GOP candidates' fatal problem/ Delusions

Democrats and the liberal media like to give advice to Republicans how they will be defeated if they have conservative candidates.

Republicans followed this advice, nominated moderates THREE TIMES. All resulted in losses.

So shut up with your advice.
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.
The majority of Americans aren't RWNJ, Yet they pander to the kooks

Touting radical positions to win the adoration of a base that does not represent the majority of American society.

GOP candidates fatal problem -

I just love the fact these clowns are all desperate to undo the Donald Dump magic and will say and do just about anything to get attention. Last night, other than attacking Hillary...I mean, do they ever ever ever ever ever ever ever have a solution, other than tax cuts for the american stupid, ie their peps? I'm just glad Dumb Donald is there to make all these morons shine like the clowns they are.
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.
The government is 18 trillion dollars in debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock Real Time

Do you have any plan for paying any of this off?
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.

Matt, the state of Ky. has some of the poorest people in the nation living there and these people vote the GOP ticket consistantly. Without welfare, these people would starve to death, yet they hate the gov. What this country has are people who are simply pink and ignorant and its a generational thing. And it won't end any time soon.
I am getting the feeling that liberalism causes people to turn into stark raving lunatics.
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.

Matt, the state of Ky. has some of the poorest people in the nation living there and these people vote the GOP ticket consistantly. Without welfare, these people would starve to death, yet they hate the gov. What this country has are people who are simply pink and ignorant and its a generational thing. And it won't end any time soon.
In other words, you hate poor white people. That makes you a bigot.
You can not fix the problem until you acknowledge it~ otherwise it is denial ~ sometimes you have to hit the bottom to see it and change. At least they aren't obsessed about birth control so far, I get so pissed off.
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.

Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education.

I'd love to see our education funding educating American kids, instead of illegals.
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.
The government is 18 trillion dollars in debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock Real Time

Do you have any plan for paying any of this off?

Can you show me how spending on infrastructure that is at its lowest level in nearly 30 years is causing this debt? Can you show me the same for science and education? Why punish something that isn't the problem???

Someone that really wanted to do something about the debt would look for the causes of it. Wars, healthcare, bank bail-outs and ssi are at the core of it...

Decreasing the size of the economy isn't part of my plan to pay it off,,,no. Breaking up monopolies so small businesses can compete, stopping the wars and making the rich pay is....We had a far stronger middle class during the 50s and the rich paid at least double what they do today.

We favor our businesses by stopping the outsourcing and punishing the corporations that disrespect our country.
Exactly! Most Americas love seeing their government build infrastructure, invest in science, r&d and fund education. Only the kooks that can't stand seeing resources go into our own country have a problem with it.

The kooks would rather all the resources go to the 1% and everyone be fucked.

Matt, the state of Ky. has some of the poorest people in the nation living there and these people vote the GOP ticket consistantly. Without welfare, these people would starve to death, yet they hate the gov. What this country has are people who are simply pink and ignorant and its a generational thing. And it won't end any time soon.
In other words, you hate poor white people. That makes you a bigot.

No, I just hate ignorant motherfuckers who are white bthces in the south hating on minorities, when all em got bi racial babies or white motherfuckers hating on the gov. while cashing SSI checks and welfare checks or Paul who spent a fortune in Ky to get elected to a GOV JOB he rallies against, not mention taking medicare....$$$$$$$$$$$ to get his wealth!!!

Thats the kinda shit that ticks my black ass off!!

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