GOP establishment to back The Hildebeast if Trump nominee

It exposes the true agenda of the establishment GOP. We've suspected for a long time they were in the tank for the Democrats and this election is showing that to be the case. Trump was tricked into signing the pledge and therefore he is not morally obligated to honor it. His supporters will vote for him whether he runs as a Republican OR Independent.

I don't think Trump was tricked into doing anything. He is not going to run 3rd party and never was. The threat that he may, only comes into play if he is not the GOP nominee. If he is not the nominee it looks like it will be either Cruz or Carson. He wouldn't run 3rd party against either of them, there is not enough difference in their views. If the party were poised to nominate Jeb, it might be a different story. I think Trump saw the establishment candidates have no chance and so, why not sign the stupid pledge that seemed to be the only thing anyone wanted to talk about? I think it was a good move on his part, it showed that he is willing to bend and doesn't mind playing nice. It also means that he can hold every one of those other candidates to the deal-- they MUST support him now, if he wins the nomination.
All good points but don't look to the other candidates to honor their pledge to support Trump OR Cruz. They're liberals and liberals don't keep their word. That's why I say it was a trick.
It exposes the true agenda of the establishment GOP. We've suspected for a long time they were in the tank for the Democrats and this election is showing that to be the case. Trump was tricked into signing the pledge and therefore he is not morally obligated to honor it. His supporters will vote for him whether he runs as a Republican OR Independent.

I don't think Trump was tricked into doing anything. He is not going to run 3rd party and never was. The threat that he may, only comes into play if he is not the GOP nominee. If he is not the nominee it looks like it will be either Cruz or Carson. He wouldn't run 3rd party against either of them, there is not enough difference in their views. If the party were poised to nominate Jeb, it might be a different story. I think Trump saw the establishment candidates have no chance and so, why not sign the stupid pledge that seemed to be the only thing anyone wanted to talk about? I think it was a good move on his part, it showed that he is willing to bend and doesn't mind playing nice. It also means that he can hold every one of those other candidates to the deal-- they MUST support him now, if he wins the nomination.
All good points but don't look to the other candidates to honor their pledge to support Trump OR Cruz. They're liberals and liberals don't keep their word. That's why I say it was a trick.

Ahh yes, but again... let just one of them open their mouth with something not supportive and Trump will be there with the contract they signed to point out their hypocrisy. At that point, their political careers will be OVER. DONE! They won't be able to get elected dog catcher. No... I think the candidates will have to keep any anti-Trump sentiment to themselves. They may not actively HELP him but they won't actively not support him. The problem will be with some hard line establishment types who aren't a part of the pledge. Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John McCain... those folks.

But here's the thing... it doesn't really matter with Trump. Unlike most candidates, attacking him seems to make him stronger. He thrives on the attention, good or bad. He uses the smear tactics to soak up the limelight and get his message out. The more his adversaries attack him the more popular he becomes as he absolutely destroys them. His base cheers louder, he gains MORE support. You cannot beat Trump by putting him in the spotlight. So far, the most effective means of dealing with Trump is to shut up and ignore him.
That will be the death of the GOP and the rise of a third party. Besides, the GOPestablishment would never do it.

Why wouldn't they? Regardless of how the election turns out, they will still control the House and will probably control the Senate. Even if they lose the senate in 2016, they will easily retake it in 2018 when all those guys who road in on Obama's Coattails come up again.
Ahh yes, but again... let just one of them open their mouth with something not supportive and Trump will be there with the contract they signed to point out their hypocrisy. At that point, their political careers will be OVER. DONE! They won't be able to get elected dog catcher. No... I think the candidates will have to keep any anti-Trump sentiment to themselves. They may not actively HELP him but they won't actively not support him. The problem will be with some hard line establishment types who aren't a part of the pledge. Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John McCain... those folks.

But here's the thing... it doesn't really matter with Trump. Unlike most candidates, attacking him seems to make him stronger. He thrives on the attention, good or bad. He uses the smear tactics to soak up the limelight and get his message out. The more his adversaries attack him the more popular he becomes as he absolutely destroys them. His base cheers louder, he gains MORE support. You cannot beat Trump by putting him in the spotlight. So far, the most effective means of dealing with Trump is to shut up and ignore him.

