GOP House: Jan 6 Commission

The GOP house needs a new committee

The UnderwearGate committee

With the following on it

Rudy Giuliani
Tulsi Gabbard
Donald trump
General Flynn
You lunatics tried to get electors to LIE to the people and illegally elect your guy instead the winner of the election.
No, what you Nazis did was thousands of times worse.

You tried to end our democracy because you refused to accept the outcome of the election.

You are seditionists and insurrectionists.
To be clear, “you lunatics” wasn’t anyone in the leadership of the Democratic Party, including Clinton. Second, read the damn constitution. Electors are not constitutionally obligated to vote for anyone and many states do not have laws determining who they must vote for.

We accepted the outcome of the election, but apparently you are such a dumb ass you don’t understand how elections work in this country.

We didn’t try to overturn the vote. That was you.
Nothing you say has any relevance.

Ballots with hanging chads were not counted votes and Bush desperately wanted them to be thrown in the trash. He wanted people’s votes to be taken away from them because of mechanical faults.

I have no idea what bullshit nonsense you’re trying to accuse China of doing for Biden. Based on your history, it’s almost certainly just going to be internet bullshit you eat up.

You attempted to end our democracy in 2000 because you refused to accept the outcome of the election.

You tried again in 2004 and 2016 - because you Nazis don't support democracy - you want Reich member anointed to rule over us,

And lying about hanging chads? :lmao: You don't REALLY think I'd let you get away with such stupid and obvious lies, do you?

{Intent. Later on November 9, Gore's team demanded a manual recount in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Volusia counties. News outlets carried images of Florida election officials staring at hanging, dimpled, and pregnant chads on Florida's punch-card ballots, trying to "discern the intent" of the voters. Bush's lawyers argued to block the recounts; several more attempts to stop, or protect, the recounts and ballot certifications also were filed. On November 24, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Bush's appeal of a Florida high court ruling that allowed hand recounts to proceed.}

I'm sure that with enough power, your Reich will scrub all history so that whatever lie you tell today isn't contradicted by history, but at this moment you lack EngSoc levels of power.
To be clear, “you lunatics” wasn’t anyone in the leadership of the Democratic Party, including Clinton. Second, read the damn constitution. Electors are not constitutionally obligated to vote for anyone and many states do not have laws determining who they must vote for.

We accepted the outcome of the election, but apparently you are such a dumb ass you don’t understand how elections work in this country.

We didn’t try to overturn the vote. That was you.

The Constitution places election rules in the hands of state legislatures, which in 48 states indeed require electors for vote for the victor.

You fucking Nazis NEVER accepted the outcome of the election and attempted to overthrow Trump with your sedition and insurrection from BEFORE he was inaugurated to this very second.

Lucky for you the Wuhan Designer Virus® was unleashed, or the Trump economy would have been unbeatable. Fauci and his Chinese masters did a solid for you.

Just to be clear, you do grasp that you're the baddies, right?

Imagine thinking testimony under oath didn’t constitute evidence. Are you actually this stupid?

Your entire post is just one stupid line after another. Impeachment is in the constitution. It’s not overthrowing the government. ITS A FUNCTION OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Good lord, are you losers that stupid?
Pence would have been President if the New Republicans had had the decency of the Old Republicans. Calling that a Coup Attempt is SOP for the UnhingedOne. He is an agitator, just not very good one.
attempted to overthrow Trump with your sedition and insurrection from BEFORE he was inaugurated to this very second.

Like the out of power GOP in 2009, they first had to have a plan to regain control of the House. Mitch and the GOP press pummeled Obama like he was Trumpybear in 2017, after the traditional peaceful transfer of power to the next president, of course. 2021 transfer of power was different from nearly every transfer of power in our county's history when Benedict Donald took his final "Hail Mary" snap from center on Jan. 6th.

AS usual your characterization of the events are totally unhinged from reality.
The GOP house needs a new committee

The UnderwearGate committee

With the following on it

Rudy Giuliani
Tulsi Gabbard
Donald trump
General Flynn
You guys are sick. Just fucking sick. This is their theme song....

