GOP establishment to back The Hildebeast if Trump nominee

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Oh just wait. NONE of these morons were even thinking or endorsing Rubio but all of the sudden, they will all be not only on the Rubio bandwaggon they'll be swearing they were always the pro Mexican party and that its the Democrats who are racist. They'll claim Rubio was always their first choice. They'll start comparing him to a young JFK. Just watch. He will be their messiah.

hahahaha..more wacky "predictions" and wild proclamations...comical. :popcorn:
Rubio has been cruzing from fourth to seventh the last few months. When Trump and Carson falter, the true conservatives will go to Cruz. Everyone else will go to Rubio, who will take the nomination.
Rubio. Even though Romney and McCain got whipped by a black 1 term Junior Senator, they were still the GOP's best chance of winning. Cruz won't win. We hope they run a Cruz for once. Or a Ron Paul or Herman Cain or Ben Carson or Carly Fiorino or Huckabee.

It'll either be Rubio or Jeb. You get two choices. Pick one.
White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Oh just wait. NONE of these morons were even thinking or endorsing Rubio but all of the sudden, they will all be not only on the Rubio bandwaggon they'll be swearing they were always the pro Mexican party and that its the Democrats who are racist. They'll claim Rubio was always their first choice. They'll start comparing him to a young JFK. Just watch. He will be their messiah.

hahahaha..more wacky "predictions" and wild proclamations...comical. :popcorn:
Bill O'Reilly Tells Karl Rove His Prediction Record Stinks

1. Dick Morris: “This is going to be a landslide.”

2. Roger Kimball: “Obama is toast.”

3. Karl Rove: “At least 279 electoral votes.”
4. Peggy Noonan: “There is no denying the Republicans have the passion now.”
5. Larry Kudlow: “Yes, that’s right: 330 electoral votes.”

6. Fred Barnes: “Romney will be elected the 45th president of the United States.”
7. Michael Barone: “Fundamentals usually prevail in American elections.”
8. Dean Chambers: “The race has shifted profoundly in favor of Mitt Romney.”

9. Newt Gingrich: “A Romney landslide.”
10. Jim Cramer: “The presidential race is nowhere as close as the polls suggest.”
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Oh just wait. NONE of these morons were even thinking or endorsing Rubio but all of the sudden, they will all be not only on the Rubio bandwaggon they'll be swearing they were always the pro Mexican party and that its the Democrats who are racist. They'll claim Rubio was always their first choice. They'll start comparing him to a young JFK. Just watch. He will be their messiah.

hahahaha..more wacky "predictions" and wild proclamations...comical. :popcorn:
Bill O'Reilly Tells Karl Rove His Prediction Record Stinks

1. Dick Morris: “This is going to be a landslide.”

2. Roger Kimball: “Obama is toast.”

3. Karl Rove: “At least 279 electoral votes.”
4. Peggy Noonan: “There is no denying the Republicans have the passion now.”
5. Larry Kudlow: “Yes, that’s right: 330 electoral votes.”
6. Fred Barnes: “Romney will be elected the 45th president of the United States.”
7. Michael Barone: “Fundamentals usually prevail in American elections.”
8. Dean Chambers: “The race has shifted profoundly in favor of Mitt Romney.”
9. Newt Gingrich: “A Romney landslide.”
10. Jim Cramer: “The presidential race is nowhere as close as the polls suggest.”

Hey..that's great!...however we aren't talking about any of those people here, are we? ...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
Rubio has been cruzing from fourth to seventh the last few months. When Trump and Carson falter, the true conservatives will go to Cruz. Everyone else will go to Rubio, who will take the nomination.
Rubio. Even though Romney and McCain got whipped by a black 1 term Junior Senator, they were still the GOP's best chance of winning. Cruz won't win. We hope they run a Cruz for once. Or a Ron Paul or Herman Cain or Ben Carson or Carly Fiorino or Huckabee.

It'll either be Rubio or Jeb. You get two choices. Pick one.
comical..a marxist/radical leftist arguing about which gop candidate he prefers to get nominated...
I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C..... Do they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?... Ah, I forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is!... just look to the JakeAss and Toro, the bullshitter, as examples!

WND ^ | 11/29/2015 | JOE KOVACS
'They want a puppet that they can control, Donald will never be that person' Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party's nominee, that doesn't mean the party's establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: "In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors...
I believe they said they wouldn't support anyone.

