GOP Georgia Recount Observers are being kept 50 feet away from viewing the recount.

If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

Translation: some alt-right kook with a phone was kept 50 feet back from authorized observers.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

Translation: some alt-right kook with a phone was kept 50 feet back from authorized observers.

He is what election law calls an "observer." His presence is mandated by those laws. There were dozens of others who were also kept out.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.
My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.
ROFL! Sorry, turd, but the idea that citizens should not be allowed to videotape their government at work couldn't be more Stalinesque. You look at citizens as "interlopers." People wanting to make sure the votes are tabulated honestly and accurately are "interlopers."

You're a totalitarian bootlicking scumbag.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now, explain how it proves you aren't a scumbag? You made a prediction that right wingers have been making for at least a year.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now, explain how it proves you aren't a scumbag? You made a prediction that right wingers have been making for at least a year.
I didn’t know we were debating my scumbagness. You asked about predicting the future. I called the media play in 2016. You’re welcome to eat my scum whenever you want.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now, explain how it proves you aren't a scumbag? You made a prediction that right wingers have been making for at least a year.
I didn’t know we were debating my scumbagness. You asked about predicting the future. I called the media play in 2016. You’re welcome to eat my scum whenever you want.
I didn't know we were debating anything. I thought you were just doing the usual attacks against Trump with no basis in fact.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now, explain how it proves you aren't a scumbag? You made a prediction that right wingers have been making for at least a year.
I didn’t know we were debating my scumbagness. You asked about predicting the future. I called the media play in 2016. You’re welcome to eat my scum whenever you want.
I didn't know we were debating anything. I thought you were just doing the usual attacks against Trump with no basis in fact.
Unlike you I can back up the things I say. You were the one that called me a liar and then said it would be endless work to disprove my lies even though you claimed they had already been debunked. You’re a joke and it’s getting too easy to beat you in these arguments. It’s getting boring
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.
My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.
ROFL! Sorry, turd, but the idea that citizens should not be allowed to videotape their government at work couldn't be more Stalinesque. You look at citizens as "interlopers." People wanting to make sure the votes are tabulated honestly and accurately are "interlopers."

You're a totalitarian bootlicking scumbag.

Tough shit. That's why states have election laws and certify their observers months in advance. Both parties sign off on them. This is so White Mike and Shelley Alt-Right can't gather propaganda for their YouTube podcast based on heresay, speculation, and conspiracy theories.

You, like the rest of Trump supporters, are a lemming.
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

You are one whiny SOB. Put your big boy pants on and deal with it.
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now, explain how it proves you aren't a scumbag? You made a prediction that right wingers have been making for at least a year.
I didn’t know we were debating my scumbagness. You asked about predicting the future. I called the media play in 2016. You’re welcome to eat my scum whenever you want.
I didn't know we were debating anything. I thought you were just doing the usual attacks against Trump with no basis in fact.
Unlike you I can back up the things I say. You were the one that called me a liar and then said it would be endless work to disprove my lies even though you claimed they had already been debunked. You’re a joke and it’s getting too easy to beat you in these arguments. It’s getting boring
Wrong, turd. You're the one who makes claims, offers no proof to support them, and then demands I produce proof to debunk them. Those are classic Dim propaganda tactics.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.
My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.
ROFL! Sorry, turd, but the idea that citizens should not be allowed to videotape their government at work couldn't be more Stalinesque. You look at citizens as "interlopers." People wanting to make sure the votes are tabulated honestly and accurately are "interlopers."

You're a totalitarian bootlicking scumbag.

Tough shit. That's why states have election laws and certify their observers months in advance. Both parties sign off on them. This is so White Mike and Shelley Alt-Right can't gather propaganda for their YouTube podcast based on heresay, speculation, and conspiracy theories.

You, like the rest of Trump supporters, are a lemming.
They wouldn't allow the certified observers to observe the process, moron.
I went to the Million man MAGA March. I think there were 2 million men there. If The Left thinks we are going to forget them stealing elections, censoring us and engaging in criminal conduct, they are mistaken.

If Joe Biden pulls off his most corrupt act yet, no one will look at him as anything but illegitimate. Not my Pedophile, and he’s not my president and this is not over yet!

We all Prayed for the President in Unison, and millions around the world are praying for him.

It’s God who puts our leaders on the throne not man, and wether they be Evil or Good is based on the spiritual state of the nation and whether God Blesses us or not because of what we do and how we live.

I still believe America is good and God is not done with us yet.

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The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.
My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.
ROFL! Sorry, turd, but the idea that citizens should not be allowed to videotape their government at work couldn't be more Stalinesque. You look at citizens as "interlopers." People wanting to make sure the votes are tabulated honestly and accurately are "interlopers."

You're a totalitarian bootlicking scumbag.

Tough shit. That's why states have election laws and certify their observers months in advance. Both parties sign off on them. This is so White Mike and Shelley Alt-Right can't gather propaganda for their YouTube podcast based on heresay, speculation, and conspiracy theories.