Combover only grow stronger for that 10% of the electorate that shows up for Republican Primaries. When people are actually paying attention, his clownish antics are going to wear very think very quickly
watch the 'conservatives' squabble amongst themselves


The only people I see squabbling are quislings like you. The Conservatives are evaluating several candidates whom they are trying to pick one from to run for president. That is the whole purpose of the primaries and debates. You act like this is something new... like before, Republicans just naturally had a person already picked and didn't even need to have a primary race. I don't think you're that stupid but maybe you are? :dunno:
Combover only grow stronger for that 10% of the electorate that shows up for Republican Primaries. When people are actually paying attention, his clownish antics are going to wear very think very quickly

The thing is, these same predictions were made about Ronald Reagan. The most laughable one was that he was "too old" to be elected! Note, both Hillary and Sanders would be older than Reagan when they took office. We've certainly come a long way in our thinking on this, haven't we? Other than the age thing, it was that Reagan was too much of a "loose cannon" and would start WWIII... do you really trust Reagan with his finger on the red button? All through the primaries he was a running joke... a washed up B-film actor with no experience in Washington.

It's difficult for people who were not there at the time to comprehend this. When he won the GOP nomination, all the political insiders and pundits, the GOP establishment, the mainstream media, the DNC and Carter campaign were all predicting that Carter would beat him in a landslide. In fact, that is the primary reason Reagan selected GHWB as his running mate, to try and lock down some of the establishment party vote which his campaign thought was crucial at the time. Turns out, he didn't need any help, he won one of the most lopsided elections in history.
Boss rewriting history again.

The thing is, these same predictions were made about Ronald Reagan.

Uh, not really. Reagan had been governor of the largest state and had run once before. He was a credible candidate.

The most laughable one was that he was "too old" to be elected! Note, both Hillary and Sanders would be older than Reagan when they took office. We've certainly come a long way in our thinking on this, haven't we?

Yes, the average lifespan of an American has also gotten longer since 1980, but don't let that stop you. Of course, Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer's when he was in office, so it was probably a valid concern.

Other than the age thing, it was that Reagan was too much of a "loose cannon" and would start WWIII... do you really trust Reagan with his finger on the red button? All through the primaries he was a running joke... a washed up B-film actor with no experience in Washington.

Again, also a two-term governor.

It's difficult for people who were not there at the time to comprehend this. When he won the GOP nomination, all the political insiders and pundits, the GOP establishment, the mainstream media, the DNC and Carter campaign were all predicting that Carter would beat him in a landslide.

No one was predicting that at all. People knew Jimmy Carter was in trouble by virtue of a challenge within his own party by Ted Kennedy and the fact that John Anderson was soaking up a lot of the liberal vote.

In fact, that is the primary reason Reagan selected GHWB as his running mate, to try and lock down some of the establishment party vote which his campaign thought was crucial at the time. Turns out, he didn't need any help, he won one of the most lopsided elections in history.

Reagan selected Bush because Ford wouldn't take the jobs without a promise he could be co-President. IN any event, the fact he needed an establishment running mate was a sign of weakness if you are running against an unpopular president with a word like "Misery Index" attached to him.
The GOP Establishment doesn't care about the voters any more than the Democrat Establishment does.

Liberals can laugh all they want to but their "party" is no better. If it were you wouldn't have HIllary any where NEAR the top of the Dem polls.
Combover only grow stronger for that 10% of the electorate that shows up for Republican Primaries. When people are actually paying attention, his clownish antics are going to wear very think very quickly

The thing is, these same predictions were made about Ronald Reagan. The most laughable one was that he was "too old" to be elected! Note, both Hillary and Sanders would be older than Reagan when they took office. We've certainly come a long way in our thinking on this, haven't we? Other than the age thing, it was that Reagan was too much of a "loose cannon" and would start WWIII... do you really trust Reagan with his finger on the red button? All through the primaries he was a running joke... a washed up B-film actor with no experience in Washington.

