GOP fought against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. But GOP policies started the "great debt".

FDR warned of that massive dependency as well. It is one reason he said SS should never be alliwed to be a long-term program. Liberals learned, however, that dependency = votes / power...for them.
FDR's Social Security program was designed to last and FDR even thought he had fixed it so that Republican could not change it or drop it. Bush made comments about privatizing SS but dropped them quickly when he saw the handwriting.

Social Security has never been designed to last. See the numerous changes to "try to save it".

No, it won't be changed because it's political suicide for anyone who tries. But when it fails....what then? And fail it surely will on the path it's on.
Not sure where you get the idea it was never designed to last. Maybe from Fox or Breitbart?

But it has been changed numerous times. The last being benefits frozen regardless of inflation. Before that, the retirement age was 66.
FDR warned of that massive dependency as well. It is one reason he said SS should never be alliwed to be a long-term program. Liberals learned, however, that dependency = votes / power...for them.
FDR's Social Security program was designed to last and FDR even thought he had fixed it so that Republican could not change it or drop it. Bush made comments about privatizing SS but dropped them quickly when he saw the handwriting.

Social Security has never been designed to last. See the numerous changes to "try to save it".

No, it won't be changed because it's political suicide for anyone who tries. But when it fails....what then? And fail it surely will on the path it's on.
Not sure where you get the idea it was never designed to last. Maybe from Fox or Breitbart?

But it has been changed numerous times. The last being benefits frozen regardless of inflation. Before that, the retirement age was 66.

It was never designed to last because what FDR wanted...and what he got were two entirely different things.

You see, I bother to read information available on....the social security website....imagine that. The United States Social Security Administration

You should try it sometime, then you won't ridicule Fox, or other media in a way to attempt to deflect the evidence of your own ignorance.
The Republican Party is the party of DEADBEATS.

They refuse to pay any taxes to pay the bills for the things they do.

Bush the Lesser came into office with a Surplus and blew all of it plus trillions more on his wars and the Republicans refuse to pay any taxes to pay for those wars.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge to pay for that war and we came out of it with almost no debt and it was quickly paid off.

But Republi-cants refuse to pay for ANYTHING.

But they love to preach " fiscal responsibility " to the poor and scream at them " get a job and pay your bills " all while they refuse to pay their own.
Oh WHERE to start with this PATHETIC, opinionated, FACTLESS post....

1. 'GOP = party of deadbeats'
- Liberals who maintain their power by handing out tax payer funded social program benefits to those they have helped to become dependent on the government / liberals for their very survival.

2. 'They (the GOP) refuse to pay any taxes.'
- Obama promised the 'smoothest transition into office evuh'...but that transition was delayed for a while as he tried to find any Democrats on his 'Cabinet Hire' list who had paid their taxes. Most of them were tax dodging deadbeats who had NOT paid their include, hypocritically/ironically/humorously, his selection for Secretary of the TREASURY - lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner.
- Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel: This liberal turd sits on the committee that writes tax law, but he has been caught NUMEROUS TIMES NOT paying his taxes, trying to HIDE money, not reporting money, etc. Tax Fraud, Tax evasion...and not one criminal charge filed against him (like we would have done to us). This criminal never even had to pay a fine or pay back interest on the money he owed.
- 'Reverend' Al 'Pass the Plate' Sharpton - Without racism existing in the world this 'Carnival Barker' would have to get a REAL job. Fortunately for him 'racism' is a good business - REALLY good, as evident from the amount of money he owed in taxes but never did...until he was finally caught and FORCED to pay up.

Then you have POS like Harry Reid who - after the last Presidential election - was FINALLY confronted by the media over his abuse of power and lying during his attack on a U.S. Citizen form the floor of the U.S. Senate. Harry admitted using his power and his position as Senate Majority Leader to attack Romney - falsely - from the floor of the Senate and that his accusations against Romney were knowingly FALSE. When asked WHY he would do such a thing he replied, :IT WORKED DIDN'T IT?!'

