GOP creates "targets" publishing personal info on women who've had an abortion



Tennessee bill would force state to publicly name abortion doctors

Known as H.B. 3308, or the “Life Defense Act of 2012,” the bill would not actually level any real “defense” of human embryos. Instead, it would require the Tennessee Department of Health to publish more detailed information about abortions carried out in the state, including the names of doctors who performed them and the hospitals they work with.

It would also require detailed statistics on abortions, including time, date, the woman’s medical conditions at the time, the age of the fetus, the type of procedure performed, the location of the procedure, and the woman’s age, race and marital status, along with details on how many times she has been pregnant.

While the bill’s proponents point to language in the legislative text that protects the identity of each patient, critics argue that the enhanced statistics reporting could be used to identify women who’ve had abortions in small, rural communities.

Don’t Let Tennessee Publish Abortion Doctor and Patient Information Online

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill that would result in the online publication of doctors performing abortions as well the demographics of those who receive an abortion. This new measure could lead to the endangerment of abortion doctors and the possible identification of individuals obtaining abortions.


The measure sponsored by Republican Rep. Matthew Hill of Jonesborough would require physicians performing abortions to hold hospital privileges in either the home or adjacent county of the woman seeking an abortion. It was approved 72-24 on Thursday. Eight Democrats voted for the mostly Republican-backed proposal.

Rep. Gary Odom, D-Nashville, was among critics who questioned why abortions would be singled out for extra restrictions on doctors, when others like tonsillectomies to eye operations would not.

He questioned Hill's assertion that abortions are being performed illegally in Tennessee by out-of-state doctors. Hill later acknowledged that he had no direct knowledge of such activity.

House OKs New Restrictions on Abortion Doctors - Memphis Daily News

While publishing the names of doctors was eventually dropped, the other onerous parts weren't. Good. I WANT Republicans to run on this stuff. I'm sure it's the path to the presidency. That and "Education is for snobs" and "let him die".
So identifying abortion doctors somehow equals targeting people who get abortions?

Talk about a lie.
Deany's world...I'm sure he blames Republicans...for wanting to preserve life...Go figure.
Tennessee bill would force state to publicly name abortion doctors

Known as H.B. 3308, or the “Life Defense Act of 2012,” the bill would not actually level any real “defense” of human embryos. Instead, it would require the Tennessee Department of Health to publish more detailed information about abortions carried out in the state, including the names of doctors who performed them and the hospitals they work with.

It would also require detailed statistics on abortions, including time, date, the woman’s medical conditions at the time, the age of the fetus, the type of procedure performed, the location of the procedure, and the woman’s age, race and marital status, along with details on how many times she has been pregnant.

While the bill’s proponents point to language in the legislative text that protects the identity of each patient, critics argue that the enhanced statistics reporting could be used to identify women who’ve had abortions in small, rural communities.

Don’t Let Tennessee Publish Abortion Doctor and Patient Information Online

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill that would result in the online publication of doctors performing abortions as well the demographics of those who receive an abortion. This new measure could lead to the endangerment of abortion doctors and the possible identification of individuals obtaining abortions.


The measure sponsored by Republican Rep. Matthew Hill of Jonesborough would require physicians performing abortions to hold hospital privileges in either the home or adjacent county of the woman seeking an abortion. It was approved 72-24 on Thursday. Eight Democrats voted for the mostly Republican-backed proposal.

Rep. Gary Odom, D-Nashville, was among critics who questioned why abortions would be singled out for extra restrictions on doctors, when others like tonsillectomies to eye operations would not.

He questioned Hill's assertion that abortions are being performed illegally in Tennessee by out-of-state doctors. Hill later acknowledged that he had no direct knowledge of such activity.

House OKs New Restrictions on Abortion Doctors - Memphis Daily News

While publishing the names of doctors was eventually dropped, the other onerous parts weren't. Good. I WANT Republicans to run on this stuff. I'm sure it's the path to the presidency. That and "Education is for snobs" and "let him die".
Seems like these bastards just don't learn do they...?


They've already excersized their willingness to take not-so-well coded instructions from their leader Herr Palin..


They've already shown they have no respect for neither God, man nor life...


What needs to happen to shut these radical RW bastards down?
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That's pretty crappy making them a matter of public record, no other purpose than to make the risk of public exposure a deterrent.
Tennessee bill would force state to publicly name abortion doctors

Known as H.B. 3308, or the “Life Defense Act of 2012,” the bill would not actually level any real “defense” of human embryos. Instead, it would require the Tennessee Department of Health to publish more detailed information about abortions carried out in the state, including the names of doctors who performed them and the hospitals they work with.

