Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.

If you're simply trying to make a phone call, what good does all that other shit do you? Most people my age can't even see well enough to use a smartphone - or even want to.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.

Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.


Alot of us were glad for payphones at 9/11 and during the east coast black out.

Cell phones were useless.

10 years ago.
That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.

Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.


Alot of us were glad for payphones at 9/11 and during the east coast black out.

Cell phones were useless.

Horseshit--that's about the dumbest thing I have seen you post.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A jubilant President Barack Obama said that tonight’s Republican forum was “the best debate ever,” calling it “the first good news I’ve had since I nailed bin Laden.”

Mr. Obama watched the debate surrounded by advisors in the White House Situation Room, where the mood was said to be tense “up until the first time Rick Perry opened his mouth.”


The actual debate was pretty funny too.
I got home late from my night out only to find my dvr didn't record all of the debate but.... From what I did see is that Ron Paul is not far from being put in a home. The man is out there.
Kudos to Newt for standing up to that asshole moderator.

You're right-Newt stood up to them--but this DEBATE was the GREATEST EVER! Because they're ALL GREAT. Democrats never give us these kind of candidates.

So what I will suggest--is pick Romney or Perry as the nominee---and take the other as Vice President and the rest as cabinet appointments>

I would recommend that it's either of the two ABOVE--and make the OTHER VP. So if you pick Romney make Perry the VP.

Then--Your cabinet
Ron Paul--government regulations
Newt Gingrich--Homeland security
Herman Cain--Treasury Secretary--with the assistance of Ron Paul
Sarah Palin--who's not running (energy secretary) because there is nobody--NOBODY that knows more about energy in this country than she does.

What can I say--it's a fantastic field of candidates-and EVERY single one of them--I would like to see running this country in one way or another.

Rick seems slow, like "that guy is stupid" slow. If Mitt won and did a cabinet like you mentioned I could see him having a very productive first 4 years.

Agree with the first part. Perry seemed slow;

The second part? You need players who defer to the leader in the cabinet. None of them are going to do that.
"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.
Yes, but Romney isn't aware of them. He just asks his assistant to hand him his smartphone.
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That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.

Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.


Well the next PERFECTLY PRONOUNCED SPEECH by Obama according to--Maureen Dowd of the NYT suggests it will be on Lunar 1--with Obama in a Captain Kurks uniform---:clap2:

Barack Obama has NO PLAN--except to BORROW and SPEND more.

No one can borrow and spend their way to prosperity.


"As your commanding officer, Kirk, I order you to have this speech on jobs on my teleprompter by 1800 hours."
Heres my take:


The moderater went out of his way to show that while Gov Perrys' state of Texas was adding jobs, they were last in high school graduation rates and had the highest percentage of people working for the minimum wage. Perry didn't have much to say except that HE added over a millon jobs.

Santorum said he would cut the corporate tax rate to 0% in order to bring jobs back to America.

Huntsman basiclly said that Utah was #1 in job growth in the country.

They asked Bachman what the most job restricting federal regulation in her state and she replied with "obamacare".

Ron Paul said government regulations were restricting job creation in America and "theoretically" we dont need agencys like the FDA, TSA or air traffic controllers. The free market will dictate and provide security and safety "theoretically".

Newt basically just took credit for the job growth and balanced budget while Clinton was president.


Perry said we should let the states have more freedom in dealing with Medicare and they would be able to figure out what works best in each state.

Huntsman talked about individual responsibility, not government mandates. He also pointed out he fixed health care in Utah with cost cutting, better record keeping.

Bachman let everone know that overturning "Obamcare would be harder to get rid of then they think, then went on to say something about electing 13 senators to do something??? (sorry i kinda missed what she was talking about)

Newt flipped out about the moderators trying to get the republicans to fight each other so Obama could have an easy ride to a second term.... Also, Obama Care is a disaster.

Cains response was to expand health care savings account and to do some tort reform.


Santorum pointed out that he was an author of wellfare reform and that we should do the same thing with food stamps and housing.

Perry said the best way to deal with poverty was to create jobs.

Once again the moderators seemed to go out there way to make Perry look bad when they brought up his executive order to force vaccines for HPV on young women in TX. Most of the candidates disagreed with that move and Perry pointed out that there was an opt-out to me id dosnt sound like they forced anything on anybody.


most of the candidates felt we should have a fence on the border or troops or both.

Ron Paul stood out here to me when he said that a fence is not what America is about and instead we need to remove the incentives for people to come to this country illegally. He also brought up our drug laws and drug problem and how they affect illegal immigration.

Thats basically my take on the debate. there were a few other topics covered but nothing was really said that was worth talking about other than Newt supporting charter schools
Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.


Alot of us were glad for payphones at 9/11 and during the east coast black out.

Cell phones were useless.

Horseshit--that's about the dumbest thing I have seen you post.


Verizon had most of it's telecommunications at the WTC.

Along with Giuliani's mega-million dollar police command center. Which was a complete clusterfuck from the getgo..because it was almost in the same area as the other command center at 1 police plaza.

The idea of having ANOTHER command center is to have a place to go when disaster strikes.
Perry would never be on bottom of any ticket. He's to much a type A personality. Besides, I don't think he and Romney like each other very much.
Perry would kill a Romney ticket.
Well, since it's Perry who's the best job creator in America, maybe you'll be surprised to find that a lot of Americans believe that Perry's 50x stronger-than-all-the-other-states record of hiring plus state growth of 1,000 new Americans a day flooding in for jobs from other states speaks louder than a few yaps on a stage full of onerous reporters looking to choke a Republican no matter what.
Even so, Romney is a nice man.

:) It's just that Perry brings home the bacon, always has. :)
"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.
Yes, but Romney isn't aware of them. He just asks his assistant to hand him his smartphone.

Morse code still exists too.

Doesn't mean we use it much at all. Nor that it's the best tool to communicate in most circumstances.

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