I can add you to the number of growing libs on this board who have zero credibility. Just because you don't like Republicans and have an opinion you believe that is enough to spew that opinion like it's fact. It's not.
Two unpaid for wars. The GOP/Bush legacy. Do you really need a link for that? Really?
Not one word of Easy's rant refuted my claim that Republi-cants refuse to pay any taxes to pay the bills for the things they do.

Not one word.

He just went into a spastic rage over being FACED WITH THE TRUTH.

Neither Republicans, nor Democrats have paid for the things they've done, with very few exceptions since the 1930's. Not at all since 1957.

That's the truth.

We had an Income Tax Surcharge to pay for the Vietnam War.

And which year are you going to stupidly say the government didn't run in the red since 1957? Just because someone says they did something....doesn't mean they did.

You confuse a spoken lie with a concrete truth. Never forget, the math always wins, and math is my ally.
FDR warned of that massive dependency as well. It is one reason he said SS should never be alliwed to be a long-term program. Liberals learned, however, that dependency = votes / power...for them.
FDR's Social Security program was designed to last and FDR even thought he had fixed it so that Republican could not change it or drop it. Bush made comments about privatizing SS but dropped them quickly when he saw the handwriting.

Social Security has never been designed to last. See the numerous changes to "try to save it".

No, it won't be changed because it's political suicide for anyone who tries. But when it fails....what then? And fail it surely will on the path it's on.
Not sure where you get the idea it was never designed to last. Maybe from Fox or Breitbart?

But it has been changed numerous times. The last being benefits frozen regardless of inflation. Before that, the retirement age was 66.

Social Security will be saved. As will Medicare.

Ronald Reagan saw to that when he put all federal employees hired after 1984 on Social Security and Medicare. Most of the younger members of congress are already looking at their vested, personal interest in the programs. One more reason to vote in the primaries.... the sooner we can get rid of more of the dead-wood that's been creeping around D.C. or the military since the 80's, the sooner the leadership will have a vested personal interest in securing the programs, party be damned.

Time, if nothing else.

Relevant side note: The average age of a U.S. Senator is down to 61 with only 40 old enough to be on Medicare.
We don't need no stinkin' Medicare, SS, and Medicaid. We need aircraft carriers! Lots, and lots of aircraft carriers! And multi billion dollar aircraft! And more and more military! And guns and cannon! I mean, what are we going to do if North Korea builds an aircraft carrier? True, it would take them a decade or two, and totally bankrupt the country, but what if? And do people realize that there is now fewer than 60 US military bases left in Germany? What the hell are we going to do if the NAZI's start up again?
GOP fought tooth and nail against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Social Security - the greatest anti poverty program in the history of the world.

Republicans said these programs will bankrupt the United States. That was their reason. The GOP insists they were fighting for fiscal sanity against the "tax and spend" Democrats.

Isn't it ironic that it was the Bush Tax Cuts that took us down the road to unsustainable deficits? First trillions in tax cuts that did not create jobs. Then the GOP helping business move millions of jobs overseas which led to the closings of tens of thousands of factories costing this country trillions more in revenue.

Then the fiscally sane GOP cut taxes by trillions while waging two wars costing even more trillions.

And they are so ashamed, they blame it on Obama. They aren't even man enough to stand up for what they did. This is why they have to be defeated. Who could vote for a party that is so wrong again and again. Any Republican who gets Social Security should be ashamed.
You can point to the trillions that you say the repubs have cost us and yet the very programs you cite have future unfunded liabilities by some estimates over 200 Trillion. I guess the repubs were right.

