GOP establishment to back The Hildebeast if Trump nominee

Also being a racist is unAmerican. It violates the first part of the Declaration of Independence which says that all men are created equal.
Lol, you are such a jack ass liar.

All the way up to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, MOST white Americans regarded blacks as inferior to whites and to not have the right to equality under the law. Clearly no one, including the authors of the DoI intended what you think they did.

You are just a sloganeering jack ass, and I seriously doubt you have given the bullshit you spout any more than a moments reflection. You are simply using your white-hating agit prop to attack the people who were kind enough to let you in our country.

But dont worry, Twinkle Toes, we are taking our country back, one step at a time.
Let's see the rich, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and how many other DemocRAT billionaires are you talking about? We see Rubio backed by a DemocRAT PRO AMNESTY billionaire, Paul Singer, and others trying to create a DemocRAT majority from his actions.... And you are this stupid to even put this in print...LIBERALISM IS a MENTAL DISORDER!
As soon as your party stops bashing gays, blacks, muslims and mexicans you too will start to try to win them back. Just right now your party is making a calculated decision to bash them all in hopes of rallying the white crazies who feel they are losing control of their country. The fact is, those poor whites need to realize they have already lost their country. But not to gays or muslims. The rich have taken it over. To them, we are all ni&#$rs.

Even Caitlyn Jenner and Ben Carson think you are a n*#$er.

Well, we do bash GAYS that put themselves before the Constitution, Blacks seem to be getting smarter, knowing that muslim's and ILLEGAL MEXICANS are going to replace them, both in jobs, and in voting, and Hispanics are seeing that their religion, which is a BIG PART of their lives dictates that others ILLEGAL HISPANICS are both a threat to them as they are to blacks... Muslim's? Yes we worry about the DECLARED PURPOSE of ISIS to send THOUSANDS of TERRORISTS to America while the Manchurian muslim is complicit in this action of suicide of the American culture.

BTW, neither Jenner or Carson know me... so again another LIE from a Traitorous anti-American!
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!
Who gives a fuck what you try to think, jack ass?

Did you get your panties all in a wad when a mayor of New Orleans said after Katrina that he would make that city a brown city again? Doubt it.

Do you get upset that white males do not have equality in our court system but have to simply accept unequal standing?

No, it doesnt bother you in the least.

Because yo are a libtard ideologue and you dont give a shit about justice, you only want just-us.
Also being a racist is unAmerican. It violates the first part of the Declaration of Independence which says that all men are created equal.
Lol, you are such a jack ass liar.

All the way up to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, MOST white Americans regarded blacks as inferior to whites and to not have the right to equality under the law. Clearly no one, including the authors of the DoI intended what you think they did.

You are just a sloganeering jack ass, and I seriously doubt you have given the bullshit you spout any more than a moments reflection. You are simply using your white-hating agit prop to attack the people who were kind enough to let you in our country.

But dont worry, Twinkle Toes, we are taking our country back, one step at a time.

Is that how you rationalize your racism, angry old man?

How sad for you.

We also used to think owning other human beings was a-ok, which is the antithetisis of American ideals.

Now go scream at kids to get off your lawn, anti-American.
As soon as your party stops bashing gays, blacks, muslims and mexicans you too will start to try to win them back. Just right now your party is making a calculated decision to bash them all in hopes of rallying the white crazies who feel they are losing control of their country. The fact is, those poor whites need to realize they have already lost their country. But not to gays or muslims. The rich have taken it over. To them, we are all ni&#$rs.

Even Caitlyn Jenner and Ben Carson think you are a n*#$er.

Well, we do bash GAYS that put themselves before the Constitution, Blacks seem to be getting smarter, knowing that muslim's and ILLEGAL MEXICANS are going to replace them, both in jobs, and in voting, and Hispanics are seeing that their religion, which is a BIG PART of their lives dictates that others ILLEGAL HISPANICS are both a threat to them as they are to blacks... Muslim's? Yes we worry about the DECLARED PURPOSE of ISIS to send THOUSANDS of TERRORISTS to America while the Manchurian muslim is complicit in this action of suicide of the American culture.

BTW, neither Jenner or Carson know me... so again another LIE from a Traitorous anti-American!
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.
Total disarray, the Republican Party is in total disarray.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You don't get it, do you? There's not really any difference between the two parties, that's why they BOTH want Trump out of the race. He upsets their little party.
Boom. It's nothing but theatrics. If people do not realize the Republican's and Democrats are in bed together then there is no hope. Anyone beating the party drum is clueless to the reality of DC.

