GOP Darrell Issa: This Kook Will Be In Charge of Investigations?

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
This weirdo will be wasting tax payer dollars going after the Obama Administration for political gain with endless investigations that will go nowhere?

Deja Vu: Whitewater and the Clinton admin investigations that went no where.

We had a true American leader in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who told her wingers to calm down - no wasteful investigations to no where.

The Crier-in-Chief, John Boner will not be as strong or ethical as Speaker Pelosi.

In April 2008, Issa said that the federal government "just threw" buckets of cash at New York for the September 11, 2001 attacks "that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it." He went on: "I have to ask ... why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the city of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration.

- Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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If he really wanted to do some investigation, he could find out what happened to 9 billion dollars that disappeared in Iraq.


He could find out how many no bid contracts went to companies that electrocuted American soldiers.

Hidden Danger: Soldiers Dying From Electrocution - ABC News

He could find out what "intel" the CIA actually gave the Bush administration.

Instead, he will investigate Obama, a president who was handed two wars and a failing economy.

How many times have I said Republicans squat on the Middle Class?

Now here comes another Republican. Instead of working for jobs, he comes to squat once again, on the Middle Class.
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This weirdo will be wasting tax payer dollars going after the Obama Administration for political gain with endless investigations that will go nowhere?

Deja Vu: Whitewater and the Clinton admin investigations that went no where.

We had a true American leader in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who told her wingers to calm down - no wasteful investigations to no where.

The Crier-in-Chief, John Boner will not be as strong or ethical as Speaker Pelosi.

In April 2008, Issa said that the federal government "just threw" buckets of cash at New York for the September 11, 2001 attacks "that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it." He went on: "I have to ask ... why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the city of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration.

- Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, James Clyburn (House Whip) stated that the investigations will be after Obama's eligibility and past which was never done when the republicans took over and sworn in. That is a double whammy with the Eligibility case just hitting the Supreme Court on the 23rd with Kagan possibly having to recuse herself. This is the best thing for the country though because we are obviously in a constitutional crisis with this man who is a dual citizen.
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Elections Have Consequences! Baaaawaaaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaa hardy harrrr harr. :lol:
Second Democrat in a row..impeached..

Yeah..that will look good.

Go for it boys. Think this country is ungovernable now?
This weirdo will be wasting tax payer dollars going after the Obama Administration for political gain with endless investigations that will go nowhere?

Deja Vu: Whitewater and the Clinton admin investigations that went no where.

We had a true American leader in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who told her wingers to calm down - no wasteful investigations to no where.

The Crier-in-Chief, John Boner will not be as strong or ethical as Speaker Pelosi.

In April 2008, Issa said that the federal government "just threw" buckets of cash at New York for the September 11, 2001 attacks "that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it." He went on: "I have to ask ... why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the city of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration.

- Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"John Boner"?

How old are you, about 10?

This weirdo will be wasting tax payer dollars going after the Obama Administration for political gain with endless investigations that will go nowhere?

Deja Vu: Whitewater and the Clinton admin investigations that went no where.

We had a true American leader in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who told her wingers to calm down - no wasteful investigations to no where.

The Crier-in-Chief, John Boner will not be as strong or ethical as Speaker Pelosi.

In April 2008, Issa said that the federal government "just threw" buckets of cash at New York for the September 11, 2001 attacks "that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it." He went on: "I have to ask ... why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the city of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration.

- Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, James Clyburn (House Whip) stated that the investigations will be after Obama's eligibility and past which was never done when the republicans took over and sworn in. That is a double whammy with the Eligibility case just hitting the Supreme Court on the 23rd with Kagan possibly having to recuse herself. This is the best thing for the country though because we are obviously in a constitutional crisis with this man who is a dual citizen.

Was JFK an Irish citizen? :eek:
Elections Have Consequences! Baaaawaaaahaaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaa hardy harrrr harr. :lol:

Payback's a bitch, ain't it?

I hope he goes after Odumbo's real birth certificate. And can make a case for impeachment for Obama deathcare being unconstitutional. I hope he puts all the Democrat scumbags on trial. Money well spent. Certainly a bargain compared to how Odumbo has raped the Treasury.

Do they still hang people for treason:eusa_dance:?
Dante and Rdean are upset. There must be something good about this choice.
Republican Rep. Darrell Issa was prosecuted with his brother in San Jose in 1980 for allegedly faking the theft of Issa's Mercedes Benz sedan and selling it to a car dealer for $16,000, according to court records.

Read more: Issa was charged in San Jose car theft

No wonder he knows so much about subpoenas.

John Boehner was passing out bribes on the House Floor.

Yep, we got a real ripe crop of new Republicans. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
This weirdo will be wasting tax payer dollars going after the Obama Administration for political gain with endless investigations that will go nowhere?

Deja Vu: Whitewater and the Clinton admin investigations that went no where.

We had a true American leader in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who told her wingers to calm down - no wasteful investigations to no where.

The Crier-in-Chief, John Boner will not be as strong or ethical as Speaker Pelosi.

In April 2008, Issa said that the federal government "just threw" buckets of cash at New York for the September 11, 2001 attacks "that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it." He went on: "I have to ask ... why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the city of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration.

- Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ill use the Democrats favorite line until just recently.

Elections.....Have consequences.
This weirdo will be wasting tax payer dollars going after the Obama Administration for political gain with endless investigations that will go nowhere?

Deja Vu: Whitewater and the Clinton admin investigations that went no where.

We had a true American leader in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who told her wingers to calm down - no wasteful investigations to no where.

The Crier-in-Chief, John Boner will not be as strong or ethical as Speaker Pelosi.

In April 2008, Issa said that the federal government "just threw" buckets of cash at New York for the September 11, 2001 attacks "that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it." He went on: "I have to ask ... why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the city of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration.

- Darrell Issa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ill use the Democrats favorite line until just recently.

Elections.....Have consequences.

Democrats' favorite line? :doubt:

Pelosi as House Speaker kept the fringe whow anted endless investigations, on a tight leash -- for the good of the country.

Nation over political gain. The GOP hasn't done that since ... gawd knows when.
Republican Rep. Darrell Issa was prosecuted with his brother in San Jose in 1980 for allegedly faking the theft of Issa's Mercedes Benz sedan and selling it to a car dealer for $16,000, according to court records.

Read more: Issa was charged in San Jose car theft

That's nothing compared to usurping the presidency as a dual citizen with a british national father.

It was all part of an evil plot that started nearly 50 years ago. Obviously, it only works because Obama must be the anti Christ.

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