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GOP Hero and Legend George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Face Punched

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And didn't that cop tell him not to follow Martin?

So right there GZ ignored a lawful order from a cop.

He wanted the confrontation.
Wrong again. Zim was waiting for the police that were responding to his call to the special phone number watch group folks were instructed to use. He exited his truck so he could see which direction Martin went when he got to a T on the walkway so he could advise the cop when he got there. When the dispatch cop on the phone realized that he told Zim, "We don't need you to do that." Zim replied, "OK," and headed back to his truck. Moments later thug Martin jumped him and, fortunate for society, got killed, in self-defense, because of it. Thank you, George.

We don't know how the fight started.


And our system of justice is based on the presumption of innocence.

In the absence of evidence of guilt, Zimmerman is Innocent.
You may notice I never said anything about guilt or innocence

I said it is my opinion that GZ is responsible for the totality of events that ended in the shooting.

TM is responsible for his actions, such as sitting on top of a man and beating him "mma style", as witnessed by a credible witness.

It's OK if you keep ignoring my comments on the totality of the situation to concentrate only one one small part

It must be all you can handle
And didn't that cop tell him not to follow Martin?

So right there GZ ignored a lawful order from a cop.

He wanted the confrontation.
Wrong again. Zim was waiting for the police that were responding to his call to the special phone number watch group folks were instructed to use. He exited his truck so he could see which direction Martin went when he got to a T on the walkway so he could advise the cop when he got there. When the dispatch cop on the phone realized that he told Zim, "We don't need you to do that." Zim replied, "OK," and headed back to his truck. Moments later thug Martin jumped him and, fortunate for society, got killed, in self-defense, because of it. Thank you, George.

We don't know how the fight started.


And our system of justice is based on the presumption of innocence.

In the absence of evidence of guilt, Zimmerman is Innocent.
You may notice I never said anything about guilt or innocence

I said it is my opinion that GZ is responsible for the totality of events that ended in the shooting.

TM is responsible for his actions, such as sitting on top of a man and beating him "mma style", as witnessed by a credible witness.
Of course Martin brought about his own death. What is also true is that no one gave a shit about him till he died, and then only because he could be used as a political pawn for race pimps.
All he did was introduce himself...

And he should brag about beating that bogus rap that they tried to pin on him for defending himself.

The Legal system worked as intended.

Yes, it was just a black racist hate crime that went bad for the thug attempting it. Too bad they all don't end up with the vermin getting shot instead of the innocent victims of Democratic Party instigated violence.

Or maybe instead of getting into a fight with neighborhood watch because you are in fear they are gay and looking to rape you based off the fear put in your mind by your girlfriend who was on the phone with you.


That was one of the media narratives making the rounds at one point, until one of the vermin noticed that it was stupid and made Saint Trayvon look like a violent homophobe, so they ditched the idiotic trope and pretended it never came from the hacks on the faux 'Left'.

... and after reading the second page I see SLB answered you, so never mind ...

His girlfriend did his memory no favors by telling everyone what they talked about ...

Although it should come as no surprise that blacks are not pro gay as a whole.
IMO GZ is the one who escalated the situation.

He had no reason to follow Martin. No reason to get out of his car. His life was not in danger until he put it in danger. GZ was looking for a fight

The one thing I learned about being a CCW permit holder and carrying a weapon is that you absolutely have to cultivate a non-confrontational demeanor.

He was a neighborhood watch captain, so your premises are false. Martin didn't have to come back and attempt to murder Zimmerman, and if Zimmerman was so trigger happy and looking for shit Martin wouldn't have been able to jump him and beat Zimmerman's head on the sidewalk, he would have been shot before he laid a hand on Zimmerman. There were zero grounds to even charge Zimmerman for anything; it was a political pogrom, period, and the pathetic racist gimps on the 'Left' are just infuriated they couldn't railroad him into prison and murdered.

No, he wasn't a neighborhood watch captain. He wasn't a member of any neighborhood watch program, and he didn't follow their rules.
George Zimmerman not a member of recognized neighborhood watch organization

Incorrect..you must have listened to Chris Matthews....irregardless.....now for the twuth.

Zimmerman was in charge of recruiting block captains for a neighborhood watch program and, after having been asked, was also part of a group to enforce parking rules in his community.

