No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

True, he should call it like it is. Calling it a Ponzi scheme insults Ponzi.

Unfortunately you don't win elections by calling an Ace an Ace. While I understand exactly where he's coming from--everyone who receives a social security check today--which is in the tens of millions will not be voting for RICK PERRY.
Judging by the by the length of time the MSNBC goon squad spent bashing Perry, I think the radical left is terrified of him. To bush like and they feel that Bammer's days are numbered.
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey y'all did I miss something important in the debate?
2. I understand Rick Perry was not there, is that true?
3. I was tied up watching a Chinese Movie, sub-titles and all.
4. *Kung Fu Hustle*.
5. I give it a *thumbs up*:thup:

Rick Perry was there--and he self-destructed--I guess it's better we
know now than later.


Your drinking word must have been "jobs". :D

You might as well take down your Perry sign right now. 10's of millions of social security recipeants are NOT going to vote for Rick Perry--even though I get everything he said tonight.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

Paul was off tonight, after doing so well on Monday.

"The fence that keeps them out...keeps you in"?

That, while technically true, was a somewhat bizarre statement for a primary debate.
The real winner in the debate is Obama. Rick Perry won ground with Republicans with his stand on Social Security, Global Warming, and certainly condemning Obama. However, calling the president a liar, the Fed Chairman a traitor, referring to Social Security as Ponzi scheme might endear him to the Tea Party but it will hurt him badly in a general election. A candidate who considers Social Security an illegal unconstitutional scheme is not going to win Florida, a state Republicans will need, but it goes further than that. He holds three positions that the vast majorities of the American public, including Republicans won't buy, Americans would be better off without Social Security and Medicare and the federal government should do nothing to counteract the economic crash.

Romney looked like a presidential candidate.

Ron Paul was Ron Paul, a libertarian running as a Republican.

Bachmann is out of it.

The rest are just getting their hat in ring for VP or upping there status on the lecture circuit.

On one of the channels, probably MSNBC, a panelist made an interesting comment. If Reagan was in that debate, he would have lost hands down.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

Paul was off tonight, after doing so well on Monday.

"The fence that keeps them out...keeps you in"?

That, while technically true, was a somewhat bizarre statement for a primary debate.

I like them all--right now I am looking at WHO is capable of beating BARACK OBAMA. Again I think Perry self-imploded with social security--Ron Paul I love his ideas--but he's not capable of winning the nomination. I guess all we can hope for is that our nominee takes some clues from all of the others--because in reality in my 58 years--this was the best debate I have ever witnessed.
Judging by the by the length of time the MSNBC goon squad spent bashing Perry, I think the radical left is terrified of him. To bush like and they feel that Bammer's days are numbered.

Keep on smokin' that stuff...
Rick Perry was there--and he self-destructed--I guess it's better we
know now than later.


Your drinking word must have been "jobs". :D

You might as well take down your Perry sign right now. 10's of millions of social security recipeants are NOT going to vote for Rick Perry--even though I get everything he said tonight.

Bah...he's said repeatedly his plan will not affect those who are retired our those who are close to retirement.

As long as he gets that message out, I doubt it will hurt him.

Everyone knows Social Security is on the verge of insolvency.

It makes me want to support him more because he is willing to be honest even when it's unpopular...unlike Romney, who will say anything you want to hear to get elected.

That's the biggest reason I don't trust Romney.

It's also the reason I respect Ron Paul.
Last edited:
Next debate is September 12th at 8 pm EDT presented by CNN and the Tea Party Express.

Nite all.
Trial by Fire: Did Texas execute an innocent man?

by David Grann September 7, 2009


Cameron Todd Willingham in his cell on death row, in 1994. He insisted upon his innocence in the deaths of his children and refused an offer to plead guilty in return for a life sentence. Photograph by Ken Light.

Much More: Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker
Perry didn't die. He'll still be top of the polls tomorrow.

In a week, however, I think maybe Romney closes the gap..alot.

II agree--and btw I AM A TEA PARTY MEMBER--Mitt Romney--for President--Rick Perry for VP--Ron Paul for Treasury secretary--Newt Gingrich for homeland security--HELLO--here it is.

That's my cabinet--

Judging by the by the length of time the MSNBC goon squad spent bashing Perry, I think the radical left is terrified of him. To bush like and they feel that Bammer's days are numbered.

Keep on smokin' that stuff...

Don't mind if I do:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_drool:
Next debate is September 12th at 8 pm EDT presented by CNN and the Tea Party Express.

Nite all.

While thees are fun for arm chair quarter backing, they dont really mean to much. In the end it will come down to Perry and Romney, with Paul, Bachman,and Gingrich in the loon pile, And Huntsman and Cain missed opportunity's. Then the good debates start. I expect many Gore moments for Obama at that time. Ne never really had to campaign, I cant speak to Romney, but if Perry makes it that far then Obama will have his hands full.
Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

True, he should call it like it is. Calling it a Ponzi scheme insults Ponzi.

Unfortunately you don't win elections by calling an Ace an Ace. While I understand exactly where he's coming from--everyone who receives a social security check today--which is in the tens of millions will not be voting for RICK PERRY.

The strange thing is that people have been saying that since before Perry was even running since the SS is a Ponzi scheme is part of his book. The stranger thing is that he is actually the front runner. Maybe people are smarter than you think.
Anybody who knows the least bit about Galileo now thinks Perry is an ignoramus.
All I can say is Obama is in trouble, that much is clear. There is almost an endless supply of ammo to be used against Obama.
"Everyone knows Social Security is on the verge of insolvency."

Then everyone is a brainwashed dupe...PLEASE nominate Perry!
I think I'm supporting Republicans this time around.

I'm supporting Huntsman now. But he hasn't got a snowball's chance in hell.

Santorum, Bachmann and Gingrich all did pretty well. They ignored Bachmann for about half an hour.

My wife on Ron Paul: "He sounds like my relatives around the dinner table." That's not a compliment.

Perry did fine, though I flipped on when he was calling SS a "Ponzi Scheme." Romney did OK.

All these guys want contractionary economic policy. I wonder if the Dow would fall 2000 points if they thought the GOP candidates would really do to Bernanke like they say they will do.

HD does not flatter these people.

I think there are more black people on stage than in the audience!
Your wife is absolutely correct.

Ron Paul's a friggin' trainwreck.....When he started answering the FEMA question, I was like, "oh shit, here he goes". And sure enough, the train went straight off the track....If you watch the rerun, you'll see several people in the audience shake their heads and ask those sitiing next to 'em,:eek: "what the hell was that all about?":cuckoo:

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