GOP House: Jan 6 Commission

Here’s a better link that more completely describes the situation.
Whining about whether Pelosi is responsible for the lack of the national guard at the Capitol before the riot is itself a non sequitor. Even if true, it doesn’t make her responsible for the riot.
Your AP tripe did not refute my earlier post. My post said that Nancy did NOT personally make the call, but Sgt at Arms Irving made the call based on his understanding of Nancy's policy.
Here it is again:
"Irving did not float the idea by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Instead, he rejected then-U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request to activate the National Guard based on what he believed would be Pelosi’s position on the matter"
The accusers presented massive amounts of evidence. You ignored it because you don’t want to hear the truth.
Apparently, no one thought there was enough to convict, moron. Unfounded accusations don't get it in the American justice system. If you lived in your world, you'd be incarcerated for terminal idiocy.
The accusers presented massive amounts of evidence. You ignored it because you don’t want to hear the truth.
Last I checked their two star witnesses turned out to be big nothing burgers.

It's always the same with these lying fucking Stalinist pigs. SSDD. Oink.
Trespassing and taking photos is a political crime punishable by death, eh? Seems you forgive murder, arson and looting though--as long as it is democrats or BLM/Antifa, eh, moron?
One was unintentionally killed by her own psychotic comrades as they attempted to violently smash their way into the Capitol. The other did not think they capitol police would use deadly force to protect threats against the lives of members of Congress that they’re sworn to protect.
Apparently, no one thought there was enough to convict, moron. Unfounded accusations don't get it in the American justice system. If you lived in your world, you'd be incarcerated for terminal idiocy.
I don’t know if you know this, but a committee doesn’t convict people.
The accusers presented massive amounts of evidence. You ignored it because you don’t want to hear the truth.


No, smears and innuendo along with outright lies and fraudulent "witnesses" are not "evidence."

You attacked our democracy.

You didn't like who the people elected and REFUSED to accept the outcome of the election, so you tried to overthrow the government - over and over again. The sham impeachment was your third attempt to overthrow the executive branch.
You clearly have reading issues.

Trump tried to change the outcome of election by persuading people in positions of authority to just hand him the election. It’s bad. People haven’t done that before. We need to have transparency on these actions. I get why you don’t want that.

OH WOW - it's bad...

But not when you fucking Nazis did it.

You fuckers tried to end our democracy.

EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING you Nazi scum accuse us of, is what you've done.
Both were unarmed protesters.

Imagine if police had shot one of your Brown Shirts in Portland or Los Angeles.

Oh but that's different, those were YOUR troops..
Looting a foot locker isn’t really on the same scale as assassinating the country’s political leadership.
Nah, Joe Biden was.

Joe Biden incited the violence on January 6th.

Standard Disclaimer: My claim is every bit as accurate as yours is.

Decent folk need to stop accepting outright lies from you Nazis.

A poor denial. But it is all your side has.

"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day," McConnell said

"The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," he said, "and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

McConnell rebuked Trump for his actions after the insurrection as well.

"He did not do his job. He didn't take steps so federal law could be faithfully executed and order restored," he continued.

OH WOW - it's bad...

But not when you fucking Nazis did it.

You fuckers tried to end our democracy.

EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING you Nazi scum accuse us of, is what you've done.
Your lunatics tried to replace electors who were chosen by the voters.

That’s not what happened in your link.

You need to actually read you dumb loser.

No, smears and innuendo along with outright lies and fraudulent "witnesses" are not "evidence."

You attacked our democracy.

You didn't like who the people elected and REFUSED to accept the outcome of the election, so you tried to overthrow the government - over and over again. The sham impeachment was your third attempt to overthrow the executive branch.
Imagine thinking testimony under oath didn’t constitute evidence. Are you actually this stupid?

Your entire post is just one stupid line after another. Impeachment is in the constitution. It’s not overthrowing the government. ITS A FUNCTION OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Good lord, are you losers that stupid?
Gore wanted to count votes that had been rejected. Trump wanted to reject votes that has been counted.

That's a dumb meme that your hate sites

First off Nazi boi - Gore got the 7 dwarfs of SCOFLA to disqualify 10,000 votes for Bush. Further, the hanging chads were Gore wanting to CHANGE ALREADY COUNTED VOTES.

You filth tried to end our democracy because you denied the outcome of the election, just like you did in 2016.

Trump doesn’t want the people to decide. He wanted his political cronies to king him.

Like China did with Xi's man Biden?

That's a dumb meme that your hate sites

First off Nazi boi - Gore got the 7 dwarfs of SCOFLA to disqualify 10,000 votes for Bush. Further, the hanging chads were Gore wanting to CHANGE ALREADY COUNTED VOTES.

You filth tried to end our democracy because you denied the outcome of the election, just like you did in 2016.

Like China did with Xi's man Biden?
Nothing you say has any relevance.

Ballots with hanging chads were not counted votes and Bush desperately wanted them to be thrown in the trash. He wanted people’s votes to be taken away from them because of mechanical faults.

I have no idea what bullshit nonsense you’re trying to accuse China of doing for Biden. Based on your history, it’s almost certainly just going to be internet bullshit you eat up.
Your lunatics tried to replace electors who were chosen by the voters.

You lunatics tried to get electors to LIE to the people and illegally elect your guy instead the winner of the election.

That’s not what happened in your link.

You need to actually read you dumb loser.

No, what you Nazis did was thousands of times worse.

You tried to end our democracy because you refused to accept the outcome of the election.

You are seditionists and insurrectionists.
- Sunpoenaed Testimony (Partial) List:

1. FBI / Wray
- Briefed of potential violence days before J6
- Admitted to having undercover agents and a special unit working J6

2. Nancy Pelosi
- and her daughter

3. DC Mayor

4. Surviving Sergeant At Arms of House/Senate (1 deceased / 1 no longer working)

5. Michael Byrd

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