GOP Funding Bill Ignores Assistance to Israel

A person couldn’t cut their credit card debt without getting a raise? Forgoing that $5 Starbucks latte and applying it to the debt would not be an option? Who knew?

If that person was 2 million dollars in debt, would cutting out the 5 dollar starbucks once a week help much?
Why can't Israel take care of itself? If they had been guarding their own borders this would have never happened

In fact we should be letting the rest of the world take care of themselves for a while because our country is falling apart and the billions of dollars we waste in foreign countries can be better put to use here at home.
So the answer is to just keep buying the Starbucks and spend even more?

No, the answer is to cut spending and raise revenue, either one alone will do nothing to fix the problem.
Now show the poison pill. :rolleyes:
Yes! Thanks for recognizing that. You know, that happens in nearly ALL bills proposed, by the right OR the left. So when everyone starts saying “the republicans voted against a bill for …whatever”, dig a little and find what that “poison pill” is. There always seems to be one in there.
Republicans wanting to decrease debt is clearly a lie.

Reducing debt requires increasing revenue – which is the responsibility of the IRS; something Republicans obviously don’t understand.
Or…reducing debt could be decreasing spending. The problem with increasing revenue via tax increases is that once government has that extra money, they’ll just increase spending and soak it all up.

We need to decrease spending if we want to reduce debt.
MSM is pretty much anti-Israel actually.
You can pay off debt by stopping your frivolous spending. I did it. No, it's time that the federal govt do without and be accountable.

If one has 10 grand in debt, they can pay it off by stopping frivolous spending.

If one has 10 million in debt they cannot pay it off by stopping frivolous spending alone, it would take having more income as well.

This holds true for our Govt, we need more revenue and to stop frivolous spending
If one million is appropriated to an agency and they operate that fiscal year at 600k, guess what happens the next year. That's why they hate spending cuts.

Yep, changing this one thing could easily cut 5% off the top from spending, just end the "use it or lose" it mentality when it comes to budgets in the Fed Govt.

As the Operations Chief for an FA-18 squadron I would get in trouble if we had TAD money left by the 10th of Sept. We sent pilots on cross country mission they did not need for their training or quals just to spend up all the money so we would not get less next year.

What if instead of doing that we rewarded those with money left over.
Why can't Israel take care of itself? If they had been guarding their own borders this would have never happened

In fact we should be letting the rest of the world take care of themselves for a while because our country is falling apart and the billions of dollars we waste in foreign countries can be better put to use here at home.
Israel helped us when we were hit in NYC a few years back with American Air planes that were packed with Americans with re to who, what, when, where, and why those planes hit the WTC. That helped us immensely in preventing another 9/11. Had they said "Why can't America take care of itself," we'd have strike after strike until our investigators found out who what when where and why.

They are one of our strongest allies, and were we shocked when we found out they lost 6 million people in WWII, so we went to bat for them at that time. The same people who killed the 6 million Hebrews went on to the next generation of beating up on America on 9/11. It wasn't clear to us who did it at first. Our allies in Israel made sure we were totally informed at an expense of time and life to them. Now the Hitlerian participants in WWII from the Middle East have bombed out Israel, and we're simply returning the favor.

We could be next, unless they obliterate Israel entirely. We'd be stoopid not to help Israel, and you can't fix stupid once it convinces you doing nothing is the thing to do. The Nazis alligned themselves and used Arab countries in WWII with the promise that after the Nazis were in control of Europe, Hitler told them he'd "clean up" the Arab lands, too. It was the bargain made in hell, and if we don't help Israel, they won't be around because genocide is the Nazi way, and the Arabs got infected since they weren't too keen on Israel ever for thousands of years.

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