GOP establishment to back The Hildebeast if Trump nominee

Rubio has been cruzing from fourth to seventh the last few months. When Trump and Carson falter, the true conservatives will go to Cruz. Everyone else will go to Rubio, who will take the nomination.

Can't see it. Rubio supports Amnesty. That's a non-starter for most of Trump and Carson's supporters.

Again- 62% of Republicans support one of the "whacky birds" - Cruz, Trump, Carson or Paul.

the "establishment" candidates combined, only rack up 27%.

Also, if Trump hasn't faltered up to this point, despite all the crazy shit he's done, I don't see that changing.
It is simple for the GOP. They either nominate Trump and lose, or they nominate someone with a brain, Trump runs Third Party and they lose.

Let's see how they figure this one out?

I don't think Trump is going to run third party. I think by the time the primaries roll around, the window to run on a third party will close.

And know many like long dedicated conservative Republicans that swear they will NEVER vote for Donald. The GOP has a huge headache to deal with.
Rubio has been cruzing from fourth to seventh the last few months. When Trump and Carson falter, the true conservatives will go to Cruz. Everyone else will go to Rubio, who will take the nomination.

Can't see it. Rubio supports Amnesty. That's a non-starter for most of Trump and Carson's supporters.

Again- 62% of Republicans support one of the "whacky birds" - Cruz, Trump, Carson or Paul.

the "establishment" candidates combined, only rack up 27%.

Also, if Trump hasn't faltered up to this point, despite all the crazy shit he's done, I don't see that changing.

And Cruz is extreme on so many issues, he realistically has no chance in the General.
Trump will be beaten squarely and fairly.

He is not American man enough for the job.

what do base that on?

Here's the real problem. The GOP Establishment has been promising the Rank and File stuff for 40 years, usually appealling to their racism, homophobia, and religion. And every year, they GOP Faithful trot out and vote for these guys, and every year, the GOP Leadership fails to deliver on anything they want.

But they do manage to get their rich supporters the tax cuts, deregulation and bad trade deals that screw their own supporters.

So along comes Donald Trump, and he's already rich, so he doesn't owe anyone anything. He doesn't care if the media likes him. He doesn't care if Chuck Todd likes him.

Trump is the Frankenstein you guys created. Own him.
And Cruz is extreme on so many issues, he realistically has no chance in the General.

I don't think anyone is "too extreme".

I'm old enough to remember in 1979, people said Ronald Reagan was too extreme and he'd lose by Goldwater level proportions.

And if you told me in 2000 that in 8 years, we'd be electing a guy with an Islamic Name who believed in socialized medicine, I'd have looked at you like you were crazy.

Here's the ugly truth of American politics. On any given day, anyone could win the Presidency. You have 45% on either side that will vote for their nominee no matter how much they despise him.

and you have 10% in the middle that will vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

More people would like to have a beer with Trump than Hillary.
Again... Hindsight is 20/20. Of course we can evaluate that election and see in retrospect why Carter lost. At the time of the GOP convention, this was FAR FAR from a foregone conclusion.

It's quite funny and telling that your last comment confirms what I said. Yes... it IS a sign of weakness to grab an establishment running mate, or at least shows they were concerned. BUT... as it turned out, Reagan won in a landslide. He could've nominated Daffy Duck and still beaten Carter. They didn't know that at the time of the GOP convention so they went with Bush... admittedly, only a slight step up from Daffy.

Reagan barely cleared 50% in 1980. The only reason you had the "illusion" of a landslide was because John Anderson split the vote with Carter.

The reality was, the GOP nominated Bush as a grown-up on the ticket because they were afraid more moderate Republicans would defect to Anderson.
And Cruz is extreme on so many issues, he realistically has no chance in the General.

I don't think anyone is "too extreme".

I'm old enough to remember in 1979, people said Ronald Reagan was too extreme and he'd lose by Goldwater level proportions.

And if you told me in 2000 that in 8 years, we'd be electing a guy with an Islamic Name who believed in socialized medicine, I'd have looked at you like you were crazy.

Here's the ugly truth of American politics. On any given day, anyone could win the Presidency. You have 45% on either side that will vote for their nominee no matter how much they despise him.

and you have 10% in the middle that will vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with.

More people would like to have a beer with Trump than Hillary.

"Shut Her Down!" Cruz will NOT win the Republican nomination as a Presidential Candidate. Count on it!
"Shut Her Down!" Cruz will NOT win the Republican nomination as a Presidential Candidate. Count on it!

I wouldn't put money on that. If the Trump and Carson supporters finish their tantrum, Cruz would be the more likely place to go than Marco "Sheldon's Hand is Up My Ass" Rubio.
"Shut Her Down!" Cruz will NOT win the Republican nomination as a Presidential Candidate. Count on it!

I wouldn't put money on that. If the Trump and Carson supporters finish their tantrum, Cruz would be the more likely place to go than Marco "Sheldon's Hand is Up My Ass" Rubio.

Cruz will dive, especially after he is "hit" by Trump. Since he appears to be Donald's biggest threat right now, he will be a Trump target soon.
Total disarray, the Republican Party is in total disarray.


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You don't get it, do you? There's not really any difference between the two parties, that's why they BOTH want Trump out of the race. He upsets their little party.
Boom. It's nothing but theatrics. If people do not realize the Republican's and Democrats are in bed together then there is no hope. Anyone beating the party drum is clueless to the reality of DC.

It's all an illusion...smoke and mirrors. Once more American's figure this out, the whole house of cards will collapse. The 'Republican's' who are rejoicing in the Republican party/establishment falling apart have figured out that these morons (on both sides) do not give one fuck about the American people. They only care to preserve the status quo and grid lock. It pays their bills
So you support Bernie Sanders then?

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Oh, I see. We are diverse enough for you, Adolph? Gee, that is mighty White of you!

White people (who aren't mentally ill) support their race and policies that aren't anti white.

...just like negroes and asians do.
There is no shame (despite all your indoctrination) in whites supporting our race, heritage, culture and traditions. You social justice "warriors" can call us all the names you doesn't work anymore.
You whites are just one of many types of cultures here in America. Don't worry, just like the Jews and Catholics, soon you won't be able to tell an arab from a beaner. Hense the term melting pot.

your "predictions" are meaningless.
You are blah blah blah.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Oh just wait. NONE of these morons were even thinking or endorsing Rubio but all of the sudden, they will all be not only on the Rubio bandwaggon they'll be swearing they were always the pro Mexican party and that its the Democrats who are racist. They'll claim Rubio was always their first choice. They'll start comparing him to a young JFK. Just watch. He will be their messiah.

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Total disarray, the Republican Party is in total disarray.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You don't get it, do you? There's not really any difference between the two parties, that's why they BOTH want Trump out of the race. He upsets their little party.
Boom. It's nothing but theatrics. If people do not realize the Republican's and Democrats are in bed together then there is no hope. Anyone beating the party drum is clueless to the reality of DC.

It's all an illusion...smoke and mirrors. Once more American's figure this out, the whole house of cards will collapse. The 'Republican's' who are rejoicing in the Republican party/establishment falling apart have figured out that these morons (on both sides) do not give one fuck about the American people. They only care to preserve the status quo and grid lock. It pays their bills
So you support Bernie Sanders then?

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No, but I like A LOT of things Bernie stands for with the exception of his harping on the "rich". If he could ditch that BS, he would be someone I could support yes.

He reminds me of Ron Paul in a lot of ways.

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