
The actual debate was pretty funny too.

It was the GREATEST DEBATE I have seen in my 58 years--it was a major slug-fest--something you kiss ass liberals aren't capable of doing to one-another-and btw is exactly why we have the MOST INCOMPETENT President ever running this country--because YOU FREAKING sissy's are afraid of being called racists. And that's exactly why you kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb too--you were scared to death that the Democrat Party may be referred to as racist.

you call that a "major slug-fest"??? WOW

Yeah..cause it's always a "major slug fest" when one of the candidates, Newt, attacked a Moderator for asking questions that might lead to actual debates.

Evan McMorris-Santoro-September 7, 2011, 9:26 PM

The big Politico/MSNBC debate Wednesday was not a good night for death penalty opponents. Texas Gov. Rick Perry — who has overseen more executions than any other governor during his three terms in office — stood firmly behind his state’s vision of justice.

And the crowd was with him.
More: Reagan Library Crowd Goes Wild For Perry’s 234 Executions (VIDEO) | Election 2012
Some people aren't safe in prisons because they kill other inmates. In Texas, the people have chosen not to let that happen. Governor Perry made it clear that it's the people of Texas who made that decision to execute incorrigible murderers, and he's right. Here, if you do the crime, the chimes of time run out on you. That's a hit with people in other states who have to pay a million dollars per inmate who goes on living forever in a state system for mass murders. It actually saves lives of people the incorrigible killer would take if let out early on a fluke.

Initially..they were down. But they were back up in half an hour. The cell phones didn't come back for quite some time.

I was in the operations room at the NYSE when that happened.

Got a link with that time frame?

You've got to be kidding me--we're talking about CELL PHONES versus PAY PHONES during 9/11.

Holy CRAP do you guys realize how many land lines were brought down with two FREAKIN missles aka Air line Jets hitting the twin towers. It probably took WEEKS to freaking FIX.

Don't let Sallow --or whatever his freaking wolf name get you into this B.S.--the point is ALL OF Barack Obama's ideas for economy recovery--comes from the 1930's and not the 21st century.
Thought you hated the federal government.


I thought you were smart enough to understand the difference between wanting a smaller, more effective and cost efficient federal government, and hatred.

I guess not. I won't overestimate your intelligence again.

Not sure why that distinction is so hard for liberals to understand.

They can't seem to get their minds around that. Kinda like the difference between federal and states' rights - they have a problem with that too.

And that is pretty simple too. It's called the 10th amendment to the Constitution...
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Don't let Sallow --or whatever his freaking wolf name get you into this B.S.--the point is ALL OF Barack Obama's ideas for economy recovery--comes from the 1930's and not the 21st century.

Are you retarded...?
Initially..they were down. But they were back up in half an hour. The cell phones didn't come back for quite some time.

I was in the operations room at the NYSE when that happened.

Got a link with that time frame?

You've got to be kidding me--we're talking about CELL PHONES versus PAY PHONES during 9/11.

Holy CRAP do you guys realize how many land lines were brought down with two FREAKIN missles aka Air line Jets hitting the twin towers. It probably took WEEKS to freaking FIX.

Don't let Sallow --or whatever his freaking wolf name get you into this B.S.--the point is ALL OF Barack Obama's ideas for economy recovery--comes from the 1930's and not the 21st century.

I know...
from the same link I posted earlier...
Workers from throughout the country, including 3,000 Verizon employees plus non-Verizon employees, helped restore service, allowing the network to carry 230,000,000 calls during the first week following the attacks. During the restoration efforts, trunk cables were run out windows and down the side of the building, flowing through streets closed to traffic, until they found an undamaged manhole for them to enter.
In 30 minutes? Sallow is, as always, a lying sack of shit.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.
Thought you hated the federal government.


I thought you were smart enough to understand the difference between wanting a smaller, more effective and cost efficient federal government, and hatred.

I guess not. I won't overestimate your intelligence again.

Not sure why that distinction is so hard for liberals to understand.

They can't seem to get their minds around that. Kinda like the difference between federal and states' rights - they have a problem with that too.

It's because they don't believe in states rights--they believe in a NANNY state controlled by one person only.

And that person is:


Apollo Obama--LOL
I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

How do you define "conservative"? Also, do you think partisanship is a good thing even if it results in gridlock or do you think finding middle ground to keep things moving is good for America
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

Because when the RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD--the ONLY CANDIDATE--that has REAL PRIVATE SECTOR BUSINESS experience IN THIS RACE--and actually knows the nuts and the bolts of how this economy and the global economy WORKS is MITT ROMNEY.

That's why he looks to be the next POTUS--because I am sick and tired of politicians--I want a person who has had their hands on the wheel--and that man is Mitt Romney--and I am a tea party member.
Did anyone listen to Rick Perry? He came off very nervous. He had trouble saying anything beyond cliches and talking points. Reagan knew how to turn a phrase. Perry sounds like a nervous idiot.

I've replayed several of Perry's answers. Wow. He is dumb. It sounds like he doesn't even believe himself. He had trouble stringing sentences together. God help America if this guy gets elected.

Romney made Perry sound like a teetering, tottering imbecile - and Romney sounds like a rent a car agent at an airport.

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I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

How do you define "conservative"? Also, do you think partisanship is a good thing even if it results in gridlock or do you think finding middle ground to keep things moving is good for America

Progressivism is the slide of liberals. Maintaining conservative principles is necessary for the liberty and freedom of this country.
I didn't see the debate and have only read what this thread has said about it. From what I read, Huntman and Newt won the debate. Romney held his own. Perry disappointed. Bachmann, Paul and the rest may as well quit.

Does this sound close to reality?

Are you listening to rdean?
Maintaining conservative principles is necessary for the liberty and freedom of this country.

You mean like war and looting the U.S. Treasury...?
Dubya never got good grades in his debates did he ? Don't count Perry out until he is all the way out.

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