GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference



This is how I picture the new GOP - a shameful disgrace.

Where did you find a picture of Robert Bird?
Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.

Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.


If the dems had a klansman in the senate, wouldn't that be a good thing in your opinion?
Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.

And I think that should be the story that the Republican Party sells!

Please, please Republican Party- use Stevie the racist argument.


This is how I picture the new GOP - a shameful disgrace.

Where did you find a picture of Robert Bird?
The Byrd defense doesn't work anymore. Sort of like an admission of defeat when that is what you depend on.
This story can't go away fast enough for Republicans.

Go away? It's twelve years old and gives of the stench of desperation it is so mediocre of news. A guy from the south meets constituents at a hotel to talk about tax policy which happens to be a white nationalist fest.

Holy fuck! how incredibly.....zzzzzzz.....
So what. Really it doesn't matter. Our situation is so dire that who met with who else is peanuts in the concern department. .


This is how I picture the new GOP - a shameful disgrace.

Where did you find a picture of Robert Bird?
The Byrd defense doesn't work anymore. Sort of like an admission of defeat when that is what you depend on.
This story can't go away fast enough for Republicans.

Go away? It's twelve years old and gives of the stench of desperation it is so mediocre of news. A guy from the south meets constituents at a hotel to talk about tax policy which happens to be a white nationalist fest.

Holy fuck! how incredibly.....zzzzzzz.....
The story of his attending a conference held by white supremacy folks isn't the main story. The main story is that the Republicans have chosen him to be a party leader.
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.
I'd say Obama sitting in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and listening to his hate whitey hate America hate Jews tirades is much worse than giving a speech to a group you later find out have David Duke ties.


This is how I picture the new GOP - a shameful disgrace.

Where did you find a picture of Robert Bird?
The Byrd defense doesn't work anymore. Sort of like an admission of defeat when that is what you depend on.
This story can't go away fast enough for Republicans.

Go away? It's twelve years old and gives of the stench of desperation it is so mediocre of news. A guy from the south meets constituents at a hotel to talk about tax policy which happens to be a white nationalist fest.

Holy fuck! how incredibly.....zzzzzzz.....
The story of his attending a conference held by white supremacy folks isn't the main story. The main story is that the Republicans have chosen him to be a party leader.


Yeah, man. Talking tax policy 12 years ago at a hotel convention must mean he's a member of the KKK. Along with every other member of the republican party, the caucus, the constituency and the fucking elephant himself. In fact, I heard that as soon as the next congress convenes they are going to swear this guy in as third tier grand master wizard of the party...

You're deranged, fella. Clearly.
Yet another thread where some liberal fanatic tries to explain "how conservatives think"?

That's like a man blind from birth, trying to explain color.


Poor dears. They haven't got a leg to stand on, so all they can do is make up lies about conservatives.
Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.


Just to keep the record strait.
1. LaRaza is only anti white in the diseased minds of teabaggers and fox drones.
2. Sharpton does have a less than stellar past, but he is only a black supremacist in the diseased minds of teabaggers and fox drones.
3. Jeremiah Wright is only an anti-white radical black supremacist in the diseased minds of Hannity , teabaggers and fox drones.
4. Robert Byrd was certainly a prominent member of the KKK, and reasonable people can disagree whether his change of heart toward racism was real or just a matter of political expediency, but he is long dead, and his racist views are only supported by one party now. The republicans. Either way, in the present day, the thoughts of a dead racist only matter in the diseased minds of teabaggers and fox drones.

Your little rant will go over well at a KKK meeting, but among sane people it's just the ramblings from the diseased mind of another teabagger and fox drone.

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