The president of the homeowners association for the community where the shooting took place testified that he didn't think a neighborhood watch program was needed and that Zimmerman was in charge of the community's program from the very beginning.

Donald O'Brien stressed that the homeowners association had nothing to do with the neighborhood watch program but that he did attend a meeting to start it. Residents were told to "stay away" from suspicious people and call police, O'Brien said.

He said he once text messaged Zimmerman with praises for a group of workers who followed a burglar. Their actions led to the arrest of a young black man, who was charged with burglaries in the neighborhood, O'Brien said.

O'Brien added that police indicated it was acceptable to follow suspicious persons at a safe distance.

You should have watched the trial....as should have many others who come on here and want to make comments about a case in which they do not have the facts.

A jury that was under much pressure to convict nevertheless let the law guide their decision and it was a correct one and a very courageous one.

BTW even if George had not been a neighborhood watchman everything he did was legal...any citizen has the right to follow a suspicious person and report that person to the police.....which George had done many times and never had a problem....he was on that dark and rainy night simply following his standard operating procedure....it was unfortunate that Trayvon decided to attack George....and that conclusion is backed up by the evidence presented in court....trayvon initially ran away....he had completely eluded George....George had no idea where he was....George thought Trayvon had left the area. Yet out of nowhere Trayvon pops up again....logic says he doubled back to attack George...the only thing that makes sense.

Now we can conjecture as to why Trayvon decided to attack George....perhaps because he appeard to be a easy target...Trayvon had circled Georges truck and scoped him out...no doubt coming to the conclusion that the plump and out of shape George would be easy to take down.

After initially running away Trayvon got on the phone with his g/f and told her 'some creepy ass cracker' was following him...she advised him to go home(which he could easily have done..he was less than 2 mins. from his fathers house) she also told him george was probably some gay guy....anyhow something motivated trayvonista to go back and confront george...and he paid the ultimate price for that.

All of this and more was brought out in court...in a manner which could not be refuted...thus the jury decision....so next time pal...watch the trial or get the facts before you come on here and spew disinformation.
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And didn't that cop tell him not to follow Martin?

So right there GZ ignored a lawful order from a cop.

He wanted the confrontation.
Wrong again. Zim was waiting for the police that were responding to his call to the special phone number watch group folks were instructed to use. He exited his truck so he could see which direction Martin went when he got to a T on the walkway so he could advise the cop when he got there. When the dispatch cop on the phone realized that he told Zim, "We don't need you to do that." Zim replied, "OK," and headed back to his truck. Moments later thug Martin jumped him and, fortunate for society, got killed, in self-defense, because of it. Thank you, George.

We don't know how the fight started.


And our system of justice is based on the presumption of innocence.

In the absence of evidence of guilt, Zimmerman is Innocent.
You may notice I never said anything about guilt or innocence

I said it is my opinion that GZ is responsible for the totality of events that ended in the shooting.

TM is responsible for his actions, such as sitting on top of a man and beating him "mma style", as witnessed by a credible witness.

Exactly and logic supports the claim that Trayvon was the one to initiate a confrontation. aka..........initially running away...then suddenly popping up again. Not even to mention that when George was parked in his truck at the clubhouse...Trayvon approached George whilst he was still in his truck...circled his truck checking out George. If george had been inclined to have a confrontation it would have been then and there...but george did not even roll down his windows....said nothing at all to trayvon...instead George just calmly kept talking to the dispatcher..informing her of what was happening.

All of this was on the 911 tape and was played in court.

Now to reply to the ludicrous claim that anyone with a weapon should be held to a higher standard of conduct aka not to appear confrontational in any manner....absolutely ridiculous.

Anyhow, as the trial demonstrated...George was on his way to Target when he spotted the suspicious Trayvon...loitering and lurking about looking in windows on a dark and rainy night when a normal person would have been hurrying home...thus the real reason George thought Trayvon was suspicious. George had even forgot that he was carrying a weapon...he did not realize he was armed until his hand brushed against the weapon as Trayvon was attacking him.

George was not confrontational in any manner, shape or form to a innocent person....now someone like trayvon who was out scoping houses and peering through windows on a dark and rainy night...he was no doubt pissed off that someone like george dare interfere with whatever he was up to...but even trayvon would not have thought that confrontational...he would simply have thought of it as some snitch watching him...aka he saw george on the phone and probably realized he was being reported...no doubt he was angry about that and the fact that George was to him a creepy ass cracker.

