GOP helps everyone but Christians and children

Is that why trillions of US Government assistance in Iraq failed?

Failed in combatting Iraqi poverty? It was never intended to combat poverty. It was sent to rebuild after a war.

And it would have been far more effective if we didn't have the current abysmal foreign policy

Ummm, let's see. Trillions spent to rebuild, but not combat poverty? You mean "rebuild poverty"? Wow, that sounds like the GOP deep thinkers came up with another successful plan. Well, it seems to have worked.

The left declared war on poverty over 50 years ago, and its only got worse. Usual liberals fail.
Failed in combatting Iraqi poverty? It was never intended to combat poverty. It was sent to rebuild after a war.

And it would have been far more effective if we didn't have the current abysmal foreign policy

Ummm, let's see. Trillions spent to rebuild, but not combat poverty? You mean "rebuild poverty"? Wow, that sounds like the GOP deep thinkers came up with another successful plan. Well, it seems to have worked.

The left declared war on poverty over 50 years ago, and its only got worse. Usual liberals fail.

The liberal leadership plan has always been to claim they are for reducing poverty, while in fact only supporting systems that put up barriers to getting out of poverty. The lib leaders are the 1 per-centers. The democrat voters are just to dumb to understand that being dependent on government for subsistence is the very thing that is keeping them in poverty.
To the USMB idiot morons who refuse to learn any fucking thing about recent history:

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

In March 2003, on the eve of war in Iraq, Pope John Paul II dispatched Cardinal Pio Laghi, a senior Vatican diplomat, to Washington to make a final plea to Bush not to invade. Laghi, chosen for his close ties to the Bush family, outlined “clearly and forcefully” the Vatican’s fears of what would follow an invasion: protracted war, significant casualties, violence between ethnic and religious groups, regional destabilization, “and a new gulf between Christianity and Islam.” The warning was not heeded.

Two weeks after the Bush-Laghi meeting, on March 19, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom commenced. Shortly after combat operations concluded on May 1, the real conflict began. Amid the chaos and sectarian violence that followed, Iraq’s Christians suffered severe persecution. Neither the military nor the State Department took action to protect them.


It's recent history stupid right wingers. How can you not know what just happened????


In Iraq, ancient Christianity lies in ruins. But who cares? »

Perhaps the crowds would have been bigger if the West had been paying attention to the desperate pleas for help from Chaldeans and Assyrians over the past decade.


Are your faces smeared yet? Thanks Bush, Thanks Republicans. It was the Republicans in charge of both houses and the presidency.


Bush Policies Promote Global Jihad

Bush is now working with the U.N. to create a Muslim state in Kosovo.

On July 25, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom held a major hearing on religious persecution in Iraq that made your stomach turn. It effectively demonstrated that American soldiers, many of them Christians, are giving their lives and limbs to prop up a Muslim government that encourages or tolerates religious persecution against Christians. Michael Cromartie, chairman of the group and an appointee of President Bush, said reports indicate that nearly half of Iraq’s Christians have already fled the country.


How can these USMB right wingers be so fucking stupid. This is recent history. How can they not know the Bush administration stood by and watched what happened to Christians and did NOTHING?

And they call me a liar? Tell me to prove recent history? Where the fuck have they been???? Somebody explain to me how this can be!


'Obliterating' Iraq's Christians | OnFaith

In 2007, Pope Benedict directly told President Bush that in Iraq, “the society that was evolving would not tolerate the Christian religion.” Yet, no American policy was directed to enable this ancient group survive the religious cleansing that the invasion unleashed.


Still stupid?


Christian Massacres: A Result of U.S. Foreign Policy

In the wake of the U.S. invasion and occupation — which in 2007 the Congressional Budget Office estimated would cost U.S. taxpayers about $2 trillion — Christianity in Iraq might very well be fully eradicated. Reliable estimates found that about 1.4 million Christians lived in Iraq before 2003. Today, that number is less than 500,000, with some experts claiming the true figure is actually around 200,000. In all, some two-thirds of the nation’s Christians have already fled or been killed.

After the United States invaded, however, everything changed. “The Assyrians have survived the coming of the Persians, the Arabs, and the Turks,” Chancy observed. “It remains to be seen if they will survive the coming of the Americans.” Unfortunately, as Chancy and countless other analysts warned, Christians did not fare well.

Businesses were seized, churches were bombed, women were raped, Sharia law was brutally enforced, and Christians, including women and children, were viciously slaughtered. Muslim extremists throughout the nation and Kurdish nationalists in northern areas — supposedly U.S. allies — all participated in the massacres and persecution.

A year after the U.S. invasion, Chancy’s dire warnings had become reality. “In fact, the current policies of the Bush administration are threatening to absolutely devastate ancient and pious Christian communities whose blood will be on all our heads,” he observed in late 2004, saying the American people had become accomplices in the slaughter and destruction of large segments of the world’s Christian population.


GO ahead USMB idiot right wingers. Prove me wrong. I dare you. That was a REpublican War. They tricked the country into a war with a country they knew nothing about. And they remain as ignorant as possible. No wonder all their policies FAIL. Because that's all they know. The previous comments prove it.

Provide links and legislation to back up your 'claims' from the origianal op, or they're meaningless.

I could pick apart the above post that is full of lies, 'republicans invaded Iraq', do you seriously need, for the millionth time, the list of reps in Congress that voted for war in Iraq? What is it with you loons? Don't you get that repeating lies over and over isn't going to get you where it has gotten you in the past? People are fed up with it, it's not working. You can't keep attacking the 'enemy', in the words of your president, and not offer anything from your own side. It's gone on too long, and the people in this country are fed up with the bullshit.

No one gives a shit about Iraq or Bush or the 'republicans' at that time other than you, everyone is worried about the last six years of high unemployment, exploding debt, soaring numbers on welfare and food stamps, treatment of our own citizens and military vets, soaring gas prices, soaring grocery prices, a total clusterfuck at the southern border, and your dumbass party has been IN CHARGE for all of it.

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