GOP Georgia Recount Observers are being kept 50 feet away from viewing the recount.

Don't worry, the Carter Center is on the case. Y'all trust Jimmy Carter, right? :poke:

The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.


My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.

Did you post any actual facts? . . . . . .. no.

Just a little experience (general) with the process. See, here's the thing. States take the integrity of their elections seriously. Doesn't matter whether they are Republican or Democrat run states.
It's a reflection on their state and the myriad of people that are involved with keeping the elections above board an above reproach.

So when assholes like you, or the OP, or just about every Trump sycophant out there come to their state and start blaring shit about "rigged" elections, "fraudlent" votes, or some other bug-eyed
conspiracy theory..they get PISSED. You are impugning their credibility and undermining their right to hold a free and fair election.
State officials take that shit seriously.
Apparently this cycle quite a few states threw away any notion of integrity and transparency when their own election officials and courts ignored state election laws.

Save this for your alt-right, Trump supporting, circle jerking, conspiracy theory laden pity parties. No credible evidence of voter fraud.
Trump's own DOJ election officials have said there's no evidence of fraud. Seriously, give this shit up.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.


My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.

Did you post any actual facts? . . . . . .. no.

Just a little experience (general) with the process. See, here's the thing. States take the integrity of their elections seriously. Doesn't matter whether they are Republican or Democrat run states.
It's a reflection on their state and the myriad of people that are involved with keeping the elections above board an above reproach.

So when assholes like you, or the OP, or just about every Trump sycophant out there come to their state and start blaring shit about "rigged" elections, "fraudlent" votes, or some other bug-eyed
conspiracy theory..they get PISSED. You are impugning their credibility and undermining their right to hold a free and fair election.
State officials take that shit seriously.
Sorry, turd, but we all know that Dims thrive on corruption. They can't win without it. If anyone deserved to be pissed, it's Trump voters.

You're a sleazy lying piece of shit. Just admit it so we can quit wasting time debating the point.

Keep spewing that bile. Trump lost. And right now, you and the rest of Trump nation are acting like the total shitheels everyone knew you were.
A year ago you were just amusing and sycophantic. Now, you've become cancers.
If The Left can find a way to cheat they will. Should there be a law suit over this? Also, they are not verifying signatures or date stamps. Reported with Video on American Agenda & Newsmax. Republican Inspectors are not being allowed to inspect the ballots.

I hope this fraudulent election does not eventually result in a Civil War.

Lol when the recount is again in Biden’s favor, you people would cry fraud regardless of what actually went on. You’re pathetic sore losers.
You catch the left excluding observers from doing their job and they just keep
committing election fraud. It's incredible!

Just more evidence for the Supreme Court to consider.
What's a RINO? ..

An acronym for, Republican In Name Only, like Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger'
You catch the left excluding observers from doing their job and they just keep
committing election fraud. It's incredible!

Just more evidence for the Supreme Court to consider.
The ongoing refusal to give meaningful access is evidence of criminal intent... This could very easily get the whole states votes thrown out.. With verified cases of count failures this can be seen as an attempt to hide criminal actions.. I dont think these idiots thought this through.
THe ongoing refusal to give meaningful access is evidence of criminal intent... This could very easily get the whole states votes thrown out..
Fingers crossed the socialist pigs keep pushing the envelope.
SCOTUS could very easily order a hand count and verification by a third party... This is not going to end well for these people.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.


My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.

Did you post any actual facts? . . . . . .. no.

Just a little experience (general) with the process. See, here's the thing. States take the integrity of their elections seriously. Doesn't matter whether they are Republican or Democrat run states.
It's a reflection on their state and the myriad of people that are involved with keeping the elections above board an above reproach.

So when assholes like you, or the OP, or just about every Trump sycophant out there come to their state and start blaring shit about "rigged" elections, "fraudlent" votes, or some other bug-eyed
conspiracy theory..they get PISSED. You are impugning their credibility and undermining their right to hold a free and fair election.
State officials take that shit seriously.
Sorry, turd, but we all know that Dims thrive on corruption. They can't win without it. If anyone deserved to be pissed, it's Trump voters.

You're a sleazy lying piece of shit. Just admit it so we can quit wasting time debating the point.

Keep spewing that bile. Trump lost. And right now, you and the rest of Trump nation are acting like the total shitheels everyone knew you were.
A year ago you were just amusing and sycophantic. Now, you've become cancers.
This election was the result of massive fraud. It's the Democrat Reichstag fire. No one is fooled.

Democrats are scum.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.


My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.

Did you post any actual facts? . . . . . .. no.

Just a little experience (general) with the process. See, here's the thing. States take the integrity of their elections seriously. Doesn't matter whether they are Republican or Democrat run states.
It's a reflection on their state and the myriad of people that are involved with keeping the elections above board an above reproach.

So when assholes like you, or the OP, or just about every Trump sycophant out there come to their state and start blaring shit about "rigged" elections, "fraudlent" votes, or some other bug-eyed
conspiracy theory..they get PISSED. You are impugning their credibility and undermining their right to hold a free and fair election.
State officials take that shit seriously.
Apparently this cycle quite a few states threw away any notion of integrity and transparency when their own election officials and courts ignored state election laws.

Save this for your alt-right, Trump supporting, circle jerking, conspiracy theory laden pity parties. No credible evidence of voter fraud.
Trump's own DOJ election officials have said there's no evidence of fraud. Seriously, give this shit up.
There's tons of evidence, you brain damaged turd. The DOJ has done no such thing. You spout lies like Old Faithful.
The Right Scoop? LOL. Where do you find these alt-right gems?
I find it highly suspect that anyone with video would be allowed close enough to film a recount with this much scrutiny.
Both parties have observers there. They are hired by the town/city/state and vetted and certified to be in the room months
in advance.
Why should video not be allowed?

Because that video ends up on alt-right internet sites with no context and no explanation other than to verify the site's bias.


My guess is that the state is filming it. These operations are very tight. No room for screwing around. Any user error is immediately
checked, screened, re-checked, and verified.

Did you post any actual facts? . . . . . .. no.

Just a little experience (general) with the process. See, here's the thing. States take the integrity of their elections seriously. Doesn't matter whether they are Republican or Democrat run states.
It's a reflection on their state and the myriad of people that are involved with keeping the elections above board an above reproach.

So when assholes like you, or the OP, or just about every Trump sycophant out there come to their state and start blaring shit about "rigged" elections, "fraudlent" votes, or some other bug-eyed
conspiracy theory..they get PISSED. You are impugning their credibility and undermining their right to hold a free and fair election.
State officials take that shit seriously.
Sorry, turd, but we all know that Dims thrive on corruption. They can't win without it. If anyone deserved to be pissed, it's Trump voters.

You're a sleazy lying piece of shit. Just admit it so we can quit wasting time debating the point.

Keep spewing that bile. Trump lost. And right now, you and the rest of Trump nation are acting like the total shitheels everyone knew you were.
A year ago you were just amusing and sycophantic. Now, you've become cancers.
This election was the result of massive fraud. It's the Democrat Reichstag fire. No one is fooled.

Democrats are scum.

The election was the result of Donald John Trump being a shitty President. No interest in the job. You're right, no one was fooled.
He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. And voters showed him the door. Deal with it.
Exactly right Mr President! :thup:

Donald J. Trump

Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud. Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state. Where is

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