 2017

ranks 13 of 88

Planned Parenthood: Summary | OpenSecrets
You'd melt down and cry if you ever touched a gun. Why do leftists insist on the idiotic lie that you're all gun owners, that's how you know that guns emanate an aura of evil?

And BLM isn't a terrorist organization, the NRA is. Just more empty, leftist rhetoric.

If the Democrats do a survey about you, have them send it to me and I'll vouch for you that you actually believe what they tell you to believe and immediately parrot it at every opportunity

You will never stop someone from shooting up a place with one of these


Just stop making these WMD's

20 rounds? Not necessary except to wipe out a bunch of people at a mall.

Because a 10 round mag takes how long to swap out?

Bad argument. It takes anywhere from a couple seconds to 20 seconds. And that time can make all the difference in the world.

Oh, and since you don't think it makes a difference then you won't mind us making 20 round clips illegal? Because only being allowed a 10 won't slow you down at all you say right? So that's a win win. It'll make us feel better and won't slow you down at all.

How about this? Since there is no difference to you between a 10 and 20 then how about we only allow 5 rounds? That won't slow you down either right?

So now you see why we should make 20 round clips illegal? Of course you do. Because you know you can kill a lot more people with a 20 round clip than you can 2 10's. Fact. And you will prove it by arguing for 20 round clips. You'll claim 20 round clips are somewhere in the constitution.

When the cops give up their high capacity mags, I'll think about it.

No, i want something back in return. Repeal NYC's law that requires a 3-6 month waiting period and $500 or so in fees just to keep a freaking handgun in my own apartment.

No, the fact is morons like you think giving the gun control people something like this will placate them. It's Neville-ism, except at least had the excuse of being Neville Chamberlain and didn't have his own example of how appeasement never works.

I would be willing to let NY residents own a gun without having to wait 6 months.

Mighty white of you.

The issue is with people who think that's OK in power why should anyone who believes in the RKBA trust anyone on the gun control side?
The anti-gun folks are adding fuel to the fire by going to the extreme of calling for banning all guns and especially by accusing gun-rights people of not caring about dead children and by comparing the NRA to terrorists.
Because a 10 round mag takes how long to swap out?

Bad argument. It takes anywhere from a couple seconds to 20 seconds. And that time can make all the difference in the world.

Oh, and since you don't think it makes a difference then you won't mind us making 20 round clips illegal? Because only being allowed a 10 won't slow you down at all you say right? So that's a win win. It'll make us feel better and won't slow you down at all.

How about this? Since there is no difference to you between a 10 and 20 then how about we only allow 5 rounds? That won't slow you down either right?

So now you see why we should make 20 round clips illegal? Of course you do. Because you know you can kill a lot more people with a 20 round clip than you can 2 10's. Fact. And you will prove it by arguing for 20 round clips. You'll claim 20 round clips are somewhere in the constitution.

The Virginia Tech shooter only had a couple of handguns.

Trying to make things illegal doesn't work. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if we make things illegal, that means no one can get them? What does he say about that?

No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

We see when we introduce more guns we have

more accidents
more shootings that otherwise would have just been fists or words
more people snapping and shooting.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

Go ahead and arm more people


US murder and violent crime rate.png
Seventy-eight percent of Americans favor banning the sale of AR-15 style weapons to people under the age of 21, according to a recent SurveyMonkey poll.

Let's call it 80%

I think we can make a deal.

Since (according to the left) constitutional rights can have age restrictions, why not also make 21 years old the minimum voting age? It think it's a fair trade if you ask me.
Hillary getting $145 million and Russians getting 20% of our uranium is the definition of quid pro quo.

Track down if even ONE ounce of US uranium has gone to Russia, nitwit...............LOL

Where did I say it went to Russia? You need to address what I said, not what you want me to have said

lets first write "Hillary getting $145 million and Russians getting 20% of our uranium is the definition of quid pro quo."

AND, then you write the above???

You know what sucks? If a Democrat takes even 1 dime from the NRA the Republicans trash them but meanwhile it's ok the NRA owns the GOP???

The NRA spent $144.3 million on outside spending, such as independent expenditures, during that period. In addition, the NRA since 1998 has reported spending a cumulative $45.9 million on federal lobbying, both for its in-house operations and the outside consultants it has retained.

Are you saying Democrats didn't get some of that money? Wanna bet?
The Democrats have all that Planned Parenthood money. Far more than the NRA contributes to candidates.

Just for other're too far gone to understand or educate yourself

In 2016, PP donated about 450 K to ALL candidates........

In 2016, the NRA (and gun lobby) donated $1,085,100.....
99% of which was to republicans ( $1,071,100)

Planned Parenthood receives government money from the taxpayers. The NRA does not. So of course PP is going to give to everybody to keep their stipend coming in.
It's a lot easier now that it's legal here in Michigan. Ask your Pharamcutical rep.