It's all an illusion...smoke and mirrors. Once more American's figure this out, the whole house of cards will collapse. The 'Republican's' who are rejoicing in the Republican party/establishment falling apart have figured out that these morons (on both sides) do not give one fuck about the American people. They only care to preserve the status quo and grid lock. It pays their bills
Operative word here isn't Republican, he BACKS LIBERAL ideals! Just like YOU and the JakeAss, 2 morons, and anti-Americans!

So does Trump.

Trump's more liberal than most of the Republican candidates.

I guess that makes him - and you - anti-American.

On some SOCIAL ISSUES he might be, on almost all others, he is THE ANSWER, as is Cruz!

So what other Republican has THESE as his goals...besides Cruz?

Trump agenda:

1. Build the Wall
2. Enforce laws pertaining to illegals
3. Balance budgets
4. Middle class tax cut
5. Simplify tax code
6. Make military strength a priority
7. Tear up all foreign trade pacts which are taking our jobs, especially China & Mexico & Japan
8. Install hugely successful people from private sector for making foreign trade deals
9. Take better care of wounded vets
10. Eliminate/reduce useless federal bureaucracy

Trump is conservative on these issues:
Pro life since at least 2011, wanted to ban partial birth abortion as far back as 2000.
Pro Traditional marriage. “Gay rights is not my thing.”
Pro capital punishment “Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is”
Hold Judges accountable
Opposes “Common core is a disaster” Teach citizenship, quit “dumbing down”.
Anti education unions (2000)
For school choice
“Climate Change is a hoax”
“No Cap-and-Tax”
For drilling our own.
On Environment “Good development enhances the environment”
Stressed the importance of a strong family & culture of life (2015)
Supports Israel
Opposes Iran deal and letting Iran obtain the bomb.
Wants to crush ISIS quickly.
Wants a military so strong no one will challenge us.
Against unbalanced trade deals that kill American jobs.
Against warrantless government surveillance of citizens.
Is against having a high national debt. Warns that $24T is a point of no return.
Against gun control
For assault weapon ban but says the AR-15 shouldn’t be considered an assault weapon.
Wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market driven polices and increased competition among insurance companies.
Wants to increase military spending.
Will close the border to illegals
Will send the criminals and sponges back.
Will deport all illegals but will let the hard working ones go through the legal process to come back.
Against Anchor babies
Knows unemployment is much higher than official stats.
Will bring jobs back through better trade negotiation.
Attended military academy and Wharton Business School.
Stood up for Birthers and challenged Obama on his fraud.
Believes USA is “the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known”
Wants to honor commitments on Social Security and Medicare, which we can afford to do if he gets the economy going full steam.
Wants to reduce the fraud in disability and other programs.
Against marriage penalties in tax code.
Wants to reduce income taxes and eliminate corporate tax.
Wants to rebuild our infrastructure.
Wants to apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs (2011)
Doesn’t have time for political correctness.
Not afraid to call out either party or both when they are wrong.
Not a puppet to rich campaign donors.

It's very unAmerican to build a database of a particular religion and give them ID cards.

He wants to raise your taxes on imported goods and restrict freedom and liberty on what you can buy. That's what Bernie Sanders wants. That's socialism.

He wants to take over ISIS oil fields and use the proceeds to fund veteran's benefits. IOW he wants to help veterans by - creating more veterans! That's just plain stupid.

Presidential candidates mocking handicapped people isn't very American either.
What the fuck would you know about what is 'American', shit-4-brains?

You would flood this country with open borders immigration and erase the people and culture that live here.

Fuck you, Twinkle Toes.

Also being a racist is unAmerican. It violates the first part of the Declaration of Independence which says that all men are created equal.
Didn't say nothing about women.
Let's see the rich, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and how many other DemocRAT billionaires are you talking about? We see Rubio backed by a DemocRAT PRO AMNESTY billionaire, Paul Singer, and others trying to create a DemocRAT majority from his actions.... And you are this stupid to even put this in print...LIBERALISM IS a MENTAL DISORDER!
As soon as your party stops bashing gays, blacks, muslims and mexicans you too will start to try to win them back. Just right now your party is making a calculated decision to bash them all in hopes of rallying the white crazies who feel they are losing control of their country. The fact is, those poor whites need to realize they have already lost their country. But not to gays or muslims. The rich have taken it over. To them, we are all ni&#$rs.

Even Caitlyn Jenner and Ben Carson think you are a n*#$er.

Well, we do bash GAYS that put themselves before the Constitution, Blacks seem to be getting smarter, knowing that muslim's and ILLEGAL MEXICANS are going to replace them, both in jobs, and in voting, and Hispanics are seeing that their religion, which is a BIG PART of their lives dictates that others ILLEGAL HISPANICS are both a threat to them as they are to blacks... Muslim's? Yes we worry about the DECLARED PURPOSE of ISIS to send THOUSANDS of TERRORISTS to America while the Manchurian muslim is complicit in this action of suicide of the American culture.

