GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

As Eric Erickson pointed out as he filled in for Rush today...........this guy appeared before these racists...once....for 5 minutes? And obama, stayed in a racist, anti American church for 20 years, was married by the racist pastor, had his daughters christened by the racists pastor......and then claims he never heard the pastor give a racist sermon....which they sell in the lobby of the church....

So...this guy is an ass......and obama is an actual racist.....right?
The left makes a big deal out of this. When in fact they had a leader of the kkk, 3 rd in line to be president. You have no room to talk
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

That's why there are known as the white christian party
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

Because, because, because...... BENGHAZI!!!
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

You people fawned over Robert Byrd. As usual, you are full of shit AND standing in sand.

Obama and Bill Ayers were and are still best buddies
Really! What's the big deal? Obama has met with the anti-white latino group LaRaza. He has also allowed a devout anti-white black supremacist named Al Sharpton visit him over 84 times. Also Obama had strong relations for 20 years with anti-white radical black supremacist, the Reverend Jeramiah Wright. And don't forget, the democrat party had a true Klansman, a Kleagle, former Majority Whip and President pro tempore of the United States, Senator Robert Byrd.


I'd say Obama sitting in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and listening to his hate whitey hate America hate Jews tirades is much worse than giving a speech to a group you later find out have David Duke ties.

Uh... how is communicating with someone -- or simply sitting in his church --- equivalent to becoming that person and embracing his ideas? Ever take a look at, oh I dunno, the fucking USMB political forum? Do all these posters become one by virtue of communicating with each other?

No one's ever answered this. That's because there isn't any answer. That's because the premise is bullshit. By the same logic Nixon should never have gone to China, Reagan should never have hosted Gorbachev and no two parties engaged in war should ever have sat down at a negotiation table to sue for peace. By the same logic nobody should ever ingest any kind of media that might challenge their preconceptions, lest they "embrace" those challenges.

Which kind of reveals a lot.

And btw for your photoshopped version of bullshit, Byrd had quite the Klan and left it behind before he ran for any office at all.
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

That's why there are known as the white christian party

Awwww, look — it's GUNO!!! On a brand-new rdean thread!!!

What a uniquely strange coincidence!!! :badgrin:
Of course Democrats don't care that Obama attended a church for 20 yrs that preached hate against Whites, Jews and even the USA.

They don't care at all. The dumbshits still voted for him.

Actually, a helluva lot of Independents voted for the man, twice. Are they dumbshits, too?

Excellent voter outreach, pardner!!!

The Democratic Party thanks you and hopes you become the voter outreach chairman for the 2016 GOP clown-car nominee. Congrats!
Steve wants to claim Lincoln, because the Dems were racist, but he hates Lincoln because he freed the ******* and defeated the South. I guess if your head is small enough it can't explode, not enough critical mass.

His head's already imploded from the bogus quotes in his sigline where he thinks he's denigrating political enemies, oblivious to the fact that the quotes make those targets sound more like him instead of less.
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

You people fawned over Robert Byrd. As usual, you are full of shit AND standing in sand.

Robert Byrd was the longest serving Senator in history of the Senate, he was a vicious racist and a Democrat, for his entire life. OH! And no more committed a communist every breathed... than Bobby Byrd.
Let's see...good friend of obama...bill ayres....anti American, domestic terrorist who actuall set off bombs to kill Americans in the United States.....another good friend of obama...beradine dorhn, anti-American terrorist who actually set off bombs to kill Americans in the United States....praised the manson family, and is married to bill ayres...and introduced obama to michelle....rashid khalidi spokesman for the terrorist group the plo....watched the obama kids when they were younger...the press hid obama's fair well speach to the terrorist spokesman....reverend wright, racist, anti American pastor, obama was in his church for 20 years.....

These are just the anti American racists that obama associated with and made no difference when he ran for all of his offices....

And we have to take responsibity for a stupid action of one guy in the Republican party.....

You guys would be funny if you weren't so dangerous....
Steve wants to claim Lincoln, because the Dems were racist, but he hates Lincoln because he freed the ******* and defeated the South. I guess if your head is small enough it can't explode, not enough critical mass.

His head's already imploded from the bogus quotes in his sigline where he thinks he's denigrating political enemies, oblivious to the fact that the quotes make those targets sound more like him instead of less.

It's a kind of cognitive dissonance that really does sound like syphillis worms just eating those brain cells...... yum, yum.
EURO's founder runs an anti-Semitic conspiracy site: The Official Website of Dr. David Duke PhD.
Hollywood is “Run by Jews”—Gary Oldman Joins Marlon Brando in Naming Movie Industry Bosses

Ted Cruz publicly sides with Jewish Supremacists AGAINST Christians

Congress Unanimously Passes Bill Confirming American Subservience to Israel

Christian Christmas Symbols Outlawed– Jewish Menorahs Erected — The Jewish Takeover of America![...]
obama praises his mentor....frank marshal anti American, racist, and honest to goodness communist...of the stalin kind.......praises this guy in his book...hiding his identity by just calling him "frank"....and again....we have to claim this idiot who attended this meeting to give a speech...

It is good to be a democrat in control the media, and the entertainment industry and you can actually be racists, and anti American.......and never have to worry about the consequences.......
It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

That's why there are known as the white christian party
you and dean get along well...both like to use the word white as often as possible....
And what motive would the prosecutor have for doing such a thing? To ruin his life and go to prison for 10 years because he had a crush on Al Sharpton's butt? Maybe Al Sharpton and Ferguson's Crips were threatening to rape and torture his wife and kids. I mean, pull your heads out of your race-baiting asses and think for two seconds. What's the motive here???????

It only matters if there is some cost. Republicans keep winning congress. So there is no cost.

Ex-KKK leader David Duke Lay off Steve Scalise or I 8217 ll start naming other pols I met with

Former KKK leader says his political adviser was 8216 friendly 8217 with Rep. Scalise - The Washington Post

Scalise In 1999 I Agree With KKK Leader On Conservative Issues But He Can t Get Elected

Following new revelations that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) addressed a white nationalist group founded by a former KKK leader, Roll Call resurfaced a 1999 interview in which Scalise, then a state legislator considering a congressional bid, offered his thoughts on the man who is now causing so much trouble for his career.

Scalise has acknowledged that he spoke in front of the European-American Rights and Unity Organization in 2002, though he has said this week that he "didn't know who all of these groups were and I detest any kind of hate group."

EURO was founded by David Duke, who is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as "the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial."

Come on. Who in Louisiana doesn't know who David Dukes is?

I just like Republicans showing America who they are. I have no problem with this. Good to see them being honest.

The Party of Lincoln loves the *******, they just hate Lincoln, and ******* of course.

PaintMyHouse is a complete blithering idiot because ********* and ***** and **** as well as********* and it goes without saying ********, **** ***** *****, and lastly but not leastly ******.

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