GOP facing a 2018 election ‘bloodbath’ over chaotic Trumpcare roll out: analysts

ROFLMAO! Hillary won? then how come she's sitting on her ass in Chappaqua and Donald Duck is in the White House playing at being Emperor?

Russian Hackers. We've already explained this to you.

LOL, Yeah I know Joe, you don't understand voluntary exchange and free markets and thus it's just "fairy dust" to you, it's like expecting a neanderthal to understand nuclear fusion; it's a common trait of delusional, gub'mint worshiping slaves like yourself that can't take a piss without the wardens permission.

Guy, the problem is, as explain in another thread, is that e already have "Free Markets". The market is totally free to rape the shit out of you if you get sick, which is why 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis.

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, while most countries spend about 9%. Yet we have the lowest life expectency and the highest infant mortality rates in the Industrialized World.

Free Markets are a shit sandwich if you are sick, because the problem with capitalism is capitalists... they're too fucking greedy.
Less than 60 days into the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts are saying that the political fallout could doom the Republican Party to an electoral bloodbath in the 2018 elections. reported Wednesday that the GOP’s floundering effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is shaping up to be the defining issue of the election cycle, “one big enough to rattle the foundations of Donald Trump-era Washington and beyond.”

Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said that the “blast radius of failure” will not stop at gaining majorities in the House and Senate, but could rival the Tea Party wave that handed statehouses and governors’ mansions across the country to far-right Republicans in 2010.

He pointed to efforts by both Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2009 to improve the U.S. healthcare system — both of which were followed by historic ballot box defeats

Deram on dipshit. If Trump does half of what he promised the Reps will clean house in 2018.

The Dems have done nothing but obstruct and America is watching.

They need to get their heads out of their asses and hope they have lots of luck because they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
Trump is hated by the majority of Americans, this will be one and done
Less than 60 days into the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts are saying that the political fallout could doom the Republican Party to an electoral bloodbath in the 2018 elections. reported Wednesday that the GOP’s floundering effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is shaping up to be the defining issue of the election cycle, “one big enough to rattle the foundations of Donald Trump-era Washington and beyond.”

Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said that the “blast radius of failure” will not stop at gaining majorities in the House and Senate, but could rival the Tea Party wave that handed statehouses and governors’ mansions across the country to far-right Republicans in 2010.

He pointed to efforts by both Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2009 to improve the U.S. healthcare system — both of which were followed by historic ballot box defeats

Deram on dipshit. If Trump does half of what he promised the Reps will clean house in 2018.

The Dems have done nothing but obstruct and America is watching.

They need to get their heads out of their asses and hope they have lots of luck because they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
Trump is hated by the majority of Americans, this will be one and done

If you say so. LOL
Lindsey Graham is correct...let it die on its own. It will force democrats to act
Democrats cannot act, they are in the minority

It will bring them to the table....remember not one republican voted for Obamacare..if the thing collapses democrats are going to pay the piper

Wrong. It's not collapsing. Read the CBOs report. It's correcting. Left to its own devices, the system will self correct within a year. If Trump leaves it alone, it'll be fine.
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ROFLMAO! Hillary won? then how come she's sitting on her ass in Chappaqua and Donald Duck is in the White House playing at being Emperor?

Russian Hackers. We've already explained this to you.
LOL, yeah I know; the Queen of Corruption didn't lose the Russians fucked her, it's too bad you cannot get a glimpse of how fucking ludicrous you and your cohorts are since you're missing out on a really, really, really good laugh.

JoeB131 said:
Guy, the problem is, as explain in another thread, is that e already have "Free Markets". The market is totally free to rape the shit out of you if you get sick, which is why 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis.
Like I said , you don't understand free markets AT ALL, if you did you wouldn't make completely idiotic pronouncements like we already have "Free Markets", what we have is fascism as in the unholy marriage of government and business all of it wrapped up in a complete control of the money supply by bankers, which is of course what you constantly advocate, how's that working out so far? You drones should be happy as hell since you got exactly what you've been asking for.

"The system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is only because the control of the means of production is divided among many people acting independently that nobody has complete power over us." -- Friedrich August von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
Less than 60 days into the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts are saying that the political fallout could doom the Republican Party to an electoral bloodbath in the 2018 elections. reported Wednesday that the GOP’s floundering effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is shaping up to be the defining issue of the election cycle, “one big enough to rattle the foundations of Donald Trump-era Washington and beyond.”

Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said that the “blast radius of failure” will not stop at gaining majorities in the House and Senate, but could rival the Tea Party wave that handed statehouses and governors’ mansions across the country to far-right Republicans in 2010.

He pointed to efforts by both Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2009 to improve the U.S. healthcare system — both of which were followed by historic ballot box defeats

In your wet dream brah. The House is secure for a significant majority and the only vulnerable senate seats are libs in red states. The GOP has a good shot at a filibuster breaking 60 votes!

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Less than 60 days into the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts are saying that the political fallout could doom the Republican Party to an electoral bloodbath in the 2018 elections. reported Wednesday that the GOP’s floundering effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is shaping up to be the defining issue of the election cycle, “one big enough to rattle the foundations of Donald Trump-era Washington and beyond.”

Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said that the “blast radius of failure” will not stop at gaining majorities in the House and Senate, but could rival the Tea Party wave that handed statehouses and governors’ mansions across the country to far-right Republicans in 2010.

He pointed to efforts by both Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2009 to improve the U.S. healthcare system — both of which were followed by historic ballot box defeats

they say this shit every year and the left believes them, its so fucking hilarious.
LOL, yeah I know; the Queen of Corruption didn't lose the Russians fucked her, it's too bad you cannot get a glimpse of how fucking ludicrous you and your cohorts are since you're missing out on a really, really, really good laugh.

Then why is Trump having a meltdown any time anyone talks about The Russians?

Like I said , you don't understand free markets AT ALL, if you did you wouldn't make completely idiotic pronouncements like we already have "Free Markets", what we have is fascism as in the unholy marriage of government and business all of it wrapped up in a complete control of the money supply by bankers, which is of course what you constantly advocate, how's that working out so far? You drones should be happy as hell since you got exactly what you've been asking for.

Guy, the problem with your "Free Market" approach is that it has no problem with a child dying of a treatable disease because her parents are poor. That's what makes it a non-starter.

Now, your Libertarian nonsense aside, none of us want to live in Somalia any more than we want to live in North Korea. We want to live somewhere in between where government protects our interests without running our lives.

The problem here is that while the rest of the world has figured out that health care should be a public service (and pay less than half of what we do in terms of GDP) we've created a "market" system where business interests can fuck you once they have you and your family over a barrel.
In your wet dream brah. The House is secure for a significant majority and the only vulnerable senate seats are libs in red states. The GOP has a good shot at a filibuster breaking 60 votes!

Actually, that works on the assumption that the Working Class Whites stay loyal to the GOP. When they figure out that those good factory jobs aren't coming back and their health insurance just got cancelled, not so much.

And that assumes we don't have a recession. We probably will.

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