When it comes to shipping jobs overseas you're just plain wrong. I've been in mfg all my life and can honestly say the dems have waged war on us for the last 40+ years. It's impossible to get people on the left to acknowledge that adding new layers of regulation day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade has repercussions. We have always faced higher labor costs, energy costs, shipping costs, tax rates, the list goes on, than our foreign competition.
The constant never ending increase in regulatory burdens just added to manufacturing's demise.
But it has been changed numerous times. The last being benefits frozen regardless of inflation. Before that, the retirement age was 66.
People died earlier too. Retirees on average kicked the bucket after about five years. With medical advancement people live much longer now and the mean age has increased. so instead of 30 workers supporting a retiree for a few years we have less than three supporting retirees for much longer. It cannot keep going without change and the Dems have fought any change. Blaming Republicans for everything wrong won't fix anything.
1. How much money does Social Security need to firm-up its finances?

2. How much money did we piss-away in Iraq?
We don't need no stinkin' Medicare, SS, and Medicaid. We need aircraft carriers! Lots, and lots of aircraft carriers! And multi billion dollar aircraft! And more and more military! And guns and cannon! I mean, what are we going to do if North Korea builds an aircraft carrier? True, it would take them a decade or two, and totally bankrupt the country, but what if? And do people realize that there is now fewer than 60 US military bases left in Germany? What the hell are we going to do if the NAZI's start up again?

Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.
1. How much money does Social Security need to firm-up its finances?

2. How much money did we piss-away in Iraq?
WE piss away a LOT on entitlements and social programs. You retards use Iraq for excusing all government spending. That fixes nothing.
1. How much money does Social Security need to firm-up its finances?

2. How much money did we piss-away in Iraq?
What we spent in Iraq is not even in the ballpark when it comes to long term liabilities of SS.

SS could actually be fixed fairly easily by raising the contribution threshold. Unfortunately the increased revenue would not be put into a secure account for future expenditures. As we have been doing, the money will be spent on other govt liabilities and replaced by IOUs. Which of course we will have to pay for all over again.
The debts started with LBJ, Vietnam and the Great Society programs to create a permanent minority underclass
Move to a country with a dictator you agree with then.
I have had enough of dictators... Barry is plenty

Then accept that your beliefs aren't widely supported enough to become law.
I'm used to paying for services and things that will help no one, least of all me and my family. Shit happens
That is what happens in a socialist banana republic...

Do you want to make all taxes voluntary?
Income taxes are unconstitutional, only put in place because of the tax, spend and print policy's of career politicians and their federal government. Then they saw the opportunity in the years after the Second World War to put in the false security of socialist entitlement programs, knowing it was impossible pay for without total government control of its citizens... And it's been all down hill from there.

You're a fucking idiot. The income tax was imposed by constitutional amendment.
GOP fought tooth and nail against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Social Security - the greatest anti poverty program in the history of the world.

Republicans said these programs will bankrupt the United States. That was their reason. The GOP insists they were fighting for fiscal sanity against the "tax and spend" Democrats.

Isn't it ironic that it was the Bush Tax Cuts that took us down the road to unsustainable deficits? First trillions in tax cuts that did not create jobs. Then the GOP helping business move millions of jobs overseas which led to the closings of tens of thousands of factories costing this country trillions more in revenue.

Then the fiscally sane GOP cut taxes by trillions while waging two wars costing even more trillions.

And they are so ashamed, they blame it on Obama. They aren't even man enough to stand up for what they did. This is why they have to be defeated. Who could vote for a party that is so wrong again and again. Any Republican who gets Social Security should be ashamed.
You can point to the trillions that you say the repubs have cost us and yet the very programs you cite have future unfunded liabilities by some estimates over 200 Trillion. I guess the repubs were right.

When it comes to shipping jobs overseas you're just plain wrong. I've been in mfg all my life and can honestly say the dems have waged war on us for the last 40+ years. It's impossible to get people on the left to acknowledge that adding new layers of regulation day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade has repercussions. We have always faced higher labor costs, energy costs, shipping costs, tax rates, the list goes on, than our foreign competition.
The constant never ending increase in regulatory burdens just added to manufacturing's demise.

So, it is the democrats' fault. It has nothing to do with management taking advantage of the fact that Mexican labor costs 1/5 th the cost of American labor?

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