That didn't address my point. And I believe only medial pot is legal in Michigan

I have a medical card.

That card does not allow you to sell pot, that allows you to buy pot at a dispensary.
How did I buy this $25,600 boat straight up cash? Don’t hate papa

With ill gotten gains. I don't hate, not in my nature.
It could have come from my real gig. Who knows. It’s all part of sealybobo inc.

I don’t stuff contractors. Maybe if I did I’d be potus
The Virginia Tech shooter only had a couple of handguns.

Trying to make things illegal doesn't work. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if we make things illegal, that means no one can get them? What does he say about that?

No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore
Hillary getting $145 million and Russians getting 20% of our uranium is the definition of quid pro quo.

Track down if even ONE ounce of US uranium has gone to Russia, nitwit...............LOL

Where did I say it went to Russia? You need to address what I said, not what you want me to have said

lets first write "Hillary getting $145 million and Russians getting 20% of our uranium is the definition of quid pro quo."

AND, then you write the above???

You know what sucks? If a Democrat takes even 1 dime from the NRA the Republicans trash them but meanwhile it's ok the NRA owns the GOP???

The NRA spent $144.3 million on outside spending, such as independent expenditures, during that period. In addition, the NRA since 1998 has reported spending a cumulative $45.9 million on federal lobbying, both for its in-house operations and the outside consultants it has retained.

Can you link this please.
I’m not at my computer sorry. I just googled it
Seventy-eight percent of Americans favor banning the sale of AR-15 style weapons to people under the age of 21, according to a recent SurveyMonkey poll.

Let's call it 80%

I think we can make a deal.

Since (according to the left) constitutional rights can have age restrictions, why not also make 21 years old the minimum voting age? It think it's a fair trade if you ask me.
I don’t want to discourage voting do you?
Bad argument. It takes anywhere from a couple seconds to 20 seconds. And that time can make all the difference in the world.

Oh, and since you don't think it makes a difference then you won't mind us making 20 round clips illegal? Because only being allowed a 10 won't slow you down at all you say right? So that's a win win. It'll make us feel better and won't slow you down at all.

How about this? Since there is no difference to you between a 10 and 20 then how about we only allow 5 rounds? That won't slow you down either right?

So now you see why we should make 20 round clips illegal? Of course you do. Because you know you can kill a lot more people with a 20 round clip than you can 2 10's. Fact. And you will prove it by arguing for 20 round clips. You'll claim 20 round clips are somewhere in the constitution.

The Virginia Tech shooter only had a couple of handguns.

Trying to make things illegal doesn't work. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if we make things illegal, that means no one can get them? What does he say about that?

No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

We see when we introduce more guns we have

more accidents
more shootings that otherwise would have just been fists or words
more people snapping and shooting.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

Go ahead and arm more people

View attachment 182187

View attachment 182188

Booboo doesn't like facts. They confuse him
No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

We did get rid of assault rifles, for ten years. The conclusion was it didn't make a difference.

You probably know nothing about guns, so let me explain:

An AR is a semi-automatic weapon.
Most handguns are semi-automatic weapons.
Both shoot rounds as fast as you can squeeze the trigger.

That being said, can you tell me what a "assault" rifle ban would do?
No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

You mean because if you make "assault rifles" illegal, no one can get them?

BTW, you claimed you're a gun owner. That would mean to any reasonable person that you're not a stick up your ass idiot who doesn't grasp what "assault rifles" are. Didn't think that one through, did you. As if you ever do
The Virginia Tech shooter only had a couple of handguns.

Trying to make things illegal doesn't work. Have you asked your drug dealer about your theory that if we make things illegal, that means no one can get them? What does he say about that?

No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

We see when we introduce more guns we have

more accidents
more shootings that otherwise would have just been fists or words
more people snapping and shooting.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

Go ahead and arm more people

View attachment 182187

View attachment 182188

Booboo doesn't like facts. They confuse him
When it comes down to it I’m probably voting democratic but I’ll be ok even if republicans win. If voters agree with you and the nra I’ll live with it. Will you live if gun legislation wins?
Seventy-eight percent of Americans favor banning the sale of AR-15 style weapons to people under the age of 21, according to a recent SurveyMonkey poll.

Let's call it 80%

I think we can make a deal.

Since (according to the left) constitutional rights can have age restrictions, why not also make 21 years old the minimum voting age? It think it's a fair trade if you ask me.
I don’t want to discourage voting do you?

That's not the point. The point is if we can place age requirements on constitutional rights the left doesn't like, why can't we Republicans do the same? After all, it's either open season on constitutional rights or it isn't.

And yes, I would like to discourage kids from voting.
In the same way that many right wing politicians "accuse" Obama of not wanting to you certain terms when linking terrorism to Islam, these same politicians are afraid of the ire from the NRA in openly stating that any individual who is suspected of terrorist plotting should NOT be allowed to buy automatic weapons or explosive materials.

