GOP establishment to back The Hildebeast if Trump nominee

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
When I want a comment from you I'll ask for one. Now you've gone and really derailed the thread. I suspect you are fishing for an AGREE or THANK YOU or WINNER from Jim.
White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
Why don't you put us back on track with your amazing insight.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
When I want a comment from you I'll ask for one. Now you've gone and really derailed the thread. I suspect you are fishing for an AGREE or THANK YOU or WINNER from Jim.

Still trying to change the subject, I see.
your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
When I want a comment from you I'll ask for one. Now you've gone and really derailed the thread. I suspect you are fishing for an AGREE or THANK YOU or WINNER from Jim.

Still trying to change the subject, I see.
Would you support Trump if he ran as an independent, even if it meant a sure win for Hillary?
your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
When I want a comment from you I'll ask for one. Now you've gone and really derailed the thread. I suspect you are fishing for an AGREE or THANK YOU or WINNER from Jim.

Still trying to change the subject, I see.
Well he cant argue the topic, so he tries to change the topic.
Still trying to change the subject, I see.

Here we go: Would you support Trump if he ran as an independent, even if it meant a sure win for Hillary?

pointless speculation. You invent fantasy scenarios and then ask me to support or refute them. Not going to run in circles with you. It's your can have it work out any way you want...
I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C..... Do they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?... Ah, I forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is!... just look to the JakeAss and Toro, the bullshitter, as examples!

WND ^ | 11/29/2015 | JOE KOVACS
'They want a puppet that they can control, Donald will never be that person' Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party's nominee, that doesn't mean the party's establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: "In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors...

Ok, I'll play.

YOU SAID: I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C.....

My reply is, "But you guys control the House and Senate. You guys will be ok. You'll just never win the white house is all." Maybe the GOP will have to learn to work with a Democratic president. We certainly don't want a Republican in the white house again.

You asked if they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?...

We have to. If we don't, you'll shut the government down. Plus our Democrats have to play nice with the corporations too. If not they'll ruin us. The corporations and rich unfortunately call the shots.

Then you said you forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is! And I agree.

Hillary will gladly take the GOP's money and endorsement.
Still trying to change the subject, I see.

Here we go: Would you support Trump if he ran as an independent, even if it meant a sure win for Hillary?

pointless speculation. You invent fantasy scenarios and then ask me to support or refute them. Not going to run in circles with you. It's your can have it work out any way you want...
Guys like you will quickly forget about Donald Trump and you are will throw your phone support behind Ted Cruz. Once Ted Cruz is not the nominee you will forget all that and you will fully support Marco Rubio an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton who will be the next president of the United States. It's true
Still trying to change the subject, I see.

Here we go: Would you support Trump if he ran as an independent, even if it meant a sure win for Hillary?

pointless speculation. You invent fantasy scenarios and then ask me to support or refute them. Not going to run in circles with you. It's your can have it work out any way you want...
Guys like you will quickly forget about Donald Trump and you are will throw your phone support behind Ted Cruz. Once Ted Cruz is not the nominee you will forget all that and you will fully support Marco Rubio an effort to defeat Hillary Clinton who will be the next president of the United States. It's true

more pointless speculation and fantasy scenarios that you invented out of thin air.
Democrats cannot elect Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.

But Republicans can. The establishment (read "RINOs) can do just that by nominating someone other than the individual who wins the primaries.
Women want to see the first woman president more than spicks want to see a spick in the white house.

No one needs to read another slur from ANOTHER racist leftist, fish.
Democrats cannot elect Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.

But Republicans can. The establishment (read "RINOs) can do just that by nominating someone other than the individual who wins the primaries.
Women want to see the first woman president more than spicks want to see a spick in the white house.

No one needs to read another slur from ANOTHER racist leftist, fish.
Why if trump says it you think it's cool?
Democrats cannot elect Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.

But Republicans can. The establishment (read "RINOs) can do just that by nominating someone other than the individual who wins the primaries.
Women want to see the first woman president more than spicks want to see a spick in the white house.

No one needs to read another slur from ANOTHER racist leftist, fish.
Why if trump says it you think it's cool?

When did I ever say that, fish?
Boss rewriting history again.

The thing is, these same predictions were made about Ronald Reagan.

Uh, not really. Reagan had been governor of the largest state and had run once before. He was a credible candidate.

The most laughable one was that he was "too old" to be elected! Note, both Hillary and Sanders would be older than Reagan when they took office. We've certainly come a long way in our thinking on this, haven't we?

Yes, the average lifespan of an American has also gotten longer since 1980, but don't let that stop you. Of course, Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer's when he was in office, so it was probably a valid concern.

Other than the age thing, it was that Reagan was too much of a "loose cannon" and would start WWIII... do you really trust Reagan with his finger on the red button? All through the primaries he was a running joke... a washed up B-film actor with no experience in Washington.

Again, also a two-term governor.

It's difficult for people who were not there at the time to comprehend this. When he won the GOP nomination, all the political insiders and pundits, the GOP establishment, the mainstream media, the DNC and Carter campaign were all predicting that Carter would beat him in a landslide.

No one was predicting that at all. People knew Jimmy Carter was in trouble by virtue of a challenge within his own party by Ted Kennedy and the fact that John Anderson was soaking up a lot of the liberal vote.

In fact, that is the primary reason Reagan selected GHWB as his running mate, to try and lock down some of the establishment party vote which his campaign thought was crucial at the time. Turns out, he didn't need any help, he won one of the most lopsided elections in history.

Reagan selected Bush because Ford wouldn't take the jobs without a promise he could be co-President. IN any event, the fact he needed an establishment running mate was a sign of weakness if you are running against an unpopular president with a word like "Misery Index" attached to him.

Again... Hindsight is 20/20. Of course we can evaluate that election and see in retrospect why Carter lost. At the time of the GOP convention, this was FAR FAR from a foregone conclusion.

It's quite funny and telling that your last comment confirms what I said. Yes... it IS a sign of weakness to grab an establishment running mate, or at least shows they were concerned. BUT... as it turned out, Reagan won in a landslide. He could've nominated Daffy Duck and still beaten Carter. They didn't know that at the time of the GOP convention so they went with Bush... admittedly, only a slight step up from Daffy. ;)
We certainly don't want a Republican in the white house again.

Revealing the level at which Liberals delude themselves. Of course Democrats don't want a Republican in the white house again! That would be sort of self-defeating, wouldn't it? But Liberal mush-brains like silly boob convince themselves they speak for everyone.
The GOP mainstream and establishment wings are quite willing to let the fringe element go to a third party. We can start over; we did after Goldwater's defeat. The fringe can't.

You people can't accomplish SHIT without the Religious right, AND the PATRIOTS that you so hate!
You are gas lighting. One, you are not a patriot. Two, the social con Christian right needs the party not the opposite.
It is simple for the GOP. They either nominate Trump and lose, or they nominate someone with a brain, Trump runs Third Party and they lose.

Let's see how they figure this one out?

I don't think Trump is going to run third party. I think by the time the primaries roll around, the window to run on a third party will close.

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