Ron Paul is an idea guy. He belongs in Congress or as a Vice President. Romney is a loberal in conservative dress, screw him. Perry will get a pass until the next debate, where he'll have to bring his A game.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A jubilant President Barack Obama said that tonight’s Republican forum was “the best debate ever,” calling it “the first good news I’ve had since I nailed bin Laden.”

Mr. Obama watched the debate surrounded by advisors in the White House Situation Room, where the mood was said to be tense “up until the first time Rick Perry opened his mouth.”


The actual debate was pretty funny too.

It was the GREATEST DEBATE I have seen in my 58 years--it was a major slug-fest--something you kiss ass liberals aren't capable of doing to one-another-and btw is exactly why we have the MOST INCOMPETENT President ever running this country--because YOU FREAKING sissy's are afraid of being called racists. And that's exactly why you kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb too--you were scared to death that the Democrat Party may be referred to as racist.
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Ron Paul is an idea guy. He belongs in Congress or as a Vice President. Romney is a loberal in conservative dress, screw him. Perry will get a pass until the next debate, where he'll have to bring his A game.

I think that was his "A" game.

He hasn't changed one bit. He was abrasive, never backed down, and insulted people on "his own team" like Karl Rove.

It's probably downhill from here.
Alot of us were glad for payphones at 9/11 and during the east coast black out.

Cell phones were useless.

Horseshit--that's about the dumbest thing I have seen you post.


Verizon had most of it's telecommunications at the WTC.

Along with Giuliani's mega-million dollar police command center. Which was a complete clusterfuck from the getgo..because it was almost in the same area as the other command center at 1 police plaza.

The idea of having ANOTHER command center is to have a place to go when disaster strikes.

which included the landlines...
New York Telephone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The September 11, 2001 attacks destroyed the small telephone exchange inside the World Trade Center that served the Center, and damaged the company's largest exchange building, the Verizon Building at 140 West Street, across Vesey Street. The destruction included cables under Vesey Street as well as inside plant damaged when I-beams and steel from the towers ran through the building. Service was disrupted to approximately 300,000 business and consumer voice circuits, 3,600,000 data circuits (including the New York Stock Exchange), and 10 cell towers.
Oh yea, I forgot the part about Huntsman saying that Conservatives cannot run from 95% of the scientific comunnity, talking about evolution and climate change!!!
Can a pay phone send out an instant alert to warn kids and parents of potential threats on school campuses?

Can you track a pay phones GPS chip to see where you missing child is?

Thought you hated the federal government.


I thought you were smart enough to understand the difference between wanting a smaller, more effective and cost efficient federal government, and hatred.

I guess not. I won't overestimate your intelligence again.
Horseshit--that's about the dumbest thing I have seen you post.


Verizon had most of it's telecommunications at the WTC.

Along with Giuliani's mega-million dollar police command center. Which was a complete clusterfuck from the getgo..because it was almost in the same area as the other command center at 1 police plaza.

The idea of having ANOTHER command center is to have a place to go when disaster strikes.

which included the landlines...
New York Telephone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The September 11, 2001 attacks destroyed the small telephone exchange inside the World Trade Center that served the Center, and damaged the company's largest exchange building, the Verizon Building at 140 West Street, across Vesey Street. The destruction included cables under Vesey Street as well as inside plant damaged when I-beams and steel from the towers ran through the building. Service was disrupted to approximately 300,000 business and consumer voice circuits, 3,600,000 data circuits (including the New York Stock Exchange), and 10 cell towers.

Initially..they were down. But they were back up in half an hour. The cell phones didn't come back for quite some time.

I was in the operations room at the NYSE when that happened.
Can you track a pay phones GPS chip to see where you missing child is?

Thought you hated the federal government.


I thought you were smart enough to understand the difference between wanting a smaller, more effective and cost efficient federal government, and hatred.

I guess not. I won't overestimate your intelligence again.

And pray does a "smaller cost efficient" government launch communications satellites.

Those ain't cheap.



The actual debate was pretty funny too.

It was the GREATEST DEBATE I have seen in my 58 years--it was a major slug-fest--something you kiss ass liberals aren't capable of doing to one-another-and btw is exactly why we have the MOST INCOMPETENT President ever running this country--because YOU FREAKING sissy's are afraid of being called racists. And that's exactly why you kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb too--you were scared to death that the Democrat Party may be referred to as racist.

you call that a "major slug-fest"??? WOW
Oh yea, I forgot the part about Huntsman saying that Conservatives cannot run from 95% of the scientific comunnity, talking about evolution and climate change!!!

Huntsman--is toast already.

Because we have this:

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some
places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the
Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports
from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in
climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far
north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters
showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been
replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at
many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while
vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far
north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few
years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make
most coastal cities uninhabitable.

I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from
November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in
The Washington Post 88+ years ago_


Verizon had most of it's telecommunications at the WTC.

Along with Giuliani's mega-million dollar police command center. Which was a complete clusterfuck from the getgo..because it was almost in the same area as the other command center at 1 police plaza.

The idea of having ANOTHER command center is to have a place to go when disaster strikes.

which included the landlines...
New York Telephone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The September 11, 2001 attacks destroyed the small telephone exchange inside the World Trade Center that served the Center, and damaged the company's largest exchange building, the Verizon Building at 140 West Street, across Vesey Street. The destruction included cables under Vesey Street as well as inside plant damaged when I-beams and steel from the towers ran through the building. Service was disrupted to approximately 300,000 business and consumer voice circuits, 3,600,000 data circuits (including the New York Stock Exchange), and 10 cell towers.

Initially..they were down. But they were back up in half an hour. The cell phones didn't come back for quite some time.

I was in the operations room at the NYSE when that happened.

Got a link with that time frame?
Can you track a pay phones GPS chip to see where you missing child is?

Thought you hated the federal government.


I thought you were smart enough to understand the difference between wanting a smaller, more effective and cost efficient federal government, and hatred.

I guess not. I won't overestimate your intelligence again.

Not sure why that distinction is so hard for liberals to understand.

They can't seem to get their minds around that. Kinda like the difference between federal and states' rights - they have a problem with that too.

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