But those asshats can't resist meddling. They'll try to bribe him.
Democrats cannot elect Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.

But Republicans can. The establishment (read "RINOs) can do just that by nominating someone other than the individual who wins the primaries.
your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Oh just wait. NONE of these morons were even thinking or endorsing Rubio but all of the sudden, they will all be not only on the Rubio bandwaggon they'll be swearing they were always the pro Mexican party and that its the Democrats who are racist. They'll claim Rubio was always their first choice. They'll start comparing him to a young JFK. Just watch. He will be their messiah.

hahahaha..more wacky "predictions" and wild proclamations...comical. :popcorn:
Bill O'Reilly Tells Karl Rove His Prediction Record Stinks

1. Dick Morris: “This is going to be a landslide.”

2. Roger Kimball: “Obama is toast.”

3. Karl Rove: “At least 279 electoral votes.”
4. Peggy Noonan: “There is no denying the Republicans have the passion now.”
5. Larry Kudlow: “Yes, that’s right: 330 electoral votes.”
6. Fred Barnes: “Romney will be elected the 45th president of the United States.”
7. Michael Barone: “Fundamentals usually prevail in American elections.”
8. Dean Chambers: “The race has shifted profoundly in favor of Mitt Romney.”
9. Newt Gingrich: “A Romney landslide.”
10. Jim Cramer: “The presidential race is nowhere as close as the polls suggest.”

Hey..that's great!...however we aren't talking about any of those people here, are we? ...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I responded this way because you said to me, and I quote, "hahahaha..more wacky "predictions" and wild proclamations".

So how should I have responded to your comment? Are you suggesting your comment was on subject or helpful to keeping the conversation on the tracks? Because that further confirms you are delusional.
Democrats cannot elect Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.

But Republicans can. The establishment (read "RINOs) can do just that by nominating someone other than the individual who wins the primaries.
Women want to see the first woman president more than spicks want to see a spick in the white house.

I LOVE when you leftists have NO RESPONSE and just use a FUNNY icon...

Whereas some of us love how you've gone from "Trump is THE BEST" to "Leftists are PANICKING over Trump" to "WE'LL GO THIRD PARTY IF WE HAVE TO AND WE'LL WIN..."

...even if the logical effect of a Trump third party run will be to siphon off the crazies from the GOP, who'll probably push a Rubio candidacy because he's so purty that the ladies will vote for him, and all you extremists will end up doing is ushering Hillary into the WH.

Or, IOW, :rofl:

I LOVE when you leftists have NO RESPONSE and just use a FUNNY icon...

Whereas some of us love how you've gone from "Trump is THE BEST" to "Leftists are PANICKING over Trump" to "WE'LL GO THIRD PARTY IF WE HAVE TO AND WE'LL WIN..."

...even if the logical effect of a Trump third party run will be to siphon off the crazies from the GOP, who'll probably push a Rubio candidacy because he's so purty that the ladies will vote for him, and all you extremists will end up doing is ushering Hillary into the WH.

Or, IOW, :rofl:
Is that how you rationalize your racism, angry old man?

Prove that I am racist, idiot. You cant bec ause the word is meaningless in the mouths of morons like you.

We also used to think owning other human beings was a-ok, which is the antithetisis of American ideals.

YOU did, but I never have, so dont 'we' anything, jack ass.

Now go scream at kids to get off your lawn, anti-American.

The kids in my neighborhood dont get on my lawn. They know better, doofus.
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.

as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.
America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.

as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

I LOVE when you leftists have NO RESPONSE and just use a FUNNY icon...

Whereas some of us love how you've gone from "Trump is THE BEST" to "Leftists are PANICKING over Trump" to "WE'LL GO THIRD PARTY IF WE HAVE TO AND WE'LL WIN..."

...even if the logical effect of a Trump third party run will be to siphon off the crazies from the GOP, who'll probably push a Rubio candidacy because he's so purty that the ladies will vote for him, and all you extremists will end up doing is ushering Hillary into the WH.

Or, IOW, :rofl:

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
as well as inacurate. These morons are going to restore racism to respectability.

Only an idiot brings a knife to a gun fight.

brilliant rebuttal!

except we aren't talking about knives or guns or fights or what your favorite dvd cover looks like.
Why are you trying to change the subject again?

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