You attempted to end our democracy in 2000 because you refused to accept the outcome of the election.

You tried again in 2004 and 2016 - because you Nazis don't support democracy - you want Reich member anointed to rule over us,

And lying about hanging chads? :lmao: You don't REALLY think I'd let you get away with such stupid and obvious lies, do you?

{Intent. Later on November 9, Gore's team demanded a manual recount in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Volusia counties. News outlets carried images of Florida election officials staring at hanging, dimpled, and pregnant chads on Florida's punch-card ballots, trying to "discern the intent" of the voters. Bush's lawyers argued to block the recounts; several more attempts to stop, or protect, the recounts and ballot certifications also were filed. On November 24, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Bush's appeal of a Florida high court ruling that allowed hand recounts to proceed.}

I'm sure that with enough power, your Reich will scrub all history so that whatever lie you tell today isn't contradicted by history, but at this moment you lack EngSoc levels of power.
I'm really struggling to understand how counting all the votes in Florida in 2000 is an attempt to overthrow democracy.

You failed to read our own link, like a fucking moron.
"At 3 a.m. on November 8, Gore conceded to Bush when he pulled 50,000 votes ahead and broadcasters put Florida's 25 electoral votes into the Republican's win column. But within two hours, Bush's lead in the state had shrunk and the small margin triggered an automatic recount under Florida law. Overnight, concerns about voting irregularities emerged in places like Palm Beach County, where a punch-card ballot with a format that was easily misread resulted in many disqualified votes."

Gore wanted those votes examined. Bush didn't.
The Constitution places election rules in the hands of state legislatures, which in 48 states indeed require electors for vote for the victor.

You fucking Nazis NEVER accepted the outcome of the election and attempted to overthrow Trump with your sedition and insurrection from BEFORE he was inaugurated to this very second.

Lucky for you the Wuhan Designer Virus® was unleashed, or the Trump economy would have been unbeatable. Fauci and his Chinese masters did a solid for you.

Just to be clear, you do grasp that you're the baddies, right?

You're a lying sack of shit, or just a stupid sack of shit.

30 states bind electors. 20 states don't. It was more than enough to change the outcome of the election.

But again, the democratic leadership didn't have anything to do with this.
You guys are sick. Just fucking sick. This is their theme song....

Spazzing like a gay coke whore

Is dePape MAGA?


Still waiting for

UnderwearGate 4.0

Since NBC pulled 3.0 for revealing Paul and dePape are pals....
Pence would have been President if the New Republicans had had the decency of the Old Republicans. Calling that a Coup Attempt is SOP for the UnhingedOne. He is an agitator, just not very good one.

Another "Democrat for Pence/Cheney"
Of course they did. Welcome to politics.
No shit Sherlock, SOP, not a coup. The losers all conceded and lowered the simmering critical mass of butthurt in their supporters. Then, after the transfer of power ceremonies were all complete, they enacted their next plan, that they began planning the moment they realized they lost, to retake it in the next election.
No shit Sherlock, SOP, not a coup. The losers all conceded and lowered the simmering critical mass of butthurt in their supporters. Then, after the transfer of power ceremonies were all complete, they enacted their next plan, that they began planning the moment they realized they lost, to retake it in the next election.
M'kay. And?
M'kay. And?
Benedict Donald discontinued that tradition and instead of soothing the critical mass of butthurt in his supporters with a standard concession speech, he doused them with alcohol and lit their sore asses on fire. It's been a flaming shit show ever since he did that.
Benedict Donald discontinued that tradition and instead of soothing the critical mass of butthurt in his supporters with a standard concession speech, he doused them with alcohol and lit their sore asses on fire. It's been a flaming shit show ever since he did that.
Its been almost two years.
Indict him.
Convict him.
Move on.
Until then, he owns you.
Last edited:
Its been almost two years.
Indict him.
Convict him.
Move on.
Until then, he owns you.
Why? He doing a great job for the Democrats now and every time he opens his gaping maw! I thought it was just the Democrats who love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but I was wrong. He should be free to endorse more Neo-GOP extremists who think like him. He owns the New Republican party.

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