Whereas Obama does not (rightfully) want us to offend the 1.8 billion Muslims on this planet by tacitly stating that terrorists acts are inspired just by religiosity, GOP candidates are reluctant to "offend" the insanity posed by the powerful NRA lobby in denying ANYONE the right to buy weapons whose only purpose is to kill other human beings..........Go figure.
The NRA consists only of four to five million "legal" gun owners, most of which are voters. The NRA gun owners are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to private citizens who own guns. The total number of private gun owners in the US is between 85 to 100 "million" individuals, most of whom are "voters." While that majority of us are not card-carrying NRA members, we see where the left has made it a mandate to, over time, get rid of our 2nd Amendment and disarm us and because of this, more and more of us are beginning to side with the NRA, member or not.
Nowhere does the NRA support the purchase of "automatic weapons" or explosive materials (other than actual bullets for the owners firearms and black powder for those who own muzzleloaders). Automatic weapons are only in the possession of the military and those with valid Federal Firearms Licenses and those aren't your average civilians.
Now, as for the 2nd Amendment, it was never created for: A. Hunting. or, B. Sport Shooting.
It's entire purpose is so that "ALL" citizens within a state, may own firearms so that they "may' provide for a militia in their state to protect against any tyrannical government, whether that government be foreign OR DOMESTIC. And, considering how the far-left is headed, a tyrannical home grown government is a good possibility.
No one ever said we could stop every shooter.

Oh, and look what happened at one point during the rampage

........Next, Cho went across the hall and into room 207, where instructor Jamie Bishop was teaching German. Cho shot at a student, then at Bishop, then at the rest of the students, killing Bishop and four students; six students were wounded.

If he had more powerful guns he probably would have killed more.

And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

We see when we introduce more guns we have

more accidents
more shootings that otherwise would have just been fists or words
more people snapping and shooting.

Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

Go ahead and arm more people

View attachment 182187

View attachment 182188

Booboo doesn't like facts. They confuse him
When it comes down to it I’m probably voting democratic but I’ll be ok even if republicans win. If voters agree with you and the nra I’ll live with it. Will you live if gun legislation wins?

Gotcha. Just because you voted Democratic in every other election in your life doesn't mean anyone really knows how you will vote this time
And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

You mean because if you make "assault rifles" illegal, no one can get them?

BTW, you claimed you're a gun owner. That would mean to any reasonable person that you're not a stick up your ass idiot who doesn't grasp what "assault rifles" are. Didn't think that one through, did you. As if you ever do
Someone earlier mentioned Virginia tech shooter. Then there’s this kid in Florida.

And remember the recent military guy who had assault charges against him? And didn’t the fbi screw up?

So clearly we give anyone a gun in this country. You can have all the guns you want once you pass the universal background check every gun owner must go through
And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

We did get rid of assault rifles, for ten years. The conclusion was it didn't make a difference.

You probably know nothing about guns, so let me explain:

An AR is a semi-automatic weapon.
Most handguns are semi-automatic weapons.
Both shoot rounds as fast as you can squeeze the trigger.

That being said, can you tell me what a "assault" rifle ban would do?

What's hilarious is that booboo says he's a gun owner, he owns lots of guns. That's how he knows that guns emanate an aura of evil and no one should be allowed to own them

Except government, that would be fine
And if you hadn't disarmed everyone, he may have been shot before he could kill any of them.

You have no plan at all other than disarm honest citizens, let's pretend shooters can't buy illegal guns. Just wait for the cops who sat outside and waited for the shooting to stop so they could direct traffic and draw lines around the victims.

Great plan. Wow, we could have used you in WWII in Europe

Your solution is to give everyone a death ray gun and you feel safe because you are carrying one? Stupid.

Now I see why North Korea wants a nuke. How can you argue with them? You would have to be a hypocrite.
Not only that, but they are also not pushing for the right to own functional artillery weapons, although the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms.

Exactly that the 2nd amendment does not specify what kind of arms. We have every right to specify it. The process is 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4.

I'd have no problem with a reasonable amendment limiting things like nuclear weapons and that sort of thing. But that would need to come with a reasonable end to the unreasonable 2nd amendment restrictions government is doing now
How about a reasonable amendment limiting things like assault rifles?

Think about how valuable your assault rifle will be when they don’t make them anymore. Then crazy random lunitic kids won’t get their hands on them anymore

We did get rid of assault rifles, for ten years. The conclusion was it didn't make a difference.

You probably know nothing about guns, so let me explain:

An AR is a semi-automatic weapon.
Most handguns are semi-automatic weapons.
Both shoot rounds as fast as you can squeeze the trigger.

That being said, can you tell me what a "assault" rifle ban would do?
No 20 clips

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