It would also require detailed statistics on abortions, including time, date, the woman’s medical conditions at the time, the age of the fetus, the type of procedure performed, the location of the procedure, and the woman’s age, race and marital status, along with details on how many times she has been pregnant.

While the bill’s proponents point to language in the legislative text that protects the identity of each patient, critics argue that the enhanced statistics reporting could be used to identify women who’ve had abortions in small, rural communities.

Don’t Let Tennessee Publish Abortion Doctor and Patient Information Online

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill that would result in the online publication of doctors performing abortions as well the demographics of those who receive an abortion. This new measure could lead to the endangerment of abortion doctors and the possible identification of individuals obtaining abortions.


The measure sponsored by Republican Rep. Matthew Hill of Jonesborough would require physicians performing abortions to hold hospital privileges in either the home or adjacent county of the woman seeking an abortion. It was approved 72-24 on Thursday. Eight Democrats voted for the mostly Republican-backed proposal.

Rep. Gary Odom, D-Nashville, was among critics who questioned why abortions would be singled out for extra restrictions on doctors, when others like tonsillectomies to eye operations would not.

He questioned Hill's assertion that abortions are being performed illegally in Tennessee by out-of-state doctors. Hill later acknowledged that he had no direct knowledge of such activity.

House OKs New Restrictions on Abortion Doctors - Memphis Daily News

While publishing the names of doctors was eventually dropped, the other onerous parts weren't. Good. I WANT Republicans to run on this stuff. I'm sure it's the path to the presidency. That and "Education is for snobs" and "let him die".
Seems like these bastards just don't learn do they...?


They've already excersized their willingness to take not-so-well coded instructions from their leader Herr Palin..


They've already shown they have no respect for neither God, man nor life...


What needs to happen to shut these radical RW bastards down?

you're a f*cking slobbering bozo,seriously, if brains were speed you'd be a 1 legged tree sloth.
Why do we have so much ammo on the radicalness of the right?

You people shouldn't be mad at me for pointing it should be mad at your leaders and/or yourselves for being so reprehensible.

Only God can save you people.
Tennessee bill would force state to publicly name abortion doctors

Known as H.B. 3308, or the “Life Defense Act of 2012,” the bill would not actually level any real “defense” of human embryos. Instead, it would require the Tennessee Department of Health to publish more detailed information about abortions carried out in the state, including the names of doctors who performed them and the hospitals they work with.

It would also require detailed statistics on abortions, including time, date, the woman’s medical conditions at the time, the age of the fetus, the type of procedure performed, the location of the procedure, and the woman’s age, race and marital status, along with details on how many times she has been pregnant.

While the bill’s proponents point to language in the legislative text that protects the identity of each patient, critics argue that the enhanced statistics reporting could be used to identify women who’ve had abortions in small, rural communities.

Don’t Let Tennessee Publish Abortion Doctor and Patient Information Online

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill that would result in the online publication of doctors performing abortions as well the demographics of those who receive an abortion. This new measure could lead to the endangerment of abortion doctors and the possible identification of individuals obtaining abortions.


The measure sponsored by Republican Rep. Matthew Hill of Jonesborough would require physicians performing abortions to hold hospital privileges in either the home or adjacent county of the woman seeking an abortion. It was approved 72-24 on Thursday. Eight Democrats voted for the mostly Republican-backed proposal.

Rep. Gary Odom, D-Nashville, was among critics who questioned why abortions would be singled out for extra restrictions on doctors, when others like tonsillectomies to eye operations would not.

He questioned Hill's assertion that abortions are being performed illegally in Tennessee by out-of-state doctors. Hill later acknowledged that he had no direct knowledge of such activity.

House OKs New Restrictions on Abortion Doctors - Memphis Daily News

While publishing the names of doctors was eventually dropped, the other onerous parts weren't. Good. I WANT Republicans to run on this stuff. I'm sure it's the path to the presidency. That and "Education is for snobs" and "let him die".
Seems like these bastards just don't learn do they...?


They've already excersized their willingness to take not-so-well coded instructions from their leader Herr Palin..


They've already shown they have no respect for neither God, man nor life...


What needs to happen to shut these radical RW bastards down?

Herr Palin told her followers...

"Don't retreat...RELOAD!!"


*clips dropping*

50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.
Tennessee bill would force state to publicly name abortion doctors

Known as H.B. 3308, or the “Life Defense Act of 2012,” the bill would not actually level any real “defense” of human embryos. Instead, it would require the Tennessee Department of Health to publish more detailed information about abortions carried out in the state, including the names of doctors who performed them and the hospitals they work with.

