GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference



This is how I picture the new GOP - a shameful disgrace.
No one has presented any evidence that Scalise knew it was a white supremacist conference.

Zip. Zilch.

This incident will prompt all the muckrakers to look for more evidence of a pattern. If he is a closet Nazi, the truth will out. If time proves he isn't, I doubt the left will make as much noise about the mischaracterization as they are right now.

The man who formed the group and put on the conference says differently. I've already posted the link to what david duke has to say.
No one has presented any evidence that Scalise knew it was a white supremacist conference.

Zip. Zilch.

This incident will prompt all the muckrakers to look for more evidence of a pattern. If he is a closet Nazi, the truth will out. If time proves he isn't, I doubt the left will make as much noise about the mischaracterization as they are right now.

The man who formed the group and put on the conference says differently. I've already posted the link to what david duke has to say.

He did? Your link doesn't say what you claim. Can you come up with something, ANYTHING, else to provide for us that Scalise is a racist besides speaking to constituents at an event about taxes 12 years ago?
How many people ever heard of EURO before they heard of this incident? Raise your hand.

Before today, if you heard a politician gave a speech to the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, you would have been, "So what?"

It is not until you are informed it is a white supremacist organization that your eyebrows go up.

None of you have any proof Scalise was informed that EURO was a white supremacist group before he gave his tax speech. It does not matter that all the EURO guys knew they were all there to trash darkies as much as did Scalise know that.

Since when to we need proof to hurl accusations on a message board? What is this country coming to?
No one has presented any evidence that Scalise knew it was a white supremacist conference.

Zip. Zilch.

This incident will prompt all the muckrakers to look for more evidence of a pattern. If he is a closet Nazi, the truth will out. If time proves he isn't, I doubt the left will make as much noise about the mischaracterization as they are right now.

The man who formed the group and put on the conference says differently. I've already posted the link to what david duke has to say.

He did? Your link doesn't say what you claim. Can you come up with something, ANYTHING, else to provide for us that Scalise is a racist besides speaking to constituents at an event about taxes 12 years ago?

It sure does. He's claiming that he didn't know who they were.

Unfortunately david duke says that's not true.

From the article:

“Scalise would communicate a lot with my campaign manager, Kenny Knight,” Duke said in a phone interview. “That is why he was invited and why he would come. Kenny knew Scalise, Scalise knew Kenny. They were friendly.”

Now if you're going to insist that he talked to david duke's campaign manager and didn't know who he was talking to all that time, I've got a bridge to sell you. You'll love it! It's right in the middle of the Mojave Desert! I'll give you low financing too! Don't miss your chance!
And a known race-pimp, liar, anti-Semite and all around scumbag has visited the White House like what, 82 times?

No one has presented any evidence that Scalise knew it was a white supremacist conference.

Zip. Zilch.

This incident will prompt all the muckrakers to look for more evidence of a pattern. If he is a closet Nazi, the truth will out. If time proves he isn't, I doubt the left will make as much noise about the mischaracterization as they are right now.

The man who formed the group and put on the conference says differently. I've already posted the link to what david duke has to say.

He did? Your link doesn't say what you claim. Can you come up with something, ANYTHING, else to provide for us that Scalise is a racist besides speaking to constituents at an event about taxes 12 years ago?

It sure does. He's claiming that he didn't know who they were.

Unfortunately david duke says that's not true.

From the article:

“Scalise would communicate a lot with my campaign manager, Kenny Knight,” Duke said in a phone interview. “That is why he was invited and why he would come. Kenny knew Scalise, Scalise knew Kenny. They were friendly.”

Now if you're going to insist that he talked to david duke's campaign manager and didn't know who he was talking to all that time, I've got a bridge to sell you. You'll love it! It's right in the middle of the Mojave Desert! I'll give you low financing too! Don't miss your chance!

OMG Scalise was friendly with Kenny Knight!!! That's it, we better get to the bottom of this! That means he definitely went there to speak with his constituents about tax policy because he knew Kenny Knight and was asked to attend!!!

Don't you just love how liberals are so anxious to string this guy up for being a racist (with no evidence of it) but are still over in the other thread defending Bob Byrd (a notorious racist from the KKK)? This is classic!
I consistently hear a lot of Republicans here say they do not harbor racists and that it is the Democratic Party that harbors racists.

So what say you about THIS Republican racist? Gonna defend him? Gonna call him out on it?

This should be interesting.

The guy was stupid to be any part of an event with Duke.

Now when are you guys going to call Obama out for having Al Sharpton as a close adviser ?

This should be interesting.

Sharpton is House minority what?

Deflection. "hey don't look at this racist, look at ANOTHER racist instead."

Not the best defense I've ever heard, but painfully common.

Geez are you people really going to claim that the RWnuts never use the argument that because someone is not actually an office holder,

he is irrelevant?

lol, good one.
I for one couldn't be happier that the Republican mainstream would vigorously defend a David Duke pal.
Cite evidence he is a "David Duke pal". Or shut your piehole.

Let me offer a Rabbi response:

"Google is your friend, asshole."

Fair enough?
SO you've got no evidence. WHat a shocker. You are an ignorant shitbag who flings crap around with no basis and then gets offended when people call you on it.
Everyone at that carnival act knew who and what David Duke was.

There is no evidence Scalise knew it was a David Duke event. Duke wasn't even there.
Well that makes him and the people around him incompetent. That is the guy who Republicans want to give a leadership position to. He can't handle going to a conference or minor campaign event and you want him to help run the Congress of the United States.

Because he spoke about taxation to constituents 12 years ago in a hotel, he's incompetent?


Modern day liberals are so fucking predictable.

Logical fallacies, failures in comprehension, smear tactics, the race never ends with these baboons.

Can't have it both ways. He either knew he was at a Duke event or he didn't. If he knew and went anyhow makes him incompetent at good judgement. If he didn't know it makes him incompetent for not knowing who he was shilling for.
No one has presented any evidence that Scalise knew it was a white supremacist conference.

Zip. Zilch.

This incident will prompt all the muckrakers to look for more evidence of a pattern. If he is a closet Nazi, the truth will out. If time proves he isn't, I doubt the left will make as much noise about the mischaracterization as they are right now.

The man who formed the group and put on the conference says differently. I've already posted the link to what david duke has to say.

He did? Your link doesn't say what you claim. Can you come up with something, ANYTHING, else to provide for us that Scalise is a racist besides speaking to constituents at an event about taxes 12 years ago?

It sure does. He's claiming that he didn't know who they were.

Unfortunately david duke says that's not true.

From the article:

“Scalise would communicate a lot with my campaign manager, Kenny Knight,” Duke said in a phone interview. “That is why he was invited and why he would come. Kenny knew Scalise, Scalise knew Kenny. They were friendly.”

Now if you're going to insist that he talked to david duke's campaign manager and didn't know who he was talking to all that time, I've got a bridge to sell you. You'll love it! It's right in the middle of the Mojave Desert! I'll give you low financing too! Don't miss your chance!
Any proof Scalise shared Duke's ideas? No, of course not.
Poor Rabbi

I for one couldn't be happier that the Republican mainstream would vigorously defend a David Duke pal.
Cite evidence he is a "David Duke pal". Or shut your piehole.

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Dylan Scott TPMLivewire

Scalise In 1999: I Agree With KKK Leader On 'Conservative' Issues But 'He Can't Get Elected'

12/30/2014 11:23 AM EST

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

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