Did anyone listen to Rick Perry? He came off very nervous. Reagan knew how to turn a phrase. Perry sounds like an idiot.

I've replayed several of Perry's answers. Wow. He is dumb. God help America if this guy gets elected.

Romney made Perry sound like a teetering, tottering imbecile.

What Rick Perry did tonight--is what I expected he would do a couple of weeks ago. He self-imploded right in front or our eyes.

I understand every dam thing he said tonight--and I agree with most of it. Right now--he is under 100% assault on his comment regarding social security--as a ponzi scheme. Guess what--I agree 100% with what he said. I too--believe that SS is a ponzi scheme--and have known it for years.

However--you have got so many in this country that believe differently--we are outnumbered by FAR--and if Rick Perry were to win the nomination--we would HAND Barack Obama another 4 years--to trash this country--GUARANTEED.

Furthermore--WTF--signing an executive order for 12 year old girls to get some kind of vacination--WTF was that?
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The GOP wants to get Obama out of office.

Thats why Romney will be the GOP nominee.
Perry is anti-Social Security and anti-science along with being generally nervous and stupid. He's toast.
I'm having a really hard time understanding how a conservative could possibly support romney.

How do you define "conservative"? Also, do you think partisanship is a good thing even if it results in gridlock or do you think finding middle ground to keep things moving is good for America

Progressivism is the slide of liberals. Maintaining conservative principles is necessary for the liberty and freedom of this country.

Nice opinion, but it's pure rhetoric and doesn't answer the questions.
Tweet from Charles M. Blow.

When you consider that there are 300 mill Americans & about a 1/3 are Repubs & those 9 are what rose to the top, it's scary.
Did anyone listen to Rick Perry? He came off very nervous. Reagan knew how to turn a phrase. Perry sounds like an idiot.

I've replayed several of Perry's answers. Wow. He is dumb. God help America if this guy gets elected.

Romney made Perry sound like a teetering, tottering imbecile.

What Rick Perry did tonight--is what I expected he would do a couple of weeks ago. He self-imploded right in front or our eyes.

I understand every dam thing he said tonight--and I agree with most of it. Right now--he is under 100% assault on his comment regarding social security--as a ponzi scheme. Guess what--I agree 100% with what he said. I too--believe that SS is a ponzi scheme--and have known it for years.

However--you have got so many in this country that believe differently--we are outnumbered by FAR--and if Rick Perry were to win the nomination--we would HAND Barack Obama another 4 years--to trash this country--GUARANTEED.

I too believe that SS is a ponzi scheme, I also believe that our whole economy is a ponzi scheme thats why it cant be fixed, it must be changed.
Ponzi Scheme Perry delivered Florida to Obama tonight!

No it didn't--Perry is right--Social security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of. In this Perry is right.

Romney knows it too--but he's got a plan to fix it for the younger generation.

Calling SS a Ponzi Scheme is not a winning formula for the Sarasota Blue Hairs.

True, he should call it like it is. Calling it a Ponzi scheme insults Ponzi.
Dubya never got good grades in his debates did he ? Don't count Perry out until he is all the way out.

Not from the media he didn't. Course I don't know what debates they were watching, he usually floored his opponents.
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey y'all did I miss something important in the debate?
2. I understand Rick Perry was not there, is that true?
3. I was tied up watching a Chinese Movie, sub-titles and all.
4. *Kung Fu Hustle*.
5. I give it a *thumbs up*:thup:

Did anyone listen to Rick Perry? He came off very nervous. Reagan knew how to turn a phrase. Perry sounds like an idiot.

I've replayed several of Perry's answers. Wow. He is dumb. God help America if this guy gets elected.

Romney made Perry sound like a teetering, tottering imbecile.

What Rick Perry did tonight--is what I expected he would do a couple of weeks ago. He self-imploded right in front or our eyes.

I understand every dam thing he said tonight--and I agree with most of it. Right now--he is under 100% assault on his comment regarding social security--as a ponzi scheme. Guess what--I agree 100% with what he said. I too--believe that SS is a ponzi scheme--and have known it for years.

However--you have got so many in this country that believe differently--we are outnumbered by FAR--and if Rick Perry were to win the nomination--we would HAND Barack Obama another 4 years--to trash this country--GUARANTEED.

I too believe that SS is a ponzi scheme, I also believe that our whole economy is a ponzi scheme thats why it cant be fixed, it must be changed.

You're going to have to further comment on what you mean by being "changed"?
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey y'all did I miss something important in the debate?
2. I understand Rick Perry was not there, is that true?
3. I was tied up watching a Chinese Movie, sub-titles and all.
4. *Kung Fu Hustle*.
5. I give it a *thumbs up*:thup:

Rick Perry was there--and he self-destructed--I guess it's better we
know now than later.
True, he should call it like it is. Calling it a Ponzi scheme insults Ponzi.

How so...?

I am an employer--and I know exactly what Rick Perry is talking about. But you guys on the left wouldn't understand this crap--nor do many Americans.

So--here it is:

Every single paycheck you get--12.4% of your gross wages are taken out--(employee and employer contribution) for your entire working life and the Federal Government confiscates this money for your old age. Should you die before age 67 years old and you are single--(not married) the Federal government simply confiscates all of this money. If you are lucky enough to live long enough to hit retirement age--they will give you back diddly sqwaut in a monthly check--that you could have easily outdone in a return in a simple guaranteed passbook private bank savings account.

That's what Perry and I know. BUT--you are not going to convince the majority of Americans in this country of that. And that's why Rick Perry imploded tonight before he ever got started.

Therefore--Social Security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever thought of.
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Sorry bout that,

1. If it is a *ponzi scheme* then its better to have it than nothing.
2. The only problem with SS is its always getting raided and then given an *IOU*.
3. The reality is its what keeps old people in beans, and needs an overhaul.
4. It needs to be paid back by the federal government, and then left alone.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Hey y'all did I miss something important in the debate?
2. I understand Rick Perry was not there, is that true?
3. I was tied up watching a Chinese Movie, sub-titles and all.
4. *Kung Fu Hustle*.
5. I give it a *thumbs up*:thup:

Rick Perry was there--and he self-destructed--I guess it's better we
know now than later.


Your drinking word must have been "jobs". :D

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