GOP Debate: November 10, 2015

The GOP are such pussies. I hope they get a moderator that completely burns them. God knows they can't handle certain types. They tell us all they should avoid the biased ones, when any real president should be able to handle any question thrown their way.

Why don't you get off your upside down barstool and go get a life.
Rubio is an idiot, calling Putin a Gangster when the two of them need to be working arm in arm should Rubio become Commander in Chief.
Once again.....the biggest applause lines are when these jokers take a shit on America and our POTUS.

If you believe what they's amazing that we are even alive.
The only one I can handle watching is Trump.

I wonder if Carley cut back on the botox tonight so she can smile.

I have a growing appreciation for Trump. He's a clever guy. He is truly a master of innuendo. His take-down of Carson's "pathological disease" on four different talk shows on Sunday was classic.

You seem to like those who exhibit little respect for others.

In Trumps case, he's stuck on himself and really does not care what he says.

In Obama's case, he disdains us and seems to self justify his constant lying by somehow convincing himself that half the country does not despise him.
Bush pwns Trump.

Yo, say something? Or shut the hell up dunce!!!

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