Transcript of Georges phone call to 911 dispatcher..............Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police
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Last time some asshole tried to take Zimmerman out you left wing whackos were pro Apperson who turned out to be a lunatic. And Zimmerman's story help up against that nut job.

So I'll take Zimmerman's words over others.

"He added he had told people sat around a table with him that he shot Martin in self-defense just before the alleged assault."

George Zimmerman punched for 'bragging' about killing Trayvon Martin
I totally believe it. Martin was walking along. Zimmerman got out of his truck and started chasing Martin. Martin got scared after being cornered and decided to "stand his ground". Zimmerman felt threatened and shot him at point blank range into the chest. Open and shut. Clear case of defense. Then Zimmerman had to go back for his truck that he got out of after police told him not to.
Bullshit...bullshit...and more bullshit! First of all the only reason Trayvon Martin was in Sanford was that he'd been kicked out his high school for having stolen jewelry and burglary tools in his backpack. Martin went to the store to buy Skittles and Watermelon Fruit Juice which is exactly what you use to make Lean. Then he took his sweet time going back through a gated community that had been plagued with break-ins, walking slowly and looking in people's windows even though it was raining. Zimmerman saw him, thought he looked suspicious and called the Police. The Police dispatcher asked Zimmerman if he could see what direction the man had run and Zimmerman got out of his SUV and attempted to follow Martin. The dispatcher then realized that Zimmerman was trying to follow Martin and told him to go back to meet the responding Police vehicle which is exactly what he was doing when he was attacked out of the darkness by Trayvon Martin. Martin, who had gotten totally away and told his girlfriend that he was right outside his Dad's girlfriend's condo had in fact turned around and gone BACK to confront Zimmerman. After knocking Zimmerman to the ground and straddling him, Martin was bashing his head against the ground while Zimmerman screamed for help. At that point Zimmerman did in fact manage to get his gun out of his waistband and shoot Martin. It was and open and shut case. What made it something else was the disgraceful coverage that the Main Stream Media gave to the case...portraying Zimmerman as the villain and Martin as the poor little school boy shot trying to buy Skittles at the store.

Why do you even bother to come here with more of that crap, R-Derp? It was disproved years ago. You think it's going to work any better for you now? You really aren't very bright...are you?
Witnesses Corroborate: George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Punched (UPDATED)

Witnesses inside Gators Riverside restaurant confirm that Zimmerman “was bragging” about the 2012 shooting. he allegedly said to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” He allegedly showed an identification card of some kind as well.

At that point the second man asked, “You’re bragging about that?” then punched Zimmerman in the face.

The identity of the attacker accused of punching Zimmerman has not yet been released.

A reminder that George Zimmerman is a cancer to society

George Zimmerman says auction for Trayvon Martin gun is over

Zimmerman's first two attempts to sell the gun in the past week failed, and drew swarms of bids from trolls using names like "Racist McShootface." The fake bidders at one point drove the price past $66 million.


The gun eventually sold for $250,000.00

Wow, running down and shooting to death an unarmed kid two weeks past 17. The dream of so many of those in the GOP. But I still think they hate gays more than blacks.

Be careful, when dough boy gets his ass kicked he likes to murder the person in cold blood.

If someone is "kicking your ass" in a vicious assault on the street...how is it any way...murder in cold blood?

I can't believe that you liberals are STILL trying to get this dog to hunt! Seriously...you're embarrassing yourself!
Witnesses Corroborate: George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Punched (UPDATED)

Witnesses inside Gators Riverside restaurant confirm that Zimmerman “was bragging” about the 2012 shooting. he allegedly said to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” He allegedly showed an identification card of some kind as well.

At that point the second man asked, “You’re bragging about that?” then punched Zimmerman in the face.

The identity of the attacker accused of punching Zimmerman has not yet been released.

A reminder that George Zimmerman is a cancer to society

George Zimmerman says auction for Trayvon Martin gun is over

Zimmerman's first two attempts to sell the gun in the past week failed, and drew swarms of bids from trolls using names like "Racist McShootface." The fake bidders at one point drove the price past $66 million.


The gun eventually sold for $250,000.00

Wow, running down and shooting to death an unarmed kid two weeks past 17. The dream of so many of those in the GOP. But I still think they hate gays more than blacks.

