I liked the decorations they had up. Nothing spruces up a hall like jumbo jets.

Seriously here, you must visit the RRPL. Its a spectacular place regardless of your politics.

True. Someplace in that library, or in storage, is the Spirit of '76 Presidential engine (HO scale) I sent Reagan for Christmas back in 1980.

Have not managed to get there yet for a look see.
In seven years, Bush failed to get Bin Laden. Obama got him in less than one term. I think any terrorists attacking would have more to fear from President Obama than they ever did from Bush.

Obama get's the credit in spite of himself huh? Thank You Leon Panetta! :):):) Great job. Extra points for doing it with the management you had to work with. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Just keep believing Old Rocks! ;) Yeah, the Terrorists are really afraid of Obama. ;)

I don't think the terrorists are afraid of any American politician.

Dems. on MSNBC--the liberal talking heads are literally freaking out over this debate. Now--we have the tingley leg feeling guy (Criss Mathews) telling us what we think?
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Reagan, had he been in the debate, would have been the only Lefty in the room.

Reagan supported Social Security - in fact he saved it. (Amazing that the current Talk Radio morons don't know this. The current GOP base is literally being educated by pop media. Help.)

Reagan ran MASSIVE deficits - historical deficits - to support the economy.

God Bless Reagan. He was rhetorically to the Right, but when push came to shove, he was a bigger Keynesian than BHO was ever allowed to be. Had Reagan been handed the Bush Destruction of America, he would have created the biggest stimulus ever. This is what separated him. He had the balls to go Left when absolutely necessary.

(funny that way)
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My take so far......

1) Huntsman's kicking ass.

2) Perry blew it with his SS comments.

3) Romney's doing a good job deflecting critisizm.

4) Newt scored some good points.


I agree with points 1, 3 & 4.

I don't think Perry blew it with the SS comments. Social Security definitely needs to be modified.

It amazes me that progressives who are so gung-ho on change are unwilling to make corrections to programs that are failing. Note: not calling you a progressive. That was just a general comment.

I did like Romney's point about the magnet of job availability with regard to illegal seems like one of those incredibly obvious things that few people ever mention.

I read a lot Romney's plan...not all bad. Not all good but there are some good ideas in there.

I especially think this is a good idea from his plan:

To return the system to proper confines, Mitt Romney supports implementation
of a law, similar to the REINS Act now before Congress, that would require all
“major” rules (i.e., those with an economic impact greater than $100 million) to
be approved by both houses of Congress before taking effect. If Congress declines
to enact such a law, a President Romney will issue an executive order instructing
all agencies that they must invite Congress to vote up or down on their major
regulations and forbidding them from putting those regulations into effect without
congressional approval.

Page 62 of the plan

Sure politics will play a role where it supposedly plays no role now (yeah right!) but we get the government we deserve.
Moderator to Perry: "You said in your book that America shouldn't go on foreign military adventures. Do you stand by that."

Perry: "Obama's Keynesian doesn't work."

"Ponzi Scheme Perry."

Perry could have done worse.

He didn't know any scientists names...that was bad...but, I don't any scientists names either.

I missed the SSI question, was here while they we're in commercial.

He did an excellent job defending his record.

For his first primary debate...I'd say he was solid, but needs improvement.
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I liked the decorations they had up. Nothing spruces up a hall like jumbo jets.

Seriously here, you must visit the RRPL. Its a spectacular place regardless of your politics.

If I'm ever out that way again I will.

Take one of the shuttle buses to the front door. Also take the tour of AF1. Incredible.

Did you know Reagan always took a cake on AF1 with him? Apparently they can't bake a cake in the air due to cabin pressure so a cake was brought on to AF1 already baked so in case there was a birthday, they would have a cake for her or him.
I didn't see the debate and have only read what this thread has said about it. From what I read, Huntman and Newt won the debate. Romney held his own. Perry disappointed. Bachmann, Paul and the rest may as well quit.

Does this sound close to reality?

I watched the whole debate, huntsman said a thing or two, newt mostly talked about past achievments working with reagan and the balanced budget under clinton but mostly i feel he didnt get that much time. Seemed to me they let perry and Romney talk most of time. I wouldnt say anyone won the debate.
Immigration... wow... build a fence, really? We're broke.

I found this part of the debate amazing.

Everyone of the people on stage have stated that they were against big government, but those that got questions on this issue all seemed to point to Washington and say, "help us out here". Sorry, but in this case that sounds hypocritical to me.

What a horrid debate. The mods should get fuckin fired for such a crap job. Almost every question was a belittling question meant to make people have to work their way out of a trap rather than trying to get into how candidates would fix problems.

Exactly. What do you expect from PMSNBC? The Smart ones called them on the stupidity of the questions and challenged them. Why PMSNBC? That itself is a joke.

the best was Rachel telling us she had al sharpton up with a few others to offer opinion.....I tuned out but I bet listening to Al has a comedic value all its own. :lol:
Moderator to Perry: "You said in your book that America shouldn't go on foreign military adventures. Do you stand by that."

Perry: "Obama's Keynesian doesn't work."

"Ponzi Scheme Perry."

Perry could have done worst.

He didn't know any scientists names...that was bad...but, I don't any scientists names either.

I missed the SSI question, was here while they we're in commercial.

He did an excellent job defending his record.

For his first primary debate...I'd say he was solid, but needs improvement.

Ponzi Scheme Perry delivered Florida to Obama tonight!

No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.
I didn't see the debate and have only read what this thread has said about it. From what I read, Huntman and Newt won the debate. Romney held his own. Perry disappointed. Bachmann, Paul and the rest may as well quit.

Does this sound close to reality?

Perry was fine.
Bachman, Paul, and Cain are probably done.

Santorum as well, but then he was never part of the gang anyway.

You forgot Santorum although with the little bit he played in the debate that is understandable.

Ponzi Scheme Perry delivered Florida to Obama tonight!

No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

I'm sure the seniors agree with him.
Ponzi Scheme Perry delivered Florida to Obama tonight!

No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

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