It's difficult for people who were not there at the time to comprehend this. When he won the GOP nomination, all the political insiders and pundits, the GOP establishment, the mainstream media, the DNC and Carter campaign were all predicting that Carter would beat him in a landslide. In fact, that is the primary reason Reagan selected GHWB as his running mate, to try and lock down some of the establishment party vote which his campaign thought was crucial at the time. Turns out, he didn't need any help, he won one of the most lopsided elections in history.

"They" also said that about Goldwater.
Mainstream and establishment GOP do not care what the far right outlier RINOs like Boss thinks, as he and the rest of those yahoos are going to discover to their bitter grief.
I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C..... Do they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?... Ah, I forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is!... just look to the JakeAss and Toro, the bullshitter, as examples!

WND ^ | 11/29/2015 | JOE KOVACS
'They want a puppet that they can control, Donald will never be that person' Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party's nominee, that doesn't mean the party's establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: "In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors...
You forget that YOU are the fringe element here.

A "fringe element" is a small group of people whose views put them outside the main group they belong to (just as fringe is along the outside edge of a rug). So a fringe element could be a religious group that is much more liberal or conservative than most of the people in their religion, it could be a political fringe element that espouses violence or radical solutions that most people in their political group don't agree with, etc. Their views tend to be much more extreme than the main part of the group they belong to.
That will be the death of the GOP and the rise of a third party. Besides, the GOPestablishment would never do it.
The Clinton's weren't that bad to the GOP. Bill was a master triangulator and gave the GOP a lot of victories. It is how he was able to get his agenda done. Obama refused to sell us out and give the GOP what they were asking in return for helping the American people.

And why should the GOP help the average citizen. 50% of them don't vote and 25% of them vote GOP despite the fact the GOP doesn't do shit for them economically. That's 75% of potential voters the GOP don't have to worry about.
I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C..... Do they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?... Ah, I forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is!... just look to the JakeAss and Toro, the bullshitter, as examples!

WND ^ | 11/29/2015 | JOE KOVACS
'They want a puppet that they can control, Donald will never be that person' Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party's nominee, that doesn't mean the party's establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: "In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors...
You forget that YOU are the fringe element here.

A "fringe element" is a small group of people whose views put them outside the main group they belong to (just as fringe is along the outside edge of a rug). So a fringe element could be a religious group that is much more liberal or conservative than most of the people in their religion, it could be a political fringe element that espouses violence or radical solutions that most people in their political group don't agree with, etc. Their views tend to be much more extreme than the main part of the group they belong to.

You are one seriously deranged subversive..... As Republican's go, I'm part of the roughly 35% that are your FRINGE ELEMENT, that realized after the Jan 2015 took office, that REPUBLICAN'S ARE A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM, giving the Manchurian muslim EVERYTHING he, and the other NeoCommies asked for.... WE ARE FED UP! WE WILL DESTROY the Republican party, rather than be JERKED OFF by the RINO, and elitists that want desperately to be DemocRATS.... So LUCKY SUBVERSIVES, while probably half the Republican's will leave the party to join the "TRUMPNADO" party, you can control the country, UNTIL the SECOND BLOODY REVOLUTION occurs..... But I only WISH I will be around to see that.... it shall be AWE INSPIRING!


If we can't keep it, and NOT let SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS and other subversives, such as you and your ILK simply walk in and TAKE IT without thousands of you being dispatched!

You people are COWARDS, THAT is the difference!
Vigilante is the fringe element, who for the moment has some visibility and traction. He and is ilk will be furious as they are swept into the gutter after the turn of the year.
I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C..... Do they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?... Ah, I forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is!... just look to the JakeAss and Toro, the bullshitter, as examples!

WND ^ | 11/29/2015 | JOE KOVACS
'They want a puppet that they can control, Donald will never be that person' Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party's nominee, that doesn't mean the party's establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: "In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors...
You forget that YOU are the fringe element here.