Be careful, when dough boy gets his ass kicked he likes to murder the person in cold blood.

If someone is "kicking your ass" in a vicious assault on the street...how is it any way...murder in cold blood?

I can't believe that you liberals are STILL trying to get this dog to hunt! Seriously...you're embarrassing yourself!

Exactly....that is why I love any thread about George...the libtards always demonstrate their ignorance when they begin to comment on it...and they cannot resist doing that for some reason....you see the libtards have this belief...a fallacious belief in the politics of black victimhood...aka anyone(especially anyone not black) that kills a black guy no matter the circumstance and no matter who ..a policeman or whoever must be in the wrong, must be a waycist....etc.etc. and so forth...it is so easy to pick them apart and demonstrate just how stupid and ignorant they are.
Wow, running down and shooting to death an unarmed kid two weeks past 17. The dream of so many of those in the GOP. But I still think they hate gays more than blacks.
That unarmed 'kid' was bigger and stronger than Zimmerman, and had Zimmerman down on his back, punching him in the face, till he thought he would die.

You libtards are just pissed off that a white guy didnt just roll over and die the way you morons would.

A question that I have not seen a single liberal answer as of yet; 'how many times must one be punched in the face before one is justified in using lethal force in self defense?'

Libtards dont want to honestly answer that question because their answer in their heart of hearts is that the person should allow themselves to be beaten to death and at no time is any violence for self defense justified.
This is the problem the left has....it is called the internet.....they used to be able to lie about topics and people and no one had the means to call them on it....thanks to the internet, you guys can show that they are lying about what happened...Martin would be alive today if he had simply gone home and not attacked Zimmerman..........

The left only has lies and emotion...without those they have nothing...........
Witnesses Corroborate: George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Punched (UPDATED)

Witnesses inside Gators Riverside restaurant confirm that Zimmerman “was bragging” about the 2012 shooting. he allegedly said to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” He allegedly showed an identification card of some kind as well.

At that point the second man asked, “You’re bragging about that?” then punched Zimmerman in the face.

The identity of the attacker accused of punching Zimmerman has not yet been released.

A reminder that George Zimmerman is a cancer to society

George Zimmerman says auction for Trayvon Martin gun is over

Zimmerman's first two attempts to sell the gun in the past week failed, and drew swarms of bids from trolls using names like "Racist McShootface." The fake bidders at one point drove the price past $66 million.


The gun eventually sold for $250,000.00

Wow, running down and shooting to death an unarmed kid two weeks past 17. The dream of so many of those in the GOP. But I still think they hate gays more than blacks.
Trayvon Martin will not be missed, the little fuck is taking a dirt nap. Lol
Sounds like some Democrat attacking Zimmerman because he's Hispanic - clearly a hate crime
Witnesses Corroborate: George Zimmerman ‘Bragged’ About Trayvon Killing, Then Got Punched (UPDATED)

Witnesses inside Gators Riverside restaurant confirm that Zimmerman “was bragging” about the 2012 shooting. he allegedly said to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” He allegedly showed an identification card of some kind as well.

At that point the second man asked, “You’re bragging about that?” then punched Zimmerman in the face.

The identity of the attacker accused of punching Zimmerman has not yet been released.

A reminder that George Zimmerman is a cancer to society

George Zimmerman says auction for Trayvon Martin gun is over

Zimmerman's first two attempts to sell the gun in the past week failed, and drew swarms of bids from trolls using names like "Racist McShootface." The fake bidders at one point drove the price past $66 million.


The gun eventually sold for $250,000.00

Wow, running down and shooting to death an unarmed kid two weeks past 17. The dream of so many of those in the GOP. But I still think they hate gays more than blacks.
Trayvon Martin will not be missed, the little fuck is taking a dirt nap. Lol

Maybe we should dig him up to see if he still looks like l2 yrs. old and obama's son? Jus axin. hehheh
Last time some asshole tried to take Zimmerman out you left wing whackos were pro Apperson who turned out to be a lunatic. And Zimmerman's story help up against that nut job.

So I'll take Zimmerman's words over others.

"He added he had told people sat around a table with him that he shot Martin in self-defense just before the alleged assault."

