GOP Establishment in Panic Mode

The Conservative base finally appears to be getting their message across to the GOP establishment. They are now in panic mode in absolute fear and astonishment that outsiders Donald Trump or Ben Carson might actually win the GOP nomination. They fear that should either Washington outsider win, it might result in handing Hillary Clinton the Presidency and put Senate control in jeopardy. Really? That's what you get for screwing over your base. We'd as soon see Hillary as President and you RINO's lose the Senate as we had see yet another RINO like your boy Jeb Bush win the nomination. Suck it up GOP. You pressured the Donald to sign your little agreement and he did sign it. If and when you ever decide to actually be a Party separated from the Democrat Party, we may again throw our support your way. Maybe. Maybe not. You have screwed the wrong people. Payback can be HELL!

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win
I'd rather see a blind Harry Reid redeaux and Hillary in a negligee than a TP potus, so rock on.
Nope, the GOP mainstream will not compromise with the far right or Trump.

If that is indeed the case, we are witnessing the death of the Republican Party and it is a death by suicide.

Don't pay any attention to Jake the Fake. He's a liberal Alzheimer's patient who pretends to be a Republican.

I know all about Jake. He was openly challenged to a debate but was too chicken to engage.

He never debates. He issues papal edicts.
Nope, the GOP mainstream will not compromise with the far right or Trump.

If that is indeed the case, we are witnessing the death of the Republican Party and it is a death by suicide.
Nope. We are watching the far right die slowly. We in the mainstream GOP keep playing it back on our reruns. So enjoyable.

The mainstream GOP needs to dump the far right from the party. Let them have their own party. If that were to happen, many independents and moderate Dems would return to the GOP, but as long as the tail is wagging the dog, the Republican Party is in disarray.

Well, it was the mainstream that had Trump sign the pledge. Blame them.

since when has Trump been a member of congress and been responsible for passing legislation that raised taxes ?

riddle me that ..

Riddle me as to what you are talking about. I was speaking of the pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee might be that the RNC had Trump sign. You stupid or something? You don't have to answer that. We already know.
Here is the hilarious part: When Trump self-destructs - NaziCons are left with Rain Man Carson, idiot savant. Hilarious!
Here is the hilarious part: When Trump self-destructs - NaziCons are left with Rain Man Carson, idiot savant. Hilarious!
Will they flock to Teddy Cruise or stfu and go back to their basements?
Nope, the GOP mainstream will not compromise with the far right or Trump.

If that is indeed the case, we are witnessing the death of the Republican Party and it is a death by suicide.

Don't pay any attention to Jake the Fake. He's a liberal Alzheimer's patient who pretends to be a Republican.

I know all about Jake. He was openly challenged to a debate but was too chicken to engage.
I had defeated the idiot in the original thread and linked to it. :lol:
GOP Establishment in Panic Mode
Wow this broken record again...

2000 - Republican establishment was in "Panic Mode" because "the Maverick" John McCain was surging, what happened? "establishment" candidate GWB won the nomination
2004 - Democrat establishment was in "Panic Mode" because "Doctor Demento" Howard Dean was surging, what happened? "establishment" candidate John Kerry won the nomination
2008 - Democrat establishment was in "Panic Mode" because the Big "O" was surging, what happened? they figured out that the Big "O" was actually an "establishment" candidate and gave him their blessing to win the nomination
2012 - Republican establishment was in "Panic Mode" because "Professor Pizza" Herman Caine was surging, what happened? "establishment" candidate Mitt Romney won the nomination.

This year is no different, same bread and circuses, dog and puppet show, same people will decide who gets the nomination, namely the party bosses. It all makes for entertaining television, I guess.

I disagree. This time the Conservative base if pissed with the establishment. They weren't before.
Nope, the GOP mainstream will not compromise with the far right or Trump.

If that is indeed the case, we are witnessing the death of the Republican Party and it is a death by suicide.

Don't pay any attention to Jake the Fake. He's a liberal Alzheimer's patient who pretends to be a Republican.

I know all about Jake. He was openly challenged to a debate but was too chicken to engage.
I had defeated the idiot in the original thread and linked to it. :lol:

Can you imagine if Republicans actually end up running Trump or Carson?

You reap what you sow
Nope, the GOP mainstream will not compromise with the far right or Trump.

If that is indeed the case, we are witnessing the death of the Republican Party and it is a death by suicide.

Don't pay any attention to Jake the Fake. He's a liberal Alzheimer's patient who pretends to be a Republican.

I know all about Jake. He was openly challenged to a debate but was too chicken to engage.
I had defeated the idiot in the original thread and linked to it. :lol:

Absolutely right I did. :lol:
If that is indeed the case, we are witnessing the death of the Republican Party and it is a death by suicide.

Don't pay any attention to Jake the Fake. He's a liberal Alzheimer's patient who pretends to be a Republican.

I know all about Jake. He was openly challenged to a debate but was too chicken to engage.
I had defeated the idiot in the original thread and linked to it. :lol:

Absolutely right I did. :lol:
Pigs fly.
Don't pay any attention to Jake the Fake. He's a liberal Alzheimer's patient who pretends to be a Republican.

I know all about Jake. He was openly challenged to a debate but was too chicken to engage.
I had defeated the idiot in the original thread and linked to it. :lol:

Absolutely right I did. :lol:
Pigs fly.
No, you don't. You are permanently grounded.

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