GOP Eating Its Own

This is just another case of the right not understanding the changing face of this country's demographics. But that is a national issue.
As this election is taking place in South Carolina, it makes sense. It's pretty hard to get further to the right than South Carolina.
It's called representing your constituents.

S.C. is an anomaly and a pretty liberal state. So fail on your part.
South Carolina -- liberal.


That is funny. The epicenter of states rights is libral lol
As long as you and others on the right continue to refuse to address the serious problems facing the GOP, and engage in these childish and failed attempts at deflection, the GOP will only continue to drift closer to the abyss of political irrelevance.

The GOP is not going anywhere. But keep believing that if it makes you feel good. Problem is that you are in for a rude awakening in 2014 and 2016 when the dems become a minority in both houses.

Then will you lefties continue to say "majority rules" ?
If the Tea Party keeps up this ideological purge in the GOP, they will find themselves leading a distinctly minority party. Turning a political party into an extreme ideologically driven organization will ruin that party. There just ain't enough angry white men to vote as a majority.

you have two things very wrong

1. the tea party is not extreme. the constitution is not an extreme document.

2. the tea party is not just old white guys. Lots of women and minorities who are fed up with dictatorial intrusive government.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

And you don't understand why we laugh!

No, I understand very well. It is your own ignorance. You've probably never been to SC. But you know it's in the South so it's basically just like, oh Mississippi, right?
What's funny is your presumption you know what you're talking about.
Hell? Too many here were taught that the South is still stuck in the 1960's...but then they were never taught that it was their own brothers and sisters in the South in that time period that were the offenders to what they claim to be so alarmed of...:eusa_whistle: (They live in revisionist history).
The GOP is not going anywhere. But keep believing that if it makes you feel good. Problem is that you are in for a rude awakening in 2014 and 2016 when the dems become a minority in both houses.

Then will you lefties continue to say "majority rules" ?
If the Tea Party keeps up this ideological purge in the GOP, they will find themselves leading a distinctly minority party. Turning a political party into an extreme ideologically driven organization will ruin that party. There just ain't enough angry white men to vote as a majority.

you have two things very wrong

1. the tea party is not extreme. the constitution is not an extreme document.

2. the tea party is not just old white guys. Lots of women and minorities who are fed up with dictatorial intrusive government.

Yeah-huh. Sure.

"""Eighteen percent of Americans identify as Tea Party supporters. The vast majority of them -- 89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

They tend to skew older: Three in four are 45 years old or older, including 29 percent who are 65 plus. They are also more likely to be men (59 percent) than women (41 percent).

More than one in three (36 percent) hails from the South, far more than any other region. Twenty-five percent come from the West, 22 percent from the Midwest, and 18 percent from the northeast. """

Tea Party Supporters: Who They Are and What They Believe - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
If the Tea Party keeps up this ideological purge in the GOP, they will find themselves leading a distinctly minority party. Turning a political party into an extreme ideologically driven organization will ruin that party. There just ain't enough angry white men to vote as a majority.

you have two things very wrong

1. the tea party is not extreme. the constitution is not an extreme document.

2. the tea party is not just old white guys. Lots of women and minorities who are fed up with dictatorial intrusive government.

Yeah-huh. Sure.

"""Eighteen percent of Americans identify as Tea Party supporters. The vast majority of them -- 89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

They tend to skew older: Three in four are 45 years old or older, including 29 percent who are 65 plus. They are also more likely to be men (59 percent) than women (41 percent).

More than one in three (36 percent) hails from the South, far more than any other region. Twenty-five percent come from the West, 22 percent from the Midwest, and 18 percent from the northeast. """

Tea Party Supporters: Who They Are and What They Believe - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Uhm... you left off this little jewel that was in that article:

They are better educated than most Americans: 37 percent are college graduates, compared to 25 percent of Americans overall. They also have a higher-than-average household income, with 56 percent making more than $50,000 per year.

So much for the "they're a bunch of ill-educated bumpkins" mantra that you leftist birdbrains are always trotting out.
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Graham needs to go. We need a real conservative to take his place. And that goes for the rest of the RINO's.

Real conservative = Unilateral policy-making and no compromising. Gotcha'.

If that's your take-away from what he said... you need to go check yourself in at the local nuttery.

No shit. These people project more of themselves than they realize...yeah, they're THAT stupid.
oh lookie, Democrats are eating their own too...tsk tsk

that's a lot to eat...