George Zimmerman punched for 'bragging' about killing Trayvon Martin
I totally believe it. Martin was walking along. Zimmerman got out of his truck and started chasing Martin. Martin got scared after being cornered and decided to "stand his ground". Zimmerman felt threatened and shot him at point blank range into the chest. Open and shut. Clear case of defense. Then Zimmerman had to go back for his truck that he got out of after police told him not to.
So you believe that the short, obese 29 year old (5'7", 200 lbs. BMI=31.3) chased down and cornered the lean muscular 5'11", 175 lb, 17 year old high school football wide receiver in the open field!!??? :cuckoo:

Are you really so oblivious to reality that you cannot even comprehend how completely idiotic and totally absurd your theory sounds to all reasonable and rational people?

You're completely out of your fucking mind, Jackass.
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This is the problem the left has....it is called the internet.....they used to be able to lie about topics and people and no one had the means to call them on it....thanks to the internet, you guys can show that they are lying about what happened...Martin would be alive today if he had simply gone home and not attacked Zimmerman..........

The left only has lies and emotion...without those they have nothing...........

We do not know who started the fight. All we have is Zimmerman's account For all we know GZ laid hands on Martin first and then he got his ass kicked.

He made poor decisions that put him in an totally avoidable situation.
Zimmerman was an idiot wannabe cop. His gun probably gave him the confidence to go into a situation he shouldn't have. He was probably a fat Barney Fife.

Travon was also an idiot. From the evidence and testimony presented in court he most likely started the fight. Unfortunately for him, he brought his fists to what elevated to a gun fight. GZ had the right to self defense and the right to be a law abiding idiot.
Zimmerman was an idiot wannabe cop. His gun probably gave him the confidence to go into a situation he shouldn't have. He was probably a fat Barney Fife.

Travon was also an idiot. From the evidence and testimony presented in court he most likely started the fight. Unfortunately for him, he brought his fists to what elevated to a gun fight. GZ had the right to self defense and the right to be a law abiding idiot.
It's why I'm reticent to come to Zimmerman's defense. He's far from an upstanding citizen, shacking up with his girlfriend, getting in trouble with the law repeatedly and now bragging about killing Martin. People who legitimately defend their lives often feel survivors guilt and even sadness for the person they had to kill. Cops don't go around bragging about who they shot in the line of duty. This guy just creeps me out. Something is seriously off about him.
Martin was walking along. Zimmerman got out of his truck and started chasing Martin. Martin got scared after being cornered and decided to "stand his ground". Zimmerman felt threatened and shot him at point blank range into the chest. Open and shut. Clear case of defense.
So you believe that the short, obese 29 year old (5'7", 200 lbs. BMI=31.3) chased down and cornered the lean muscular 5'11", 175 lb, 17 year old high school football wide receiver in the open field!!??? :cuckoo:

Are you really so oblivious to reality that you cannot even comprehend how completely idiotic and totally absurd your theory sounds to all reasonable and rational people?
No, rdean does not really believe his scenario. He is just repeating the party line, probably without even trying to analyze it for his own beliefs.

This is what libtards do; just uncritically repeat things that are absurdly false without even blinking an eye, because 'it is for a greater good.'
This is the problem the left has....it is called the internet.....they used to be able to lie about topics and people and no one had the means to call them on it....thanks to the internet, you guys can show that they are lying about what happened...Martin would be alive today if he had simply gone home and not attacked Zimmerman..........

The left only has lies and emotion...without those they have nothing...........

We do not know who started the fight. All we have is Zimmerman's account For all we know GZ laid hands on Martin first and then he got his ass kicked.

He made poor decisions that put him in an totally avoidable situation.
Zimmerman was an idiot wannabe cop. His gun probably gave him the confidence to go into a situation he shouldn't have. He was probably a fat Barney Fife.

Travon was also an idiot. From the evidence and testimony presented in court he most likely started the fight. Unfortunately for him, he brought his fists to what elevated to a gun fight. GZ had the right to self defense and the right to be a law abiding idiot.
It's why I'm reticent to come to Zimmerman's defense. He's far from an upstanding citizen, shacking up with his girlfriend, getting in trouble with the law repeatedly and now bragging about killing Martin. People who legitimately defend their lives often feel survivors guilt and even sadness for the person they had to kill. Cops don't go around bragging about who they shot in the line of duty. This guy just creeps me out. Something is seriously off about him.
But the bottom line is that he shot in defense of his own life, and even career criminals have that right.

The greatest threat are the drones of unthinking morons who want to take away our right to self defense.
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