BTW, neither Jenner or Carson know me... so again another LIE from a Traitorous anti-American!
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

I remember when I moved into our new subdivision and it was surrounded by woods I hated it when they built new subdivisions surrounding us because it was no longer a paradise out in the middle of the woods.

I never thought about the people who lived in that town before they built our subdivision. They probably wish it was never built too. They wish we didn't come. I was a Greek with immigrant parents and a strange last name. We were going to fuck up the culture too.
Well, we do bash GAYS that put themselves before the Constitution, Blacks seem to be getting smarter, knowing that muslim's and ILLEGAL MEXICANS are going to replace them, both in jobs, and in voting, and Hispanics are seeing that their religion, which is a BIG PART of their lives dictates that others ILLEGAL HISPANICS are both a threat to them as they are to blacks... Muslim's? Yes we worry about the DECLARED PURPOSE of ISIS to send THOUSANDS of TERRORISTS to America while the Manchurian muslim is complicit in this action of suicide of the American culture.

BTW, neither Jenner or Carson know me... so again another LIE from a Traitorous anti-American!
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
Also being a racist is unAmerican. It violates the first part of the Declaration of Independence which says that all men are created equal.
Lol, you are such a jack ass liar.

All the way up to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, MOST white Americans regarded blacks as inferior to whites and to not have the right to equality under the law. Clearly no one, including the authors of the DoI intended what you think they did.

You are just a sloganeering jack ass, and I seriously doubt you have given the bullshit you spout any more than a moments reflection. You are simply using your white-hating agit prop to attack the people who were kind enough to let you in our country.

But dont worry, Twinkle Toes, we are taking our country back, one step at a time.

Is that how you rationalize your racism, angry old man?

How sad for you.

We also used to think owning other human beings was a-ok, which is the antithetisis of American ideals.

Now go scream at kids to get off your lawn, anti-American.

Operative word here isn't Republican, he BACKS LIBERAL ideals! Just like YOU and the JakeAss, 2 morons, and anti-Americans!

So does Trump.

Trump's more liberal than most of the Republican candidates.

I guess that makes him - and you - anti-American.

On some SOCIAL ISSUES he might be, on almost all others, he is THE ANSWER, as is Cruz!

So what other Republican has THESE as his goals...besides Cruz?

Trump agenda:

1. Build the Wall
2. Enforce laws pertaining to illegals
3. Balance budgets
4. Middle class tax cut
5. Simplify tax code
6. Make military strength a priority
7. Tear up all foreign trade pacts which are taking our jobs, especially China & Mexico & Japan
8. Install hugely successful people from private sector for making foreign trade deals
9. Take better care of wounded vets
10. Eliminate/reduce useless federal bureaucracy

Trump is conservative on these issues:
Pro life since at least 2011, wanted to ban partial birth abortion as far back as 2000.
Pro Traditional marriage. “Gay rights is not my thing.”
Pro capital punishment “Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is”
Hold Judges accountable
Opposes “Common core is a disaster” Teach citizenship, quit “dumbing down”.
Anti education unions (2000)
For school choice
“Climate Change is a hoax”
“No Cap-and-Tax”
For drilling our own.
On Environment “Good development enhances the environment”
Stressed the importance of a strong family & culture of life (2015)
Supports Israel
Opposes Iran deal and letting Iran obtain the bomb.
Wants to crush ISIS quickly.
Wants a military so strong no one will challenge us.
Against unbalanced trade deals that kill American jobs.
Against warrantless government surveillance of citizens.
Is against having a high national debt. Warns that $24T is a point of no return.
Against gun control
For assault weapon ban but says the AR-15 shouldn’t be considered an assault weapon.
Wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market driven polices and increased competition among insurance companies.
Wants to increase military spending.
Will close the border to illegals
Will send the criminals and sponges back.
Will deport all illegals but will let the hard working ones go through the legal process to come back.
Against Anchor babies
Knows unemployment is much higher than official stats.
Will bring jobs back through better trade negotiation.
Attended military academy and Wharton Business School.
Stood up for Birthers and challenged Obama on his fraud.
Believes USA is “the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known”
Wants to honor commitments on Social Security and Medicare, which we can afford to do if he gets the economy going full steam.
Wants to reduce the fraud in disability and other programs.
Against marriage penalties in tax code.
Wants to reduce income taxes and eliminate corporate tax.
Wants to rebuild our infrastructure.
Wants to apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs (2011)
Doesn’t have time for political correctness.
Not afraid to call out either party or both when they are wrong.
Not a puppet to rich campaign donors.

