My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

Aside from the fact I don't think he take the general..this is pretty good.

Bachman had some crazy answers. She went off into outer space when asked about illegal immigration.

Huntsman did pretty well. He would have a very good chance in the general..that's why I think a Romney/Huntsman ticket would be very tough.
Perry didn't die. He'll still be top of the polls tomorrow.

In a week, however, I think maybe Romney closes the gap..alot.

II agree--and btw I AM A TEA PARTY MEMBER--Mitt Romney--for President--Rick Perry for VP--Ron Paul for Treasury secretary--Newt Gingrich for homeland security--HELLO--here it is.

That's my cabinet--

Perry would never be on bottom of any ticket. He's to much a type A personality. Besides, I don't think he and Romney like each other very much.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I actually think Huntsman did a very good job for himself tonight. Much better than the last debate. I don't think he has a chance in hell of winning, but I like him better than either Perry, Paul or Romney.

My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

Aside from the fact I don't think he take the general..this is pretty good.

Bachman had some crazy answers. She went off into outer space when asked about illegal immigration.

Huntsman did pretty well. He would have a very good chance in the general..that's why I think a Romney/Huntsman ticket would be very tough.

Huntsman seems to be the new Pawlenty to me- bland and boring. For VEEP I think Republicans need a "red-meat" Conservative to balance Romney.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.
My parents moved to California in the 1960s. All the people there seemed to pretty much hate Texans, too. That's about all I remember for 5 years of not showing my soft southern drawl after a couple of saying howdy to people there. It's not a friendly state to the Friendship State residents. Oh, well, I got over it by appreciating my upbringing and retiring to Texas after living in Wyoming for 35 years and Oregon for 5. Y'all do have a lovely coastline and great entertainment centers.
Perry would never be on bottom of any ticket. He's to much a type A personality. Besides, I don't think he and Romney like each other very much.

Perry would kill a Romney ticket.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I actually think Huntsman did a very good job for himself tonight. Much better than the last debate. I don't think he has a chance in hell of winning, but I like him better than either Perry, Paul or Romney.


I could see Huntsman in 2016.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.
My parents moved to California in the 1960s. All the people there seemed to pretty much hate Texans, too. That's about all I remember for 5 years of not showing my soft southern drawl after a couple of saying howdy to people there. It's not a friendly state to the Friendship State residents. Oh, well, I got over it by appreciating my upbringing and retiring to Texas after living in Wyoming for 35 years and Oregon for 5. Y'all do have a lovely coastline and great entertainment centers.

I love Texans!

I just don't really like Perry (so far) and after 8 years of "W", I think another Texas governor is going to be a hard sell....
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

Aside from the fact I don't think he take the general..this is pretty good.

Bachman had some crazy answers. She went off into outer space when asked about illegal immigration.

Huntsman did pretty well. He would have a very good chance in the general..that's why I think a Romney/Huntsman ticket would be very tough.

Give me a break--Mitt Romney could kick Barack Obama's ass on job creation 4 miles down the road.

You have elected an economic moron that believes and acts like we live in the 1930's under FDR's polices--we're in the 21st century.

Mitt Romney stated "he's a nice guy" but what do you expect from someone who has NEVER worked a day in his life in the PRIVATE SECTOR--and expect him to create a private sector job.

"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

Perry didn't die. He'll still be top of the polls tomorrow.

In a week, however, I think maybe Romney closes the gap..alot.
You know, Romney is a great guy. The only trouble is, he tends to always be the bridesmaid and never the bride. :D

/ducking and running.
"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.
I agree with Zander, Perry did not look good, could've and should've done a better job explaining his position on several issues and did not do so. We'll see if he gets better at it, but I'd say anybody wh watched the debate lost some confidence in him.

Also agree Romney came out of it well, the big winner IMHO.
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.

I actually think Huntsman did a very good job for himself tonight. Much better than the last debate. I don't think he has a chance in hell of winning, but I like him better than either Perry, Paul or Romney.


