Moderator to Perry: "You said in your book that America shouldn't go on foreign military adventures. Do you stand by that."

Perry: "Obama's Keynesian doesn't work."

"Ponzi Scheme Perry."

Perry could have done worst.

He didn't know any scientists names...that was bad...but, I don't any scientists names either.

I missed the SSI question, was here while they we're in commercial.

He did an excellent job defending his record.

For his first primary debate...I'd say he was solid, but needs improvement.

Dunno if it was "excellent". He basically didn't address anything. At least he didn't stammer.

Romney had some good hits against him.
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.
Seriously here, you must visit the RRPL. Its a spectacular place regardless of your politics.

If I'm ever out that way again I will.

Take one of the shuttle buses to the front door. Also take the tour of AF1. Incredible.

Did you know Reagan always took a cake on AF1 with him? Apparently they can't bake a cake in the air due to cabin pressure so a cake was brought on to AF1 already baked so in case there was a birthday, they would have a cake for her or him.

Reagan was awesome.
What a horrid debate. The mods should get fuckin fired for such a crap job. Almost every question was a belittling question meant to make people have to work their way out of a trap rather than trying to get into how candidates would fix problems.

Exactly. What do you expect from PMSNBC? The Smart ones called them on the stupidity of the questions and challenged them. Why PMSNBC? That itself is a joke.

the best was Rachel telling us she had al sharpton up with a few others to offer opinion.....I tuned out but I bet listening to Al has a comedic value all its own. :lol:

I like Rev Al. Anyone who can run the same con for 30 years and still have white folks falling for it, makes me laugh. But he is awful on TV, I thought he couldn't get any worse than on his radio show. I can't get past 2 minutes of listening to him.
Ponzi Scheme Perry delivered Florida to Obama tonight!

No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

So I suppose he should just lie?
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

Perry didn't die. He'll still be top of the polls tomorrow.
No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

So I suppose he should just lie?

If you think that's a winning formula, run with it. And best of luck because you'll need it.
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

Too many Mormons, they'd get crushed. Southern white conservatives would say they were voting for them, get in the booth and vote for Obama. In Maryland we call that a reverse Michael Steele.
My opinion on winners and losers

1# Mitt
2# Bachmann
3# Ron Paul
4# Perry
5# Newt
6# Huntsman

Perry hurt him self on some of the questions, while Mitt spoke in away that will win more of the moderate to center of the party...The extreme on issues like SS and issuing exc orders to force girls to be medicated is not going to win the day. Yes Mitt sucks in many issues, but on that stage he didn't

I don't really like Mitt, but will vote for him. I think this debate strengthen him greatly against Perry.
No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

So I suppose he should just lie?

Dunno who said it..but someone said that the book was basically sort of a "college dorm room debate of ideas". That should have been his out on that.

It wasn't. And it's going to hurt.
How exactly is Social Security a PONZI scheme...?


More: A Venn Diagram for Rick Perry: Social Security Is Not a Ponzi Scheme | Mother Jones

Ponzi vs. Social Security

Social Security is and always has been either a "pay-as-you-go" system or one that was partially advance-funded. Its structure, logic, and mode of operation have nothing in common with Ponzi schemes or chain letters or pyramid schemes.

The first modern social insurance program began in Germany in 1889 and has been in continuous operation for more than 100 years. The American Social Security system has been in continuous successful operation since 1935. Charles Ponzi's scheme lasted barely 200 days.

More: Social Security Online - HISTORY, Ponzi Schemes vs. Social Security
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

Perry didn't die. He'll still be top of the polls tomorrow.

In a week, however, I think maybe Romney closes the gap..alot.
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

No the Tea Party movement in this country just went freakin TURBO--with this debate.

We know that every single candidate--that was up there tonight--is capable of kicking freakin ass on Barack Obama. Who we choose will be the NEXT POTUS.
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Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

Gee that's the same propaganda the DNC put out about W in 2000. lol!

Maybe people just saw what a great guy Governor Perry is, and after you guys beat him up and run him through the chopper, the American people will feel sorry for him and get it about that he did okay. :tongue:

See, we know about teamwork out here where the rubber hits the road. We know a good team always tries to whack the best guy in the lineup first.

You guys are soooooooooooo... well, I hate to admit it but... the word "transparent" comes to mind. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
My take....

Romney looked like the front runner and was the clear winner in my opinion. He was relaxed, prepared, and professional. He is my favorite of the field. I think he'll make a great President.

Perry made some major gaffes and did not look prepared. He's a cocky sumbitch to boot! I think he is going to lose a lot of support after tonight, especially with moderates. His "ponzi scheme" comments will haunt him, at least in my opinion. I don't like his personality and quite frankly, I've had enough "Texas" to last a lifetime! I won't be surprised of he turns into this cycle's Fred Thompson- comin' on strong!!... then dying on the vine like unpicked fruit.... But... he's got a lot of time to refine and hone his message, and a lot of money to shape opinion. He may have the stamina......we'll see.

Bachman was bland tonight. She looks like a tier 2 player at this point.

Santorum, Cain, Paul, Gingrich, and Huntsman = Tier 2 or 3 players at best. (I'd still take any of them over Obummer!)

The biggest winner tonight was Romney. I think he'll make the best President and have the broadest appeal in the general election.
Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

No the Tea Party movement in this country just went freakin TURBO--with this debate.

We know that every single candidate--that was up there tonight--is capable of kicking freakin ass on Barack Obama. Who we choose will be the NEXT POTUS.

Perry died in his first debate! He is DOA. He proved just how Tea Party crazy he really is.

IMO, the GOP's only chance to even give Obama competition is a Romney/Huntsman ticket. Who knows, it may later become a Huntsman/Romney ticket.

Perry didn't die. He'll still be top of the polls tomorrow.

In a week, however, I think maybe Romney closes the gap..alot.

II agree--and btw I AM A TEA PARTY MEMBER--Mitt Romney--for President--Rick Perry for VP--Ron Paul for Treasury secretary--Newt Gingrich for homeland security--HELLO--here it is.

That's my cabinet--
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