GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

What TakeAStepBack doesn't seem to know - is that a number of the teabaggers are just as interested in this issue, because they see a way to push Boehner out of his position.

Scalise can be a casualty they would suffer just to get rid of Boehner.

Pay attention to the dynamics, Mr. Back.


More vitriol based off nothing. You guys really have a fucking boner over this tax speech from 12 years ago, huh? Like, you're invested in shit!

What TakeAStepBack doesn't seem to know - is that a number of the teabaggers are just as interested in this issue, because they see a way to push Boehner out of his position.

Scalise can be a casualty they would suffer just to get rid of Boehner.

Pay attention to the dynamics, Mr. Back.
he can't think that far ahead apparently :redface:

The Teabaggers know that Boehner is a wall st banker servant as opposed to a public servant
What TakeAStepBack doesn't seem to know - is that a number of the teabaggers are just as interested in this issue, because they see a way to push Boehner out of his position.

Scalise can be a casualty they would suffer just to get rid of Boehner.

Pay attention to the dynamics, Mr. Back.
he can't think that far ahead apparently :redface:

The Teabaggers know that Boehner is a wall st banker servant as opposed to a public servant
Teabaggers don't do critical thinking. The idea of objective analysis and reaching conclusions based of factual data seems to be a foreign concept to them. They prefer snappy talking points comprised of a minimum number of sentences using two or three syllable words.
Sunday talk shows all abuzz about sleazy Scalise.
they're saying that the GObP missed a huge opportunity to make inroads w/ the people they hate but need to vote for them :up: non-whites & non-AZN's.
I saw the new Black Repub on one of the Sunday shows and she was just fine with him speaking at the David Duke event and also with him staying in the leadership position..

Grand Wizard David Duke denies the holocaust - and NaziCons deny that Scalise spoke at a NaziCon convention.

I thought we're talking about Scalise.

Did you check the article from Slate I posted?

Scalise has admitted and apologized for speaking at David Duke's EURO Convention.

You said that already.

Now, did you read article from Slate?

Since that article, thats pretty much saying that liberal press hive-mind was proven wrong, the pack has to search elsewhere. Are you still sticking to your claim? Can you back it up? Or you gonna wait for new talking points?

I know what Scalise has said so far. I will wait for further news on Sunday and monday...

That's what I thought, you're waiting for marching orders...
Being proved wrong doesn't seem to matter, just as in the case of hands-up-don't-shoot and UVA.
Liberals seem to subscribe to the view that a lie can reveal a greater truth, so the lie is OK. Nothing new here...
Republicorp had the chance to show the people where they stand and they delivered :laugh:
I saw the new Black Repub on one of the Sunday shows and she was just fine with him speaking at the David Duke event and also with him staying in the leadership position..


Why is it crazy? Has he behaved in a racist way over the past 12 years after his speech about state taxes to that group? I thought we were past "guilt by association"...or does that only apply to Democrats?
So, where is all of the dug up mud on Scalise? I thought there was going to be this great unveiling of the man's questionable ties to white supremacist groups.. The news was going to be buzzing with all of the exposure he was going to have. Right? Amirite? No?


Fucking partisan losers.
Repubs always do all the oppo research for their adversaries. This is going to make for good commercials in '16 :laugh:

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