I agree...and Huntsman is my absolutely least favorite candidate...but objectively, he both looked and sounded presidential and he stayed above the fray.

Williams helped him out quite a bit...strangely, I don't think he, the most liberal candidate, got a single gotcha question...while it seemed that was all that was ask the most conservative candidates.


Not likely.
"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.

Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.

My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.
My parents moved to California in the 1960s. All the people there seemed to pretty much hate Texans, too. That's about all I remember for 5 years of not showing my soft southern drawl after a couple of saying howdy to people there. It's not a friendly state to the Friendship State residents. Oh, well, I got over it by appreciating my upbringing and retiring to Texas after living in Wyoming for 35 years and Oregon for 5. Y'all do have a lovely coastline and great entertainment centers.

I love Texans!

I just don't really like Perry (so far) and after 8 years of "W", I think another Texas governor is going to be a hard sell....
Well, if you love Texans, you're one in a million. I didn't meet a single person who liked Texans except my best friend in college. After I moved, she never returned a single Christmas card or letter. I'm sure having a Texan for a friend stressed her with her indigenous friends, poor dear. :redface:
Give me a break--Mitt Romney could kick Barack Obama's ass on job creation 4 miles down the road.

You have elected an economic moron that believes and acts like we live in the 1930's under FDR's polices--we're in the 21st century.

Mitt Romney stated "he's a nice guy" but what do you expect from someone who has NEVER worked a day in his life in the PRIVATE SECTOR--and expect him to create a private sector job.

"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

Romney comes with a great deal of baggage. Once the Obama campaign is fully engaged that is all going to come out. And that line was just awful. Why would you have a pay phone connected if they didn't work? And what happens if communication access points get knocked out? Smart phones no longer work.

And the stuff he's saying now is all pretty good for tea party types..not so good for independents or conservative democrats.

He's talking about on day one using executive orders to drastically change things.

That's not going to fly.
Last edited:
Kudos to Newt for standing up to that asshole moderator.

You're right-Newt stood up to them--but this DEBATE was the GREATEST EVER! Because they're ALL GREAT. Democrats never give us these kind of candidates.

So what I will suggest--is pick Romney or Perry as the nominee---and take the other as Vice President and the rest as cabinet appointments>

I would recommend that it's either of the two ABOVE--and make the OTHER VP. So if you pick Romney make Perry the VP.

Then--Your cabinet
Ron Paul--government regulations
Newt Gingrich--Homeland security
Herman Cain--Treasury Secretary--with the assistance of Ron Paul
Sarah Palin--who's not running (energy secretary) because there is nobody--NOBODY that knows more about energy in this country than she does.

What can I say--it's a fantastic field of candidates-and EVERY single one of them--I would like to see running this country in one way or another.

Rick seems slow, like "that guy is stupid" slow. If Mitt won and did a cabinet like you mentioned I could see him having a very productive first 4 years.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A jubilant President Barack Obama said that tonight’s Republican forum was “the best debate ever,” calling it “the first good news I’ve had since I nailed bin Laden.”

Mr. Obama watched the debate surrounded by advisors in the White House Situation Room, where the mood was said to be tense “up until the first time Rick Perry opened his mouth.”
"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.

Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.


Well the next PERFECTLY PRONOUNCED SPEECH by Obama according to--Maureen Dowd of the NYT suggests it will be on Lunar 1--with Obama in a Captain Kurks uniform---:clap2:

Barack Obama has NO PLAN--except to BORROW and SPEND more.

No one can borrow and spend their way to prosperity.
"While he's plugging pay phone booths with quarters--expecting a result--he fails to realize we live in the smart phone century." Mitt Romney.

That only sounds clever to morans. Phone booths still exist.

Let's see a pay phone tell you where the nearest Chinese restaurant is, or show you a picture of hurricane Irene as she went up the coast, or sync up with your pc and update your calendar.


Alot of us were glad for payphones at 9/11 and during the east coast black out.

Cell phones were useless.

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