You, like the rest of Trump supporters, are a lemming.
They wouldn't allow the certified observers to observe the process, moron.

The state has their own certified observers from both parties.
Aggrieved outsiders with their own agenda and narrative are not welcome...moron.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.
My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.
ROFL! Sorry, turd, but the idea that citizens should not be allowed to videotape their government at work couldn't be more Stalinesque. You look at citizens as "interlopers." People wanting to make sure the votes are tabulated honestly and accurately are "interlopers."

You're a totalitarian bootlicking scumbag.

Tough shit. That's why states have election laws and certify their observers months in advance. Both parties sign off on them. This is so White Mike and Shelley Alt-Right can't gather propaganda for their YouTube podcast based on heresay, speculation, and conspiracy theories.

You, like the rest of Trump supporters, are a lemming.
They wouldn't allow the certified observers to observe the process, moron.

The state has their own certified observers from both parties.
Aggrieved outsiders with their own agenda and narrative are not welcome...moron.
What part of "They wouldn't allow the certified observers to observe the process" didn't you understand?
Now you may say it's fake, but there have been enough witness accounts, people coming forward, so I would say lets get to the bottom of it before a winner is announced.
Trumps lawyers have been taking their "evidence" to court, and having their lawsuits thrown out for lack of evidence.

As one set of lawyers had to admit, their affidavits of voter fraud were from a website where people filled them out online.
That's a DNC talking point. Everyone expected those corrupt Dim state courts to collude with the swindle. It's the first step in the process.
Which dim state courts are you talking about? Arizona? Georgia? Pennsylvania?
How Joe "Won":

Look it up, asshole.
What am I supposed to be looking up? You have a compilation of accusations at is that supposed to mean something?

no hard evidence and none of this going anywhere in court. 0-18 in lawsuits where Trump failed to prove any of these claims.
You keep saying "no hard evidence" when there is an abundance of it.

What evidence would you accept?
I would accept provable evidence. Not accusations. Did you know that trumps lawyers tried to pass a list of affidavits off in court that they collected from on online complaint form? When asked how they verified the claims they said that the form had a CAPTCHA security code so bots wouldn’t get through. The case got tossed. 18 cases have been tossed. None have yet shown proof of anything.

see it’s crap like that that makes me doubt all the bullshit I’m hearing. Also because we all knew Trump was going to do this before the election even started. It’s no mystery what’s going on here.

I’ve also seen “one off” causes being used but those have been found on both sides. A guy in PA tried to cast a vote for Trump as his dead mother... he got caught and busted. This case doesn’t prove that Trump was trying to steal the election.

show that there was some systematic conspiracy to elect Joe which feasibly could result in 10s of thousands of votes between multiple states and then I’ll start taking you seriously. You can’t do that so I can’t take you seriously
You refuse to list what you consider to be evidence. You failed to provide alink to your bullshit story. That's because it's bunk. Your whining will be ignored. You have been shown evidence, and you ignore it.
What are you talking about? My evidence are the fucking election results. The numbers that each state reported. They same shit that’s been done for every other election.

You may think this is serious shit because you're a fool that takes Donald Trump seriously. He lost he’s done, less and less people are putting up with his bullshit and few already took him seriously. Keep up the fight though. I’m sure you will be proven correct. Haha
That's evidence only that you're a gullible fool.
You’re free to think that but in the end I’m going to be living in reality where there will be a president Biden and no charges of fraud, while you will be bitterly tossed over to Newsmax with Trump and the other manipulative turds so y’all can live in your cloud of delusions... and here’s a little secret about how your grievances will be received... nobody cares!
When it has been demonstrated that you can predict the future, perhaps I will care. Then again, perhaps I won't.
I also called it 4 years ago that Trumps run in politics was a media play to merge or buy Newsmax and start a media empire... Trump TV. That is looking more and more likely to come true.
You called nothing except the fact that you're a blowhard.
Been talking about Trump and newsmax for years. Watch and see
I wouldn't be surprised at all if he buys newsmax? How does that prove you aren't a scumbag?
It proves it without a doubt. You didn’t know that?
Now, explain how it proves you aren't a scumbag? You made a prediction that right wingers have been making for at least a year.
I didn’t know we were debating my scumbagness. You asked about predicting the future. I called the media play in 2016. You’re welcome to eat my scum whenever you want.
I didn't know we were debating anything. I thought you were just doing the usual attacks against Trump with no basis in fact.
Unlike you I can back up the things I say. You were the one that called me a liar and then said it would be endless work to disprove my lies even though you claimed they had already been debunked. You’re a joke and it’s getting too easy to beat you in these arguments. It’s getting boring
Wrong, turd. You're the one who makes claims, offers no proof to support them, and then demands I produce proof to debunk them. Those are classic Dim propaganda tactics.
No no. I just asked you to explain why you called me a liar and to show what you already said was debunked. You can’t do that so you get angry and start calling me names. Real mature

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