It would also require detailed statistics on abortions, including time, date, the woman’s medical conditions at the time, the age of the fetus, the type of procedure performed, the location of the procedure, and the woman’s age, race and marital status, along with details on how many times she has been pregnant.

While the bill’s proponents point to language in the legislative text that protects the identity of each patient, critics argue that the enhanced statistics reporting could be used to identify women who’ve had abortions in small, rural communities.

Don’t Let Tennessee Publish Abortion Doctor and Patient Information Online

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill that would result in the online publication of doctors performing abortions as well the demographics of those who receive an abortion. This new measure could lead to the endangerment of abortion doctors and the possible identification of individuals obtaining abortions.


The measure sponsored by Republican Rep. Matthew Hill of Jonesborough would require physicians performing abortions to hold hospital privileges in either the home or adjacent county of the woman seeking an abortion. It was approved 72-24 on Thursday. Eight Democrats voted for the mostly Republican-backed proposal.

Rep. Gary Odom, D-Nashville, was among critics who questioned why abortions would be singled out for extra restrictions on doctors, when others like tonsillectomies to eye operations would not.

He questioned Hill's assertion that abortions are being performed illegally in Tennessee by out-of-state doctors. Hill later acknowledged that he had no direct knowledge of such activity.

House OKs New Restrictions on Abortion Doctors - Memphis Daily News

While publishing the names of doctors was eventually dropped, the other onerous parts weren't. Good. I WANT Republicans to run on this stuff. I'm sure it's the path to the presidency. That and "Education is for snobs" and "let him die".
Seems like these bastards just don't learn do they...?


They've already excersized their willingness to take not-so-well coded instructions from their leader Herr Palin..


They've already shown they have no respect for neither God, man nor life...


What needs to happen to shut these radical RW bastards down?

I can't even remotely imagine what it must be like to spend your life being a liar, a hypocrite, a carpetbagger, a snake oil salesman, and a complete and utter IDIOT, such as YOU are.

You insist on privacy for abortion doctors and female abortionists, mourn the occasional death of an abortion doctor, but have NOTHING to say about the 50+ MILLION unborn babies who have been slaughtered by these same people.

You are one sick puppy. Too bad your mother didn't choose abortion when she was incubating you. Think about that, Malcolm.
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

They do have a right to own guns. They just have the inability to use them.

You think humans dont have their God given rights just because they are incubating?
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

They do have a right to own guns. They just have the inability to use them.

You think humans dont have their God given rights just because they are incubating?

A raspberry size clump of cells is not a human.

An egg is not a chicken, Mr. Pro Child Abuse.
So because i oppose you murdering youru child and if you do have your child you choose to abuse him/her, im the one who is pro child abuse? Ive never heard anything so absurd.

You want to stop abusing children? How about first you start killing them? I can't imagine anything more abusive than killing a child on purpose.

Christ said "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." what greater offense can you do to a child than kill it in it's early years.

Your choice between abortion and child abuse is nothing but a false dischotemy because one is just a form of the other.

Now tell me, when you stand before the judgment bar of God and He asks you why you supported the killing of unborn children, do you think there is any answer you can give God for why you didn't use your agency to oppose it that would cleanse you from having the blood of so many on your hands?
Curious. Why do right wingers only care about children before they're born. You have Republicans like Andre Bauer saying if you starve them they won't reproduce.

Then there's "Saint" Sarah who cut funding for special needs children by 62% and she cut funding for unwed mothers.

[ame=]Palin Cut Funding for Special Needs Kids - YouTube[/ame]

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

This is what they call "right wing compassion".
You do realize that you've just created the biggest straw man ever right? Who, other than you, claims we only care about children while they are unborn?
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

They do have a right to own guns. They just have the inability to use them.

You think humans dont have their God given rights just because they are incubating?

And are unable to speak for themselves...Always with the Statists...Go for the throats and the lives of the innocent. Shows the Statist for the COWARDS they are.
I can't even remotely imagine what it must be like to spend your life being a liar, a hypocrite, a carpetbagger, a snake oil salesman, and a complete and utter IDIOT, such as YOU are.

You insist on privacy for abortion doctors and female abortionists, mourn the occasional death of an abortion doctor, but have NOTHING to say about the 50+ MILLION unborn babies who have been slaughtered by these same people.

You are one sick puppy. Too bad your mother didn't choose abortion when she was incubating you. Think about that, Malcolm.
Lemme're of the RW evangelical self-proclaimed Christian ilk?

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