GOP fought against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. But GOP policies started the "great debt".

There has already been a plan, one that was rejected because it would strip politicians of that bug 'free pot of money'.

The govt would have to ensure All Americans aged 45 (or 50...or an age decided upon) receive the SS they were promised. From that pojnt on all other Americans would be placed into the new program, which woukd consist of the money that used to be taken from paychecks would now be pkaced in very safe guaranteed investments where the money would be put into each Americans' name/acct. Ensure the government can NOT touch this money once placed into their retirement accounts. At a certain age Americans could then start withdrawing money. When they die rheir money is passed on to family, not the govt.

This is one idea - there are other, better ideas. Congress will / would fight it because they'd lose their free pot of money to 'borrow' from.
GOP fought tooth and nail against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Social Security - the greatest anti poverty program in the history of the world.

Republicans said these programs will bankrupt the United States. That was their reason. The GOP insists they were fighting for fiscal sanity against the "tax and spend" Democrats.

Isn't it ironic that it was the Bush Tax Cuts that took us down the road to unsustainable deficits? First trillions in tax cuts that did not create jobs. Then the GOP helping business move millions of jobs overseas which led to the closings of tens of thousands of factories costing this country trillions more in revenue.

Then the fiscally sane GOP cut taxes by trillions while waging two wars costing even more trillions.

And they are so ashamed, they blame it on Obama. They aren't even man enough to stand up for what they did. This is why they have to be defeated. Who could vote for a party that is so wrong again and again. Any Republican who gets Social Security should be ashamed.
It does not matter what side of the isle, they were and all are progressives who killed this country with socialist entitlement programs like listed above.
With their tax, spend and print policy's career politicians and their federal government are worse now than ever.... Fully fledged banana republic the federal government now is.
Social security hasn't hurt this country in any way shape or form. A lot of people I know who worked for their retirement love their social security and medicare. Try telling them they are hurting the country.
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
Social security hasn't hurt this country in any way shape or form. A lot of people I know who worked for their retirement love their social security and medicare. Try telling them they are hurting the country.
Your right for the people that have/are receiving it, just like the unions it's time has come and gone. Millions want nothing to do with any sort of socialist entitlement programs, pro choice opt in or opt out.

Just don't saddle me and millions like me with something I have zero interest in and will never use...
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
That's great, seriously.
You have it how you like why not let others have it in the way they like??

I want nothing from the government retirement and healthcare wise...
But I am forced into horse shit entitlement programs...
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
That's great, seriously.
You have it how you like why not let others have it in the way they like??

I want nothing from the government retirement and healthcare wise...
But I am forced into horse shit entitlement programs...

Move to a country with a dictator you agree with then.
Third world countries don't have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

Which according to conservative 'logic', should make them better places to live.
I will never see a penny of those socialist entitlement programs, I don't take handouts.

Good. All the more for the rest of us. Thank you, President Reagan, for saving Social Security.
Fine, but I should not be paying into something that will never provide a return without fish net of strings attached, that being Horse shit socialist entitlement programs...
So NYC I will take that as a 'No', that SS isn't good enough to participate in a 2nd one. :p
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
That's great, seriously.
You have it how you like why not let others have it in the way they like??

I want nothing from the government retirement and healthcare wise...
But I am forced into horse shit entitlement programs...

Move to a country with a dictator you agree with then.
I have had enough of dictators... Barry is plenty
Is this another liberal whine thread where they try to pretend they have not been in charge for the last 7 years?
Yep unions time is going down...just like wages. Some buy the rubbish right wing extremists view that unions have somehow damaged things. That is part of the attack to pit workers vs workers. Some are so stupid they actually buy into it while the uber wealthy laugh at them on the way to the bank
Is this another liberal whine thread where they try to pretend they have not been in charge for the last 7 years?
It's far easier to tear down a house than build one numbnuts.

Republicans helped move jobs to China and close tens of thousands of factories. Where the fuck are the jobs ignernt if the factories are gone? Your kind did that.
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
That's great, seriously.
You have it how you like why not let others have it in the way they like??

I want nothing from the government retirement and healthcare wise...
But I am forced into horse shit entitlement programs...

Move to a country with a dictator you agree with then.
I have had enough of dictators... Barry is plenty

Head of the BIA is a real sweetheart too.
Is this another liberal whine thread where they try to pretend they have not been in charge for the last 7 years?

If Democrats have been in control for the last 7 years, why do RWnuts boast about taking over in the 2010 elections and furthering their gains in 2014?
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
That's great, seriously.
You have it how you like why not let others have it in the way they like??

I want nothing from the government retirement and healthcare wise...
But I am forced into horse shit entitlement programs...

Move to a country with a dictator you agree with then.
I have had enough of dictators... Barry is plenty

Then accept that your beliefs aren't widely supported enough to become law.
If SS is so great, NYC, I'm going to give you a chance for you to prove it and double your money. To do so, all you have to do is:

1. Open up a joint savings account with me

2. Every paycheck we will have money automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into the account.

3. YOU can NEVER take any money out of the account...but I can...whenever I want.

4. When you reach a certain age, decided by me, I will give you a certain amount of money - the amount decided by me - each month. If I decide to raise that age limit I can at any time.

5. When you die all of that / your money will go to me, not your family.

Sounds GREAT, right?! That's what the government does, NYC. So, ready to double-up on their great offer/plan?! If you really think SS is such a great idea you'll do it...

I already did it. I am very happy that SS now pays ALL of my necessities, leaving me with my TWO pensions from WORK (you've heard of that right?) to spend on anything I want.
That's great, seriously.
You have it how you like why not let others have it in the way they like??

I want nothing from the government retirement and healthcare wise...
But I am forced into horse shit entitlement programs...

Move to a country with a dictator you agree with then.
I have had enough of dictators... Barry is plenty

Then accept that your beliefs aren't widely supported enough to become law.
I'm used to paying for services and things that will help no one, least of all me and my family. Shit happens
That is what happens in a socialist banana republic...

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