Via New Republic:

We’re three years from the next presidential election, and Hillary Clinton is, once again, the inevitable Democratic nominee. Congressional Republicans have spent months investigating her like she already resides in the White House. The New York Times has its own dedicated Clinton correspondent, whose job it is to chronicle everything from Hillary’s summer accommodations (“CLINTONS FIND A NEW PLACE TO VACATION IN THE HAMPTONS”) to her distinct style of buckraking (“IN CLINTON FUNDRAISING, EXPECT A FULL EMBRACE”). There is a feature-length Hillary biopic in the works, and a well-funded super PAC—“Ready for Hillary”—bent on easing her way into the race. And then there is Clinton herself, who sounds increasingly candidential. Since leaving the State Department, Clinton has already delivered meaty, headline-grabbing orations on voting rights and Syria.
This is just another case of the right not understanding the changing face of this country's demographics. But that is a national issue.
As this election is taking place in South Carolina, it makes sense. It's pretty hard to get further to the right than South Carolina.
It's called representing your constituents.

S.C. is an anomaly and a pretty liberal state. So fail on your part.
South Carolina -- liberal.


SC? Liberal??
Negotiate with or capitulate to the GOP?

How about compromise.
The Tea Party compromise? Give up healthcare and we'll not shutdown the government. What part was compromise? It all looks like capitulation from here.

They were willing to delay implemenation for a year and were called terrorists. Then a group of senators came forth proposing the same thing. They were called Democrats up for re-election.
How about compromise.
The Tea Party compromise? Give up healthcare and we'll not shutdown the government. What part was compromise? It all looks like capitulation from here.

They were willing to delay implemenation for a year and were called terrorists. Then a group of senators came forth proposing the same thing. They were called Democrats up for re-election.
The Tea Party is unable to compromise with fellow Republicans! What makes anyone think they would compromise with Democrats? The Tea Party wasn't elected to compromise, legislate or govern. They are chin deep in ideologues and devoid of statesmen. Their one mission is to obstruct, destroy and sabotage any legislation sponsored by anyone deemed insufficiently Conservative. Thus they are, and are doomed to be a minority unable to garner national support.
I believe the GOP is ruining its chances of getting back into the White House for a very LONG time, unless they can stop the runaway train which is the far-right and Tea Party. The "conservatives" of the GOP have not proposed any major legislation or anything that could help the country, instead they insist to block any and all legislation passed by the Senate or proposed by the Democrats. They are getting paid stupid money for doing absolutely nothing, not to mention Boehner has introduced the schedule for next has less days in session than this year (which was already short). I say let them eat themselves so we can get back to work and fix this country. The Republicans will keep nominating extreme candidates and losing elections, they will become an endangered species in national offices soon. There is a fight in the party between the far-right wing and the establishment Republicans....and they are making each other weaker and weaker as we approach election cycles. Notice what happened in Virginia last week, voters went for Democrats in both major races and will most likely do the same for Attorney General (that is, if Cuccinelli is stopped from pulling shananagans). They must learn to work with Democrats and lose their extreme views when it comes to social issues. Telling women what to do and insulting minorities will get you nowhere, especially during national elections.

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The Tea Party compromise? Give up healthcare and we'll not shutdown the government. What part was compromise? It all looks like capitulation from here.

They were willing to delay implemenation for a year and were called terrorists. Then a group of senators came forth proposing the same thing. They were called Democrats up for re-election.
The Tea Party is unable to compromise with fellow Republicans! What makes anyone think they would compromise with Democrats? The Tea Party wasn't elected to compromise, legislate or govern. They are chin deep in ideologues and devoid of statesmen. Their one mission is to obstruct, destroy and sabotage any legislation sponsored by anyone deemed insufficiently Conservative. Thus they are, and are doomed to be a minority unable to garner national support.

Yawn. Evidence is not your friend. Maybe stick to inspecting toilets?
awwww, the Tea Party won't give in to Obama's bullying and demands, so he can continue to grow this government and put more dept on the backs of children and grandchildren, so they of course are the problem and that makes them, EXTREME...not only have they become a problem for the Democrats but the poor wittle Gop too..

Obama wouldn't Compromise on not being able to colletct taxes on the people in this country by delaying the Individual mandate, so he ALLOWS the government to be shut down instead...and of course who does the government sheep blame, THE TEA simply amazing....Obama was the leader of this country but he is just a poor halpless buffoon I guess

man the sheep for this government..Their master's in both parties dump on the Tea party and here they are...baa baa baaa

OfailCare has been a total fucking DISASTER, has grown this government at a time we didn't NEED IT, he stole 800 billion dollars in his first term of taxpayers monies that did absolutely NOTHING...but yet you sit here whining how Congress has done NOthing...waa waa waa

this country is hopeless with voters like you people
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