It's very unAmerican to build a database of a particular religion and give them ID cards.

He wants to raise your taxes on imported goods and restrict freedom and liberty on what you can buy. That's what Bernie Sanders wants. That's socialism.

He wants to take over ISIS oil fields and use the proceeds to fund veteran's benefits. IOW he wants to help veterans by - creating more veterans! That's just plain stupid.

Presidential candidates mocking handicapped people isn't very American either.
What the fuck would you know about what is 'American', shit-4-brains?

You would flood this country with open borders immigration and erase the people and culture that live here.

Fuck you, Twinkle Toes.

Also being a racist is unAmerican. It violates the first part of the Declaration of Independence which says that all men are created equal.
Then why the different size penises??
You far righties can just fuck off now.

If Trump wins, he will fuck you.

If he loses, you will still get fucked.

The 85% of America that dislikes or despises you will do nothing that you really want.
Total disarray, the Republican Party is in total disarray.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You don't get it, do you? There's not really any difference between the two parties, that's why they BOTH want Trump out of the race. He upsets their little party.
Boom. It's nothing but theatrics. If people do not realize the Republican's and Democrats are in bed together then there is no hope. Anyone beating the party drum is clueless to the reality of DC.

It's all an illusion...smoke and mirrors. Once more American's figure this out, the whole house of cards will collapse. The 'Republican's' who are rejoicing in the Republican party/establishment falling apart have figured out that these morons (on both sides) do not give one fuck about the American people. They only care to preserve the status quo and grid lock. It pays their bills
Hell, I figured that out in 1982...
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.

Rubio will be your nominee. Watch.
Also being a racist is unAmerican. It violates the first part of the Declaration of Independence which says that all men are created equal.
Lol, you are such a jack ass liar.

All the way up to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, MOST white Americans regarded blacks as inferior to whites and to not have the right to equality under the law. Clearly no one, including the authors of the DoI intended what you think they did.

You are just a sloganeering jack ass, and I seriously doubt you have given the bullshit you spout any more than a moments reflection. You are simply using your white-hating agit prop to attack the people who were kind enough to let you in our country.

But dont worry, Twinkle Toes, we are taking our country back, one step at a time.

Is that how you rationalize your racism, angry old man?

How sad for you.

We also used to think owning other human beings was a-ok, which is the antithetisis of American ideals.

Now go scream at kids to get off your lawn, anti-American.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.

Rubio will be your nominee. Watch.

"my" nominee? I endorse american patriotism and putting america first.
That wouldn't include rubio.
Seems to me adding a bunch of Muslims to the melting pot is very American. In the beginning we had only whites. That wasn't a melting pot. Then we let dark hair waps in. Then the irish, greeks, indians, mexicans, etc. America isn't a white or christian nation. It is a melting pot. We show the rest of the world Muslims and blacks and whites and gays and christians can all live together.

My point about Jenner and Carson went over your head. Notice those two rich dudes don't give a fuck about black or gay. They only care about their money. Which is what you should be doing but you don't because the GOP has you arguing with other poor people about these bullshit wedge issues. Being a worker you should be voting for the worker party. Jenner and Carson are rich so they should be voting for the party for the rich. The GOP has done a GREAT job for the rich. They are richer than ever.

Proof you vote for the wrong party is the fact that you are upset. If you were rich and doing well you wouldn't be upset. The GOP play you perfectly.

Now go start your third party with Michelle Bachmann and Herman Cain as the leaders. Sarah Palin too. Rick Perry, Cruz and Ron Paul. 3rd party. The Retardocrats you can call them.

America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
America NO LONGER needs diversity....As we have seen, well, at least anyone with a working brain, which, of course, leaves YOU and your ILK out of it, all the problems these muslim scum have done to Europe...

Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european ...
View attachment 55935▶ 3:11

Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CrushTheIslam
Oslo, Norway: 100% of rapes committed by 'non european immigrants' (muslims)
And THAT is only RAPE, not robbery, murder, and intimidation.... So YOU, and your ILK think diversity is a good thing! Amazing, and unfortunately these people vote!

Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.

You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Oh just wait. NONE of these morons were even thinking or endorsing Rubio but all of the sudden, they will all be not only on the Rubio bandwaggon they'll be swearing they were always the pro Mexican party and that its the Democrats who are racist. They'll claim Rubio was always their first choice. They'll start comparing him to a young JFK. Just watch. He will be their messiah.
Rubio has been cruzing from fourth to seventh the last few months. When Trump and Carson falter, the true conservatives will go to Cruz. Everyone else will go to Rubio, who will take the nomination.

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