A "fringe element" is a small group of people whose views put them outside the main group they belong to (just as fringe is along the outside edge of a rug). So a fringe element could be a religious group that is much more liberal or conservative than most of the people in their religion, it could be a political fringe element that espouses violence or radical solutions that most people in their political group don't agree with, etc. Their views tend to be much more extreme than the main part of the group they belong to.

You are one seriously deranged subversive..... As Republican's go, I'm part of the roughly 35% that are your FRINGE ELEMENT, that realized after the Jan 2015 took office, that REPUBLICAN'S ARE A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM, giving the Manchurian muslim EVERYTHING he, and the other NeoCommies asked for.... WE ARE FED UP! WE WILL DESTROY the Republican party, rather than be JERKED OFF by the RINO, and elitists that want desperately to be DemocRATS.... So LUCKY SUBVERSIVES, while probably half the Republican's will leave the party to join the "TRUMPNADO" party, you can control the country, UNTIL the SECOND BLOODY REVOLUTION occurs..... But I only WISH I will be around to see that.... it shall be AWE INSPIRING!


If we can't keep it, and NOT let SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS and other subversives, such as you and your ILK simply walk in and TAKE IT without thousands of you being dispatched!

You people are COWARDS, THAT is the difference!
I find it soooo funny that the rich are taking over this country and WINNING just like we warned they would and you have the balls to suggest we are the misguided ones. Amazing. You really are.

Yes the GOP are a big part of the problem. But not because they are "giving the Democrats" anything. Its because they have given the rich EVERYTHING! You stupid sonofabitch. LOL.
Vigilante is the fringe element, who for the moment has some visibility and traction. He and is ilk will be furious as they are swept into the gutter after the turn of the year.
You mean when the GOP tells them NO to Trump, Fiorino, Carson & Cruz?

Us liberals take for granted that we can elect a grass roots person like Obama. The GOP could NEVER pull something like that off.
Vigilante is the fringe element, who for the moment has some visibility and traction. He and is ilk will be furious as they are swept into the gutter after the turn of the year.

You know JakeAss.... your rhetoric is old, but one comes to expect you saying the same thing for over 5 months now, without you having any passion in your bullshit, and at least TRYING to make it believable! BUT, I'M CERTAIN you'll continue, and THINKING PEOPLE will continue to laugh at I and at least half of the Republican's on this forum do! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
I wonder if the GOP realizes that the BASE will simply go THIRD PARTY and effectively take them out of contention of having any power at all in D.C..... Do they actually think the Hildebeast and the rest of the vermin DemocRATS will let them have any sort of say in government AFTER doing this?... Ah, I forget just how BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN WASHED the moderate, and RINO Republican really is!... just look to the JakeAss and Toro, the bullshitter, as examples!

WND ^ | 11/29/2015 | JOE KOVACS
'They want a puppet that they can control, Donald will never be that person' Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party's nominee, that doesn't mean the party's establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: "In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors...
You forget that YOU are the fringe element here.

A "fringe element" is a small group of people whose views put them outside the main group they belong to (just as fringe is along the outside edge of a rug). So a fringe element could be a religious group that is much more liberal or conservative than most of the people in their religion, it could be a political fringe element that espouses violence or radical solutions that most people in their political group don't agree with, etc. Their views tend to be much more extreme than the main part of the group they belong to.

You are one seriously deranged subversive..... As Republican's go, I'm part of the roughly 35% that are your FRINGE ELEMENT, that realized after the Jan 2015 took office, that REPUBLICAN'S ARE A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM, giving the Manchurian muslim EVERYTHING he, and the other NeoCommies asked for.... WE ARE FED UP! WE WILL DESTROY the Republican party, rather than be JERKED OFF by the RINO, and elitists that want desperately to be DemocRATS.... So LUCKY SUBVERSIVES, while probably half the Republican's will leave the party to join the "TRUMPNADO" party, you can control the country, UNTIL the SECOND BLOODY REVOLUTION occurs..... But I only WISH I will be around to see that.... it shall be AWE INSPIRING!


If we can't keep it, and NOT let SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS and other subversives, such as you and your ILK simply walk in and TAKE IT without thousands of you being dispatched!

You people are COWARDS, THAT is the difference!



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